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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Fragamemnon said:
lol@this hispanic numbers from that SUSA poll in NM:


When Obama wins, expect comprehensive, bi-partisan immigration reform that's humane and sensible. If the GOP continue to run against immigrants, they run the very real risk of never winning another national election every again until Democrats have their turn at screwing the pooch.
Just to be clear, NM has a lot of Hispanics, true. However, the vast, vast majority are the descendants of Spanish colonials going back nearly 300 years when Spain initially colonized the area. So, not a ton of people who are from Mexico or actually descended from Mexicans, but rather Spaniards.


testicles on a cold fall morning
If this is symbolic of McCain's purported experience advantage over Obama, the world should be very afraid - http://talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/217702.php

We wanted to give you an update on the post below where we described Sen. McCain's latest gaffe in which he seemed to suggest that he might not be willing to meet with Spanish Prime Minster Zapatero because he is among those world leaders who want to harm America.

The story is already getting picked up pretty quickly in the Spanish press. And the way it's being interpreted in the Spanish press is that McCain got confused about the fact that Spain is a country in Europe, rather than a rogue state in Latin America.

Our review of the audio suggests the same conclusion. In the interview, McCain is asked about Hugo Chavez, the situation in Bolivia and then about Raul Castro. He responds to each of these with expected answers about standing up to America's enemies, etc. Then the interviewer switches gears and asks about Zapatero, the Spanish Prime Minister. And McCain replies -- very loose translation -- that he'll establish close relations with our friends and stand up to those who want to do us harm. The interviewer has a double take and seems to think McCain might be confused. So she asks it again. But McCain sticks to the same evasive answer.
KTallguy said:
Why is America the richest country in the world (I pray that doesn't change), and yet we can't provide national health care to our citizens like GB and Japan? Shouldn't we be held to a higher standard?
Exactly! And a lot of European nations started doing socialized health care pretty soon after World War 2 too when they were in pretty bad economic shape. We have no excuse.


Odrion said:
if some of them die, that's just the market correcting itself

No, that's just people that can't pay for a service not getting a service, which generally isn't a problem in any other business, it's just that bleeding hearts get all whiny about this one.


speculawyer said:
Yeah, that is definitely a thing about Scalia. I disgree with his views . . . but he makes it worse by being suck dick. :lol
:lol If there were tags in the OT this would be tag worthy.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
half the time, only half of my posts are responded to, and the other half what i said is taken out of context.

As much as the thought of being laughed at shatters my confidence, ill keep coming back. because its fun to poke at the cult most of you are fast becoming. I swear this man can do no wrong in many of your eyes. You think hes going to come in and solve the economy, healthcare, terrorism, cancer, aids, and anything else that lies before him. And since you see him as perfection incarnate, that means everything else on the other side or opposite of him is pure evil. McCain and Obama both has pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses, and yet you can only acknowledge one side. Then the irony is you turn around and call all of America idiotic sheep for their difference of opinions.

Haha, this again. Great. No one thinks Obama is perfect, it's just he's clearly 100x more intelligent, capable and honest than Mccain in every area.
JayDubya said:
I do hold us to a higher standard than those other nations you just mentioned, that's why I want nothing to do with their politics.

Healthcare service is not a right and it should not be an entitlement.

You're not setting your standards high when you allow insurance companies to cherry pick customers and tens of millions to be subject to the radically inflated prices that hospitals charge because of the people that are covered by health insurance.


JayDubya said:
No, that's just people that can't pay for a service not getting a service, which generally isn't a problem in any other business, it's just that bleeding hearts get all whiny about this one.
Redefining things is fun.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
3-4 years in the senate, half of the time running for president. that's experience? Never ran a business, never been in the military, never even ran anything. Has he ever even had people that work for him besides in his campaign?

Im not saying hes not qualified to be president, but his record is not experience. sorry its not. If this was McCain's record you would say the same thing. Your blind partisanship keeps you from admitting this.

You keep skipping the 8 years of State Senator-ship with a constiuency of near a million people.


JayDubya said:
I do hold us to a higher standard than those other nations you just mentioned, that's why I want nothing to do with their politics.

