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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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In an election for President of the United States in New Mexico today, 09/17/08, Democrat Barack Obama defeats Republican John McCain by 8 points, according to this SurveyUSA poll conducted exclusively for KOB-TV in Albuquerque. Today, it's Obama 52%, McCain 44%.

McCain leads by 11 among whites; Obama leads by 41 among Hispanics.

I'm going to quote myself from earlier today:

Also remember in the primary how Obama had a "hispanic" problem? Many pundits were trying to make it a "black" vs. "hispanic" thing. Instead it actually was just a "hispanics love the Clintons" thing. Ever since the primaries have ended Obama is utterly dominating the hispanic demographic. But ironically you never hear about McCain's "hispanic" problem. He's actually lagging well behind what Bush had in '04 and '00. Hispanics are also a key demographic for the Midwest swing states yet you don't see them being put on a pedestal by the media like "white" working class people...
Yaweee said:
I really, really, really don't like McCain, but there's been a lot of ridiculous hyperbole about how terrible his election would be. Sure, he's been a complete and utter douchebag since the beginning of the general campaign, and, yes, there's not the slightest sign at all from the last year that he has any respect at all for civil liberties, but do people actually think he would be worse than Bush? I can't see why his being elected would push people to flee the country.
We had a chickenhawk, and we don't need a warhawk either. Even if he just coasted, and didn't do anything major, we need someone to turn things around. It's highly unlikely a Republican is going to balance the budget too. The last Republican presidents have been awful about that. Why would McCain magically be different? Obama looks like he would shake things up. And McCain's VP pick is horse shitty at best. He could have a pretty good one in Mitt Romney, but whatever.


Saint Gregory said:
I used to like McCain a lot, and I like to think that he's still in there somewhere, but my terror started the moment Fem-Bush came on the scene because there's a substantial chance that she'll become president and be a lot worse than Bush.

McCain basically 'turned' the moment he endorsed Bush for a second term.
He just swung very far right, when he used to be more central.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
3-4 years in the senate, half of the time running for president. that's experience? Never ran a business, never been in the military, never even ran anything. Has he ever even had people that work for him besides in his campaign?

Im not saying hes not qualified to be president, but his record is not experience. sorry its not. If this was McCain's record you would say the same thing. Your blind partisanship keeps you from admitting this.

Obama in 2002 about the Iraq war:

McCain in 2002 about the Iraq war:
The Chosen One said:
I'm going to quote myself from earlier today:

Agreed. The media narrative for Obama is consistently the voters he is not pulling where that level of analysis generally doesn't filter over to Mccain.


Gruco said:
Even if we win this year, still need to put up with Roberts, Alito and Thomas for a sadly long time. No sure how old Kennedy and Scalia are, but I don't see an Obama victory being particularly meaningful for the supreme court. Of course if McCain won and replaces Stevens, that would be an utter disaster and all, but I don't think there's much Obama can do on the supreme court other than stop the bleeding.

Technically, you're right - Obama would probably just hold the court to status quo as Ginsburg and Stevens retire.

But assuming demographic change takes its toll and Democrats dominate on the electoral map in the coming decades, Kennedy, Thomas, Scalia, Roberts, and Alito won't be able to cling-on long enough for a Republican to replace them.


Is the Mccain party still trying to run away from the words "republican" and "Bush"? :lol

Love how they are like trying to pass this image, trying to fool people into thinking they aren't from the republican party :lol

New low in politics


AndyIsTheMoney said:
3-4 years in the senate, half of the time running for president. that's experience? Never ran a business, never been in the military, never even ran anything. Has he ever even had people that work for him besides in his campaign?

Im not saying hes not qualified to be president, but his record is not experience. sorry its not. If this was McCain's record you would say the same thing. Your blind partisanship keeps you from admitting this.

You know I'm really not trying to be mean here but every time you post here you get owned. Not partisan-owned but just totally owned. In general. I think that you should type out your posts like you normally do and then read it back before you post it and ask yourself a simple question: "Is this post stupid and if I post it will I get owned?"

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Frank the Great said:
I think the point is that no one cares one way or the other about experience. The only reason Palin's experience is lulz-worthy is because McCain himself pretended like experience was important, and then totally undercut himself.

It's not even that, look at how they run their campaign. Hillary needed a shakeup, McCain needed a shakeup. The Obama campaign has been humming right along. They plan and plot shit out. People want to accuse him of Chicago style politics. That's a crock of shit. They know the rules of the game before they play it and use them to their advantage.


