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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
saelz8 said:
Get this, Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild's reason for not supporting Obama.

"This is a hard decision for me personally because frankly I don't like him," she said of Obama in an interview with CNN's Joe Johns. "I feel like he is an elitist. I feel like he has not given me reason to trust him."


Forester is the CEO of EL Rothschild, a holding company with businesses around the world. She is married to international banker Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. Forester is a member of the DNC's Democrats Abroad chapter and splits her time living in London and New York.

You have got to be kidding me! :lol

Christ, even her name sounds snooty and arrogant, and she's calling him the elitist?
Freedom = $1.05 said:
I can actually say that I've done this. No joke.

Don't know what to think of it.
And I bet you think you're better than me.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to hop in my truck that gets 5 miles to the gallon, and stop and pick up a 24 oz. can of cheap beer (we call 'em road sodas 'round these parts) for the drive home. Why? Because I love this country, dammit!

Nate is shying away from calling this a shift towards Obama, and he says there's a good possibility the positive Obama numbers might just be noise, and go back in a couple days.

But we have injected enough hopium to know that this isn't true and that Obamomentum will last until Nov. 4.


Master of the Google Search
"and McCain says he'll take on the old boys team. The old boys team. In the McCain campaign that's called a staff meeting" -- Obama

Steve Youngblood said:
Maybe you have a point. Maybe.

However, could it also be that he just isn't doing enough to connect with the average Joe? Did you hear what he bowled? Why is he not giving speeches from pickup trucks? And furthermore, when he was shown drinking a beer at the bar, there was an expression on his face that just said to me "I'd rather be drinking an apple-tini."

I just get the feeling that he thinks he's better than me. What, is he saying that I'm not qualified to run the country?! Come on! Now that Palin is a folksy gal. Her husband is called the First Dude!
I get it that the campaigns have to get message out and convince people. Though I like when the candidate does not try to do the baby kissing and all of that shit to 'look like one of us.' I find it insulting and completely disingenuous because I really don't want to relate to them, I want them to lead us with sensible thinking and determination to get the job done. Inspiring people is good 'n all...it's a fundamental of any great leader, but it's usually because they do and say things, of some kind of substance, that inspire us, not because they're pretty or handsome or a regular person I can have a beer with. I don't want a regular person in the White House. I want someone who can get the job done right. Anyone can fucking drink beer or shoot animals or whatever. Not everyone can come into office with truly bold and new ideas that make sense for the long term benefit of all and not just some fuck earning hundreds of thousands or more by shifting already gained wealth. That's not work and productivity, that's just working the system.

The problem is, IMO, a lot of people just don't care enough about their government come election time to bother voting, but also to go through the annoying process of collecting as much information from as many sources as possible to put it all together for themselves. If they did, I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be seeing the millions of voters go out and actually vote against their own core interests.

If people cared a little more, they might actually go and fucking vote period. This country is, what, the 136th worst voting percentage in the world? And we sit here and extol the greatness of our democracy and all that shit with that kind of turnout? A lot of the problems in the government are correctly blamed on those that commit them, but, again, let's not let off the hook the citizen who could vote but didn't, or the citizen who could seek out enough information about all the policies that the parties and candidates stand for...not just what they advertise on television...before voting.

This is nothing new, I just can't get over the possibility that even a large percentage of the voters might go for a candidate and party who has routinely screwed 90% of them.

My hope is that this will turn out to be one of the biggest win margins in recent history. That all the polling will turn out to be wrong because it doesn't correctly reflect new voters or long-ago lapsed voters or cell-phone only folks (of which there are a ton). I don't usually pay heed to early polls since they're ALWAYS infuriatingly frustrating every election, but there just should not be the kind of polling we're seeing still. ARRRRGH............... Again, just ignore my posts. I just want to post long and obvious crap to mentally/emotionally unwind myself.


NBC news is slamming Palin on her lies right now!!

Alaska produces 20% of US oil? NOPE

Palin has been to Iraq? NOPE

No other VP nominees have met with foreign leaders? NOPE

No thanks to the Bridge? NOPE

Yes, yes, expose the lying witch!!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
This morning I ran into a colleague at the town coffee joint. We agreed that during the heat of a presidential race, polls influenced our mood strongly. If that’s generally true, then I sense some moods shifting out there.