Healthcare service is not a right and it should not be an entitlement.

Why not? Are people not promised to be free to pursue "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" by our constitution?

What's wrong with allowing people to receive medical care paid for by our communities for the greater good? Not everyone is so lucky, you know.
rancor said:
something on your mind?



AndyIsTheMoney said:
half the time, only half of my posts are responded to, and the other half what i said is taken out of context.

As much as the thought of being laughed at shatters my confidence, ill keep coming back. because its fun to poke at the cult most of you are fast becoming. I swear this man can do no wrong in many of your eyes. You think hes going to come in and solve the economy, healthcare, terrorism, cancer, aids, and anything else that lies before him. And since you see him as perfection incarnate, that means everything else on the other side or opposite of him is pure evil. McCain and Obama both has pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses, and yet you can only acknowledge one side. Then the irony is you turn around and call all of America idiotic sheep for their difference of opinions.

The first part is absolutely not true. And every time you "poke fun" at the cult we're becoming you get either proven wrong or you make an ass out of yourself. And as long as you're talking about taking things out of context:

I swear this man can do no wrong in many of your eyes. You think hes going to come in and solve the economy, healthcare, terrorism, cancer, aids, and anything else that lies before him. And since you see him as perfection incarnate, that means everything else on the other side or opposite of him is pure evil.

Generalizations ftw?

Barack Obama is not a perfect candidate or person. In terms of who is available to run for the presidency right now Barack Obama is the candidate who most closely identifies with my beliefs. I respect that John McCain might be someone else's choice but I inherently disagree with him as a candidate and as a person. I can tell you the positions of John McCain's tax plan and Barack Obama's tax plan for example. I can tell you their positions on foreign policy. The average Republican voter cannot. Therein lies the difference.


JayDubya said:
No, that's just people that can't pay for a service not getting a service, which generally isn't a problem in any other business, it's just that bleeding hearts get all whiny about this one.

Sometimes, people get ill, and sometimes it isn't their fault. It's also reaaaaaaaaally fucking expensive to do anything about. If you don't see a problem with this... just... extensive s'ing of mh


JayDubya said:
No, that's just people that can't pay for a service not getting a service, which generally isn't a problem in any other business, it's just that bleeding hearts get all whiny about this one.

So if a pregnant woman can't afford another kid, but she can afford RU-486, could we say that this is the free market at work when she makes her financial choice?

(this is the part where you go into whiny bleeding-heart mode on behalf of the non-citizen in her uterus.. right?)


JayDubya said:
No, that's just people that can't pay for a service not getting a service, which generally isn't a problem in any other business, it's just that bleeding hearts get all whiny about this one.
holy shit you can't be real


JayDubya said:
I do hold us to a higher standard than those other nations you just mentioned, that's why I want nothing to do with their politics.

Healthcare service is not a right and it should not be an entitlement.
No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights!
JayDubya said:
No, that's just people that can't pay for a service not getting a service, which generally isn't a problem in any other business, it's just that bleeding hearts get all whiny about this one.

There would be serious social problems if people who could not pay for medical care could not receive medical care.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
scorcho said:
so the narrative is that McCain selfishly picked someone to win, while Obama picked a confidante to help him lead.

got it.

It's what I've been chanting for the longest.

Obama chose someone to make him a better president
McCain chose someone to make him a better candidate

I'm glad other people are seeing this as well.
JayDubya said:
No, that's just people that can't pay for a service not getting a service, which generally isn't a problem in any other business, it's just that bleeding hearts get all whiny about this one.

New low.


KTallguy said:
Why not? Are people not promised to be free to pursue "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" by our constitution?

a) That's the Declaration of Independence.

b) You're doing it wrong. I have no idea what DoI you read, or how bad your reading skills are, but how do you get from this

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

to this:

Government is obliged to provide healthcare!


What's wrong with allowing people to receive medical care paid for by our communities for the greater good? Not everyone is so lucky, you know.

Fuck "the greater good" as a matter of public policy. Mock the slippery slope all you want, but you can justify quite a bit of atrocity and injustice if it helps more people than it hurts.

