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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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NewLib said:
Hmm the biggest jump seems to have happened in the Clinton years.

The job creation rate under Clinton was 2.4%, compared to Reagan's 2.1% per year.

Half of jobs created under Reagan were in the public sector. 2 million jobs were added to the Federal Bureaucracy. In contrast, the majority of the jobs created under Clinton were in the private sector.
NewLib said:
Hmm the biggest jump seems to have happened in the Clinton years.

And this is a real sticky wicket for some Democrats who were decidedly not happy about some of the trade practices Clinton undertook and that Obama is somewhat "unfirm" on.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
The job creation rate under Clinton was 2.4%, compared to Reagan's 2.1% per year.

Half of jobs created under Reagan were in the public sector. 2 million jobs were added to the Federal Bureaucracy. In contrast, the majority of the jobs created under Clinton were in the private sector.

I just was pointing out you put up a shitty chart which didnt prove you point at all.

Im going to deny that the economy/middle class did better under Clinton.

Edit: Trade Barriers keeps the country poor. It might keep certain sectors of the economy good (Auto) but overall the country suffers.


Xisiqomelir said:
Lies, as expected, but I want to find the precise $42K bill, because Steve the Dishonest is deliberately specific about that exact point.

FactCheck said:
The measure Obama supported contained a provision – which is not part of his current tax proposals – that would have increased the rate paid by those who have taxable income high enough to fall into the 25 percent tax bracket. The 25 percent rate would have increased to 28 percent, as it was before the Bush tax cuts. The effect would have been to increase taxes for a single taxpayer with as little as $32,550 in taxable income in 2008, after all deductions and exclusions from total annual earnings.

But that works out to be $41,500 a year in total income for a single taxpayer with no dependents who takes the standard deduction and exemption allowed by the tax code. So it's true that a single taxpayer making $42,000 this year would see an income tax increase – of $15. That assumes the provision Obama voted for had been enacted and assumes further that the taxpayer did not qualify for more than the standard deduction.

But the McCain ad misleads with a strong visual message. The $42,000 claim is true for a lone taxpayer, but it is not true for the woman who is pictured in the ad while the announcer is speaking. She's reading to two small children, apparently her own. If she is supposed to be a single mother of two, then she would be able to make as much as $62,150 in total income in 2008 without being affected by the measure Obama once supported. She would file as a "head of household" with more generous tax brackets and standard deductions than for a single filer, and she would also qualify for exemptions for herself and her two children. (She would also qualify for a $1,000 credit for each child, since they both are obviously under 17, but this would be true whether or not the 25 percent bracket had been increased to 28 percent.)

Furthermore, if viewers are to believe that the woman in McCain's ad is married and files taxes jointly with her husband, the couple could make as much as $90,000 this year without being affected. And anyway, as noted earlier, Obama isn't proposing to implement any such increase in the 25 percent bracket.

(Tax tables for 2008 can be found here, including the tax brackets, exemptions and exclusions that apply to income earned this year.)

The TV ad also says that Obama "promises more taxes on small business, seniors, your life savings, your family." This statement is simply not true for the vast majority of viewers who will see it. Obama, in fact, promises to deliver a $1,000 tax cut for families making up to $150,000 a year, and he says he would increase income tax rates, capital gains tax rates and taxes on dividends only for those with family incomes over $250,000 a year, or for single taxpayers making over $200,000.


The right is misleading the nation, as usual.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Xeke said:
That's bullshit. I'd like her to have heard of it but the Space Time Continuum has absolutely nothing to do with being the President.

I bet I could ask Obama about a lot of Music Theory and he would have no clue.

I hardly consider that important.

Are you seriously getting uppity over *that* quip?

Srsly smoke some more weed and chill out dude.

Besides... can you imagine how funny it would be to try to hear her respond to that one?


oh man, if Rove starts denouncing your campaign, you know it's bad.

Trying to make McCain look more like a maverick? >_>


Crayon Shinchan said:
Are you seriously getting uppity over *that* quip?

If he's getting uppity, I wonder what color he is?

Anecdotal story time - my sister just emailed me, she is a college senior in Utah. She said she is ready to lose her mind, apparently the midwest is going insane with anti-Obama rhetoric. He's a terrorist, Muslim, blah blah...

It sounds like a lot of Repubnicks are realizing their reign of terror is coming to an end, and they are fighting it hard! This shit will get dirty before its over.


Q: In 2000, you campaigned for president on a plan to use a part of payroll taxes to create Social Security private accounts. Now your Web site talks about accounts as "supplements" to Social Security. Why the change?

A: Actually, I'm totally in favor of personal savings accounts and I think they are an important opportunity for young workers. I campaigned in support of President Bush's proposal and I campaigned with him, and I did town hall meetings with him.

Q: Your Web site says something different.

A: I'll correct any policy paper that I've put out that might intimate that personal savings accounts are not a very important factor. They allow young workers to provide for their retirement, and a much larger retirement over time.

The way I would fix Social Security is to sit down with Republicans and Democrats together at a table, voicing my opposition to tax increases, and sitting down and negotiating a fix to Social Security, which is the only way that Social Security is going to be fixed. That's my solution to the Social Security system.



