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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Kittonwy said:
Not sure why a navy captain who worked briefly in the private sector as vp of public relations at a beer distributorship or a lecturer of constitutional law would know anything about the economy, it's all about the advisors at this point.

It was always all about the advisors, to he honest. Even on foreign policy. On everything, really.
Stoney Mason said:
I wish political pundits had stats like all the sporting events. I swear dude bats like .210 on his "analysis" and "predictions" but they still trot him out continually as an "expert".

He is gone after his contract. They had him signed up for Hillary bashing as she ran for prez.


Kittonwy said:
I don't think we're there yet, not sure why anyone would want a recession though.

The great depression came to an end thanks to the intervention of the state. It is always the immediate and only solution to ANY crisis.
ViperVisor said:
He is gone after his contract. They had him signed up for Hillary bashing as she ran for prez.

There are certainly a whole industry of pundits who made a career out of psycho-analysis of the Clintons. Somebody please rebury Camille Paglia in whatever grave she escaped from to relive the 90's.
Kittonwy said:
Economics isn't his background, I just don't buy into this as this whole "obama is america's savior" thing.

You should buy into the "Fiscal responsibility and sensible regulation and relief for the middle and lower classes" thing, then. Because that's what people mean when they refer to Obama as the savior. Could be anyone in that spot.


Kittonwy said:
Economics isn't his background, I just don't buy into this as this whole "obama is america's savior" thing.

I am 100% sure McCain doesn't even know what a recession is.

Frank the Great said:
You should buy into the "Fiscal responsibility and sensible regulation and relief for the middle and lower classes" thing, then. Because that's what people mean when they refer to Obama as the savior. Could be anyone in that spot.

Kittonwy is a staunch family-raised conservative. There's no point in arguing.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Kittonwy said:
Economics isn't his background, I just don't buy into this as this whole "obama is america's savior" thing.
you also don't buy into reading, but love herrings. you canadians sure are odd.

if you posit that Obama has zero understanding of the situation, or at the least has no fully-formed ideas on it without even bothering to research the matter yourself then you're just ignorant.
Kittonwy said:
Economics isn't his background, I just don't buy into this as this whole "obama is america's savior" thing.

Perhaps because not everybody feels he is a "savior" but simply the far superior candidate.

Damn it I fed the troll!!


not a medical professional
Xisiqomelir said:
Hey gang, you remember that ol' Glass-Steagall Act we had after Great Depression 1? Remember how it said that institutions of deposit banking were to be kept strictly separate from institutes of speculative investment so we'd avoid the mistakes of the Roaring Twenties and not have to suffer the same hardships again? Remember how those safeguards were repealed in 1999 by Gramm-Leach-Bliley under finance industry lobbyist pressure? Seen the bullfuckery of Wall St over this whole Maladministration? Notice how Lehman imploded today and we'll be headed for GD2 unless we get damn lucky?

Wanna look at that Senate vote in 1999? Two of the people in the race today voted on it.


Sort by vote, then sort by party and see if you can tell the difference from the first sort for extra fun!

Well shucks.



Xisiqomelir said:
Hey gang, you remember that ol' Glass-Steagall Act we had after Great Depression 1? Remember how it said that institutions of deposit banking were to be kept strictly separate from institutes of speculative investment so we'd avoid the mistakes of the Roaring Twenties and not have to suffer the same hardships again? Remember how those safeguards were repealed in 1999 by Gramm-Leach-Bliley under finance industry lobbyist pressure? Seen the bullfuckery of Wall St over this whole Maladministration? Notice how Lehman imploded today and we'll be headed for GD2 unless we get damn lucky?

Wanna look at that Senate vote in 1999? Two of the people in the race today voted on it.


Sort by vote, then sort by party and see if you can tell the difference from the first sort for extra fun!
Wow. :\
Kittonwy said:
Economics isn't his background, I just don't buy into this as this whole "obama is america's savior" thing.
McCain wants to continue the policies of the last 8 years.

