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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Frank the Great said:
What's your point? They're employees. What does this prove?

How about the fact that both Franklin Raines and James Johnson are/were both "economic" advisers for Obama's campaign.

Nevermind the fact that they are the ones who ran Fannie Mae to the ground.

Barack Hussien Obama, carrying on the fine Washington tradition of saying one thing and doing the opposite.

(not saying McCain is doing different, just trying to get the Obama leg humpers to open their eyes)


Stoney Mason said:
I don't think he will ever be able to pull Flordia versus Mccain but there were at least one encouraging poll from the state today that had it even although most polls have it around +5 for Mccain. For what it's worth I'm in FLA and I see a lot of ads from both of them so it's not like they aren't spending money here.

He won't be able to pull Florida but like you said he's spending money there. They want to spend upwards of $39 million to run a campaign in Florida. I think the Florida idea isn't to try to win the state but to make it uncomfortable enough for McCain that he has to divert his attention from a battleground state to make SURE Florida goes his way.
Obama camp says fuck you to Lindsay Lohan


On the heels of blasting John McCain's selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate, Lindsay Lohan reportedly got a bit of a jolt from an unexpected quarter: the Obama-Biden campaign.

Apparently, LiLo was interested in becoming very involved in the Democratic ticket's bid for the White House -- even offering to host a series of events appealing to younger voters.

However, a top source in the Barack Obama team tells me the actress ''is not exactly the kind of high-profile star who would be a positive for us.''

Given Lohan's past problems, plus ongoing brushes with controversy, I've learned the campaign quietly told the actress ''thanks, but no thanks,'' but in far more diplomatic terms.

Lohan has been invited to attend several of the big Hollywood bashes this week -- and also pay big bucks for the privilege of rubbing shoulders with the likes of Barbra Streisand, Steven Spielberg, David Geffen and other high-profile Hollywood boosters of the Obama campaign.


testicles on a cold fall morning
i wonder how this could affect my brother. he's a President at some division there and Morgan Stanley is footing the bill for his graduate studies at Columbia U. he just had a kid and bought a new place with his wife.

edit: oops


jandar said:
How about the fact that both Franklin Raines and James Johnson are/were both "economic" advisers for Obama's campaign.

Nevermind the fact that they are the ones who ran Fannie Mae to the ground.

Barack Hussien Obama, carrying on the fine Washington tradition of saying one thing and doing the opposite.

(not saying McCain is doing different, just trying to get the Obama leg humpers to open their eyes)
At least both people on the Democratic ticket know what Fannie Mae is, what it does, and the actual name and history of the institution.


Cheebs said:
Why does McCain call Washington as "Worshington" always? It annoys the hell out for for some reason.

My father does the same, he's an old farm boy with german traits.

He does the same with wash, "I'm worshing the dishes."

Unfortunately I catch myself saying it at times.
speculawyer said:
I appreciate Olbermann, but he is a bit bombastic. Rachel Maddow is clearly biased in the same manner, but she delivers things in a much more fact-filled and less vitriolic manner.

She's clearly brought her AirAmerica followers with her.

She's definitely more palatable than Olbermann. However I don't like the fact that her show format is basically Countdown-Lite.


artredis1980 said:
fannie mae has 20,000 employees. most of its employees were good people who lost thier jobs. most of those people gave money for Obama just so that this sort of thing does not happen. the company did not give money, thier employees did.

My friend who's quickly becoming anti-Obama made that accusation yesterday about Obama receiving money from Fannie Mae, and how he's full of "bullshit". Of course I didn't believe him, my friend's annoyingly wrong when it comes to this election.

Has any news outlet cleared up this matter? I'm looking for an article confirming it was just their employees...
Fatalah said:
My friend who's quickly becoming anti-Obama made that accusation yesterday about Obama receiving money from Fannie Mae, and how he's full of "bullshit". Of course I didn't believe him, my friend's annoyingly wrong when it comes to this election.

fannie mae does not make political contributions, tell that to ur friend


PoliGAF. What is going on? McCain's getting trashed left and right on TV. Even DOBBS is trashing a McCain subordinate. I AM SCARED.



Post suggesting Palin refusing funds for Rape Kits because they contain emergency contraception.

In sum: the only possible reason behind Sarah Palin's consistent refusal to fund rape investigation kits with taxpayer money is that they contain emergency contraception, which her religious fundamentalism views as tantamount to an abortion, and she, like George Bush, is a firm believer in the Mexico City policy.
Saint Gregory said:
A little OT but am I the only one who finds it ironic that Gov Palin has billed herself as an energy expert yet according to her own personal beliefs fossil fuels couldn't exist?

Good point!

But the really scary thing is that there are people out there who are so dense that they think the earth actually creates oil somehow . . . . People that think 'peak oil' is a myth because the earth will just create more oil. I wonder if she is one of those?

The concept of peak oil is real but no one knows when it will happen. Perhaps there will be more discoveries of previously unknown oil fields, perhaps recovery techniques will increase such that we can get a lot more oil out of existing fields, etc.


artredis1980 said:
fannie mae does not make political contributions, tell that to ur friend

I'm looking for confirmation. I can't just tell my friend "No you're wrong!". Did any publication investigate the matter?
Fatalah said:
I'm looking for confirmation. I can't just tell my friend "No you're wrong!". Did any publication investigate the matter?

