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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Fragamemnon said:
Q.E.D. by the transitive property of complete bullshit, I suppose. The last huge "burst" of innovation in the American economy happened after a tax increase in 1993, with innovation and investment that was performed in large part by the federal government and scientific institutions with federal grant money.

And Clinton's tax increase still created 5 million new jobs before the dotcom explosion. :lol


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
gcubed said:
but the USA is the land of opportunity, where the totally hopeless, hopeless and hopeful can live in perfect harmony with gated fences, private schools, and perfectly manicured lawns between them

saelz8 said:
I'm surprised people still read the site, considering he gives no commentary. It's a glorified RSS aggregate, as he gets practically all of his news from other websites. The only value the site has seems to be it's influence, that is, the acknowledgement that his headlines can influence a swathe of people, and not much more than that.

Drudge has some inside connections he can pull a rumor out faster than any other site on the web. After that you answered the rest, his headlines are his commentary and they've becoming something of a self fufilling prophecy.
"Why's that import?"
"Because it's the flashing light on drudge"
"Why's it the flashing light on Drudge?"
"Because it's important!"
saelz8 said:
I'm surprised people still read the site, considering he gives no commentary. It's a glorified RSS aggregate, as he gets practically all of his news from other websites. The only value the site has seems to be it's influence, that is, the acknowledgement that his headlines can influence a swathe of people, and not much more than that.

To be fair I think he has sort of a genius layout,except for that list of pundits that nobody ever uses.

It's retro and not very functional but it's perfect for communicating simple ideas and concepts and stories at a glance.

The fact that he's horribly biased as I mentioned earlier wouldn't bother me at all if our media wasn't a bunch of numbnuts.
electricpirate said:
Drudge has some inside connections he can pull a rumor out faster than any other site on the web. After that you answered the rest, his headlines are his commentary and they've becoming something of a self fufilling prophecy.
"Why's that import?"
"Because it's the flashing light on drudge"
"Why's it the flashing light on Drudge?"
"Because it's important!"
IMO one of the ugliest websites out there
electricpirate said:
I saw this article on some research done by Brendan Nyhan (Who wrote All the presidents spin). I found this fascinating, and really explains the "Wagons drawing closer" effect that occures when Palin is criticised.

Proving once again, there's some republicans that you just can't argue with. :lol


That confirms a lot I've come to suspect of many conservatives.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
PoliGAF loving me!? Eeeeeek!

I favorited that article. POLIGAF! USE THE CHART!
The chart? I didn't see a chart. Maybe my place of work is blocking it. I was asking GAF to make a chart with this data...


Door2Dawn said:
500,000 thousand what? Democrats? Republicans? Or a mix of both?
Total new voters. But the trend in every other state is overwhelmingly Democratic, in part because of the primaries, and in part because of registrations Obama's camp is running.

Edit: addressed.


testicles on a cold fall morning
The Lamonster said:
IMO one of the ugliest websites out there
I don't mind it much, and admit to checking it a few times per day. A fun thing to do when bored is to look through Drudge's linked articles and see if any of the sites allow comments. Depending on how long the article has been linked there should be several dozen rabid conservatives leaving remarks. Makes for entertaining reading.


GhaleonEB said:
Total new voters. But the trend in every other state is overwhelmingly Democratic, in part because of the primaries, and in part because of registrations Obama's camp is running.

Edit: addressed.

I would imagine new voter registration would hugely favor Dems this year. Up until a few weeks ago, the Repubs were very apathetic about their candidates, and Repub turnout in the primaries was very depressed. Though I suspect Palin has given their registration effort a boost, its nothing compared to the work Obama has done.
In happier news:


Ann Selzer Polls Indiana And Finds....

a virtual dead heat, with Barack Obama holding a three point lead over John McCain that, in Selzer's opinion, depends on strong turnout in the Indianapolis metro area.

Selzer, you'll recall, was the only pollster whose data accurately reflected a large swing to Obama in the days before the Iowa caucuses. Other pollsters consider her one of the best in the business.
scorcho said:
I don't mind it much, and admit to checking it a few times per day. A fun thing to do when bored is to look through Drudge's linked articles and see if any of the sites allow comments. Depending on how long the article has been linked there should be several dozen rabid conservatives leaving remarks. Makes for entertaining reading.
I find it funny that the top story is about how Obama is telling his supporters to argue with non-supporters. OH NOES DEMS ARE GETTING AGGRESSIVE

It's the poor me/blame game that conservatives are so used to doing. Hope Druge is having some cheese with his whine.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Something switched in Drudge once Palin was announced and he's flipped back to his usual assortment of snarky pro-conservative, anti-liberal headlines and links.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I have to say, this:


and this:


Are pretty disappointing and SUCH unnecessary turns.

