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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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testicles on a cold fall morning
i think i've mentioned Minsky's FIH more times here than, well...i don't think anyone has, but it bears repeating.


Minsky identifies hedge, speculative, and Ponzi finance as distinct income-debt relations for economic units. He asserts that if hedge financing dominates, then the economy may well be an equilibrium-seeking and containing system: conversely, the greater the weight of speculative and Ponzi finance, the greater the likelihood that the economy is a "deviation-amplifying" system. Thus, the FIH suggests that over periods of prolonged prosperity, capitalist economies tend to move from a financial structure dominated by hedge finance (stable) to a structure that increasingly emphasizes speculative and Ponzi finance (unstable)
in layman's terms - unregulated financial markets (and capitalism itself) are fucked up shit that is inherently unstable.


Setec Astronomer
It's important to note that markets do not rise and fall in a vacuum. Yes, if the universe consisted only of the stock market, then you could have a few Black Tuesdays here and there and still come back up to a bear market. However, since there are other things in our universe you get situations that destabilize countries and topple governments. The solutions offered by Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, and the like are known to all, but FDR gave a solution that preserved freedom instead of throwing it aside.
Here, kitty kitty. I've got a surprise for you...


It's time to reintroduce the wild Kittonwy back into the Gaming side. I'll be gentle. Promise.
McCain saying the economy is fundamentally sound is actually good strategy because when Obama calls him out on it it turns Obama into a pessimist rather than the hopeful optimist his supporters have rallied toward. The people Obama wants to reach wont want to believe the worst about the economy, so I dont think going after McCain on those statements is going to help Obama.
bafflewaffle said:
McCain saying the economy is fundamentally sound is actually good strategy because when Obama calls him out on it it turns Obama into a pessimist rather than the hopeful optimist his supporters have rallied toward. The people Obama wants to reach wont want to believe the worst about the economy, so I dont think going after McCain on his statements is going to help Obama.

Disagree completely. When things are going bad and have been going bad for awhile people don't generally rally around the guy saying things are cool. Don't worry. It certainly didn't work for Papa Bush against Bill Clinton to use one example from the past.
bafflewaffle said:
McCain saying the economy is fundamentally sound is actually good strategy because when Obama calls him out on it it turns Obama into a pessimist rather than the hopeful optimist his supporters have rallied toward. The people Obama wants to reach wont want to believe the worst about the economy, so I dont think going after McCain on those statements is going to help Obama.
Umm. No. All the people I know, including my mother, who are struggling under this economy would most like to see someone recognize that it is fucked.


Setec Astronomer
bafflewaffle said:
McCain saying the economy is fundamentally sound is actually good strategy because when Obama calls him out on it it turns Obama into a pessimist rather than the hopeful optimist his supporters have rallied toward. The people Obama wants to reach wont want to believe the worst about the economy, so I dont think going after McCain on those statements is going to help Obama.
Uh, saying things aren't good NOW is not saying things won't be good LATER.

Also, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. :p


bafflewaffle said:
McCain saying the economy is fundamentally sound is actually good strategy because when Obama calls him out on it it turns Obama into a pessimist rather than the hopeful optimist his supporters have rallied toward. The people Obama wants to reach wont want to believe the worst about the economy, so I dont think going after McCain on those statements is going to help Obama.

Frank = McCain

Explosions = Economy

Civilians = The American People
bafflewaffle said:
McCain saying the economy is fundamentally sound is actually good strategy because when Obama calls him out on it it turns Obama into a pessimist rather than the hopeful optimist his supporters have rallied toward. The people Obama wants to reach wont want to believe the worst about the economy, so I dont think going after McCain on those statements is going to help Obama.
It is a total flip-flop in a single statement.

McCain: "My friends, the fundamentals of our economy our sound . . . but we are going through some tough times."

Well which is it Captain Waffle?
bafflewaffle said:
McCain saying the economy is fundamentally sound is actually good strategy because when Obama calls him out on it it turns Obama into a pessimist rather than the hopeful optimist his supporters have rallied toward. The people Obama wants to reach wont want to believe the worst about the economy, so I dont think going after McCain on those statements is going to help Obama.

You can't really expect the guy who thinks the economy is ok to fix it, can you? You would want someone who recognizes that it's fucked. To solve an issue you have to realize that the issue exists, no?


