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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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demon said:
If McCain wins in November it will seriously give me motivation for moving out of the country indefinitely (which I'd be doing for other reasons as well, but I've been running dry on motivation lately). It's kind of unbelievable how fucked this country is that it's this close between a candidate like Obama and a ticket like McCain/Palin. Absolutely unbelievable. But you have to keep in mind it's really no different from the past several years. Roughly half the country's retarded, the other half not so much, and it's a small group of semi-retarded mouth breathers who will decide this election. There really are two americas. Same shit, different election.
Yep and they can't be reasoned with either. This guy at my job found I liked Obama and he went into a generic mini-diatribe, "You don't like hunting! You don't like your freedom!" and all this other garbage, before he scurried away. I was going to ask him how much freedom we really have with gas prices stomping us and medical bills getting out of control.

Hunting didn't exactly disappear under Clinton either. That just pisses me off. At the very least, even if you're pretending the two wars are going fine, can't you see your money disappearing and outrageous taxes just being wasted? I visited British Columbia two years ago, and I couldn't believe it. Everyone was pretty nice and I bet it would be an awesome place to live. The biggest thing is McCain will not have a good health plan, and it will be the same, "get sick and get in debt" system we have now. That's why I wouldn't mind Canada. At the same time, Obama is much better than John Kerry and the Republican party better watch out for the youth+black vote one two punch. But I have horrible feeling we'll get another 2004. :(
Fragamemnon said:
lol@this hispanic numbers from that SUSA poll in NM:


When Obama wins, expect comprehensive, bi-partisan immigration reform that's humane and sensible. If the GOP continue to run against immigrants, they run the very real risk of never winning another national election every again until Democrats have their turn at screwing the pooch.

That's consistent with the national numbers.
In the Daily Kos poll this morning it was 67-29 at the national level for Hispanics.
Cloudy said:
Hopefully MI stays blue but it'll be tough. Granholm is hated by many (even Dems) and the Kilpatrick fiasco doesn't help AT ALL..

I'd argue Granholm gained some respect/sympathy when Kilpatrick threw her under the bus.

Michigan will stay blue


HylianTom said:
I know the election is far from sealed and over, but is anyone else dreaming of Election Night festivities yet?

The head organiser for the Dem chapter of AZ lives right across the street from my boss (big JSA fan, but a great boss). I intend to show up with a 24 pack of Fat Tire and a printout of my Intrade balance sheet, and a blank EC map with red and blue magic markers. It should be a great time.
HylianTom said:
I know the election is far from sealed and over, but is anyone else dreaming of Election Night festivities yet?

If things keep going in this direction through November, I'm buying a copy of the electoral map and hanging it in my bedroom. :D

I'll be driving to Boulder sporting my "Chill out I got this" teeshirt.

Scoring will never be so easy....
Xisiqomelir said:
The head organiser for the Dem chapter of AZ lives right across the street from my boss (big JSA fan, but a great boss). I intend to show up with a 24 pack of Fat Tire and a printout of my Intrade balance sheet, and a blank EC map with red and blue magic markers. It should be a great time.

What's JSA?
the_zombie_luke said:
Yep and they can't be reasoned with either. This guy at my job found I liked Obama and he went into a generic mini-diatribe, "You don't like hunting! You don't like your freedom!"

The weird thing about the whole hunting debate is how it's been so focused on gun ownership. You want to really help hunting AND the environment? Start working with state and local officals to provide incentives and legal protections for rural property owners so that they can open up more land for hunters, and fund the necessary conservation work so that game (and, indirectly non-game) wildlife populations can flourish.


Fragamemnon said:
lol@this hispanic numbers from that SUSA poll in NM:


When Obama wins, expect comprehensive, bi-partisan immigration reform that's humane and sensible. If the GOP continue to run against immigrants, they run the very real risk of never winning another national election every again until Democrats have their turn at screwing the pooch.

Pretty much. Barring some dramatic voting pattern shift, the next election or two are the GOP's last chances of winning. Instead of hearing "can the Democrats win without the South?" we'll be hearing "can the Republicans win anywhere outside of the South?"

Because of demographic shift over time, THIS will be the new normal >>>

Win this year, and the Supreme Court is ours for a century.
the_zombie_luke said:
Yep and they can't be reasoned with either. This guy at my job found I liked Obama and he went into a generic mini-diatribe, "You don't like hunting! You don't like your freedom!" and all this other garbage, before he scurried away. I was going to ask him how much freedom we really have with gas prices stomping us and medical bills getting out of control.