It's only going to give McCain ground on which to paint Obama negative AND there's so much legitimate stuff to call him out on.

Very disappointing and with very high potential to backfire and lower Obama's numbers.

A thoroughly dumb move.
Taxing the health benefits part is correct, but they are leaving out a crucial piece: the tax credit in McCain's plan. So it's still misleading.

On immigration, McCain caved in to the hard right wing of his party during the primary and backpedaled from his position. Though equating the two is unfair. Both go a bit too far, sadly. :\

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Well, I put my money where my mouth is, but now I'm putting some action where my mouth is... I'm off to PA next weekend to go door-to-door to register new voters for Obama.

I'll let you guys know how it goes.

I'm from PA, but live in NJ/NY now.


lawblob said:
Amazingly, even Republican hack Glenn Beck isn't trying to pin the financial meltdown on the Dems. His CNN column blames Wall St. itself.

It is truly a mystifying day when even right wing radio blowhards can't find a reason to blame America's problems on libruls.
I think the main problem isn't them not blaming liberals, it's them making ridiculous excuses for their own party in the face of the obvious.

Eric Cantor yesterday was a prime example.
GhaleonEB said:
Taxing the health benefits part is correct, but they are leaving out a crucial piece: the tax credit in McCain's plan. So it's still misleading.

On immigration, McCain caved in to the hard right wing of his party during the primary and backpedaled from his position. Though equating the two is unfair. Both go a bit too far, sadly. :\

It does make me think of something Scarbs said about how instead of Steve Schmidt-type single person running the message, they all get in a room every morning and some days they'll say "Let's make a two minute ad addressing the nation" and the next they'll say "Let's make a ridiculous stretch attack like they do."

They need to pick one (the right one, hopefully) and stick with it.


this is not a gaffe because McCain has said the same thing in his 2000 bid

McCain doesn't care about hypocrisy or integrity anymore :p

I just think you can't be giving McCain fodder for misleading ads. Just talk about the tax cuts for 95%. DO NOT mention the tax hike on the rich cos it will be distorted...

I can see the ad now. "More taxes aren't patriotic, being a POW is. Obama: Wrong for America" :lol
El_TigroX said:
Well, I put my money where my mouth is, but now I'm putting some action where my mouth is... I'm off to PA next weekend to go door-to-door to register new voters for Obama.

I'll let you guys know how it goes.

I'm from PA, but live in NJ/NY now.
You are awesome, and I encourage everyone else on this board to donate what they can in terms of time and money! We all know this is no cakewalk and it's up to us to make that change.

/generic campaign hyping

I'm going up to my local office later today to do some calling. I also recruited my friend to come help!


They need to muzzle Biden. That kind of talk about taxes is a surefire way to lose independents and undecideds.

artredis1980 said:
this is not a gaffe because McCain has said the same thing in his 2000 bid

Yea, he also said that Falwell and Roberts were "agents of intolerance" in 2000. Yet his Vice President pick in 2008 is cut from the same cloth.
:lol :lol :lol

Get Ready for President Palin!




BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Cloudy said:
McCain doesn't care about hypocrisy or integrity anymore :p

I just think you can't be giving McCain fodder for misleading ads. Just talk about the tax cuts for 95%. DO NOT mention the tax hike on the rich cos it will be distorted...

I can see the ad now. "More taxes aren't patriotic, being a POW is. Obama: Wrong for America" :lol
Being a POW? Even that is getting more scrutiny now from Republicans no less.


Edit: Ted Sampley is a swift-boat vet who also attacked Obama earlier in the year. Maybe this guy hates everyone.
ToxicAdam said:
They need to muzzle Biden. That kind of talk about taxes is a surefire way to lose independents and undecideds.

what was he saying wrong? he said wealthy americans should be patriotic enough to be taxed so that middle income voters dont have to be. whats wrong with that statement. and ofcourse if the Mccain camp leaves out the wealthy part , Obama can push the dishonest factor which IS WORKING as well


The McCain campaign may be in some trouble. We should learn over the next several days, as further polling results roll in, whether they are in a little trouble or a lot of trouble. I would certainly not rule out the latter possibility. There are now 46 days left until the election. The Obama campaign must feel like, if they can spend 35-40 of those days talking about the economy, they are in a very strong position. Excepting the three or four days surrounding the foreign policy debate in Mississippi next week, and the residual possibility of an unanticipated foreign policy crisis, the inertia of the campaign probably means that they will have the opportunity to do so.

Unless, of course, the McCain campaign can throw up some roadblocks and distractions. McCain's is a creative campaign -- more creative in many ways than the Obama campaign. As such, we should not discount the possibility of their finding an effective way to alter the momentum, perhaps one -- like their 'celebrity' critique of Obama -- that was difficult to envision in advance.

