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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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ShOcKwAvE said:
I'm serious. He's stumbling over words more than usual. I've heard this speech enough to know when he's on and when he's not.

Yeah. The heat probably has something to do with it. Long drive, too. Even on a bus with AC, a long drive will really sap your energy in those kinds of temperatures.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
With these new polls out today, will we see a bump tommorrow in the EV for Obama from 538 or even the hated electoral-vote?

In the current blog entry on 538, Nate says he believes Obama will regain the lead in the EV tonight but probably not the popular vote.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
ShOcKwAvE said:
I'm serious. He's stumbling over words more than usual. I've heard this speech enough to know when he's on and when he's not.

What time does Old Country Buffet open up? the man needs energy or he gets cranks-mcgee
ShOcKwAvE said:
I'm serious. He's stumbling over words more than usual. I've heard this speech enough to know when he's on and when he's not.
He might have a cold or have his allergies acting up. He did sneeze early in the speech. But, yeah, he's clearly worn a little from all the everyday campaigning. Two years of constant speeches and traveling would probably kill my enthusiasm pretty fast. And yeah, he's in high elevation, near zero humidity territory. Quite a contrast from most places in the US.


I saw this in the paper at lunch, and found it just now online.

Oregon: Obama 50, McCain 40

Not listed at Pollster just yet.

Obama leads McCain 50-40 among registered voters, according to a Sept. 11 through Sept. 14 poll by Davis, Hibbitts & Midghall Inc. Obama retains equally strong support among male and female voters.

“I do not believe that Oregon is going to be a battleground state this year,” concluded independent Portland pollster Tim Hibbitts. The Tribune/Fox 12 poll jibes with two recent surveys by GOP pollsters Bob Moore and Tim Nashif of the Hoffman Group, both conducted after the Republican convention. Those reported Obama leads of 6 and 7 percentage points, respectively.

“This is probably as good as it’s going to get for the Republicans, this general range, unless Obama’s campaign implodes,” Hibbitts said. ”Obama’s been ahead all summer, and has captivated Oregonians to a degree.”
avatar299 said:
You're still butt hurt that the media is more than just msnbc and FoxNews?

Jesus, let it go.

I don't know how anyone could live with those channels for so long and still be sane. They treat politics like it's football. Politics is serious business. Football is not.
lulz, yes.
GhaleonEB said:
I saw this in the paper at lunch, and found it just now online.

Oregon: Obama 50, McCain 40

Not listed at Pollster just yet.

Bunch more at Pollster:

Rasmussen: GA, NJ, CT (9/16)
By Eric Dienstfrey

Rasmussen Reports

Obama 53, McCain 41

McCain 54, Obama 43, Barr 0
Sen: Chambliss (R-i) 50, Martin (D) 43, Buckley (L) 2

New Jersey
Obama 55, McCain 42

GA: McCain 56, Obama 35 (POS-9/8-11)
By Eric Dienstfrey

Public Opinion Strategies (R) /
Saxby Chambliss
9/9-11/08; 800 LV, 3.5%
Mode: Live Telephone Interviews

McCain 56, Obama 35
Sen: Chambliss (R-i) 52, Martin (D) 33, Buckley (L) 4


Hey guys. Is good economic news a bad thing for Barack Obama? I ask because we're obviously not out of the woods yet economically (durr) but the stock rally today as a response to the government trying to absorb more bad debt as well as the cash infusion worldwide did a little bit to straighten out some rapidly falling markets. Is it possible that good news will override the bad news of the failed Republican economic strategies and perhaps end up hurting Obama?
Crisis said:
Hey guys. Is good economic news a bad thing for Barack Obama? I ask because we're obviously not out of the woods yet economically (durr) but the stock rally today as a response to the government trying to absorb more bad debt as well as the cash infusion worldwide did a little bit to straighten out some rapidly falling markets. Is it possible that good news will override the bad news of the failed Republican economic strategies and perhaps end up hurting Obama?