Those policies have fucked America over in every possible way. The fact that Obama plans to change America's direction alone is better than maintaining the status quo. After 8 years of incompetence in the White House it wouldn't take much for the next President to look like America's savior in comparison.

McCain on the other hand as much as he likes to point out how fucked up America is right now wants to continue Bush's policies and hope that things get better.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
i know, not just our economy but the global market as well. i wasn't saying this was bad, but if bugs me some of the heads of these corporations will get away with their abuse.
It bugs me more that the Republican party (and Bush and McCain among them) who run on this type of freewheeling, 'self-regulating' economic policy refuse to be held accountable for their party-unified push on it during their majority control. Of course, the private sector will always do just about anything that they are allowed to do by law and regulation. Big business has proven time and time again that they won't police their actions on any type of ethical standard suitable for and deserved by the average human being for consumption.

I mean, it's like the Republican Iraq policy has crossed with the Republican economic policy when it comes to staying the course despite there being no clearly defined one to stay. It didn't work in the 80s. It didn't work in the 00's and it won't work going forward. The Republican 'plan' for future economic prosperity is to 'tweak' what has been previously proven to be a fundamentally broken approach. This is all McCain is offering. Literally, more of the fucking same.
Photos of Obama in Grand Junction, Colo. today


U.S. Senator Barack Obama speaks at a "Change We Need Event" at the Cross Orchards Historic Site in Grand Junction Monday September 15, 2008. It is the first of three appearances in two days in Colorado as the Democratic


Estephen Cordova from Grand Junction cheers for Barack Obama as he waits for the U.S. Senator to speak at a "Change We Need Event" at the Cross Orchards Historic Site in Grand Junction Monday September 15, 2008. It is the first of three appearances in two days in Colorado as the Democratic presidential candidate stumps in the State.


Thousands of supporters wait in line to see U.S. Senator Barack Obama speak at a "Change We Need Event" at the Cross Orchards Historic Site in Grand Junction Monday September 15, 2008. It is the first of three appearances in two days in Colorado as the Democratic presidential candidate stumps in the State.


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. arrives for a rally in Grand Junction, Colo., Monday, Sept. 15, 2008. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. greets supporters after a rally in Grand Junction, Colo., Monday, Sept. 15, 2008. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson)


Supporters cheer for Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., Monday, Sept. 15, 2008, during a rally in Grand Junction, Colo.
(AP Photo/Chris Carlson)


Frank the Great said:
You should buy into the "Fiscal responsibility and sensible regulation and relief for the middle and lower classes" thing, then. Because that's what people mean when they refer to Obama as the savior. Could be anyone in that spot.

Fiscal responsibility would mean veto pork barrel spending. Does he have a solid record against pork barrel spending?

What is sensible regulation? Obviously right now what happened makes people call for more regulation, but I'm not sure if this is necessarily the best thing in the long run. CLEARLY there's a lesson learned from Merrill, Bear and Leahman, but whom was the lesson meant for? The government? Or the market participants? Why can't self-regulation improve instead of having the government take over? Why is it everytime when something bad happens the government feels the need to take control over everything?

Relief for the middle class yes. Not a big fan of sending a cheque to lower class citizens who don't pay taxes already, because that wouldn't be a tax cut, it would be a hand-out, and don't you guys already have a welfare system? The mortgage crisis has alot to do with people who have no business owning homes buying homes on mortgages they can't really afford.

I'm from a country where we have a welfare system where people don't feel the need to work, because they don't have to, people don't feel the need to use government shelter, they would rather sleep on the streets. You know how we solved this problem? We fucking kick them on the street if there's no reasonable attempt to get a job.

Going with bigger government, going with better benefits isn't always the right thing to do, because the people who DO work and who DO pay taxes ALWAYS end up being the ones paying for it, in other words, the middle class always gets fucked, and the middle class includes those who as a family with two or more kids making over 100k. A health system right now sounds great, except as your population ages, and as your population expands, it gets increasingly more and more expensive, it gets INCREDIBLY EXPENSIVE. And even Canada with a smaller population is moving towards user fees.