Hunting didn't exactly disappear under Clinton either. That just pisses me off. At the very least, even if you're pretending the two wars are going fine, can't you see your money disappearing and outrageous taxes just being wasted? I visited British Columbia two years ago, and I couldn't believe it. Everyone was pretty nice and I bet it would be an awesome place to live. The biggest thing is McCain will not have a good health plan, and it will be the same, "get sick and get in debt" system we have now. That's why I wouldn't mind Canada. At the same time, Obama is much better than John Kerry and the Republican party better watch out for the youth+black vote one two punch. But I have horrible feeling we'll get another 2004. :(

Worst one I had was a customer who said she would not vote for Obama, because her mom sent her an email saying that Obama supported abortions of babies up to 8 months of pregnancy and if they come out alive anyway that it would be ok to kill them after they were born...I think most people voting for McCain are misinformed and buying into the republican bullshit they've been spewing. When I asked another older lady at my work why she was voting McCain, the only reasons given were her daughter works for the McCain campaign as a caterer and that Obama is a terrorist...


Saint Gregory said:
Oh my, Lady Lynn is getting toasted right now :lol

Why is Barak elite?
Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild: "I know it when I see it"

Yeah you sure do...

Theres a dead give away right there.


A friend of mine asked if I was organising an election night party (I said I wasn't likely to due to work the next day), and told me he'd booked the Thursday and Friday off.

I had to break the news to him that he'd completely screwed up his dates.


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ViperVisor said:

Bill Maher is on Maddow again?
The Maher the merrier!



When ESPN's Stuart Scott gave a fawning interview to Barack Obama last month, I thought it reflected poorly on Scott as a journalist, but I didn't think it reflected any type of institutional bias on the part of ESPN.

However, it is easy to see how someone could think there's a larger pro-Obama bias among ESPN's editorial employees. A database search of donations to the campaigns of Obama and John McCain reveals that at least six ESPN editorial employees -- Desmond Howard, Scoop Jackson, Kelly Naqi, John Saunders, Bill Walton and Stephen A. Smith -- have given to Obama's campaign. No ESPN editorial employees are listed as donors to McCain's campaign in the records at OpenSecrets.org.

I asked ESPN spokesman Josh Krulewitz what ESPN's policy is on political donations, and he told me:
For ESPN in general, decisions on political donations are made by employees entirely on their own. For specifically folks with editorial roles, we discourage public participation in matters of political advocacy or controversy.
Discouraging people with editorial roles from engaging in political advocacy is sound policy, and it's surprising that Howard, Jackson, Naqi, Saunders, Walton and Smith decided to ignore that discouragement.

I can't believe MDS of all people is trying to insinuate that ESPN has a pro-Obama bias. This is the same man that claimed that Bob Ley would ask McCain a ton of hardball questions in his fluff interview. But he didn't, so MDS didn't talk about it, only about softballs in Stuart Scott's Obama interview.

It's a sports network, they're fluff pieces! I don't want hard questions on ESPN.:lol


JayDubya said:
So it's imperative that McCain wins?
If I were of your political persuasion, yes. Imperative.

ViperVisor said:
If He does and I will pull a Weekend at Bernie's for 2 terms if needed to keep the old liberal guard serving on the court.
You're a good man, ViperVisor. I salute you! :lol
HylianTom said:
Pretty much. Barring some dramatic voting pattern shift, the next election or two are the GOP's last chances of winning. Instead of hearing "can the Democrats win without the South?" we'll be hearing "can the Republicans win anywhere outside of the South?"

Yeah, and this election is the Democrats to lose! It will be a blow out! :lol

JayDubya said:
1908? Well, that's before Wilson, FDR, and LBJ. Sounds good!

It was also before the Supreme Court ruled on Brown v. Board of Ed.
Tamanon said:

I can't believe MDS of all people is trying to insinuate that ESPN has a pro-Obama bias. This is the same man that claimed that Bob Ley would ask McCain a ton of hardball questions in his fluff interview. But he didn't, so MDS didn't talk about it, only about softballs in Stuart Scott's Obama interview.

It's a sports network, they're fluff pieces! I don't want hard questions on ESPN.:lol

What the fuck would he expect Stuart Scott to ask a presidential candidate? Questions about Iraq? :lol


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theviolenthero said:
Donald Trump just endorsed John McCain on the "Larry King" show.
Reason = taxes
Oh shit...there goes the self-centered multi-millionare demographic...