WickedAngel said:
It's not explicitly outlined in the constitution; that's reason enough (By his logic).

No, there's unenumerated rights as well. That ain't one of them, though. Why? Directly contradicts other rights.


JayDubya said:
I do hold us to a higher standard than those other nations you just mentioned, that's why I want nothing to do with their politics.

Healthcare service is not a right and it should not be an entitlement.

I'm sure the elderly people that would essentially be sentenced to death by the removal of medicaid would beg to differ.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Cheebs said:
Maddow continues to beat Olbermann daily (last night Maddow got 1.8 mil, Keith got 1.6 mil).

I REALLY wonder how Keith Olbermann feels about being #2 on MSNBC now, it has been that way for weeks now. :lol

It means he needs different opinions on his show. Olbermann has a great show, but he does have way too many people that agree with him on his show.


Odrion said:
i pray that the only invisible hand jaydubya will ever see is one that's performing a partial birth abortion

It's like you're trying to piss me off, but it's difficult when you can't manage to make sense.


pxleyes said:
No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights! No new rights!

High-five to my fellow Floridian! :lol


scorcho said:
If this is symbolic of McCain's purported experience advantage over Obama, the world should be very afraid - http://talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/217702.php

That is pretty bad. I knew that Zapatero was the leader of Spain, and I'm just a twenty something guy living in a tiny town in central Ohio. I even know some of the conditions that brought Zapatero to power and the defeat of Aznar.

THe average American has no idea who Zapatero is so, like the Bush Doctrine, it will be difficult for them to judge how much ignorance this might reveal.


JayDubya said:
No, there's unenumerated rights as well. That ain't one of them, though. Why? Directly contradicts other rights.
Oh. It contradicts rights. Didn't know rights could be contradicted. These rights things follow boolean logic, then?

I wonder, does a theater fire prove that there is no right to free speech or no right to life? Or both?


Let's not scare off Andy. Even if I think he's usually uninformed and full of shit, I like having alternative opinions around.


JayDubya said:
I do hold us to a higher standard than those other nations you just mentioned, that's why I want nothing to do with their politics.

Healthcare service is not a right and it should not be an entitlement.

Should we get rid of the dept of education too? Or dept of defense? Just curious where your politics lie.
Ignatz Mouse said:
You keep skipping the 8 years of State Senator-ship with a constiuency of near a million people.

Yeah, this is something a lot of people are missing . . . as a state senator in Illinois, Obama had far more constituents than Palin as Governor in Alaska. Plus Illinois has real budget issues whereas Alaska just has to decide how much oil money to give out each year.


KTallguy said:
Why is America the richest country in the world (I pray that doesn't change), and yet we can't provide national health care to our citizens like GB and Japan? Shouldn't we be held to a higher standard?

We're the richest country in the world because we try not to do gargantuan government programs like that, or, at least we used to. Low taxes and free market mechanics encourage economic growth.


TDG said:
Let's not scare off Andy. Even if I think he's usually uninformed and full of shit, I like having alternative opinions around.

I like having alternative opinions around myself. What I hate are people that have literally no idea what they are talking about.


JayDubya said:
a) That's the Declaration of Independence.

Be glad I'm not running for president. :lol

JayDubya said:
Fuck "the greater good" as a matter of public policy. Mock the slippery slope all you want, but you can justify quite a bit of atrocity and injustice if it helps more people than it hurts.

I respectfully disagree, although I understand that your opinion is a correct interpretation of the Declaration of Independence.

I think that providing free or near free healthcare to all American citizens is something that should happen. We're a civilized nation, not a nation of people who throw away any person that represents a burden to society. If that was the case, we'd be like China, who basically brands anyone who is disabled as a lesser human being.

Yaweee said:
We're the richest country in the world because we try not to do gargantuan government programs like that, or, at least we used to. Low taxes and free market mechanics encourage economic growth.

This is a very good point, and I fundamentally agree that free market is an important part of our society. However our country supports a government funded education system, government funded postal service, transportation services, etc. Are these not all for the betterment of society?

I think that health care can fit snugly beside those other services.
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