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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Holy shit Schimdt is off his rocker!

Question: Are you running an honest campaign?

Steve: Yes we are.

Qustion: What about what Brian said the other day
Steve: I think what Brian, what Brian’s intent, I know what Brian’s intent to say was this: Is we won’t be intimidated by the Obama campaign or by a lot of the pro Obama media that disregards fact because they’re political inconvenient for Obama. Every ad that we put out, and I’m happy to set up a reading room and a table on any of these ads to go through his record. It’s factually accurate. For example, Barack Obama voted in the Senate for a tax increase budget resolution for people making 42,000 a year. That happened. In the space-time continuum that we all understand, all right, he made that vote. It happened. It’s real. On issue after issue we have represented his record in an accurate and a fair and in a fair way. Certainly, there is no symmetry between what the obama campaign is saying about john mccain particularly with this immigration ad, and you know many others with what we have said. We are talking about Senator Obama’s record. The ads are factual. And we will continue to talk about his record. And the fact that there is a lot of people in the media who when we criticize Obama rush forward with no hesitation at all to defend and protect him says something about the state of journalism in America, much more than it does about our campaign.

Question: The space time continuum?

Steve: He voted for the tax increase. He did. He should be asked to explain why he did it. All of these issues are aired for the consideration of the American people. We are making a point in these advertisements from the perspective of John McCain, what he believes we ought to do. The direction that he believes the country ought to take.
We live in a country where the American people are soveirgn and will make a decision on election day who the next president of the united states is. But it is in act true that he voted to raise taxes on people making over $42,000. that vote occurred. For somebody to write in a news organization that that’s not true is being untruthful with the readership, it’s irresponsible. You know it’s a collapse of standards that’s unprecedented. The reality is is that the votes that he has made typically for example to raise taxes and against tax cuts are part of his record. And they’re appropriate to be discussed in a political campaign, and we’re going to continue to discuss them, and we’re going to discuss them without apology.

I wanna see the expression of the faces when the reporter repeated "space time continuum"...


artredis1980 said:
Obama : 'John McCain and his top aides says I am talking about the financial problems for political gain. Apparently John McCain doesn't want to discuss the issue. That might be because it was his top aides who are involved in creating this disaster'

...well thats what Obama should say

Incog's version is a lot better.
Its good to see Obama back on top.

This past weekend I was with my family (staunch republicans who vote republican because they are republican), and I let it slip to my mom that I was voting Obama. I asked her to keep it to herself because I did not want to start shit with the rest of my family and argue/get angry. But of course, she couldn't....So for the rest of the weekend, I had my brother and dad trying to bait me into arguments. I refused to respond to them because, like I said, they are firm republicans and any "debate" would devolve into yelling, arguing, and people not talking to each other.

Here are the reasons my brother is voting republican:

My brother loves Palin because she is a NRA member for life. Obama is a master bullshitter who harbors cop-killing terrorists (I assume he is referring to Ayers). Obama is also so far to the left that he makes the communist manifesto look conservative. Obama wants to take 50% of everyone's paycheck to give to bums and criminals.

Fun stuff. Note that aside for the "50% of paycheck" thing (and even that is bullshit) none of his reasons were based upon policy. And the only compliment for the McCain/Palin policy (granted I never asked why he was voting for them) is some crap about the NRA. I am guessing he gets most of his news and views from San Diego Conservative Talk Radio shows.

Thankfully we live in California, so it won't matter. Hooray!

edit: goddamn this thread moves fast, atleast a whole page was posted by the time I finished writing this ;-p


Gold Member
SSGMUN10000 said:
I feel you. Ive lost 50% in my IRA account. :(

That's awful. Sorry to hear it. There are few things worse than watching your hard-earned wealth go right down the toilet. Literally like ten years of savings for me.

The Lamonster said:
Chris Matthews has been on FIRE this week. I think he's still sweating (like all of us have been since the Palin speech).
He's definitely been more partisan. I don't think he's done it so much to support Obama but more because he is furious about how the McCain camp has decided to lie so much. I think Matthews enjoys a good political fight of ideas but that pretty much died with all the lipstick on a pig, bridge to nowhere, 'comprehensive' sex ed ad, etc.
OuterWorldVoice said:
What was the original comment?