At the same time, the campaign cost itself a lot of credibility -- certainly with the media, and to a lesser extent with voters -- with some of their shenanigans of the past week, most notably Lipstickgate, "Thanks, but no thanks", and the Obama kindergarten commercial. To use a crude metaphor, the McCain campaign may have blown its wad too early. Organic shifts in the momentum of the race can and probably will still occur, but they may find it more difficult now to synthesize one.

Nate, at fivethirtyeight


artredis1980 said:
what was he saying wrong? he said wealthy americans should be patriotic enough to be taxed so that middle income voters dont have to be. whats wrong with that statement. and ofcourse if the Mccain camp leaves out the wealthy part , Obama can push the dishonest factor which IS WORKING as well
you know what's going to happen, "paying taxes is patriotic" is a disastrous line and the McCain campaign are going to have a field day with the quote

hillary wouldn't of made this gaffe :b


artredis1980 said:
what was he saying wrong? he said wealthy americans should be patriotic enough to be taxed so that middle income voters dont have to be. whats wrong with that statement. and ofcourse if the Mccain camp leaves out the wealthy part , Obama can push the dishonest factor which IS WORKING as well

Even though it might technically be appropriate to say, in a campaign you always avoid talk about raising taxes or speaking positively about taxes in a normative sense. Its just a losing argument of campaign politics. Better to leave those kinds of discussions to the Oval Office war room meetings than the campaign trail. The people want Hopium and McSame bashing, not tax talk.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
JayDubya said:

It's certainly not inhuman... after all, murderers and rapists and yes, even abortionists are humans too.

But standing against a universal health care system (or even possibility of considering it), for the sake of... saving money?

It's quite ironic how it goes against your own philosophy of anti-abortionism...

oh, but that's right... as long as harm as done through inaction, then there's no problem. Where as good done through action... if that comes with any sort of 'harm' through action, is also unacceptable?

Or lets speak in real terms, because it's going to paint things much clearer for everyone that one.

Any lives saved, or harm undone... through the action of a well balanced UHC system, is not worth it, if it comes at the price of any economic 'harm'?

It's just a hard drawn ideological line for you isn't it? Even if someone were to propose a good system that could balance the cost while providing lots of real benefits, it wouldn't be acceptable for you. After all, if you were actually pragmatic like that, you wouldn't come of as the astoundingly twisted selfish person that you are.

Coldest fucking bastard of a human ideology or close to it.

To be sure... my own stance on all this is simply; we see UHC systems already at work in developed countries... so can't we at least look into that, see how they're working and see if something similar can be done?



Haha, it's getting national coverage

Hagel took issue with that argument. "I think they ought to be just honest about it and stop the nonsense about, 'I look out my window and I see Russia and so therefore I know something about Russia,'" he said. "That kind of thing is insulting to the American people."

Hagel, a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has been a vocal critic of the Bush administration since the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

In July, Hagel traveled to Iraq and Afghanistan with Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. Though he didn't expect to be asked, Hagel had said he would have considered serving as Obama's running mate.



The Lamonster said:
This has been an awesome week for Obama. I hope something else cool happens tomorrow :D
The stock market going down every day till Nov 4th is the best thing that could happen to him.


Cheebs said:
That's not 100% a good thing. I dont want the media talking about her. The media should talk about ONLY the economy, that is the best situation for Obama. Everything else are just distractions.

The story is a GOP calling out McCain for bad judgment


Crayon Shinchan said:
It's certainly not inhuman... after all, murderers and rapists and yes, even abortionists are humans too.

All of these are examples of people who have abused their freedom in order to do harm to others; they're dangerous and they belong in prison.

But standing against a universal health care system (or even possibility of considering it), for the sake of... saving money?

How dare you stand against buying me a new PC for the sake of... saving money! You're so selfish!

People want to buy things, and that's nice.

If the first party doesn't have anything the other party is willing to trade for, the first party is not willing to take on debt, the second party doesn't just voluntarily give the thing away, and no third party is willing to pay the second party the market value for the good or service it's selling, then I guess the first party is SOL.

Said third party cannot justly be the United States government, because it has no authority to gather taxes for that purpose. It can be private charity.

It's quite ironic how it goes against your own philosophy of anti-abortionism...

Not in the least.

oh, but that's right... as long as harm as done through inaction, then there's no problem.

Doing harm... through inaction... Yeah, I ran it through the system, and it doesn't morally compute.

Trolley problem. Runaway train coming down the line, you can switch the track, it'll kill 1 person instead of 5 people - you do it? Fuck no, says I. You're not responsible for the train being a runaway. You are responsible for redirecting it to kill a man. You won't be charged as a murderer, but morally?

The collectivist utilitarian would say that you have a moral duty to switch the tracks. So this underscores a very fundamental difference.
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