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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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beermonkey@tehbias said:
IMO Schumer's new bank/mortgage bailout plan probably just hurt Obama bigtime. I think it will put a bandaid on the economy and postpone the inevitable. This will help McCain and ultimately not even help the economy.

Schumer's plan helps keep people in their homes, and allows some mortgages that are only going into foreclosure because of exotic ARM/predatory payment hikes to be saved. It's about time SOMEONE started trying to bail out the foreclosed homeowner instead of the investment banking firm.

There's a key underpinning to the entire mortagage shitpile-if we can shore up the housing market and keep people in their homes, all of these crazy-ass securities might not be total losses.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
beermonkey@tehbias said:
IMO Schumer's new bank/mortgage bailout plan probably just hurt Obama bigtime. I think it will put a bandaid on the economy and postpone the inevitable. This will help McCain and ultimately not even help the economy.

That would require they understand it. Bailout is not a net positive for the voter. Bailing out is what you do when you're sinking. That's about as far as they will get with the idea. No plan is going to shift voter confidence. They will simply see that the Status Quo sucks and either double down on it, or vote it out.


Fatalah said:
This is what I mean when I talk about people needing to feel like they're electing the winning candidate. Keep the masses positive, they'll come out and vote for you.
:lol :lol :lol Washington a "Toss up" state?


Zeliard said:
Dobbs likes to bring up his wife as an attempt at defense against charges of bigotry, but it's irrelevant. People of a certain race can certainly be racist towards others of the same race or ethnicity, particularly if they're in a more affluent position in terms of class (and, of course, Dobbs himself is white). I'm not saying his wife is racist, necessarily, though the fact that she keeps silent and lets Dobbs spew out his xenophobic bullshit on a daily basis (which he's been called out on many times by various people/organizations) doesn't really speak too highly of her.



ronito said:
:lol :lol :lol Washington a "Toss up" state?
Iowa and New Mexico "Lean Red". I mean, there's making yourself feel better and there's entering a different space-time continuum than the rest of us.
RapeApe said:
Guys, I'm scared. Someone hold me. (no homo)
Latest analysis by Dick Morris

:lol :lol :lol

Newsmax . . . wow, that is the most delusional electoral map I've seen!

Deleware, New Jersey, and Hawaii is merely 'leaning' Obama? :lol

Oregon & Washington are 'toss-ups'?

I know the toe-sucker has been a whore . . . but a delusional whore to boot!
GhaleonEB said:

You know I was gonna make a joke that of course he was the perfect choice because his father coached black players....And then I clicked on the link and the spokesman was making that very same point but in a serious manner.

EDIT: And btw just because I was curious I decided to check the exit polls for his race again Webb in 2006.

He got 15 percent of the black vote versus 85 for Webb.

He got 32 percent of the asian vote versus 68 for Webb

There seems to be an error for the hispanic vote so there is no number there but Allen got 25 percent of the non-white male vote and 18 percent of the non-white female vote.
I did a Google News search on the Palin email hackers and I got this lunacy:


Basically a right-wing blog implying that the Obama campaign is responsible for the hacking of Sarah Palin's email since some server involved was located in Chicago.

Hey Avatar299 . . . HOW CAN 'THE MEDIA' SAY SUCH THINGS!! :lol


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Had to look up what this "macaca" stuff was all about in regards to Allen. Talk about "wtf were they thinking". :lol :lol :lol
lawblob said:
I beg to differ. I have been to Florida, and this pretty much sums up what I saw.


Well, that's Central and North Florida.

Miami's alright. It's not the best, but it feels like a completely different world compared to the rest of Florida.

I remember my first trip out of Miami into Central and North Florida. I was shocked.
Scimeca argued that Allen's father was a football coach who held up his players, many of whom were African-Americans, as role models for his children. "This is not a racist man," Scimeca said. "He never did anything -- this was totally out of character."

Many of my father's best football players were role model African American!


speculawyer said:
I did a Google News search on the Palin email hackers and I got this lunacy:


Basically a right-wing blog implying that the Obama campaign is responsible for the hacking of Sarah Palin's email since some server involved was located in Chicago.

Hey Avatar299 . . . HOW CAN 'THE MEDIA' SAY SUCH THINGS!! :lol
You're still butt hurt that the media is more than just msnbc and FoxNews?

Jesus, let it go.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Palin Cancels Massive California Rallies

www.sfgate.com (down right now, probably right wing haxorz)

This tells me that they are failing hard at their original strategy and are now going to circle the wagons around the base. This also tells me that the Palin pick will be remembered as one of the greatest, dumbest catastrophes in American politics.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Palin Cancels Massive California Rallies

www.sfgate.com (down right now, probably right wing haxorz)

This tells me that they are failing hard at their original strategy and are now going to circle the wagons around the base. This also tells me that the Palin pick will be remembered as one of the greatest, dumbest catastrophes in American politics.
Maybe the rumor that the Mccain camp is abandoning blue states is true. It does make sense.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Palin Cancels Massive California Rallies

www.sfgate.com (down right now, probably right wing haxorz)

This tells me that they are failing hard at their original strategy and are now going to circle the wagons around the base. This also tells me that the Palin pick will be remembered as one of the greatest, dumbest catastrophes in American politics.

California was in their "original strategy"?
avatar299 said:
You're still butt hurt that the media is more than just msnbc and FoxNews?

Jesus, let it go.
You are still going to defend 'the media' including nutbags on the internet?

