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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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so_awes said:
i hope this isn't old:


And sadly true.

Like they said on Real Time, if it was Barack Obama's pregnant teenage daughter with a thug boyfriend on the stage of the DNC, he wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell.


Steve Youngblood said:
And they gravitate away when they hear that said Democrats are struggling with arbitrarily defined demographics. Sure he's up in the Gallup, now, but he's doing extremely poorly among those who look forward to reading Family Circus every morning. That could be a problem come November.

I never thought about that.

Jeez man, why did you have to bring me down? :(

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
so_awes said:
i hope this isn't old:

If for whatever reason dems lose this round...

I think this comic may have the solution for moving the country forwards?

Just nominate a democratic candidate that plays to all the traditional republican values, and watch the republican party and media tear itself apart savaging at their own value system.


Stoney Mason said:
So I better see a whole host of "What's wrong with Mccain", and "why can't he get X voters", and "Party insiders worried" stories in the mainstream media much as I saw with Obama in upcoming days...

He's white, he's experienced, but why can't McCain close the deal??
OuterWorldVoice said:

Looks like they may consider abandoning Blue states entirely. Off to the races!

Nah, they are still going to compete hard for Michigan. That's the only one though.

Palin probably had to cancel because she's the proverbial viagra of the ticket-she gets people to "rise up and come out" for McCain. Even if they do start to leave after she's done lying through her teeth. So she's needed on the trail w/ JSA.


Fragamemnon said:
Palin probably had to cancel because she's the proverbial viagra of the ticket-she gets people to "rise up and come out" for McCain. Even if they do start to leave after she's done lying through her teeth. So she's needed on the trail w/ JSA.
She actually slipped and said "the Palin-McCain administration" today :lol


OuterWorldVoice said:

Looks like they may consider abandoning Blue states entirely. Off to the races!
Looks like it. Obama himself should concentrate about 65% of his time on Ohio, Florida, and Virginia and the rest on Wisconsin, Michigan, Colorado, and New Mexico. I believe the college vote in both OH and especially FL can put him over the top. He wins one of those and his chances of losing the election is like 0%.
PhatSaqs said:
She actually slipped and said "the Palin-McCain administration" today :lol

The kind thing to say would be that she is just confirming what the GOP base is voting for.

Reality is that she's a fucking moron of a woman who can barely string sentences together.


McCain's campaign advisor told the press just now Obama is cheerleading the economic downfall cause it helps him in polls and Americans wont like that.
Cheebs said:
McCain's campaign advisor told the press just now Obama is cheerleading the economic downfall cause it helps him in polls and Americans wont like that.
It is deplorable. It's not like the Republicans would do something that caters to their strengths and say something stupid like "a terrorist attack would boost support for Republicans"...
Cheebs said:
McCain's campaign advisor told the press just now Obama is cheerleading the economic downfall cause it helps him in polls and Americans wont like that.

That's brazen, stupid, and absurd. Sorry if that advisor's candidate/party isn't the one that America trusts for economic issues, but I doubt Democrats would say that the GOP is happy with terrorists killing Americans so it drives up their poll numbers.

Edit: Holy shit, it was Schmidt himself who said that.


Fragamemnon said:
That's brazen, stupid, and absurd. Sorry if that advisor's candidate/party isn't the one that America trusts for economic issues, but I doubt Democrats would say that the GOP is happy with terrorists killing Americans so it drives up their poll numbers.

another campaign collapsing under pressure?
Cheebs said:
McCain's campaign advisor told the press just now Obama is cheerleading the economic downfall cause it helps him in polls and Americans wont like that.

I just was about to post that.

Top aides to Republian John McCain are claiming Democrat Barack Obama and his advisers are exploiting Wall Street's financial problems for political gain.
Aide Steve Schmidt, who worked for the Bush-Cheney team in 2004, told reporters Thursday aboard McCain's plane that Obama is "cheerleading this crisis." He said McCain is seeking a bipartisan solution although Schmidt and aides Mark Salter and Nicole Wallace also said Democratic congressional leaders should be condemned for considering adjourning without addressing the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the sale of Merrill Lynch and the emergency government loan to insurer AIG.

The aides say the Arizona senator will make the same criticisms during his speeches

Now we'll see if our media has any spine. I'm guessing not.
Carl Rove: Palin excitement will die off

Republican tactician Karl Rove said Wednesday that Sen. John McCain's vice presidential pick was a political choice and that excitement over Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will subside.

"Nothing lasts for 60-some-odd days," Rove told The Associated Press after appearing at a health care conference. "Will she be the center of attention in the remaining 48 days? No, but she came on in a very powerful way and has given a sense of urgency to the McCain campaign that's pretty remarkable."