I doubt it. It only crystalized, for the middle class, their day-to-day situation.
Crisis said:
Hey guys. Is good economic news a bad thing for Barack Obama? I ask because we're obviously not out of the woods yet economically (durr) but the stock rally today as a response to the government trying to absorb more bad debt as well as the cash infusion worldwide did a little bit to straighten out some rapidly falling markets. Is it possible that good news will override the bad news of the failed Republican economic strategies and perhaps end up hurting Obama?

It put the economy, which was already the #1 issue, back on the table in a very serious manner. That's probably not going to go away anytime soon without another event taking over (which is very possible).

Keep in mind that there is a debate next Friday and by mid-week the media will start to discuss foreign policy in more detail in the run-up to that debate.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
BenjaminBirdie said:
I doubt it. It only crystalized, for the middle class, their day-to-day situation.

Yeah, it's not like IRAs and 401ks are going to magically recover in 40 days.
Crisis said:
Hey guys. Is good economic news a bad thing for Barack Obama? I ask because we're obviously not out of the woods yet economically (durr) but the stock rally today as a response to the government trying to absorb more bad debt as well as the cash infusion worldwide did a little bit to straighten out some rapidly falling markets. Is it possible that good news will override the bad news of the failed Republican economic strategies and perhaps end up hurting Obama?

It won't hurt Obama but he does get a strong advantage when things are going poorly because people are listening and more in tune to the economy (his strong suit) and not foreign affairs (his weak suit, in contrast to McCain at least).

It also helps that Obama has, you know, an actual economic strategy.

Also, funny how the McCain camp is crying that Obama is "politicizing" the Wall Street crisis... hey didn't they do the same thing a few months ago with the Georgia/Russia incident? Oh, but wait, that doesn't count. Because...



So does that mean G.W.Bush = a pig?
Fragamemnon said:
As an aside, Obama running up the score in Oregon pretty much dooms GOP Senator Gordon Smith to the same fate as Lincoln Chafee. I don't think he survives a 10 point or more Obama win.

We'll see. The ad campaign has been unbelievably ugly.
worldrunover said:
It won't hurt Obama but he does get a strong advantage when things are going poorly because people are listening and more in tune to the economy (his strong suit) and not foreign affairs (his weak suit, in contrast to McCain at least).
I disagree with McCain having any strong suit of any kind.


MightyHedgehog said:
I disagree with McCain having any strong suit of any kind.

I'm kinda holding my breath for a "Spain=Latin America" moment from McCain in the first debate. It would deliver a pretty strong blow to the "McCain=foreign expert" perception.


MightyHedgehog said:
I disagree with McCain having any strong suit of any kind.

Ugh, we're going to have to put up with an entire week of the media pretending Obama is an "empty suit" on foreign policy.

HylianTom: Nothing will pierce the "McCain = foreign policy expert" media narrative.
OK, I just got home and turn on the TV and I see McCain talking about how the Dems in congress say they wont do anything about the economic crisis until after the election and the Obama campaign said in an interview that the crisis was to their political advantage.

Is there any truth to any of this or is his still just boldly making stuff up? He does know that these speeches are televised and not sent by telegraph right?


Saint Gregory said:
OK, I just got home and turn on the TV and I see McCain talking about how the Dems in congress say they wont do anything about the economic crisis until after the election and the Obama campaign said in an interview that the crisis was to their political advantage.

Is there any truth to any of this or is his still just boldly making stuff up? He does know that these speeches are televised and not sent by telegraph right?

Completely made up. Isn't it awesome?
How can the ANYONE, Dems or Repubs, do anything meaningful in a gridlocked Congress and with a shitty Presidential relationship with Bush in office? It's just McCain going for easy, but false shit to try and make him and the Repubs look good. :lol
Saint Gregory said:
OK, I just got home and turn on the TV and I see McCain talking about how the Dems in congress say they wont do anything about the economic crisis until after the election and the Obama campaign said in an interview that the crisis was to their political advantage.

Is there any truth to any of this or is his still just boldly making stuff up? He does know that these speeches are televised and not sent by telegraph right?

