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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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NewLib said:
I guess Im slow but you are going to have to explain this to me.

It's an old saying: "if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog."

The dog can't betray you, you can tell it your secrets, etc etc..


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
speculawyer said:
Soon to be GILF? . . . but is this something that should sway votes at all?

Of course not. She's cute as a button though and if the left continues to try and push the hate it will backfire. She's not someone the majority of people are going to hate like the far left seems to.


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
MaddenNFL64 said:
Why didn't she use a .gov email? She is a governor. Fucking Yahoo.

Think it has to do with a rule that says you can't campaign using government equipment. This might have already been said in this thread, I have no idea, it's so big.

edit: apparently she's been using a Yahoo account for state business... wtf.


speculawyer said:
Sure . . . . But it is a big difference if you gonna collect $8 million instead of $10 million versus if you make $12,000 and are gonna have your food stamps cut. One is a difference of vast wealth, the other could affect your health.

If it's valid to use the talking point, it applies both ways.

And you could just as easily say that the quality and quantity of food acquired through food stamps is quite an order of magnitude less than $2 M, and if the person was already so inclined to just give it away, he could do so, and not only to charity, but by cutting the United States treasury a check.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JayDubya said:
If it's so massive, why don't you expound upon it. If it's a valid criticism for the goose, it's hypocritical to say it doesn't apply to the gander.

Pro-tip: it's not really a valid criticism for either.

This is a fucking meaningless conversation. Seriously. It's not just arithmetic, there's a qualitative measure too, which you're well aware of, but you're just arguing for the sake of arguing, as usual.

If a person cannot understand or empathize with the difference between a rich person having to buy a smaller yacht - and a single mother unable to afford food or healthcare, then that person should just fuck off, honestly.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
I didn't see this yesterday

Why Obama's Health Plan Is Better


Learning. One-third of medical costs go for services at best ineffective and at worst harmful. Fifty billion dollars will jump-start the long-overdue information revolution in health care to identify the best providers, treatments and patient management strategies.

- Rewarding. Doctors and hospitals today are paid for performing procedures, not for helping patients. Insurers make money by dumping sick patients, not by keeping people healthy. Mr. Obama proposes to base Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements to hospitals and doctors on patient outcomes (lower cholesterol readings, made and kept follow-up appointments) in a coordinated effort to focus the entire payment system around better health, not just more care.

- Pooling. The Obama plan would give individuals and small firms the option of joining large insurance pools. With large patient pools, a few people incurring high medical costs will not topple the entire system, so insurers would no longer need to waste time, money and resources weeding out the healthy from the sick, and businesses and individuals would no longer have to subject themselves to that costly and stressful process.

- Preventing. In today's health-care market, less than one dollar in 25 goes for prevention, even though preventive services -- regular screenings and healthy lifestyle information -- are among the most cost-effective medical services around. Guaranteeing access to preventive services will improve health and in many cases save money.

- Covering. Controlling long-run health-care costs requires removing the hidden expenses of the uninsured. The reforms described above will lower premiums by $2,500 for the typical family, allowing millions previously priced out of the market to afford insurance.


OuterWorldVoice said:
This is a fucking meaningless conversation. Seriously. It's not just arithmetic, there's a qualitative measure too, which you're well aware of, but you're just arguing for the sake of arguing, as usual.

If a person cannot understand or empathize with the difference between a rich person having to buy a smaller yacht - and a single mother unable to afford food or healthcare, then that person should just fuck off, honestly.



OuterWorldVoice said:
This is a fucking meaningless conversation. Seriously. It's not just arithmetic, there's a qualitative measure too, which you're well aware of, but you're just arguing for the sake of arguing, as usual.

If a person cannot understand or empathize with the difference between a rich person having to buy a smaller yacht - and a single mother unable to afford food or healthcare, then that person should just fuck off, honestly.

Temper, temper, bleeding heart.

Emotional appeals and ad hom are toxic to any chance of making logical sense or "winning" even the most superficial argument.
JayDubya said:
If it's so massive, why don't you expound upon it. If it's a valid criticism for the goose, it's hypocritical to say it doesn't apply to the gander.

Pro-tip: it's not really a valid criticism for either.
I largely agree with you. However, just to elaborate, I think the criticism, at least anytime I'm arguing it, is directed at those who don't understand what they're voting for/against. I will never fault a middle class individual who believes that it's wrong to raise taxes at all, regardless of whether or not they're in the group whose taxes are being raised. If they understand what's happening, and still choose to support McCain's tax plan, so be it. It's a free country after all, and they have just as much of a right as I do to declare one tax plan superior to the other.

