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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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ronito said:
Good lord PoliGAF is so bipolar.

The lofty highs only make the crushing lows seem so sweet. :D

It's a good day for Obama to be sure. Of course as usual everything will be different in a week. And the week after that. And the week after that. And so on...

And GAF will continue to have painful emotional whiplash.
Obama's advantage can be traced in part to independents, who favored Obama in late August, swung to McCain just after the Republican convention, and have now returned to Obama. Obama now leads McCain among independents 46 percent to 41 percent.

Obama leads McCain 54 percent to 38 percent among all women. He holds a two point edge among white women, a 21 percentage point swing in Obama's direction from one week ago.

While Palin remains popular among McCain voters, the poll suggests that the McCain campaign may have cause for concern. More than half of registered voters do not think Palin is prepared for the job of Vice President, and even McCain supporters cite “inexperience” as what they like least about her.



Maddow continues to beat Olbermann daily (last night Maddow got 1.8 mil, Keith got 1.6 mil).

I REALLY wonder how Keith Olbermann feels about being #2 on MSNBC now, it has been that way for weeks now. :lol
thekad said:
Christ, kill me now.


From the NYT/CBS poll:

Palin’s favorable rating stands at 40 percent, down 4 points from last week. Her unfavorable rating, which stands at 30 percent, has risen eight points in the same time period. Her favorable rating among women has fallen 11 points in the past week.

Biden is viewed favorably by 38 percent of registered voters. Seventeen percent view the Delaware senator unfavorably, a decrease of 5 points from last week.
Palin is viewed less favorably, Biden more over the past week. The more people see of Palin, the less the like her. The more they see of Biden, the more they like him. (That's been the case with me as well.)

Just 17 percent of registered voters say McCain chose Palin because she is well qualified for the job of Vice President. Seventy-five percent say McCain made the choice to help win the election. (Even voters backing the Republican ticket share this view: 53 percent say the Palin choice was to help McCain win in November.)
I'm so fucking glad people are seeing through this.

Asked what they like most about Biden, registered voters cited experience (15 percent), followed by "honesty" (6 percent), "outspoken" and "foreign policy" (5 points each). Asked the same question about Palin, the top two choices were "outspoken" and "woman" (7 percent each), followed by "fresh face" and "tough/fighter" (5 points each).

AndyIsTheMoney said:

obama is number 2 with contributions from freddie mac and fannie mae? and he is number 2 on the list after only 4 years in the senate. McCain only received 20,000...over the last 20 years

2.Obama, Barack S IL D $126,349 $6,000 $120,349
Not from the company - from their employees. Very different.
Saint Gregory said:
Joke post? I'm pretty sure that the experience issue became moot the moment "Palin" left McCain's lips.

we are talking about President vs Vice President here...you know that is quite a difference. And spare me the hypothetical scenarios
Obama leads McCain 54 percent to 38 percent among all women. He holds a two point edge among white women, a 21 percentage point swing in Obama's direction from one week ago.

Wow, if this trend starts to be reflected in other polls I think the McCain campaign is going to collectively shit themselves.

AndyIsTheMoney said:
we are talking about President vs Vice President here...you know that is quite a difference. And spare me the hypothetical scenarios

Dude, have you seen his medical records? You need to learn the difference between "hypothetical" and "high probability".
Cheebs said:
Pre-Palin Drudge used to favor Obama over McCain it seemed

I felt he had slanted the coverage pro-Mccain before that. I wouldn't even care since it's a private website except for the fact that our lazy ass media follows his cues often on how to agenda and narrative set.
AndyIsTheMoney said:

obama is number 2 with contributions from freddie mac and fannie mae? and he is number 2 on the list after only 4 years in the senate. McCain only received 20,000...over the last 20 years

2.Obama, Barack S IL D $126,349 $6,000 $120,349

fannie mae has 20,000 employees. most of its employees were good people who lost thier jobs. most of those people gave money for Obama just so that this sort of thing does not happen. the company did not give money, thier employees did.
Cheebs said:
Maddow continues to beat Olbermann daily (last night Maddow got 1.8 mil, Keith got 1.6 mil).

I REALLY wonder how Keith Olbermann feels about being #2 on MSNBC now, it has been that way for weeks now. :lol

I imagine it's how John McCain feels being #2 to Palin :lol
Cheebs said:
Maddow continues to beat Olbermann daily (last night Maddow got 1.8 mil, Keith got 1.6 mil).