Gallup's be damned, Donald just trumped this election.
BoboBrazil said:
Worst one I had was a customer who said she would not vote for Obama, because her mom sent her an email saying that Obama supported abortions of babies up to 8 months of pregnancy and if they come out alive anyway that it would be ok to kill them after they were born...I think most people voting for McCain are misinformed and buying into the republican bullshit they've been spewing. When I asked another older lady at my work why she was voting McCain, the only reasons given were her daughter works for the McCain campaign as a caterer and that Obama is a terrorist...
It really is disturbing that people believe that. The GOP doesn't even have to work that hard with their propaganda when some people believe everything they say, no matter how insane. Especially the "Obama is a terrorist" stuff. Someone with common sense should be able to say, "wait a minute! Objection! The GOP is lying!" :D


I really, really, really don't like McCain, but there's been a lot of ridiculous hyperbole about how terrible his election would be. Sure, he's been a complete and utter douchebag since the beginning of the general campaign, and, yes, there's not the slightest sign at all from the last year that he has any respect at all for civil liberties, but do people actually think he would be worse than Bush? I can't see why his being elected would push people to flee the country.


HylianTom said:
Win this year, and the Supreme Court is ours for a century.
Even if we win this year, still need to put up with Roberts, Alito and Thomas for a sadly long time. No sure how old Kennedy and Scalia are, but I don't see an Obama victory being particularly meaningful for the supreme court. Of course if McCain won and replaces Stevens, that would be an utter disaster and all, but I don't think there's much Obama can do on the supreme court other than stop the bleeding.
CharlieDigital said:
You're still on this Obama has no experience thing? :lol Now I remember why I'm not responding to your posts :lol

3-4 years in the senate, half of the time running for president. that's experience? Never ran a business, never been in the military, never even ran anything. Has he ever even had people that work for him besides in his campaign?

Im not saying hes not qualified to be president, but his record is not experience. sorry its not. If this was McCain's record you would say the same thing. Your blind partisanship keeps you from admitting this.


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Incognito said:
Obama is going to drop at least $39 mill in Florida?
It was in Plouffe's strategy video, posted some pages ago, but I don't know if that fact was brought to light.

It wasn't clear to me whether that was their entire Florida campaign expenditure estimate or their estimate from this point forward, though.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
3-4 years in the senate, half of the time running for president. that's experience? Never ran a business, never been in the military, never even ran anything. Has he ever even had people that work for him besides in his campaign

Apparently the ability to run a business isn't a prerequisite of being able to run the US as President.

If you want to read up on his experience: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama


Yaweee said:
I really, really, really don't like McCain, but there's been a lot of ridiculous hyperbole about how terrible his election would be. Sure, he's been a complete and utter douchebag since the beginning of the general campaign, and, yes, there's not the slightest sign at all from the last year that he has any respect at all for civil liberties, but do people actually think he would be worse than Bush? I can't see why his being elected would push people to flee the country.

He probably wouldn't be worse, but I'm guessing he'd be a continuation with a handful of improvements here and there.


Yaweee said:
I really, really, really don't like McCain, but there's been a lot of ridiculous hyperbole about how terrible his election would be. Sure, he's been a complete and utter douchebag since the beginning of the general campaign, and, yes, there's not the slightest sign at all from the last year that he has any respect at all for civil liberties, but do people actually think he would be worse than Bush? I can't see why his being elected would push people to flee the country.

I think he could be almost as bad. And with the damage done from bush, almost as bad could be bad enough. Do you think the country could survive 8 more years of bush, if it were possible? I don't.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
3-4 years in the senate, half of the time running for president. that's experience? Never ran a business, never been in the military, never even ran anything. Has he ever even had people that work for him besides in his campaign?

Im not saying hes not qualified to be president, but his record is not experience. sorry its not. If this was McCain's record you would say the same thing. Your blind partisanship keeps you from admitting this.

I think the point is that no one cares one way or the other about experience. The only reason Palin's experience is lulz-worthy is because McCain himself pretended like experience was important, and then totally undercut himself.
Yaweee said:
I really, really, really don't like McCain, but there's been a lot of ridiculous hyperbole about how terrible his election would be. Sure, he's been a complete and utter douchebag since the beginning of the general campaign, and, yes, there's not the slightest sign at all from the last year that he has any respect at all for civil liberties, but do people actually think he would be worse than Bush? I can't see why his being elected would push people to flee the country.

I used to like McCain a lot, and I like to think that he's still in there somewhere, but my terror started the moment Fem-Bush came on the scene because there's a substantial chance that she'll become president and be a lot worse than Bush.


get some go again
Yaweee said:
I really, really, really don't like McCain, but there's been a lot of ridiculous hyperbole about how terrible his election would be. Sure, he's been a complete and utter douchebag since the beginning of the general campaign, and, yes, there's not the slightest sign at all from the last year that he has any respect at all for civil liberties, but do people actually think he would be worse than Bush? I can't see why his being elected would push people to flee the country.
it aint' so much him that will be the problem. it's going to be the people he puts in his cabinet and other positions to keep republicans happy if he gets into office. bush isn't that bad of a person but it's all of the people around him that do the real damage.
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