The point is to get into things that you can afford. Why is America in debt? Because in a democratic society there are alot more things to spend things on, people don't like making sacrifices, why is China so rich right now? Because they don't spend on the people, THAT's how you have no debt. Do you allow the debt to increase? How would much would you save by reducing debt even by a little bit? But what would that do to your debt market if you drastically reduce your debt?

How would laws protecting the environment affect your country's competitiveness against countries like China which don't have to follow such laws? Why WOULD you follow such a law when other countries won't?

The point is there is really no way out.


I interrupt the cable liveblog portion of the evening to post something Josh Marshall at TPM just noted. It didn't click with me before when the news hit earlier.

Who would you expect to announce today that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin won't cooperate with the Alaska Legislature's probe into whether she abused the power of her office in Trooper-Gate?

Not Palin herself. Nor the spokesperson for the Governor's Office. Nor the lawyer the state is paying to represent her in her official capacity in the case.

Instead, that announcement is made by a spokesperson for John McCain's presidential campaign.

Just keep that in mind as this case unfolds.


GhaleonEB said:
I interrupt the cable liveblog portion of the evening to post something Josh Marshall at TPM just noted. It didn't click with me before when the news hit earlier.
Red herring to distract people from the economy? If that's the case it doesn't seem to be working. It's pretty weird.

Actually, I remember some commentator comparing Palin to Spiro Agnew who attracted a lot of criticism and distracted people from attacking Richard Nixon. Does anyone know much about Spiro Agnew's role in Nixon's campaigns?


polyh3dron said:
McCain wants to continue the policies of the last 8 years.

Those policies have fucked America over in every possible way. The fact that Obama plans to change America's direction alone is better than maintaining the status quo. After 8 years of incompetence in the White House it wouldn't take much for the next President to look like America's savior in comparison.

McCain on the other hand as much as he likes to point out how fucked up America is right now wants to continue Bush's policies and hope that things get better.

AMERICA has fucked America over every possible way, people who have NO BUSINESS buying houses are buying them on mortgages approved by unscrupulous participants in the industry and those got turned into bad investments that got sold to large investment firms, everybody is pushing it and everybody is getting burned, when your society is based on greed (nothing wrong with that btw), sometimes you get burned.

The notion that somehow someone running the whitehouse (not the government btw since you would still have to get things through congress and the senate), would change the landscape of america, it's like some sort of fairy tale.

I don't think either of them will do a better job than Bush, but maybe we'll hit an economic upswing the next four years, and we can pretend one of them would make a difference.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Kittonwy said:
Fiscal responsibility would mean veto pork barrel spending. Does he have a solid record against pork barrel spending?

What is sensible regulation? Obviously right now what happened makes people call for more regulation, but I'm not sure if this is necessarily the best thing in the long run. CLEARLY there's a lesson learned from Merrill, Bear and Leahman, but whom was the lesson meant for? The government? Or the market participants? Why can't self-regulation improve instead of having the government take over? Why is it everytime when something bad happens the government feels the need to take control over everything?

Relief for the middle class yes. Not a big fan of sending a cheque to lower class citizens who don't pay taxes already, because that wouldn't be a tax cut, it would be a hand-out, and don't you guys already have a welfare system? The mortgage crisis has alot to do with people who have no business owning homes buying homes on mortgages they can't really afford.

I'm from a country where we have a welfare system where people don't feel the need to work, because they don't have to, people don't feel the need to use government shelter, they would rather sleep on the streets. Going with bigger government, going with better benefits isn't always the right thing to do, because the people who DO work and who DO pay taxes ALWAYS end up being the ones paying for it, in other words, the middle class always gets fucked, and the middle class includes those who as a family with two or more kids making over 100k. A health system right now sounds great, except as your population ages, and as your population expands, it gets increasingly more and more expensive, it gets INCREDIBLY EXPENSIVE. And even Canada with a smaller population is moving towards user fees.

