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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Yaweee said:
Man, I'm in class most of the day and I leave to see that stocks are up and McCain's polls are down. What a glorious day; I think I will go out and eat some chicken.
I bought DQ4 in celebration!


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Xisiqomelir said:
Nader likes weed? That...improves my opinion of him. Considerably.

He ended up speaking a bit about how we need to get people on small drug charges out of our prisons and instead fine them, and then send them to drug rehab centers paid for by that fine money. Sounded like a good idea to me.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Tanned Greyface said:
Yay there is actually third party coverage in this thread. Keep that open mind (although your post history says you've already chosen Obama) and check out McKinney if you can.

Won't do me any good. Part of the reason he came to Oklahoma is to try and shore up support for OBAR (Oklahomans for Ballot Access Reform). Basically we have the strictest ballot access laws in the nation, strict enough that candidates need something like 60,000 signatures to get on the ballot, and you can't do write ins. He essentially can't get that kind of support.
DSWii60 said:

So does that mean G.W.Bush = a pig?

I think the Palin = Bush is pretty accurate . . . both are inexperienced governors from red-states, both have failed businesses, both are charismatic & folksy, both are fundamentalist Christians, both value loyalty over competency, both are secretive, both make decisions from 'gut', etc.

And I like these activist ladies . .. particularly the one on the right.


DSWii60 said:
For any UK PoliGAFfers or any US PoliGAFfers interested in how the media should interview politicians Sky News are interviewing Gordon Brown. The full interview will be released tomorrow, but here's a preview:


Now I wish American media would interview politicians like this. No one like Bush would ever get anywhere near the Presidency.

Reposting on this page so it doesn't get ignored on account of being the last post on the previous page.

After watching so many American interviews it makes such a nice change to hear the media actually pressing and being aggressive.


scorcho said:
What does using it as a news website mean?

scorcho said:
Conjecture. Show me examples of where an undefined group respects it as a news website.
This thread. Dailykos poll.

scorcho said:
Oh, I see your point - you're just thinking up artful uses of English words! How prescient!*

* By prescient I mean idiotic.
the means of communication, as radio and television, newspapers, and magazines or the internet, that reach or influence people widely

Media is just mass communication. If you piss a message in the snow, and that message is communicated to other people, well it's not a very good medium , but....

Steve Youngblood said:
Ugh... I seriously don't know why you continue to argue this.

The entire criticism of the argument is not to argue that there isn't a single person out there with any audience who is smearing Palin. That would be a stupid point to contend.
Oh irony:D

Steve Youngblood said:
The argument is that the entire "Left-wing media is scrutinizing Palin to a degree that NO POLITICIAN EVER has been subjected to" is a contrived narrative that is meant to serve as a smokescreen to distract from any legitimate investigation into her record.
Show one post. Show one fucking post where I said the left wing boogeyman was out for Palin.

I said, clearly that some of the initial stories that hit about her were stupid, inaccurate i believe some rubbed independents in the wrong way. i never said there was a left-wing media bias.

I said there was a legit argument to believe that Independents think Palin had shit thrown around about her. This idea that everyone uses the internet when it's useful for your angle, especially when it involves independents, who tend to be middle-aged and computer savy is ridicoulous. Barack obama became an internet sensation thanks to speeches being put online. Debate talking points were intensified due to blogs and youtube, and until this point the internet has been a large factor.

but that completely changes when it comes to negative about Palin? Now it's a niche?
Some pages back I remember reading about inaccurate polling methodology in several key states that actually favors McCain... anyone know what I'm talking about?

Having trouble finding it.


ZealousD said:
So GAF, I just returned from the Ralph Nader event here at my school (Oklahoma State University - Tulsa campus), and it went on for about 2 hours or so. From what I could tell, there were only about 75 people that showed up that were in the auditorium where he was speaking. One of the event organizers actually said it was a "decent" turnout.

I found myself agreeing with him most of the time on the issues, more than I expected, actually, but I think his "anti-corporation" stances tend to go just a little too far, and it seemed like he was often quoting numbers that seemed off. Like, he was saying he was getting 6-8% support in the polls (10% in Michigan), and that something like over 60% of people in the country were for full socialized healthcare (IE no insurance companies).

Also, in case anybody was wondering, he fucking hates the government bailouts that are happening right now.

And this will please some PoliGAFers, he had some nice things to say about Ron Paul. He called him "crazy" in regards to his views on corporate regulations and such, but praised his foreign policy views, and he even spoke at length about how he was proud that Paul was pretty much the only Congressman to push for legalized industrial hemp.
I voted for Nader last election, and I would have voted for him in 2000 if I had voted. I really liked Camello, his running mate. But Nader is just noise this election. A complete waste of time. Obama encompasses much of his movement now with more style. Let's be honest, Nader wasn't gonna win shit anyway, so I'm actually putting my vote behind Obama this time. Douchebag beats turd sandwich this go-round. PEACE.


Saint Gregory said:
If you'd told me a year ago that John McCain would run a campaign as brazenly disingenuous as the one he's running now I'd never have believed you. I actually told people that I thought he would never employ the lowbrow tactics that Hilary put to work late in her campaign. Man I couldn't have been more wrong. I'm starting to think he was never the guy I thought he was :(



Price Dalton said:
Some pages back I remember reading about inaccurate polling methodology in several key states that actually favors McCain... anyone know what I'm talking about?

Having trouble finding it.