I think what gets me, though, is when I see people who make $50K a year citing as their reason that "Obama is going to raise MY taxes." This is actually the opposite of what's going to happen, and as such, I will criticize these specific individuals as obliviously voting against their own interests.
The difference in the economic argument of course if what someone self professes as their most important issue. Economic interests don't simply cover one issue nor obviously do they cover the range of outside issues. Economic interests could mean how much income you take home, how many and what kind of good jobs are available, What's good for the mass of people, Retirement and Savings issues etc. It's when your self professed ideals don't match up with the reality of what the candidate is proposing. Not to mention people generally don't vote on just economic issues as I mentioned earlier.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JayDubya said:
Temper, temper, bleeding heart.

Emotional appeals and ad hom are toxic to any chance of making logical sense or "winning" even the most superficial argument.

There's nothing to win. I find most of your arguments lacking any and all human empathy except where you talk about embryos. It's not a contest Jay. But if it were, you're welcome to your medal.


JayDubya said:
Temper, temper, bleeding heart.

Emotional appeals and ad hom are toxic to any chance of making logical sense or "winning" even the most superficial argument.
Unfortunately winning an argument has little practical value in real life.

The above statement is my criticism of libertarianism in general.


Jay, did you miss my post? Assuming Robert de Niro thinks that one more Republican term will lead to irreparable harm to the fabric of society, it would be in his best interest to side with Obama despite paying a higher top-bracket tax rate, since that would still be a smaller cost than total destruction of the country.
Cooter said:
Of course not. She's cute as a button though and if the left continues to try and push the hate it will backfire. She's not someone the majority of people are going to hate like the far left seems to.

Alot of people on the left aren't pushing hate anymore than people on the right are pushing hate unless you want to agree that the mass of people on the right are pushing hate. They are pushing knowledge, and competence.
Xisiqomelir said:
Jay, did you miss my post? Assuming Robert de Niro thinks that one more Republican term will lead to irreparable harm to the fabric of society, it would be in his best interest to side with Obama despite paying a higher top-bracket tax rate, since that would still be a smaller cost than total destruction of the country.
QFT. I believe this could be the result of a McCain presidency unfortunately.


Xisiqomelir said:
Jay, did you miss my post? Assuming Robert de Niro thinks that one more Republican term will lead to irreparable harm to the fabric of society, it would be in his best interest to side with Obama despite paying a higher top-bracket tax rate, since that would still be a smaller cost than total destruction of the country.

But that goes against what many in this very thread argue that they can't understand about poor Republicans. Why would they vote against their own financial interest? Could they not feel the same way about a Democratic term. Im not saying you have to agree with this assumption, just throwing it out as a possibility.


JayDubya said:
As a random aside, those that belittle people for "not voting in their own economic interest..."

... would logically be expected to berate Mr. Deniro et. al. for not voting in their own economic interest.
Joe Biden's dad's quote is the perfect reply to your ignorance:

Joe Biden's dad said:
Don't tell me what you value! Give me your budget and I'll tell you what you value!


I am simply saying that for those whom more taxation does harm, it is not in their best interest to vote in favor of more taxation. Since there are those that condemn the lower middle class (and below) for voting non-[D], along converse lines, the talking point would have to apply to both.

Of course, my real goal is to kill that talking point stone cold dead. Because it's stupid.

Steve Youngblood said:
I think what gets me, though, is when I see people who make $50K a year citing as their reason that "Obama is going to raise MY taxes." This is actually the opposite of what's going to happen, and as such, I will criticize these specific individuals as obliviously voting against their own interests.

Well, discounting the possibility that the person doesn't trust Obama's announced taxation plans, you're right, it would be bad if they simply believed a GOP talking point without looking at the proposals.

However, as an advocate of a flat tax and / or a complete abandonment of an income tax in favor of something else, even were I to believe that Obama's tax code as proposed would pass - and as such it would be to my short-term benefit - I would quite happily vote "against my own economic interest" because making the tax code even less flat is not something I consider just.


NewLib said:
But that goes against what many in this very thread argue that they can't understand about poor Republicans. Why would they vote against their own financial interest? Could they not feel the same way about a Democratic term. Im not saying you have to agree with this assumption, just throwing it out as a possibility.

I don't exactly see how the Donkocrats are going to ruin America. They aren't attempting to provoke hostilities with 2 nuclear powers at once, nor are they interested in maintaining a $10B/mo war for 100 more years.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JayDubya said:
I am simply saying that for those whom more taxation does harm, it is not in their best interest to vote in favor of more taxation. Since there are those that condemn the lower middle class (and below) for voting non-[D], along converse lines, the talking point would have to apply to both.

Of course, my real goal is to kill that talking point stone cold dead. Because it's stupid.

Well, discounting the possibility that the person doesn't trust Obama's announced taxation plans, you're right, it would be bad if they simply believed a GOP talking point without looking at the proposals.