Every ad that we put out, and I’m happy to set up a reading room and a table on any of these ads to go through his record. It’s factually accurate. For example, Barack Obama voted in the Senate for a tax increase budget resolution for people making 42,000 a year. That happened. In the space-time continuum that we all understand, all right, he made that vote. It happened. It’s real.



testicles on a cold fall morning
not sure how much traction McCain will get on the 'opportunistic' spin, as his camp is now spinning the Spain gaffe into insanity -

instead of being forthright and stating that McCain didn't hear the interviewer correctly, his adviser mentioned that McCain understood the question, knows who Zapatero is, and was implicitly dictating a hard-line stance against a god damn NATO ally and fellow democracy.



a child left behind
I could see the McSlime campaign is starting to get desperate Obama cheering the wall street downturn. Get the fuck outta here hopefully Obama will rip them into shreds.


Quadrophenic said:
Its good to see Obama back on top.

This past weekend I was with my family (staunch republicans who vote republican because they are republican), and I let it slip to my mom that I was voting Obama. I asked her to keep it to herself because I did not want to start shit with the rest of my family and argue/get angry. But of course, she couldn't....So for the rest of the weekend, I had my brother and dad trying to bait me into arguments. I refused to respond to them because, like I said, they are firm republicans and any "debate" would devolve into yelling, arguing, and people not talking to each other.

Here are the reasons my brother is voting republican:

My brother loves Palin because she is a NRA member for life. Obama is a master bullshitter who harbors cop-killing terrorists (I assume he is referring to Ayers). Obama is also so far to the left that he makes the communist manifesto look conservative. Obama wants to take 50% of everyone's paycheck to give to bums and criminals.

Fun stuff. Note that aside for the "50% of paycheck" thing (and even that is bullshit) none of his reasons were based upon policy. And the only compliment for the McCain/Palin policy (granted I never asked why he was voting for them) is some crap about the NRA. I am guessing he gets most of his news and views from San Diego Conservative Talk Radio shows.

Thankfully we live in California, so it won't matter. Hooray!

I ran into some shithead that blamed the Democratic congress for the current problems about a week ago. It's gonna be fun watching the state turn blue and it'll be hilarious if Obama gets elected.

I'm predicting that The Colbert Report will finally pass The Daily Show and never look back, though TDS should be good at providing jabs at right-wing nutjobs that won't be able to get over it.


Someone dig up this supposed "hike taxes on <$42K/yr" bill for us. I really want to read the exact text.

Knowing the standard of honesty the Republican party currently holds itself to, I expect nothing other than an outright lie along the lines of "sex ed for 4-year olds".


Connoisseur Of Tedium
Chiggs said:
That's awful. Sorry to hear it. There are few things worse than watching your hard-earned wealth go right down the toilet. Literally like ten years of savings for me.


Well for me I am hoping an Obama administration will put the economy back on the right track.


9/18/08 State Polls so far

Obama 45%
McCain 51%
+6 McCain

National Journal
Obama 44%
McCain 44%
+0 Tied

National Journal
Obama 45%
McCain 44%
+1 Obama

New Mexico
Nation Journal
Obama 49%
McCain 42%
+7 Obama

SurveyUSA (late last night)
Obama 52%
McCain 44%
+8 Obama

Obama 41%
McCain 57%
+16 McCain

Obama 60%
McCain 36%
+24 Obama

National Journal
Obama 41%
McCain 48%
+7 McCain

National Journal
Obama 42%
McCain 41%
+1 McCain

Indiana (last night)
Obama 47%
McCain 44%
+3 Obama

New Mexico looking good. Colorado I've noted by reading crosstabs... Obama needs to strengthen his Latino vote, not nearly as strong as in New Mexico. Ohio is still polling close. Surprise at Indiana poll, but Selzer is rated #1 on 538. Virginia is still toss up status, though this poll suggest lean mccain.


Spending on Air War suggests Obama is abandoning Georgia. Still investing in North Carolina as well as Indiana. Heavy investment in Florida by Obama, forcing McCain to match. Both are spending equally in Colorado. McCain spending more in Nevada. Equal spending in Ohio. Obama still investing in Montana and North Dakota. McCain coming at Minnesota hard. McCain investing heavy into Penn, Obama spending but not matching.
AniHawk said:

Fucking Reagan and his bullshit Reaganomics. The more I read about tax cut myths, the more I feel sorry for voters who believe in the myth:


Jesus Christ look at how fast the rich became richer.:lol
Xisiqomelir said:
Someone dig up this supposed "hike taxes on <$42K/yr" bill for us. I really want to read the exact text.