I REALLY wonder how Keith Olbermann feels about being #2 on MSNBC now, it has been that way for weeks now. :lol

I appreciate Olbermann, but he is a bit bombastic. Rachel Maddow is clearly biased in the same manner, but she delivers things in a much more fact-filled and less vitriolic manner.

She's clearly brought her AirAmerica followers with her.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
we are talking about President vs Vice President here...you know that is quite a difference. And spare me the hypothetical scenarios

You're still on this Obama has no experience thing? :lol Now I remember why I'm not responding to your posts :lol
GhaleonEB said:
Palin is viewed less favorably, Biden more over the past week. The more people see of Palin, the less the like her. The more they see of Biden, the more they like him. (That's been the case with me as well.)

To be fair I think Palin distrust is having an inflating effect on Biden just by comparison. I don't think Americans suddenly started listening to Joe Biden any more than they have in the past. It's just that Palin makes you realize the devil you know is far better often than the devil you don't. (Or don't think is qualified to be more accurate). I think it's a slight subtle difference but still good news either way.
HylianTom said:
Man, is Matthews tearing Cantor a new one tonight. That was delicious!

Yeah, I just saw that. Over the past few days I don't know why he bothers inviting on a Democrat to speak for the other side since they always just end up sitting in silence while he lays into the Republican.
A side note to all the Presidential talk here-has anyone noticed that the Democratic chances in the Senate have been absolutely surging over the last couple of weeks?

VA, NM, NH- These takeaways are done deals.
CO, AK - Both, even with Palin on the ticket, are going to be very hard for the GOP to win. CO is ground zero for the Obama campaign, and Ted Stevens is under indictment and his trial will be held in Alaska and likely last through most of October.

So that's +5, and these are the 'tier 1' contested Senate races. Note that the GOP has no credible tier 1 matchups and is spending all their money on defense this cycle. The RNC hung them out to dry because McCain's campaign is dirty poor, and the RSCC fundraising is anemic compared to Schumer's DSCC operation.

So that leaves the Tier 2 races:

North Carolina-No Clear Favorite by CQ, polling has shown that Hagan is running a few points ahead of Obama and Dole is as bad a campaigner as she is a Senator. If Obama can bring out the votes, there's a good chance Schumer gets a mega-scalp in taking down one of the GOP leadership.

Oregon - Polling is now almost a total dead heat, and the incumbent Republican is getting beat down badly. If Obama surges at the polls and drives turnout as high as is to be expected given the convention viewerships, Smith's doomed in the same way that Whitehouse sunk Chafee-pin the popular blue state Senator to the unpopular GOP leadership, watch him sink.

Minnesota - As expected, this race is quickly turning into the nastiest Senate race in the country. You can't put Norm Coleman and Al Franken against each other without expecting the sparks to fly, and it's sending both candidates into the toilet in terms of approval. This is another case though where a strong, Obama-fueled turnout in a blue state (don't kid yourself, MN is going to wind up +5-+8 Obama when the election results come in) swamps an unpopular GOP senator, even with a oddball DFL candidate like Coleman.

The wicker/musgrove race in Mississippi defies most logic and the race continues to be really close, and is also a No Clear Favorite race in CQ Politics.

It's always been a stretch between +5 and +7 gains in the Senate, and now it's looking like +7 might be the more likely choice. A +7 gain would give the Democrats room to boot Lieberman from his chairmanship and still have a commanding majority in the chamber.


Obama hits McCain for his votes to privatize social security.

I remember someone saying Obama needs to scare the shit out of seniors in light of the stock market situation. Here you go!

artredis1980 said:
mother FUCK!

Wachovia about to buy Morgan Stanley. That mean Goldmann Sachs will be the only independent investment bank in the US

ronito said:
Good lord PoliGAF is so bipolar.


Last week was just a regular convention bounce yet PoliGaf was on suicide watch. Going on and on about how the whole country is a bunch of morons and idiots...etc.

You guys need to take the edge off your highs and lows.


"My opponent wants to privatize your social security!"


"Also he has suggested that your grandchildren perhaps aren't as precious as you think!"
lawblob said:
Excellent ad in lieu of the economic situation. What about running this in Florida, or is that state dead to Obama?

I don't think he will ever be able to pull Flordia versus Mccain because of the seniors but there was at least one encouraging poll from the state today that had it even although most polls have it around +5 for Mccain. For what it's worth I'm in FLA and I see a lot of ads from both of them so it's not like they aren't spending money here.
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