I know McCain's camp were complaining about this but I didn't know they claimed Obama's camp LITERALLY said those words. I don't know tbh, but I mean, come on. What do you think.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Saint Gregory said:
OK, I just got home and turn on the TV and I see McCain talking about how the Dems in congress say they wont do anything about the economic crisis until after the election and the Obama campaign said in an interview that the crisis was to their political advantage.

Is there any truth to any of this or is his still just boldly making stuff up? He does know that these speeches are televised and not sent by telegraph right?

There is going to be a break in like 2-3 weeks. That is all I know.
Saint Gregory said:
OK, I just got home and turn on the TV and I see McCain talking about how the Dems in congress say they wont do anything about the economic crisis until after the election and the Obama campaign said in an interview that the crisis was to their political advantage.
Yes. That's exactly what happened. The Democrats were in Congress bragging about how they know how to save the day, but will only do so if elected.

It's exactly the same thing as Obama claiming that, if elected, he knows how to capture Bin Laden. Oh wait...


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So GAF, I just returned from the Ralph Nader event here at my school (Oklahoma State University - Tulsa campus), and it went on for about 2 hours or so. From what I could tell, there were only about 75 people that showed up that were in the auditorium where he was speaking. One of the event organizers actually said it was a "decent" turnout.

I found myself agreeing with him most of the time on the issues, more than I expected, actually, but I think his "anti-corporation" stances tend to go just a little too far, and it seemed like he was often quoting numbers that seemed off. Like, he was saying he was getting 6-8% support in the polls (10% in Michigan), and that something like over 60% of people in the country were for full socialized healthcare (IE no insurance companies).

Also, in case anybody was wondering, he fucking hates the government bailouts that are happening right now.

And this will please some PoliGAFers, he had some nice things to say about Ron Paul. He called him "crazy" in regards to his views on corporate regulations and such, but praised his foreign policy views, and he even spoke at length about how he was proud that Paul was pretty much the only Congressman to push for legalized industrial hemp.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Those Feminazis can goosestep up my Champs Elysses any day of the week.

Pfft, Grammar Nazi in me would be deposing those feminazis. You don't put "='s". "Palin equals is"? I don't think so ladies. Back to school for them.


ZealousD said:
And this will please some PoliGAFers, he had some nice things to say about Ron Paul. He called him "crazy" in regards to his views on corporate regulations and such, but praised his foreign policy views, and he even spoke at length about how he was proud that Paul was pretty much the only Congressman to push for legalized industrial hemp.

Nader likes weed? That...improves my opinion of him. Considerably.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Skiptastic said:
Pfft, Grammar Nazi in me would be deposing those feminazis. You don't put "='s". "Palin equals is"? I don't think so ladies. Back to school for them.

Yeah! School uniforms!


ZealousD said:
So GAF, I just returned from the Ralph Nader event here at my school (Oklahoma State University - Tulsa campus), and it went on for about 2 hours or so. From what I could tell, there were only about 75 people that showed up that were in the auditorium where he was speaking. One of the event organizers actually said it was a "decent" turnout.

I found myself agreeing with him most of the time on the issues, more than I expected, actually, but I think his "anti-corporation" stances tend to go just a little too far, and it seemed like he was often quoting numbers that seemed off. Like, he was saying he was getting 6-8% support in the polls (10% in Michigan), and that something like over 60% of people in the country were for full socialized healthcare (IE no insurance companies).

Also, in case anybody was wondering, he fucking hates the government bailouts that are happening right now.

And this will please some PoliGAFers, he had some nice things to say about Ron Paul. He called him "crazy" in regards to his views on corporate regulations and such, but praised his foreign policy views, and he even spoke at length about how he was proud that Paul was pretty much the only Congressman to push for legalized industrial hemp.

Yay there is actually third party coverage in this thread. Keep that open mind (although your post history says you've already chosen Obama) and check out McKinney if you can.
If you'd told me a year ago that John McCain would run a campaign as brazenly disingenuous as the one he's running now I'd never have believed you. I actually told people that I thought he would never employ the lowbrow tactics that Hilary put to work late in her campaign. Man I couldn't have been more wrong. I'm starting to think he was never the guy I thought he was :(
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