However, as an advocate of a flat tax and / or a complete abandonment of an income tax in favor of something else, even were I to believe that Obama's tax code would pass, and it would be to my short-term benefit, I would quite happily vote "against my own economic interest" because making the tax code even less flat is not something I consider just.

See, if you'd stated it like that in the first place, I wouldn't have wigged out.
NewLib said:
I guess Im slow but you are going to have to explain this to me.

It's a meme born from a news segment Fox News did on anonymous. One of their victims bought new curtains and a dog like it's supposed to protect her from anonymous. Another meme born from this is the exploding yellow van.

Of course, there is always the ED article: DEFINITELY NSFW http://encyclopediadramatica.com/HACKERS_ON_STEROIDS

Segment from Fox News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNO6G4ApJQY


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
:lol if you think any person is going to fix our economic problems if elected.

Serioulsy people. Start living in reality.


Xisiqomelir said:
I don't exactly see how the Donkocrats are going to ruin America. They aren't attempting to provoke hostilities with 2 nuclear powers at once, nor are they interested in maintaining a $10B/mo war for 100 more years.

I said you didnt have to agree with the arguments these poor Republicans could make, just that the arguments exist.

One of the huge logical fallacies I see in this thread too much is people going, "Because I dont believe this, then A) no one believes this or B) No one can reasonably believe this."


JayDubya said:
Temper, temper, bleeding heart.

Emotional appeals and ad hom are toxic to any chance of making logical sense or "winning" even the most superficial argument.
This from Mr. Hitmen in White Coats?


BigJonsson said:
rofl @ anon

The sad part is there was probably something in those e-mails that would have won the election for Obama... the hacker just gave out the password "for the lulz" instead before looking through it.
Tamanon said:
No he's not. If he was, then he'd be killing his foes since they always come back and do more harm. Batman's an idealist.
Because he realizes like most sane people there is still a difference between two options rather than pretending they are both the same ;)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Tamanon said:
No he's not. If he was, then he'd be killing his foes since they always come back and do more harm. Batman's an idealist.

Partly true but the fact that he isn't blood thirsty doesn't make him not a realist. Let's turn this into a Batman discussion. I'm sure no one would object to that. :lol
James Power said:
Basically, yes. I thought him to be cool and tough like in Taxi Driver. Instead he sucks like in Brazil. It's probably just a PR gag anyway.
lol yah because supporting Obama means ur not cool or tough amirite


NewLib said:
I said you didnt have to agree with the arguments these poor Republicans could make, just that the arguments exist.

Just because a nonsensical argument exists doesn't warrant granting it any sort of credence.
Cooter said:
:lol if you think any person is going to fix our economic problems if elected.

Serioulsy people. Start living in reality.
I never understand these points.

I don't think that anyone who is familiar at all with how the U.S. government operates thinks that Obama is going to go into the White House and fix things overnight, despite whatever powerful rhetoric either of the candidates might be pushing. However, even being cynical, I don't understand how you can't see that, if nothing else, we're rallying to the candidate we believe will be less of a trainwreck.

To argue that the president is the single most influential figure in economics is very naive. However, arguing that the president, either directly or indirectly, has no impact on economics is also very naive.



- Deregulation: McCain issued a statement Monday morning saying that “we cannot tolerate a system that handicaps our markets and our banks.”

- Regulation: McCain’s campaign then put out an ad calling for “tougher rules on Wall Street.”

- Deregulation: This morning, on NBC’s Today Show, McCain said, “Of course, I don’t like excessive and unnecessary government regulation.”

- Regulation: Then, on CBS’s The Early Show, McCain said, “Do I believe in excess government regulation? Yes.”

- Both: On CNBC’s Squawk Box, McCain said, “We don’t want to burden average citizens with over-regulation and government bureaucracy...And I’m proud to be a Teddy Roosevelt Republican, who said, ‘unfettered capitalism leads to corruption,’ and we’ve got to fix this.”

McCain's last 24 hours. It really was kinda a weird dance for him.:lol
Cooter said:
:lol if you think any person is going to fix our economic problems if elected.

Serioulsy people. Start living in reality.
Therefore we should vote for the person whom is sure not to fix the economy then?


heliosRAzi said:
It's a meme born from a news segment Fox News did on anonymous. One of their victims bought new curtains and a dog like it's supposed to protect her from anonymous. Another meme born from this is the exploding yellow van.

Of course, there is always the ED article: DEFINITELY NSFW http://encyclopediadramatica.com/HACKERS_ON_STEROIDS

That Fox news video on the site is amazing! :lol :lol

I can't quit laughing at the exploding yellow van. It's straight out of an 80s action show.


Stoney Mason said:
Where is Gaborn so he can attack this display of socialist communism?
Wasn't Teddy a rampant environmentalist? Poor Teddy's probably like, "They draw nigh unto me with their lips. But verily I say unto you I never knew them."
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