National polls (Diageo, Rasmussen, Gallup, Research 2000, ARG, Reuters) conducted 9/11-16 give a median of Obama leading by 2.0 +/- 1.1%, a 4-point swing toward Obama compared with McCain’s post-convention peak last week. However, it’s not clear what this means for the race. Just as McCain’s bounce was disproportionately concentrated in red states, this “unbounce” might also not be evenly distributed. We won’t know until next week.

Hypothetically, if McCain’s losses are all in deep-red states, then his electoral chances aren’t changing much. Could this be the case? One clue can be found in the continuing decline of Palin’s approval numbers. She currently has the worst favorable-unfavorable spread among Obama, McCain, Biden, and herself. I predicted on the day of the announcement that her candidacy wouldn’t wear well. A lot of substantive information is emerging: her lack of familiarity with issues, including energy; possible abuses of power; her attempt to ban books; and her lack of belief in human contributions to global warming and even perhaps whether dinosaurs preceded humans on Earth.

And then of course there is the candidate himself. McCain is having well-known difficulties with telling the truth. Also, yesterday he repeated his line that the “fundamentals” of the economy are strong in the face of the implosion of Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and AIG, the last of which is 80% owned by U.S. taxpayers as of today.

These facts aren’t likely to hurt McCain’s support among party loyalists. If his losses are among independent voters, it would hurt him in battleground states. That’s bad news for him. Or he might be slipping back uniformly all over the U.S., which would be an easier place from which to recover.

My suspicion is that the EV estimate at the top of this page, which are based on the most recent state polls, represent a high-water mark for the McCain campaign - at least for now.


# State polls, September 17, 5:00PM EDT:
# Obama: 275
# McCain: 263
# Meta-margin: Obama +0.44%


I'm falling in love with this website. Some great information over there.
lawblob said:
NBC news is slamming Palin on her lies right now!!

Alaska produces 20% of US oil? NOPE

Palin has been to Iraq? NOPE

No other VP nominees have met with foreign leaders? NOPE

No thanks to the Bridge? NOPE

Yes, yes, expose the lying witch!!

A little OT but am I the only one who finds it ironic that Gov Palin has billed herself as an energy expert yet according to her own personal beliefs fossil fuels couldn't exist?
Independents and cross over democrats were the only things keeping JSA in this race-if the Palin/McCain approval drop is coming from those groups (and I'd imagine it would be coming from them rather than the GOP base, given their sheer lunacy), he's in huge trouble.


Cheebs said:
The convention bounce is DEAD. DEAD.
No no, the PoliGAFers told me less than a week ago that McCain's rise in the polls was more than a convention bump, that Americans really liked McCain and Palin, that Americans were going to get the president they deserved, etc. And I know that PoliGAFers would never act like reactionary morons about anything.
MightyHedgehog said:
venting I agree with

I think we all feel the same way, actually. Despite any political differences here, certainly we all recognize the glaring issues in America. Most of our society isn't informed at all. Most do take TV ads at face value instead of doing a basic amount of research. Most people do vote against their best interests. It sucks.


Saint Gregory said:
A little OT but am I the only one who finds it ironic that Gov Palin has billed herself as an energy expert yet according to her own personal beliefs fossil fuels couldn't exist?

That's SEXIST!


September 17, 2008, 6:25 PM
Palin’s E-Mail Account Hacked
Computer hackers broke into the private Yahoo e-mail account of Gov. Sarah Palin, the Republican vice presidential candidate, and posted some of her messages and a long-list of contacts on the Internet.

The Web site Wikileaks posted screen shots of Ms. Palin’s inbox displaying her username, gov.palin@yahoo.com, and messages that were reportedly obtained by a group of hackers on Tuesday night.

The e-mails include an exchange between Ms. Palin and Alaska’s lieutenant governor, Sean Parnell, as well as an associate, Amy McCorkell, who Ms. Palin appointed to a state drug and alcohol advisory board last year. Wired Magazine reported on its Internet privacy blog, Threat Level, that it obtained confirmation from Ms. McCorkell that she did, in fact, send the message to Governor Palin.