You won't get any news because it's not grounded in any facts whatsoever; there is literally nothing to prove wrong because it's a farce.


Lol. Someone in the crowd asked Palin to give an example of what gives her foregin policy experience and she basically said "I'm qualified because I believe i'm qualified." :lol


Fatalah said:
I'm looking for confirmation. I can't just tell my friend "No you're wrong!". Did any publication investigate the matter?
Employees are free to donate to whoever.

This is like saying McDonald's is in the tank for Obama because he got more money from "them". "Them" being the employees.


PhatSaqs said:
Lol. Someone in the crowd asked Palin to give an example of what gives her foregin policy experience and she basically said "I'm qualified because I believe i'm qualified." :lol
No way. Need youtube of that stat. Put that in a commercial. :lol
Fatalah said:
My friend who's quickly becoming anti-Obama made that accusation yesterday about Obama receiving money from Fannie Mae, and how he's full of "bullshit". Of course I didn't believe him, my friend's annoyingly wrong when it comes to this election.

Has any news outlet cleared up this matter? I'm looking for an article confirming it was just their employees...

Tell your friend to go f himself.

He's not voting for the dude and is actively seeking out ways to do so. Today it will be this. Tomorrow it will be more communists donated to Obama to Mccain. Some people will always find a way to justify their preconceived inclinations.
PhatSaqs said:
Lol. Someone in the crowd asked Palin to give an example of what gives her foregin policy experience and she basically said "I'm qualified because I believe i'm qualified." :lol

You're joking, right? That's not verbatim is it?


PhatSaqs said:
Lol. Someone in the crowd asked Palin to give an example of what gives her foregin policy experience and she basically said "I'm qualified because I believe i'm qualified." :lol

Video is necessary.
Obama should be walloping McCain. It shouldn't even be close in the polls. If Obama loses this November, I will lose the remaining respect I have for my country. Our country is fading, and we keep electing the same kind of people, without holding them accountable for anything. Obama is the least elitist and isn't even close to the richest. He's a millionaire, but not a mega millionaire like Bush and the McCains. Obama is the best bet we have and if the older generation screws up again I will be so angry.


Besides, I believe the only news organizations pushing the "Obama-Fannie Mae conspiracy" is Fox News and co. Your friend is long gone.


PhatSaqs said:
Lol. Someone in the crowd asked Palin to give an example of what gives her foregin policy experience and she basically said "I'm qualified because I believe i'm qualified." :lol


Because that is just :lol


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Crisis said:
PoliGAF. What is going on? McCain's getting trashed left and right on TV. Even DOBBS is trashing a McCain subordinate. I AM SCARED.
Don't fuck with the media?


PhatSaqs said:
Lol. Someone in the crowd asked Palin to give an example of what gives her foregin policy experience and she basically said "I'm qualified because I believe i'm qualified." :lol

If that quote is anywhere near that....Obama better have that in a commerical NOW.
speculawyer said:

Good point!

But the really scary thing is that there are people out there who are so dense that they think the earth actually creates oil somehow . . . . People that think 'peak oil' is a myth because the earth will just create more oil. I wonder if she is one of those?

The concept of peak oil is real but no one knows when it will happen. Perhaps there will be more discoveries of previously unknown oil fields, perhaps recovery techniques will increase such that we can get a lot more oil out of existing fields, etc.

Oh there's a lot of oil still out there and even more efficient ways to extract from the existing oil fields we have now. I'll have to read up on peak oil but I hope it's not what I think it is. Our present fossil fuels are from a very specific time period in the Earth's history when it was basically a ball of carbon plant life and there was no other period that even came close to that level of activity.

Edit: Oh, I see, the peak is when the maximum oil extraction output is reached. Yeah, let's not look foward to more oil...


when is my burrito
GhaleonEB said:

And this is where companies and investors start to step in and get hella good deals on companies that are actually much more valuable than their current stock value.

If a company has a lot of cash to spare and admittedly, most don't, this is the perfect time for acquisitions.
Rur0ni said:
Employees are free to donate to whoever.

This is like saying McDonald's is in the tank for Obama because he got more money from "them". "Them" being the employees.


No way. Need youtube of that stat. Put that in a commercial. :lol

Are we talking John and Jane Doe employee's, or High level, influential employees who feel for some reason that supporting a particular government official would directly effect how crookedly they could perform their job?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
the_zombie_luke said:
Obama should be walloping McCain. It shouldn't even be close in the polls. If Obama loses this November, I will lose the remaining respect I have for my country. Our country is fading, and we keep electing the same kind of people, without holding them accountable for anything. Obama is the least elitist and isn't even close to the richest. He's a millionaire, but not a mega millionaire like Bush and the McCains. Obama is the best bet we have and if the older generation screws up again I will be so angry.
If McCain wins in November it will seriously give me motivation for moving out of the country indefinitely (which I'd be doing for other reasons as well, but I've been running dry on motivation lately). It's kind of unbelievable how fucked this country is that it's this close between a candidate like Obama and a ticket like McCain/Palin. Absolutely unbelievable. But you have to keep in mind it's really no different from the past several years. Roughly half the country's retarded, the other half not so much, and it's a small group of semi-retarded mouth breathers who will decide this election. There really are two americas. Same shit, different election.
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