Knowing the standard of honesty the Republican party currently holds itself to, I expect nothing other than an outright lie along the lines of "sex ed for 4-year olds".

This. I'm interested as well.
artredis1980 said:
Obama : 'John McCain and his top aides says I am talking about the financial problems for political gain. Apparently John McCain doesn't want to discuss the issue. That might be because it was his top aides who are involved in creating this disaster'

...well thats what Obama should say

Wow, that's perfect.


shooting blanks
Georgia is such a joke I hate living here.


I saw local tv they were saying something along Mccain was really 7 or 8 points ahead


Xisiqomelir said:
Someone dig up this supposed "hike taxes on <$42K/yr" bill for us. I really want to read the exact text.

Knowing the standard of honesty the Republican party currently holds itself to, I expect nothing other than an outright lie along the lines of "sex ed for 4-year olds".

Yea I would like to see it too.
CharlieDigital said:
This. I'm interested as well.



The McCain campaign and the Republican National Committee both claim that Obama has voted 94 times “for higher taxes.” We find that their count is padded.

After looking at every one of the 94 votes that the RNC includes in its tally, we find:

Twenty-three were for measures that would have produced no tax increase at all; they were against proposed tax cuts.

Seven of the votes were in favor of measures that would have lowered taxes for many, while raising them on a relative few, either corporations or affluent individuals.

Eleven votes the GOP is counting would have increased taxes on those making more than $1 million a year – in order to fund programs such as Head Start and school nutrition programs, or veterans’ health care.

The GOP sometimes counted two, three and even four votes on the same measure. We found their tally included a total of 17 votes on seven measures, effectively padding their total by 10.

The majority of the 94 votes – 53 of them, including some mentioned above – were on budget measures, not tax bills, and would not have resulted in any tax change. Four other votes were non-binding motions related to conference report negotiations.

It's true that most of the votes the GOP counts would either have increased taxes for some, or set budget targets calling for such increases. But by repeating their inflated 94-vote figure, the McCain campaign and the GOP falsely imply that Obama has pushed indiscriminately to raise taxes for nearly everybody. A closer look reveals that he's voted consistently to restore higher tax rates on upper-income taxpayers but not on middle- or low-income workers. That's consistent with what he's said he'd do as president, which is to raise taxes only on those making more than $250,000 a year.


Fragamemnon said:
Someone should ask Sarah Palin what a space-time continuum is.

That's bullshit. I'd like her to have heard of it but the Space Time Continuum has absolutely nothing to do with being the President.

I bet I could ask Obama about a lot of Music Theory and he would have no clue.

I hardly consider that important.
Xeke said:
That's bullshit. I'd like her to have heard of it but the Space Time Continuum has absolutely nothing to do with being the President.

I bet I could ask Obama about a lot of Music Theory and he would have no clue.

I hardly consider that important.

It's totally not important. I just think it's hilarious that a campaign manager would use that kind of far-out reference when talking to reporters, and I enjoy mocking the fact that Sarah Palin is a uncurious, ignorant twit.



I arrived on scene about an hour and a half before the event is to start. The traffic along I-380 was starting to get dicey, folks waiting in line to enter the parking area and wait for a shuttle to the airplane hanger where the rally will take place.

The McCain campaign set up tables and erected a white tent outside the hanger and relegated local print and radio reporters like yours truly outside. This is my view of the stage.


I look up, about five minutes into McCain's address and see a steady stream of people walking out of the rally. They just came to see Palin apparently.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Fucking Reagan and his bullshit Reaganomics. The more I read about tax cut myths, the more I feel sorry for voters who believe in the myth:


Jesus Christ look at how fast the rich became richer.:lol

Hmm the biggest jump seems to have happened in the Clinton years.
Just an FYI-SUSA polling is totally unreliable on any state with a serious African-American population like Florida (16%) has. Their primary polling was awful with that demographic.


A closer look reveals that he's voted consistently to restore higher tax rates on upper-income taxpayers but not on middle- or low-income workers. That's consistent with what he's said he'd do as president, which is to raise taxes only on those making more than $250,000 a year.
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