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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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MightyHedgehog said:
Long Post.

Exactly. Being balanced as a journalist should not mean you have to suck-up to anyone who starts complaining even a little. Being balanced as a journalist means that you should question everyone's point of view (and attack them even) regardless of your own personal views.
GDJustin said:
The issue is that polls poll an equal number of republicans and democrats, even though there aren't an equal number of registered voters. There are far more registered republicans. So all that polling data is useless and inaccurately skewed right.

Ah, yes. Thanks.
avatar299 said:
2. Partisanship doesn't matter. Look at Fox News

Are you alleging bias? They are 'fair and balanced'! :lol

avatar299 said:
3. Why would Google use it with google news? The Dailykos isn't a news site, but that doesn't mean it's not part of the media.

Look all I'm saying is that you think Kos is part of 'the media' then these guys at 'rightpundit' are just as much of 'the media'. So perhaps the Obama should go crying like McCain/Palin about how 'the media' is making up terrible rumors about them. Don't you think that is fair? Or are you gonna tell me that just because Kos is more popular that it is 'the media' but 'rightpundit' is not (even though they show up in Google News.)

The story of the Sarah Palin email hack has taken a new turn. According to security experts, the hackers have been traced to Barack Obama’s hometown of Chicago. His national headquarters is located there.

In many ways the Palin email hack of her Yahoo account reminds voters of the Watergate break in of 1972. A generation ago, a very suspicious presidential candidate ordered his men to break into George McGovern’s campaign headquarters in Washington DC. The episode was emblematic of an administration known for dirty tricks politics as usual.

In those days they did not have electronic mail but they did have private correspondence on paper. Richard Nixon won election but was impeached for felonies related to the Watergate hack within a year. What is now known as Icegate in 2008 is eerily reminiscent to Watergate in 1972.

Those with a long memory remember the Watergate plumbers who Nixon insisted acted alone. Speaking of plumbing, now we are told that Wikileaks acted alone in the Icegate scandal. Some things never change.




Someone post James Franco sogood.gif, I lost my copy that I usually hotlink.

speculawyer said:
Are you alleging bias? They are 'fair and balanced'! :lol

Look all I'm saying is that you think Kos is part of 'the media' then these guys at 'rightpundit' are just as much of 'the media'. So perhaps the Obama should go crying like McCain/Palin about how 'the media' is making up terrible rumors about them. Don't you think that is fair? Or are you gonna tell me that just because Kos is more popular that it is 'the media' but 'rightpundit' is not (even though they show up in Google New.)




GhaleonEB said:
Wow, that takes a big swing from the current projections.

Also: Palin/McCain pulling out the stops to obstruct Troopergate.

That Elton guy better not cave. Conservatives are relentless in this regard. If they have something, they're not gonna give it up. There's something there. If Elton hands it back to the "bipartisan" committee, then he'll be complicit in this affair too. The McCain/Palin camp can't spin this. A few cries of bias aren't a reason to capitulate IMO. PEACE.


typhonsentra said:
Holy fuck. :lol

Who made this?

I love that chubby pink face in the upper lefthand corner of the map. Does this mean that the toesucker is only slightly leaning towards a McCain-Palin victory?

When the real map is known in 47 days, I'd love to see a photoshop where the map is correct and his face is Violet-from-Charlie-and-the-Chocolate-Factory violet.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh my, how many gaffes can a campaign make in one day! :lol


Earlier today, McCain's top policy advisor, Nancy Pfotenhauer, appeared on MSNBC and was asked about Chuck Hagel (R-NE) saying that Sarah Palin lacked the experience to be president. Pfotenhauer said:

"So, I do believe that Senators tend to view other senate experience as the most important while the American people have shown in election after election that they view being governor of a state to be absolutely crucial. That's why whether it's Republicans or Democrats, I mean you go back through history and see why governors tend to do very, very well in presidential elections because the American people recognize running a state is probably the best training for running a country. "

Did you spot it? :lol

Poor McCain, His own campaign is already throwing him under the bus :D


Vennt said:
Oh my, how many gaffes can a campaign make in one day! :lol

Did you spot it? :lol

Poor McCain, His own campaign is already throwing him under the bus :D
Its the women, they can't keep their mouth shut!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Vennt said:
Oh my, how many gaffes can a campaign make in one day! :lol

Did you spot it? :lol

Poor McCain, His own campaign is already throwing him under the bus :D


They should just delete his name from the ballot altogether. More and more this is the GOP wondering if they can pull a "Dave" with Palin, rather than realistically trying to elect McCain.