WrikaWrek said:
Is the Mccain party still trying to run away from the words "republican" and "Bush"? :lol

Love how they are like trying to pass this image, trying to fool people into thinking they aren't from the republican party :lol

New low in politics

Honest to god, there's a Senator in Washington that's running as being in the GOP party(and that's how it appears on the ballot) instead of Republican party.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
KTallguy said:
McCain basically 'turned' the moment he endorsed Bush for a second term.
He just swung very far right, when he used to be more central.

The thing that bothers me the most is the utter glee with which the right has greeted most Dems reaction to Palin. They think we're terrified by her because she going to be a star that helps them win the White house when really we're terrified by her because she's craaaaazy.


HylianTom said:
Technically, you're right - Obama would probably just hold the court to status quo as Ginsburg and Stevens retire.

On the alternative front, Scalia could retire comfortably while Stevens gets replaced due to old age, and that would be great. Especially the Scalia being replaced by a different conservative that's statistically guaranteed to be less of a dick part.
Frank the Great said:
I think the point is that no one cares one way or the other about experience. The only reason Palin's experience is lulz-worthy is because McCain himself pretended like experience was important, and then totally undercut himself.

McCain picked Palin to win the election. He didn't need experience from his VP, because he was bringing plenty of experience to the table. Obama picked Biden because he needed someone in his corner who has the experience. Again I need to reiterate she will only be vice president, and Obama will be President. This is a significant difference. All you can respond to this is McCain will die? seriously?

Again im not saying Obama isn't qualified to be president, but it amazes me some of you have resorted to two beliefs. 1, experience is a bad thing because McCain has it, or 2, experience isn't important in becoming president. And you hold these two beliefs simply for your love and allegiance to Obama.

Business experience, Washington experience, or Military experience are all good things. So when someone simply mentions that Obama doesn't have alot of experience in analyzing him, why do you consistently shift the argument to the other parties VP or attack experience itself?


smurfx said:
it aint' so much him that will be the problem. it's going to be the people he puts in his cabinet and other positions to keep republicans happy if he gets into office. bush isn't that bad of a person but it's all of the people around him that do the real damage.
this is a pretty dumb line of reasoning that irritates the hell out of me, bush isn't a happy go lucky guy that had a few bad people behind him

god i know that we keep saying that the republicans are fucking dumb but sometimes i think we have an equal amount of finks on the democratic side


Tamanon said:
Honest to god, there's a Senator in Washington that's running as being in the GOP party(and that's how it appears on the ballot) instead of Republican party.


Oh my god, playing with people's ignorance, like saying "I ain't satan, i'm Beelzebub"

AndyIsTheMoney said:
McCain picked Palin to win the election. He didn't need experience from his VP, because he was bringing plenty of experience to the table. Obama picked Biden because he needed someone in his corner who has the experience. Again I need to reiterate she will only be vice president, and Obama will be President. This is a significant difference. All you can respond to this is McCain will die? seriously?

Again im not saying Obama isn't qualified to be president, but it amazes me some of you have resorted to two beliefs. 1, experience is a bad thing because McCain has it, or 2, experience isn't important in becoming president. And you hold these two beliefs simply for your love and allegiance to Obama.

Business experience, Washington experience, or Military experience are all good things. So when someone simply mentions that Obama doesn't have alot of experience in analyzing him, why do you consistently shift the argument to the other parties VP or attack experience itself?

You know, experience is good when it makes you better because of it. That's the thing, because an unexperienced person might be better than an experienced person, just because Common sense is that powerful, and someone like Bush for example had none.

When your record says your experience is made of mistake after mistake after mistake, what does that amount to? It amounts to a pattern.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
McCain picked Palin to win the election. He didn't need experience from his VP, because he was bringing plenty of experience to the table. Obama picked Biden because he needed someone in his corner who has the experience. Again I need to reiterate she will only be vice president, and Obama will be President. This is a significant difference. All you can respond to this is McCain will die? seriously?

Again im not saying Obama isn't qualified to be president, but it amazes me some of you have resorted to two beliefs. 1, experience is a bad thing because McCain has it, or 2, experience isn't important in becoming president. And you hold these two beliefs simply for your love and allegiance to Obama.

Business experience, Washington experience, or Military experience are all good things. So when someone simply mentions that Obama doesn't have alot of experience in analyzing him, why do you consistently shift the argument to the other parties VP or attack experience itself?

