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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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So Palin's aids are trying to refuse the subpoenas that were put on them for Troopergate. Someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested someone get arrested please god.
Steve Youngblood said:
Where's Wolf to propose that this might spell trouble for Obama?

Indeed. The Rotschild (butchered spelling) endorsement of McCain is probably a harbinger of sorts. I suspect women to flock to McCain, now.
uh oh

The McCain campaign insisted Thursday morning that the Senator meant what he said when, during an interview on Spanish radio, he refused to commit to a meeting with Spain's prime minister, Jose Luis Zapatero.

"The questioner asked several times about Senator McCain's willingness to meet Zapatero (and id'd him in the question so there is no doubt Senator McCain knew exactly to whom the question referred). Senator McCain refused to commit to a White House meeting with President Zapatero in this interview," the Senator's foreign policy adviser Randy Sheunemann told the Washington Post.

Sheunemann's answer is likely to be cause deep ripples within the diplomatic community, as it represents a more aggressive and antagonistic approach than that deployed by the Bush administration. It also promises to be hotly contested, as a review of the McCain interview suggests that the Senator was likely confused as to who Zapatero actually was.

GhaleonEB said:
Pollster lists them fairly quickly.


Very weird set from ARG. Bams tied in Florida, down three in New Hampshire? Wha?

Second poll in a row showing FL tied, though.

ARG polls are weird. That being said, if a twit like Carol Shea-Porter is heading for re-election in NH, there's no way they are sending McCain their EVs.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Oh shit. I said Ambinder before too, when I meant Halperin. Damn Marcs....

Tend to confuse them as well. With apologies to Ambinder, who is actually not the worst political correspondent on the face of the planet.
oh shit!

GQ: McCain Tried To Upend al-Maliki Government

An explosive piece in GQ Magazine alleges that in July 2007, John McCain urged President Bush to cut off its ties with the al-Maliki government in Iraq, a move meant to spur reform but one that had the potential to undermine the fragile governing body upon which McCain currently rests such high hopes.

"It suddenly seemed that the efforts of the surge might be for naught," the magazine reports. "And so, shortly after returning from Iraq, McCain and [Sen. Lindsey] Graham visited President Bush at the White House. According to three individuals with knowledge of the July 11 conversation, the pair advised Bush to cut all ties with al-Maliki unless he showed immediate signs of engagement. Such a move on Bush's part would be tantamount to encouraging a coup against Iraq's first democratically elected prime minister, but McCain and Graham saw the situation as a desperate one. We've got a military strategy that's working, they told the president. And it's being undercut by an Iraqi government that's dysfunctional.

"The revelation, which comes as part of a Robert Draper piece entitled "Prisoner of War," sheds new light on the Republican nominee's positions on the Iraq War. It also will likely lead to questions and possibly concerns about McCain's disposition on matters of war and foreign policy.

In addition to the al-Maliki move, Draper reports that on "August 19, 2003, less than four months after President Bush's mission accomplished speech," McCain suggested that the United States military "shoot the looters" who were disrupting the fragile calm of the newly liberated country. As excerpted from the GQ story:

"You've got to shoot the looters," said McCain, suggesting a forceful way to bring the chaos under control. That blunt comment startled several members of the delegation. But McCain, who more than anyone else in the room had championed the war, mostly showed surprising deference to [then Coalition Provisional Authority head Paul] Bremer. The CPA administrator, recalls [Former Congressman Jim] Kolbe, "was very smooth, and the people there had the view that he was on top of things." When he explained his controversial decisions to disband the Iraqi army and de-Baathify the Iraqi government--policies now widely viewed as having fueled the insurgency--McCain did not voice skepticism. Despite years of agitating for Saddam's removal, he had given little thought to what a post-invasion Iraq would look like--beyond vague expectations of "demonstrations of jubilant Iraqis" as he'd penned in a New York Times op-ed just five months earlier. "He assumed," says a close associate, "that Bremer, being on the ground as the president's superenvoy, had a plan.



BigJonsson said:

Whats Spain done to get on McCain's shit-list?
He apparantly got confused in an interview, and instead of admit they're doubling down on the least likely interpretation.


After the interviewer presses him a couple times on the point and tries to focus him on the fact that Prime Minister Zapatero isn't from Mexico and isn't a drug lord either McCain comes back at her saying, "All I can tell you is that I have a clear record of working with leaders in the Hemisphere that are friends with us and standing up to those who are not. And that's judged on the basis of the importance of our relationship with Latin America and the entire region."

Then there's a moment of awkward pause before she says. "But what about Europe? I'm talking about the President of Spain."

McCain: "What about me, what?

Interviewer: "Are you willing to meet with him if you're elected president?"

McCain: "I am wiling to meet with any leader who is dedicated to the same principles and philosophy that we are for humans rights, democracy and freedom. And I will stand up to those who do not."
Just epic.
BigJonsson said:

Whats Spain done to get on McCain's shit-list?

Zapatero was one of the first countries to withdraw troops from Iraq and is one of the strongest critics of the Iraq war in Europe. Furthermore, a LOT of neocons consider his election in 2004 to be due to the Spanish's people's "capitulation" to terrorists in the aftermath of the Madrid bombing.

Least that's what I've seen posted before-it's been a while since those stories were hot. If anyone has more details, feel free to correct me.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
GhaleonEB said:
He apparantly got confused in an interview, and instead of admit they're doubling down on the least likely interpretation.


This. Also their strategy on Troopergate doesn't pass any smell test. Even Republicans are wrinkling their noses at this approach.