Loudninja said:
I see your post before the edit ;)
Damn, you're quick. >_> <_<

The different atmosphere in this thread after the newest Gallup is palpable. If Obama pulls ahead any more, the blowout talk will return.




JCreasy said:
Meme achievement unlocked

"increasing numbers of otherwise sober observers, even such august institutions as the New York Times editorial board, are calling John McCain a liar."


Damn, that article is brutal. :lol

McCain's lies have ranged from the annoying to the sleazy, and the problem is in both degree and kind. His campaign has been a ceaseless assault on his opponent's character and policies, featuring a consistent—and witting—disdain for the truth.

This persistence in repeating demonstrably false charges is something new in presidential politics.

The McCain camp has decided that its candidate can't win honorably, on the issues, so it has resorted to transparent and phony diversions.

John McCain has raised serious questions about whether he has the character to lead the nation. He has defaced his beloved military code of honor. He has run a dirty campaign.

And true, I might add.


Wow, what a damning Time article.

I'm just scared that so many people are just sticking their fingers in their ears and yelling LALALA because they can't stand to see a black man in office.


Bush in a skirt:lol

That's probably the best comparison I've read. When I read about her response to complaints over decorating her office without speaking to the city council -- "I'll do what I want until the courts stop me!" -- I realized that she knew the REAL Bush Doctrine, which is "If your enemy is too gutless to stop you, you can do anything you want, no matter how illegal or immoral".


once again, boner time


green line is the prediction based of how previous convention bounces work, the blue is what is actually happened

mccain is owned kerry style

now if only it didn't have to take the economic collapse of our country


shooting blanks
besada said:
Bush in a skirt:lol

That's probably the best comparison I've read. When I read about her response to complaints over decorating her office without speaking to the city council -- "I'll do what I want until the courts stop me!" -- I realized that she knew the REAL Bush Doctrine, which is "If your enemy is too gutless to stop you, you can do anything you want, no matter how illegal or immoral".

Yes exactly. Or lipstick sounds good too.


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Odrion said:
once again, boner time

The state of my penile rigidation correlates directly to the slope of this graph.


Setec Astronomer
Bah, I used "Bush With Uterus" a while ago. Not as catchy, I admit.
Odrion said:
once again, boner time


green line is the prediction based of how previous convention bounces work, the blue is what is actually happened

mccain is owned kerry style

now if only it didn't have to take the economic collapse of our country
I hope you understand that graph is a differential from norm graph. Obama being up 4 today does NOT put him up 4 in that graph.


remember when the OPTIMISTIC people were saying "near the end of the month it should be head-to-head again"

couple of weeks ago someone saying "Obama will be ahead of McCain by 4-5 points in the nation polls by the middle of the month" they'd be laughed out


Jason's Ultimatum said:
This is interesting:


See better graph.

I still find the entire idea of tying Presidents to job growth as a little ridiculous. There are so many factors and while the President may be able to influence certain factors, it might not be able to influence others.

Also sometimes its misleading. The reason why Eisenhower's job growth numbers are so much lower than that of Roosevelt/Truman is that for the only time in the rest of the 21st century, the military-industrial complex was winded down. During Kennedy it started back up again strong and it has never stopped since.
Odrion said:
once again, boner time


green line is the prediction based of how previous convention bounces work, the blue is what is actually happened

mccain is owned kerry style

now if only it didn't have to take the economic collapse of our country

WOW. Talk about being off. :lol

Chris R

Where are the pictures from the other side of the street? They had so many cops out there with the people out with their signs that I couldn't go see a movie at century :(

Event wouldn't have been that big if a local radio host hadn't broadcast on air the organizers phone numbers and called them "socialist, baby-killing maggots" :lol

Too bad Obama has NO chance at all of winning Alaska :|


testicles on a cold fall morning
tanod said:
I've lost 12% since August 31st.
I've lost nearly 15% since early August. Here's a good article in Slate exposing McCain's sudden swerve to (false) populism, regulation and ideological obfuscation - http://www.salon.com/tech/htww/2008/09/18/mccain_and_christopher_cox/index.html

But it might be worth remembering that this former Reagan administration lawyer and congressional House representative from Orange County, Calif., has been doing exactly what his party has always wanted him to do. George Bush did not appoint him commissioner in 2005 to crack down on Wall Street. The prevailing ideology of the Republican Party -- and this is one area where the historical evidence, by his own admission, does not justify calling John McCain a "maverick" -- has been to loosen control of Wall Street, not to tighten it. If our markets were turned into casinos, the majority of the blame has to go to the Republican Party, with some assistance from the Clinton administration.


rhfb said:
Where are the pictures from the other side of the street? They had so many cops out there with the people out with their signs that I couldn't go see a movie at century :(

Event wouldn't have been that big if a local radio host hadn't broadcast on air the organizers phone numbers and called them "socialist, baby-killing maggots" :lol

Too bad Obama has NO chance at all of winning Alaska :|

JayDubya is a radio host in Alaska?
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