Well, I guess that make us the media!


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
By the way...


This is exactly the argument we want to be having about this Allen character. Talk about how what he said was racist, not necessarily that he is racist.

Point out and correct what he did, do not turn the conversation into what you think he is.

You can't win the "is" argument, but you can easily win the "did" argument.

Truth, illdoc...truth.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Palin Cancels Massive California Rallies

www.sfgate.com (down right now, probably right wing haxorz)

This tells me that they are failing hard at their original strategy and are now going to circle the wagons around the base. This also tells me that the Palin pick will be remembered as one of the greatest, dumbest catastrophes in American politics.

Palin was actually going to go to California? :lol


OuterWorldVoice said:
Assembling throngs of adoring people was. They never expected gains - just crowds.

I definitely remember articles back in April or May saying that McCain wanted to compete in and had a shot at winning California because of his maverickness.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Palin Cancels Massive California Rallies

www.sfgate.com (down right now, probably right wing haxorz).

Where was this rally going to be? If it was an outdoor public rally in Northern California, I'm certain it would have attracted more protesters than supporters. That would have been a crazy idea to begin with. Private fund-raisers would make sense . . . but an outdoor rally around here?

Edit: There were just private fund-raisers.
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who was to star at two major California fundraisers and an Orange County rally for 15,000 next week, has canceled her two-day swing through the Golden State, campaign sources said.

The change is a shocker, because Palin's presence had electrified the GOP base in California. Party insiders were distributing 15,000 tickets to her Sept. 26 rally in Orange County -- and fundraisers reported an almost instantaneous sell-out of her two $1,000-a-head Sept. 25 fundraising events in Orange County and Santa Clara.

Both fundraisers had generated such high ticket sales that the OC Lincoln Club event was moved to the Orange County Performing Arts Center, and the Bay Area event was moved from the Woodside home of Tom Siebel to the huge Santa Clara Convention Center.

The change comes in the same week a new Field Poll showed that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama still leads Republican presidential candidate John McCain in California by a whopping 16-point margin.

So Palin's pullout from her Western state swing is sure to ramp up chatter that the GOP ticket -- which has insisted it will compete here -- may be reassessing its Golden State presence. (Team McCain says it's just a scheduling issue.)

The Field poll had some troubling news for McCain-Palin here: The Alaska Gov's addition to the ticket, while strengthening the GOP base, hasn't advanced the ball for the Republican team among the 1 in 5 California voters who are independent or decline to state.

Field Poll director Mark DiCamillo noted this week that those independents and middle-of-the-roaders are the same critical voters who elected Arnold Schwarzenegger here -- and weigh heavily in the election nationwide. A New York Times poll released today, which shows Obama ahead by 5 points, appears to reflect the same trend.

Just last week, powerhouse Bay Area GOP fundraiser Kristen Hueter said Palin was a ''gangbusters'' fundraiser with folks snapping up tickets and coming from around the country for her Sept. 25 appearances.

''It doesn't happen in my world like this," Hueter told us last week. ''People are flying in ... from the Virgin Islands, Florida, Massachusetts, all over.''

The Palin events were aimed to benefit the Republican National Committee, and the California Republican Party (chairs and hosts were being told they could give as much as $40,800 a person for those causes). The latest: It's unclear if the fundraisers will go on without her, or if they'll be rescheduled. We haven't gotten confirmation of either yet, but will update when we get it.
PhoenixDark said:
California was in their "original strategy"?

The entire post-Palin campaign has had a strange mirroring of the Mondale campaign, right down to the Democrats in that year thinking they could contest CA and the huge convention bounce followed up by an equally huge, inescapable descent into oblivion. Not to mention the obivious Ferraro/Palin comparison.


US Weighing Plan to Set Up Facility to Hold Bad Debts

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is working on a plan that would set up a government facility to take on bad debts from financial institutions, preventing a worsening of the global credit crisis, Wall Street sources have told CNBC.

The facility would be similar to the Resolution Trust Corporation, which was set up in 1989 to take on all the failed thrift assets during the savings and loan crisis, these sources said.

Paulson is said to be shopping the proposal to lawmakers in Congress, a congressional aide told Reuters.

Such a move, according to its advocates, would allow banks to shovel bad debt off their balance sheets and send them back to business as usual.

In turn, that could allow the housing market to recover because it would restore banks willingness to lend.

Its nice to see Bush is ending his Presidency with a Marxist style takeover of the economy! Republicans must be so confused. :lol Bu - bu - but Obama wants to raise my taxes...


Kildace said:
I definitely remember articles back in April or May saying that McCain wanted to compete in and had a shot at winning California because of his maverickness.

The most interesting thing I take away from the "briefing" was Rick Davis' words, "Watch California closely." He claims that the high registered independent vote in California opens an opportunity for McCain to take it.





when is my burrito
PhoenixDark said:
California was in their "original strategy"?

I don't think so.

I think the strategy was for Palin and McCain to split up to do separate fundraising and campaign events in a lot of different states (like every other campaign since forever has done it) but it ends up making McCain look really bad when his crowds are shit. So they end up getting chained together limiting their ability to fundraise and cover more ground.

Best VP pick EVAR!


speculawyer said:
You are still going to defend 'the media' including nutbags on the internet?

Well, I guess that make us the media!
There's a difference between nutjob website and highly populated blog just like nutjob radio show and Larry King. They are still considered media, just one far more relevant than the other.

You honestly think Internet media doesn't exist?
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