Vennt said:
Oh my, how many gaffes can a campaign make in one day! :lol

Did you spot it? :lol

Poor McCain, His own campaign is already throwing him under the bus :D

I'm sure they mean she's not ready to fulfill the President's shoes if something were to happen to Mccain.


speculawyer said:
Are you alleging bias? They are 'fair and balanced'! :lol

speculawyer said:
Look all I'm saying is that you think Kos is part of 'the media' then these guys at 'rightpundit' are just as much of 'the media'. So perhaps the Obama should go crying like McCain/Palin about how 'the media' is making up terrible rumors about them. Don't you think that is fair? Or are you gonna tell me that just because Kos is more popular that it is 'the media' but 'rightpundit' is not (even though they show up in Google News.)
What the hell? Can we have one conversation where words aren't being put in my mouth? I never said anything about this being unfair, and I never said anything about left wing media bias.

Should obama attack negative rumors? yeah, I would recommend that. that might be a smart move a month before November.

Also to get to the original point, Independents are not a third "phantom" party like so many of you guys act like they are. There are independent liberals and conservatives, and those independent conservatives may have thought the coverage was unfair, dailykos or not.


Ohio better get on the Obama wagon, otherwise we'll lose all of our election cred when he makes it to the White House without us.:lol



The government rescue of AIG is another unfortunate event following the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. It is another example of the reckless management of one of the most important companies in America. Given the serious financial conditions of the markets and at AIG, it was decided to extend a borrowing facility from the Treasury. This action should only protect the people who hold insurance policies, retirements plans and other accounts with AIG and protect the financial system from collapsing. Under no condition should incompetent management, the board of directors and shareholders benefit from this remedy.

Misrepresentation have been made in the recent past by senior management of these companies confirming the financial health of their companies. In cases like Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and now AIG these statements proved to be misleading and false. It has been at the expense of taxpayers, good employees, and the savings and retirement accounts of hardworking people. I call for an investigation into whether these senior managers were knowingly dishonest with the public when they knew their companies were in deep trouble. If they misled the public there should be serious penalties.

I am also concerned that the Administration has been inconsistent with the way they have dealt with each crisis. Taxpayer money was used for Bear Stearns, it was not used for Lehman Brothers and now it is used again for AIG. The American people need to know the thinking and the standards behind using taxpayers money to support these private sector institutions. American workers see their businesses suffering and many are going out of business but there is no bailout for them. We also should know why the Administration did not deal with the problems at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sooner.

This crisis is pushing to a breaking point our financial markets, the economy and hardworking Americans. We need answers and I plan to get them. We need to change the way Washington and Wall Street do business and I plan to make them.

"Today, the government was forced to commit $85 billion to stop the collapse of AIG, another in a growing series of events that includes Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These actions stem from failed regulation, reckless management, and a casino culture on Wall Street that has crippled one of the most important companies in America. The focus of any such action should be to protect the millions of Americans who hold insurance policies, retirement plans and other accounts with AIG. We must not bailout the management and speculators who created this mess. They had months of warnings following the Bear Stearns debacle, and they failed to act.

"We should never again allow the United States to be in this position. We need strong and effective regulation, a return to job-creating growth and a restoration of ethics and the social contract between businesses and America. Important questions remain to be answered by Wall Street. Did executives mislead investors and regulators about the severity of the problem? We must investigate whether or not there was misrepresentation on part of the company executives. If there was, there must be penalties. We need to change the way Washington and Wall Street does business, and as President I will."


ChoklitReign said:
Playing with 270toWin, if McCain won NH in that scenario, they would both be tied at 269-269. GIGA-FUCKING-TON. Sadly, it's fairly plausible.

If McCain wins NH I will stab myself through the chest with my own frozen shitsicle.


ChoklitReign said:
Playing with 270toWin, if McCain won NH in that scenario, they would both be tied at 269-269. GIGA-FUCKING-TON. Sadly, it's fairly plausible.

I would LOVE that. Taunting the right-wingers I know when the Dems in the House "steal" the election for us would be delicious.
/forever bitter about 2000


ChoklitReign said:
Playing with 270toWin, if McCain won NH in that scenario, they would both be tied at 269-269. GIGA-FUCKING-TON. Sadly, it's fairly plausible.

A tie would mean Obama wins.

Which means:
avatar299 said:
What the hell? Can we have one conversation where words aren't being put in my mouth? I never said anything about this being unfair, and I never said anything about left wing media bias.
That was just a joke about Fox.

avatar299 said:
Should obama attack negative rumors? yeah, I would recommend that. that might be a smart move a month before November.
Uh wat does that have to do with anything?

My original point was that 'the media' didn't run the 'Trig might be Bristol's kid' rumor . . . it was just a rumor on a left-wing blog and it was kinda silly for the McCain camp to whine about 'the media' on that story. The mainstream media ignored it. The mainstream media only mentioned after the McCain camp brought it up.

As to the rightpundit clowns, I think Obama is right to ignore it instead of playing the victim card.
HylianTom said:
I would LOVE that. Taunting the right-wingers I know when the Dems in the House "steal" the election for us would be delicious.
I'd hate that. A clear win would be much better and give more legitimacy.
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