On Wednesday, the McCain campaign acknowledged the breach in a statement from campaign manager, Rick Davis: “This is a shocking invasion of the governor’s privacy and a violation of law. The matter has been turned over to the appropriate authorities and we hope that anyone in possession of these emails will destroy them. We will have no further comment.”

Governor Palin has faced criticism for reportedly using her private address to conduct government business.
Saint Gregory said:
A little OT but am I the only one who finds it ironic that Gov Palin has billed herself as an energy expert yet according to her own personal beliefs fossil fuels couldn't exist?
Isn't most fossil fuel long dead plant and simple life matter and not dead complex animals?
Saint Gregory said:
A little OT but am I the only one who finds it ironic that Gov Palin has billed herself as an energy expert yet according to her own personal beliefs fossil fuels couldn't exist?

Is she on the record as a young earth supporter? I knew she was creationist, but that doesn't necessarily discredit the existence of dinosaurs and fossil fuels like young earth creationism does.
Saint Gregory said:
A little OT but am I the only one who finds it ironic that Gov Palin has billed herself as an energy expert yet according to her own personal beliefs fossil fuels couldn't exist?

No...God put the oil in the ground so that we could pollute the planet!

Edit: Beaten
Fragamemnon said:
Independents and cross over democrats were the only things keeping JSA in this race-if the Palin/McCain approval drop is coming from those groups (and I'd imagine it would be coming from them rather than the GOP base, given their sheer lunacy), he's in huge trouble.

From that CBS poll.

Obama's advantage can be traced in part to independents, who favored Obama in late August, swung to McCain just after the Republican convention, and have now returned to Obama. Obama now leads McCain among independents 46 percent to 41 percent.

Obama leads McCain 54 percent to 38 percent among all women. He holds a two point edge among white women, a 21 percentage point swing in Obama's direction from one week ago.

While Palin remains popular among McCain voters, the poll suggests that the McCain campaign may have cause for concern. More than half of registered voters do not think Palin is prepared for the job of Vice President, and even McCain supporters cite “inexperience” as what they like least about her.
MightyHedgehog said:
Isn't most fossil fuel long dead plant and simple life matter and not dead complex animals?

Yes, but...

Fragamemnon said:
Is she on the record as a young earth supporter? I knew she was creationist, but that doesn't necessarily discredit the existence of dinosaurs and fossil fuels like young earth creationism does.

I was under the impression that she does believe in a young Earth in which case there wouldn't be any fossils at all.

Edit: Thanks SnakeXs!
Saint Gregory said:
A little OT but am I the only one who finds it ironic that Gov Palin has billed herself as an energy expert yet according to her own personal beliefs fossil fuels couldn't exist?

Gibson: What are your thoughts on fossil fuels?
Palin: In what sense, Chaaaarrrlie?
Gibson: Well...um...what do you interpret fossil fuels to mean?
Palin: ......
Palin: .....................
Palin: God put them there for us to consume!

The lulz would be epic.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
good god just because someone doesn't want to support obama for his lack of experience doesn't make them a racist.

Actually she said she doesn't want to support him because he seems like an uppity- elitist.
Stoney Mason said:
From that CBS poll.

Those independent numbers are even better than Kerry's.

Easy 300+ EV win if he can keep those kind of margins.

"I pushed her on the earth's creation, whether it was really less than 7,000 years old and whether dinosaurs and humans walked the earth at the same time. And she said yes, she'd seen images somewhere of dinosaur fossils with human footprints in them."

Wow, that's fucked up big time. Would deserve a 527 ad but Palin is doing a decent job digging her way to Dick Cheney levels of approval on her own.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
AndyIsTheMoney said:
good god just because someone doesn't want to support obama for his lack of experience doesn't make them a racist.

Yeah but if someone doesn't support Palin for her vastly lesser experience they're sexist.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
good god just because someone doesn't want to support obama for his lack of experience doesn't make them a racist.

That's not solely what she said. In fact I don't think that is even mainly what she said.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
good god just because someone doesn't want to support obama for his lack of experience doesn't make them a racist.

Joke post? I'm pretty sure that the experience issue became moot the moment "Palin" left McCain's lips.
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