Consider this: It's not necessary to have experience to be right. You can have relatively little experience and be right most of the time like Barack Obama or you could have relatively little experience and be totally fucking wrong and ill-informed about everything like Sarah Palin.
Crisis said:
You know I'm really not trying to be mean here but every time you post here you get owned. Not partisan-owned but just totally owned. In general. I think that you should type out your posts like you normally do and then read it back before you post it and ask yourself a simple question: "Is this post stupid and if I post it will I get owned?"

yeah i get owned. a forum lashes back with their opinionated arguments, and somehow that equates to getting owned.


testicles on a cold fall morning
AndyIsTheMoney said:
McCain picked Palin to win the election. He didn't need experience from his VP, because he was bringing plenty of experience to the table. Obama picked Biden because he needed someone in his corner who has the experience. Again I need to reiterate she will only be vice president, and Obama will be President. This is a significant difference. All you can respond to this is McCain will die? seriously?
so the narrative is that McCain selfishly picked someone to win, while Obama picked a confidante to help him lead.

got it.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
McCain picked Palin to win the election. He didn't need experience from his VP, because he was bringing plenty of experience to the table. Obama picked Biden because he needed someone in his corner who has the experience. Again I need to reiterate she will only be vice president, and Obama will be President. This is a significant difference. All you can respond to this is McCain will die? seriously?

Again im not saying Obama isn't qualified to be president, but it amazes me some of you have resorted to two beliefs. 1, experience is a bad thing because McCain has it, or 2, experience isn't important in becoming president. And you hold these two beliefs simply for your love and allegiance to Obama.

Business experience, Washington experience, or Military experience are all good things. So when someone simply mentions that Obama doesn't have alot of experience in analyzing him, why do you consistently shift the argument to the other parties VP or attack experience itself?

Historically, experience really hasn't meant jack shit.



AndyIsTheMoney said:
McCain picked Palin to win the election. He didn't need experience from his VP, because he was bringing plenty of experience to the table. Obama picked Biden because he needed someone in his corner who has the experience. Again I need to reiterate she will only be vice president, and Obama will be President. This is a significant difference. All you can respond to this is McCain will die? seriously?

Only VP? It's a joke for McCain to have chosen her, considering the vast pool of qualified candidates from which he could have picked.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
yeah i get owned. a forum lashes back with their opinionated arguments, and somehow that equates to getting owned.

Every time you post it's like you don't know what the hell you're talking about and people laugh at you. And you come back anyway.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
McCain picked Palin to win the election. He didn't need experience from his VP, because he was bringing plenty of experience to the table. Obama picked Biden because he needed someone in his corner who has the experience. Again I need to reiterate she will only be vice president, and Obama will be President. This is a significant difference. All you can respond to this is McCain will die? seriously?

Again im not saying Obama isn't qualified to be president, but it amazes me some of you have resorted to two beliefs. 1, experience is a bad thing because McCain has it, or 2, experience isn't important in becoming president. And you hold these two beliefs simply for your love and allegiance to Obama.

Business experience, Washington experience, or Military experience are all good things. So when someone simply mentions that Obama doesn't have alot of experience in analyzing him, why do you consistently shift the argument to the other parties VP or attack experience itself?
The funny thing is, McCain wants to both use his experience as a plus while distancing himself from the "good ol boys" in Washington.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
McCain picked Palin to win the election. He didn't need experience from his VP, because he was bringing plenty of experience to the table. Obama picked Biden because he needed someone in his corner who has the experience. Again I need to reiterate she will only be vice president, and Obama will be President. This is a significant difference. All you can respond to this is McCain will die? seriously?

Again im not saying Obama isn't qualified to be president, but it amazes me some of you have resorted to two beliefs. 1, experience is a bad thing because McCain has it, or 2, experience isn't important in becoming president. And you hold these two beliefs simply for your love and allegiance to Obama.

Business experience, Washington experience, or Military experience are all good things. So when someone simply mentions that Obama doesn't have alot of experience in analyzing him, why do you consistently shift the argument to the other parties VP or attack experience itself?

You left out option 3. Obama is more intelligent and capable than Palin. Also on national issues he has more experience. Finally he has been tested time and time again.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
McCain picked Palin to win the election. He didn't need experience from his VP, because he was bringing plenty of experience to the table. Obama picked Biden because he needed someone in his corner who has the experience. Again I need to reiterate she will only be vice president, and Obama will be President. This is a significant difference. All you can respond to this is McCain will die? seriously?

Again im not saying Obama isn't qualified to be president, but it amazes me some of you have resorted to two beliefs. 1, experience is a bad thing because McCain has it, or 2, experience isn't important in becoming president. And you hold these two beliefs simply for your love and allegiance to Obama.

Business experience, Washington experience, or Military experience are all good things. So when someone simply mentions that Obama doesn't have alot of experience in analyzing him, why do you consistently shift the argument to the other parties VP or attack experience itself?

You see that part right there... the part I bolded... That's the problem. Let's forget that McCain is old and infirm because that's not even the real issue. Any president can be removed from office by any number of reasons and it's important that whomever they choose as VP can be ready to assume that role.