Rove said Palin was a "political pick" just as Sen. Barack Obama's choice of Delaware Sen. Joseph Biden was, and that she is not the most qualified candidate. Biden, well-versed in foreign policy issues after more than three decades in the Senate, makes up for the Illinois senator's lack of experience in that area. Palin has been governor for less than two years, and was mayor of small-town Wasilla before that.

But Rove said he had no qualms about her ability to lead.

The real question, he said, is whether the presidential candidates are qualified "and frankly, the answer to that is I think the American people have deep and persistent doubts about the readiness of this dynamic and charismatic first-term senator from Illinois."

The former political adviser to President Bush also noted changes in McCain's demeanor since he last sought the White House in 2000.

"He was a little bit of a hothead in 2000. He held a grudge and I think the passage of time has caused him to sort of say, 'You know what? Life is short and I'm going to be focused on doing what I think is right and not hold grudges or be angry about things,'" Rove said. "He was angry after the 2000 election."

Rove also reiterated earlier criticism of television ads by both campaigns that he said crossed the line.

He said Obama is an "arrogant dilettante" but still offered the Democratic nominee some advice: "The way that Obama can win is by explaining, expounding on who he is."



shooting blanks
StoOgE said:

whatch this if you have not seen it already.


Its basically McCain from last Nov. saying he has no idea what is going on in the current crisis and was surprised when it happened (also shocked by the .com bust and S&L bust), but trusts Paulson.

That was actually quite funny, we need a gif of the mccain staffer. He is so completely out of touch with regular americans...I mean how can you not know how many houses you own?
man there goes the cable news blabfest for today.

Schmidt is a total dumbfuck, probably addled by the fact that his campaign is crashing like one of his candiate's fighter jets. Not only is he turning serious economic issues into petty politics, he's undercutting McCain's surprinsingly progressive stance on the Subprime Shitheap issue and effectively saying "People think Democrats handle the economy better than Republicans, it's not faaaaiiiirrrr!"

What a retard. I thought that he was a bit smarter than this based off of his decent performance pre-convention period and the way that the McCain camp has kept suprisingly creative, but the last three weeks have shown that this man is as incompetent as some of the terrible big-name Democratic advisors of recent years.
Not the polls I'm looking at!

Q: We’re in Iowa today, and the polls would suggest that this is a place where you guys are not competing very much.

Schmidt: “I think you’re seeing different polls than I am. There’s a number of polls that shows it’s a very, very close race in Iowa, some polls have us up, some have us narrowly down, but I think we’re roughly in an even race in Iowa. Look, we have seen the map expansion in our favor, there are very close races in blue states, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, we feel good about our chances, we feel good about our chances in Iowa. You know we’re in a very close race. A very close race.’’

Q: Worried Obama has an advantage from the caucuses?

Schmidt: No, I don’t think that, you know, the Caucuses are determinative or predictive of what’s going to happen in a general election.



Cheebs said:
McCain's campaign advisor told the press just now Obama is cheerleading the economic downfall cause it helps him in polls and Americans wont like that.

...whereas the McCain campaign would rather have a terrorist attack for help in the polls.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7470399.stm (Old, I know, but it still works out).

BTW, I still have no idea what McCain wants to do to help out financially other than "forming a committee".


Gold Member
I'm actually pretty close to voting for Obama now. This last week has been hell on my portfolio, and I've lost thousands. I'm not so sure McCain has the right mindset to fix that. I like McCain quite a bit, but this shit has got to stop.
We'll see how Obama responds. This is one of those tests where if you respond the right way it's a plus. If you just shut up the media will spin the story and cast you in a negative light. The response should be something hard hitting along the lines of the house is on fire and Mccain is playing games but more eloquent than that and lead that into a discussion of the issue at hand.

Edit: Or use incognito's line. :D


First tragedy, then farce.
saelz8 said:

Yeah, this is going to backfire. Obama can throw this back in their face so easily its not even funny.

"Here I am talking about how to fix the economy that is hurting Americans, and the Republicans seem more concerned that their polling numbers are hurt than that the american workers are hurting. "
Chiggs said:
I'm actually pretty close to voting for Obama now. This last week has been hell on my portfolio, and I've lost thousands. I'm not so sure McCain has the right mindset to fix that. I like McCain quite a bit, but this shit has got to stop.

I wouldn't move so quickly. Obama is laughing at you and cheerleading this whole thing...


Connoisseur Of Tedium
Chiggs said:
I'm actually pretty close to voting for Obama now. This last week has been hell on my portfolio, and I've lost thousands. I'm not so sure McCain has the right mindset to fix that. I like McCain quite a bit, but this shit has got to stop.

I feel you. Ive lost 50% in my IRA account. :(
saelz8 said:

Obama : 'John McCain and his top aides says I am talking about the financial problems for political gain. Apparently John McCain doesn't want to discuss the issue. That might be because it was his top aides who are involved in creating this disaster'

...well thats what Obama should say
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