Professional Schmuck
I'd like to review how the different news sites are reviewing this potential scandal with Palin:

"Palin won't cooperate with 'tainted' probe"

(prominent placement)

"Palin won't meet with 'Troopergate' investigator"

(smaller thumb placement)

CBS: not listed
FOX: not listed
ABC: not liested


distantmantra said:
The investigation was going on long before she was chosen as the VP candidate. The media needs to be on this story.
And the Republicans control the Alaska House committee investigating. A Republican ordered the investigation, and the committee voted 3-2 to order subpoenas. Only two Democrats sit on the committee.

The Republican that broke ranks represents Wasilla.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
distantmantra said:
The investigation was going on long before she was chosen as the VP candidate. The media needs to be on this story.

This is truly ridiculous. They want this to blow over and I think they know they will find the dirt on her and he will need a new candidate. If nothing were going to happen they would have been fine with it.
...McCain has turned ugly. His dishonesty would be unacceptable in any politician, but McCain has always set his own bar higher than most. He has contempt for most of his colleagues for that very reason: They lie. He tells the truth. He internalizes the code of the McCains -- his grandfather, his father: both admirals of the shining sea. He serves his country differently, that's all -- but just as honorably. No more, though.

...McCain has soiled all that. His opportunistic and irresponsible choice of Sarah Palin as his political heir -- the person in whose hands he would leave the country -- is a form of personal treason, a betrayal of all he once stood for. Palin, no matter what her other attributes, is shockingly unprepared to become president. McCain knows that. He means to win, which is all right; he means to win at all costs, which is not.

At a forum last week at Columbia University, McCain said, "But right now we have to restore trust and confidence in government." This was always the promise of John McCain, the single best reason to vote for him. America has been cheated on too many times -- the lies of Vietnam and Watergate and Iraq. So many lies. Who believes that in Afghanistan last month, only five civilians were killed by the American military in an airstrike, instead of the approximately 90 claimed by the Afghan government? Not me. I first gave up on the military during Vietnam and then again when it covered up the death of Pat Tillman, the Army Ranger and former NFL player who was killed in 2004 by friendly fire.

McCain was going to fix all that. He was going to look the American people in the eyes and say, not me. I will not lie to you. I am John McCain, son and grandson of admirals. I tell the truth.

But Joy Behar knew better. And so McCain lied about his lying and maybe thinks that if he wins the election, he can -- as he did in South Carolina -- renounce who he was and what he did and resume his old persona. It won't work. Karl Marx got one thing right -- what he said about history repeating itself. Once is tragedy, a second time is farce. John McCain is both.



PantherLotus said:
I'd like to review how the different news sites are reviewing this potential scandal with Palin:

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler have actually made CNN grow balls and start acting like journalists instead of gaming journalists? If they save the election we should buy every DVD/BD release of 30 Rock and Arrested Development (indirect Amy payments via Arnett) in perpetuity.


PantherLotus said:
I'd like to review how the different news sites are reviewing this potential scandal with Palin:

"Palin won't cooperate with 'tainted' probe"

(prominent placement)

"Palin won't meet with 'Troopergate' investigator"

(smaller thumb placement)

CBS: not listed
FOX: not listed
ABC: not liested

:lol CNN's picture makes her look like a female Cheney.


testicles on a cold fall morning
in bizarro world, this is what should happen -

McCain: it says a lot that Kissinger, who helped Nixon wage his immoral carpet bombing campaign in Cambodia that eventually gave rise to Pol Pot, has now latched on to Obama's childish belief in negotiating with states sponsoring terrorist activities against American interests.

anyhow, as you can see i hate Kissinger, but i think high-level discussions w/o preconditions between Iran and the US is a good thing (tm). i'm so torn! (and to pre-empt conservatives, high-level discussions does not mean talks with Ahmadinejad, who has no control over foreign policy or the military)


scorcho said:
i think i've mentioned Minsky's FIH more times here than, well...i don't think anyone has, but it bears repeating.


in layman's terms - unregulated financial markets (and capitalism itself) are fucked up shit that is inherently unstable.

The market's nature is relative to the state of mind of those who invest in it, and their state of mind is affected by their well being. When the economy is doing fine, risk rises because of extra margin, and emotionally-driven investments are more frequent. This causes the markets to become more volatile. Then when it is recognized that the markets are volatile and largely emotionally-driven, investors are forced to invest based on prediction of emotional responses! So soon enough every one is second guessing everyone's emotional response to every news, and trades on that:p


Freedom = $1.05 said:
Here, kitty kitty. I've got a surprise for you...