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive...

OFF TOPIC: Mah wife's water just broke. And here I am, posting on gaf.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Fragamemnon said:
Zapatero was one of the first countries to withdraw troops from Iraq and is one of the strongest critics of the Iraq war in Europe. Furthermore, a LOT of neocons consider his election in 2004 to be due to the Spanish's people's "capitulation" to terrorists in the aftermath of the Madrid bombing.

Least that's what I've seen posted before-it's been a while since those stories were hot. If anyone has more details, feel free to correct me.

ah.. so because someone disagrees with you, you will then ignore them completely and break off all ties? awesome plan mccain!


OuterWorldVoice said:
This. Also their strategy on Troopergate doesn't pass any smell test. Even Republicans are wrinkling their noses at this approach.

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive...

OFF TOPIC: Mah wife's water just broke. And here I am, posting on gaf.
Your wife's water broke? Have her try waiting 22 hours to see if Palin is full of shit.

Just kidding...good luck!


Rasmussen tied
Research 2000: Obama + 6

So awesome.

OuterWorldVoice said:
Me too. I have a pile of towels and hot water, and I just called Queen Latifah.

What! You're still here?! Go to a hospital man! I think.
OuterWorldVoice said:
This. Also their strategy on Troopergate doesn't pass any smell test. Even Republicans are wrinkling their noses at this approach.

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive...

OFF TOPIC: Mah wife's water just broke. And here I am, posting on gaf.

This thread rules.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Odrion said:
So Palin's aids are trying to refuse the subpoenas that were put on them for Troopergate.

Are they claiming Executive Privilege? That would be rich if they were...


JayDubya said:
Possibly, yeah. But at the governmental / military level, you're dealing with people that have volunteered for that sort of behavior.

A submarine captain that gives an order to seal off a leaking deck when there's crew still down there is a different situation; the crewmen knew the risks and they swore an oath to do a particular duty. If you were dealing with draftees, it would be different.

YES , but how about those civilians that die during bombings or lets say raids in pakistan etc.?

I will leave it at that ..

I don't want gromm to end up as DragonFood ;)

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
TheKingsCrown said:
People it is evident that McCain didn't even know who Zapatero was in that interview. He was clueless. He was just trying to get through it . :lol

well, his "reasoning" is even worse than what actually happened.
McCain: "I am wiling to meet with any leader who is dedicated to the same principles and philosophy that we are for humans rights, democracy and freedom. And I will stand up to those who do not."

No wonder he doesn't like Spain: not enough torture and wiretapping. Get to it, Zapatero!


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
TheKingsCrown said:
People it is evident that McCain didn't even know who Zapatero was in that interview. He was clueless. He was just trying to get through it . :lol
It also sounded like "You are either with us or against us" rhetoric that has hurt this country for the last 7 years.


WTF McCain, ok, we get it, you don't meet with enemies. BIG MAN. ADMIT YOU MADE A MISTAKE. It's much more preferable to antagonizing freakin' Spain, one of our actual allies. And someone whose support you'll probably want if you get into too much of a pissing match with Russia.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
AniHawk said:
Rasmussen tied
Research 2000: Obama + 6

So awesome.

What! You're still here?! Go to a hospital man! I think.

Relax, I am in the hospital. She's about 8 hours from actually birthing. Don't believe everything you see in Queen Latifah movies.

besada said:
Are you naming your baby Palin or McCain?

Polaris Husqvarna Palin
OuterWorldVoice said:
This. Also their strategy on Troopergate doesn't pass any smell test. Even Republicans are wrinkling their noses at this approach.

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive...

OFF TOPIC: Mah wife's water just broke. And here I am, posting on gaf.
Congrats, man!


testicles on a cold fall morning
TheKingsCrown said:
People it is evident that McCain didn't even know who Zapatero was in that interview. He was clueless. He was just trying to get through it . :lol
Yep, and that's a problem with a man of 'extensive' foreign policy experience


OuterWorldVoice said:
OFF TOPIC: Mah wife's water just broke. And here I am, posting on gaf.

Good luck, and congrats man. Get to the hospital, and ignore GAF for awhile.

Bring us joyous news when you have it.
PhatSaqs said:
Palin spreading more lies about Obama wanting to raise taxes...
Eh, good for her. At this point, I've ceased caring about this sort of thing. As far as people watching her, either they already believed that Obama -- an evil liberal -- was going to raise their taxes, in which case this accomplishes nothing.

Or, they already know it's a lie, in which case Palin continues to lose credibility.

Either way, rock on, Palin! As for myself, I'll just politely say thanks, but no thanks to listening to what she has to say.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
PhatSaqs said:
Palin spreading more lies about Obama wanting to raise taxes...
Considering how much Palin has been proven to be publicly stating lies, in a bizarro world she is actully helping Obama. :lol

In all seriousness, unless she is talking to a room full of people that make at least $250,000 a year, she is flat out lying and the press should pound her for it.


I am trying to listen to her, but she is so full of crap, has horrible speech and a shrieking voice that cuts deep into my sould and makes me want to crawl in a corner and cry ...

Edit: why does she makes it almost sound like having a baby with down syndrom makes you part of a special club that knows true happines? ookaaaay

edit 2 : more lies and smear ..great
Thunder Monkey said:
I voted for Kerry, but never gave him a dime. My first presidential election was for "Not Bush".

I'm kind of jealous that first time Democratic voters get to vote for Obama and I got stuck with crusty stiff white guy.
Pfft. I voted for freakin' Mondale. It still itches.
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