The point is to get into things that you can afford. Why is America in debt? Because in a democratic society there are alot more things to spend things on, people don't like making sacrifices, why is China so rich right now? Because they don't spend on the people, THAT's how you have no debt. Do you allow the debt to increase? How would much would you save by reducing debt even by a little bit? But what would that do to your debt market if you drastically reduce your debt?

How would laws protecting the environment affect your country's competitiveness against countries like China which don't have to follow such laws? Why WOULD you follow such a law when other countries won't?

The point is there is really no way out.
besides for your utter lack of knowledge on government budgets or economic theory and policies, you're also Canadian, which means i really could give fuck all about your views on our domestic situation


scorcho said:
besides for your utter lack of knowledge on government budgets or economic theory and policies, you're also Canadian, which means i really could give fuck all about your views on our domestic situation



Kittonwy said:
Why is China so rich right now? Because they don't spend on the people, THAT's how you have no debt. Do you allow the debt to increase? How would much would you save by reducing debt even by a little bit? But what would that do to your debt market if you drastically reduce your debt?
I said wow.


scorcho said:
besides for your utter lack of knowledge on government budgets or economic theory and policies, you're also Canadian, which means i really could give fuck all about your views on our domestic situation

Obviously because I just work in the financial sector and I'm not a constitutional law lecturer... oh wait.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Kittonwy said:
AMERICA has fucked America over every possible way, people who have NO BUSINESS buying houses are buying them on mortgages approved by unscrupulous participants in the industry and those got turned into bad investments that got sold to large investment firms, everybody is pushing it and everybody is getting burned, when your society is based on greed (nothing wrong with that btw), sometimes you get burned.

The notion that somehow someone running the whitehouse (not the government btw since you would still have to get things through congress and the senate), would change the landscape of america, it's like some sort of fairy tale.

I don't think either of them will do a better job than Bush, but maybe we'll hit an economic upswing the next four years, and we can pretend one of them would make a difference.

Kittowny. Do GAF a favour. Stick with enthusiastic posting on the gaming side. You're completely out of your league here.

I mean seriously. What would it take to change your views? Would evidence be sufficient? Are you sure you wouldn't just spin that or ignore that?


testicles on a cold fall morning
working in the financial sector and simultaneously claiming that the solution to the economic crisis we see in the US lies in more self-regulation (euphemism for more deregulation) tells me you have a healthy dose of cognitive dissonance.


Kittonwy said:
AMERICA has fucked America over every possible way, people who have NO BUSINESS buying houses are buying them on mortgages approved by unscrupulous participants in the industry and those got turned into bad investments that got sold to large investment firms, everybody is pushing it and everybody is getting burned, when your society is based on greed (nothing wrong with that btw), sometimes you get burned.

The notion that somehow someone running the whitehouse (not the government btw since you would still have to get things through congress and the senate), would change the landscape of america, it's like some sort of fairy tale.

I don't think either of them will do a better job than Bush, but maybe we'll hit an economic upswing the next four years, and we can pretend one of them would make a difference.
You do realize that it was the stripping of regulations that were in place to keep such things like a bank writing a loan it knew was bad from happening. Ergo by letting the market run wild combined with the Fed injecting more money into the economy keeping it artificially afloat, stricter bankruptcy laws for citizens than corporations, combined by the lack of corporate oversight and the corporate welfare it was only a matter of time before the whole thing came crashing down. All of thsese are heavily influenced by the administration.

You can of course debate whether or not these things were done well, poorly, or should've not been done at all. But then what am I talking about? Of course you knew all this. I mean you'd have to be a moron to come to PoliGAF and not know all this. I mean why would you bother to even show up if you didn't at least have some knowledge of how the system worked before you started debating how it should be implemented.
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