It's time to reintroduce the wild Kittonwy back into the Gaming side. I'll be gentle. Promise.



Was this posted?

Governor Palin's Reading List

Fascist writer Westbrook Pegler, an avowed racist who Sarah Palin approvingly quoted in her acceptance speech for the moral superiority of small town values, expressed his fervent hope about my father, Robert F. Kennedy, as he contemplated his own run for the presidency in 1965, that "some white patriot of the Southern tier will spatter his spoonful of brains in public premises before the snow flies."

It might be worth asking Governor Palin for a tally of the other favorites from her reading list.




Tamanon said:
:lol CNN's picture makes her look like a female Cheney.

Seriously! Where is that teeth Cheney picture?

EDIT: Ah there!

Stoney Mason said:
I don't like the CNN headline. Dumb people might not understand that tainted is her characterization of it.

Was gonna say that, but look, they have "quotation" marks, so it's aaaall right.
Ether_Snake said:
The market's nature is relative to the state of mind of those who invest in it, and their state of mind is affected by their well being. When the economy is doing fine, risk rises because of extra margin, and emotionally-driven investments are more frequent. This causes the markets to become more volatile. Then when it is recognized that the markets are volatile and largely emotionally-driven, investors are forced to invest based on prediction of emotional responses! So soon enough every one is second guessing everyone's emotional response to every news, and trades on that:p
I've heard that a good way to know when it's time to get out of a market is when ordinary people who know nothing about finance are getting themselves into debt trying to get into it and ride the gravy train.

I can imagine that the day a pre-GD tycoon noticed that his shoe-shine boy was buying stock was the day he decided that it was time to bail.


Posted earlier:


Also a new poll is up on CNN's front page over her decision to "not cooperate" with the 'Troopergate' investigation.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
I've heard that a good way to know when it's time to get out of a market is when ordinary people who know nothing about finance are getting themselves into debt trying to get into it and ride the gravy train.

I can imagine that the day a pre-GD tycoon noticed that his shoe-shine boy was buying stock was the day he decided that it was time to bail.

Yeah and that tends to be when things go well, so it's sort of cyclical to some extent (unless there are some sort of regulations in place, which would be nice in the case of the stock markets IMO, but difficult to enforce).


Shirokun said:
Posted earlier:


Also a new poll is up on CNN's front page over her decision to "not cooperate" with the 'Troopergate' investigation.

Oh my god, try this: Hide a bit over half of the left side of the face with your hand. It's like she's just getting angrier instead of transforming into Cheney!


GhaleonEB said:
Holy crap. Just read the whole thing. McCain is losing his supporters in the media fast and furious, and from the sound of it there's no way he's going to win them back. 0_o
First off, the author of the editorial is not a McCain supporter. He never has been. He is a Columbia graduate who is very liberal. This is the same guy who declared that Israel is a mistake and they should never forget it. The guy could very well be right about the media turning but he is not an example of a lost McCain supporter.


devilhawk said:
First off, the author of the editorial is not a McCain supporter. He never has been. He is a Columbia graduate who is very liberal. This is the same guy who declared that Israel is a mistake and they should never forget it. The guy could very well be right about the media turning but he is not an example of a lost McCain supporter.
I haven't read many of his columns, but he's been pretty friendly to McCain in the past. Heck, this is from June, where he defends McCain's character while knocking Obama's when he backed out of public financing.


Obama might have a similar bottom line, core principles for which, in some sense, he is willing to die. If so, we don't know what they are. Nothing so far in his life approaches McCain's decision to refuse repatriation as a POW so as to deny his jailors a propaganda coup. In fact, there is scant evidence the Illinois senator takes positions that challenge his base or otherwise threaten him politically. That's why his reversal on campaign financing and his transparently false justification of it matter more than similar acts by McCain.

A presidential race is only incidentally about issues. It's really about likability and character. Obama is, to paraphrase what he said about Hillary Clinton, more than "likable enough" -- in fact, so much so that he is the most charismatic presidential candidate I've seen since Robert F. Kennedy. But the character question hangs -- not because of any evidence to the contrary and not in any moral sense, either, but because he is still young and lacks the job references McCain picked up in a North Vietnamese prison. McCain has a bottom line. Obama just moved his.
I get the sense that he really thought McCain would never stoop this low.

Also: watch Tucker Bounds get owned so hard the feed cuts out and bails him out.


Literally running from questions now?
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