McCain cared more about winning the election than the governance of the country which is why I don't think he's even qualified to be president now.


Saint Gregory said:
You see that part right there... the part I bolded... That's the problem. Let's forget that McCain is old and infirm because that's not even the real issue. Any president can be removed from office by any number of reasons and it's important that whomever they choose as VP can be ready to assume that role.

McCain cared more about winning the election than the governance of the country which is why I don't think he's even qualified to be president now.

Picking Palin totally killed any faint glimmer of respect that I had for McCain.


The country, as it exists on paper, would already be all but dead at that point. The federal government has no just and Constitutional authority to run socialized medicine programs. We need to kill Medicaid, not expand it and make it the standard for everyone.

I'd wonder how someone could suppose Congress could get away with a bill like that, but then the "SCotUS will be ours for 100 years mwhahahaha!" falls into context.

Progressives. Ugh.
JayDubya said:
Especially the Scalia being replaced by a different conservative that's statistically guaranteed to be less of a dick part.
Yeah, that is definitely a thing about Scalia. I disgree with his views . . . but he makes it worse by being suck dick. :lol


JayDubya said:
The country, as it exists on paper, would already be all but dead at that point. The federal government has no just and Constitutional authority to run socialized medicine programs.

I wonder when I see you say things like this; do you mean that if the Constitution were amended to allow the government to run socialized medicine programs, you wouldn't oppose them?

We need to kill Medicaid, not expand it and make it the standard for everyone.

Yeah, and kill my grandmother along with it. Thanks!


JayDubya said:
The country, as it exists on paper, would already be all but dead at that point. The federal government has no just and Constitutional authority to run socialized medicine programs. We need to kill Medicaid, not expand it and make it the standard for everyone.
I just love imagining how you would respond to Constitutional amendments guaranteeing something like universal healthcare. Likewise, I love imagining how you would argue the slave issue prior to the 13th Amendment.


speculawyer said:
Yeah, that is definitely a thing about Scalia. I disgree with his views . . . but he makes it worse by being suck dick. :lol

If Obama wins, I'd actually hope for Scalia to be one of the last conservative retirees. His being on the losing side of rulings over and over again could result in some really entertaining readings from the bench.

Maybe let Thomas stay there too. Give Scalia some company, but let him do ALL of the questioning on behalf of the conservative cause.
Crisis said:
Every time you post it's like you don't know what the hell you're talking about and people laugh at you. And you come back anyway.

half the time, only half of my posts are responded to, and the other half what i said is taken out of context.

As much as the thought of being laughed at shatters my confidence, ill keep coming back. because its fun to poke at the cult most of you are fast becoming. I swear this man can do no wrong in many of your eyes. You think hes going to come in and solve the economy, healthcare, terrorism, cancer, aids, and anything else that lies before him. And since you see him as perfection incarnate, that means everything else on the other side or opposite of him is pure evil. McCain and Obama both has pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses, and yet you can only acknowledge one side. Then the irony is you turn around and call all of America idiotic sheep for their difference of opinions.


JayDubya said:
The country, as it exists on paper, would already be all but dead at that point. The federal government has no just and Constitutional authority to run socialized medicine programs. We need to kill Medicaid, not expand it and make it the standard for everyone.

I'd wonder how someone could suppose Congress could get away with a bill like that, but then the "SCotUS will be ours for 100 years mwhahahaha!" falls into context.

Progressives. Ugh.

Why is America the richest country in the world (I pray that doesn't change), and yet we can't provide national health care to our citizens like GB and Japan? Shouldn't we be held to a higher standard?

AndyIsTheMoney: Obama is not Jesus Christ, but he has many policies he has talked about in his speeches, cutting our reliance on foreign oil in 10 years, a thorough economic policy, etc. I can't speak for everyone here, but I for one am not supporting him on blind faith. The cons of McCain far outweigh the cons of Obama, in my opinion, and the Republican party who was in charge of Congress and the White House for a combined total of 6 years have made changes that have hurt this country in a myriad of ways, from Iraq to the Economy to healthcare to funding for schools.


KTallguy said:
Why is America the richest country in the world (I pray that doesn't change), and yet we can't provide national health care to our citizens like GB and Japan? Shouldn't we be held to a higher standard?

I do hold us to a higher standard than those other nations you just mentioned, that's why I want nothing to do with their politics.

Healthcare service is not a right and it should not be an entitlement.


KTallguy said:
Why is America the richest country in the world (I pray that doesn't change), and yet we can't provide national health care to our citizens like GB and Japan? Shouldn't we be held to a higher standard?
the invisible hand of the free market will do a better job keeping our citizens healthy if some of them die that's just the market correcting itself
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