ZealousD said:
He ended up speaking a bit about how we need to get people on small drug charges out of our prisons and instead fine them, and then send them to drug rehab centers paid for by that fine money. Sounded like a good idea to me.

that's a stupid plan. I shouldn't have to go to rehab if I don't want to. Also, I don't think drugs should be illegal and get fined. So, ya.
Saint Gregory said:
If you'd told me a year ago that John McCain would run a campaign as brazenly disingenuous as the one he's running now I'd never have believed you. I actually told people that I thought he would never employ the lowbrow tactics that Hilary put to work late in her campaign. Man I couldn't have been more wrong. I'm starting to think he was never the guy I thought he was :(
Yeah . . . it is pretty sad.

It seems to basically took in a lot of the Bush people and told them "Do whatever it take to win!" Maverick status went into negative territory. :-(

I don't think I'd ever vote for the guy, but I used to respect him. Respect be gone.
I have an idea for that image but I'm not at home yet to extract my craziness on it.

I do think it's funny how Colorado, Virginia, South Dakota and Wyoming are weighed equally.


I am always amazed at how many black faces the RNC manages to dig up to disrespect their race on these cable networks. Seriously...the number of black repubs being shown to us is disproportionately large compared to the actual number in the voting block. Is this supposed to fool anyone? PEACE.


Pimpwerx said:
I am always amazed at how many black faces the RNC manages to dig up to disrespect their race on these cable networks. Seriously...the number of black repubs being shown to us is disproportionately large compared to the actual number in the voting block. Is this supposed to fool anyone? PEACE.

Are you saying you don't believe in affirmative action? :p


avatar299 said:

what's so hard to believe about this? Several of my republican friends have echoed exactly the same sentiment. I must be missing something. Or are you just being obtuse?


Pimpwerx said:
I am always amazed at how many black faces the RNC manages to dig up to disrespect their race on these cable networks. Seriously...the number of black repubs being shown to us is disproportionately large compared to the actual number in the voting block. Is this supposed to fool anyone? PEACE.

The Republican's idea of affirmative action is getting minorities and women to shill for them on TV.


Hell, Jon Stewart was outwardly ecstatic that McCain and Obama would be facing off because he thought it'd be a clean fight, issues only, good campaign.


DSWii60 said:
For any UK PoliGAFfers or any US PoliGAFfers interested in how the media should interview politicians Sky News are interviewing Gordon Brown. The full interview will be released tomorrow, but here's a preview:


Now I wish American media would interview politicians like this. No one like Bush would ever get anywhere near the Presidency.

totally agree

ps. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fze2J2Ve9is this Bush interview with an Irish journalist is great, he is getting so annoyed :lol
avatar299 said:
This thread. Dailykos poll.
This thread cites Kos because it is largely an Obama-hive.

DailyKos is not a news site. It is a political community. Look . . . even Google News doesn't use it. If you type in dailykos into google news, you get news stories on kos but no kos itself.


testicles on a cold fall morning
speculawyer said:
DailyKos is not a news site. It is a political community. Look . . . even Google News doesn't use it. If you type in dailykos into google news, you get news stories on kos but no kos itself.
I'm still looking for the national and business sections on DailyKos. Have a link?
Pimpwerx said:
I am always amazed at how many black faces the RNC manages to dig up to disrespect their race on these cable networks. Seriously...the number of black repubs being shown to us is disproportionately large compared to the actual number in the voting block. Is this supposed to fool anyone? PEACE.

Were you watching MSNBC too?


speculawyer said:
This thread cites Kos because it is largely an Obama-hive.

DailyKos is not a news site. It is a political community. Look . . . even Google News doesn't use it. If you type in dailykos into google news, you get news stories on kos but no kos itself.

Plus nobody would even cite the kos poll if they didn't actually do it through Research 2000.
avatar299 said:
I said there was a legit argument to believe that Independents think Palin had shit thrown around about her. This idea that everyone uses the internet when it's useful for your angle, especially when it involves independents, who tend to be middle-aged and computer savy is ridicoulous. Barack obama became an internet sensation thanks to speeches being put online. Debate talking points were intensified due to blogs and youtube, and until this point the internet has been a large factor.

but that completely changes when it comes to negative about Palin? Now it's a niche?
So, you're argument is that independants are going to be following left wing blog sites, not accept them for what they are (partisan news), and think that the media as a whole is being unfair towards Palin?

To me, this argument is the same as me saying "God, that Sean Hannity is such a tool. the stuff he was saying about Obama is completely uncalled for. I don't like the way "the media" is treating him."

If I come across as antagonistic, I apologize. I just honestly think you're being intentionally aloof here.


speculawyer said:
This thread cites Kos because it is largely an Obama-hive.

DailyKos is not a news site. It is a political community. Look . . . even Google News doesn't use it. If you type in dailykos into google news, you get news stories on kos but no kos itself.
1. We don't know who's reading this thread.
2. Partisanship doesn't matter. Look at Fox News
3. Why would Google use it with google news? The Dailykos isn't a news site, but that doesn't mean it's not part of the media.


fivethirtyeight is using the Drudge siren in its latest posting, announcing that Obama is projected to be back in the electoral lead. Cute. :)

(more data coming soon)


Pimpwerx said:
I am always amazed at how many black faces the RNC manages to dig up to disrespect their race on these cable networks. Seriously...the number of black repubs being shown to us is disproportionately large compared to the actual number in the voting block. Is this supposed to fool anyone? PEACE.
Seriously. I have never met a black republican in my life and if I did, they were ashamed to admit it.

Actually reminds me of a old roommate who was white and didn't want me to tell anyone he was part of the college Republicans. I guess around here Republican is a bad word.
DSWii60 said:
For any UK PoliGAFfers or any US PoliGAFfers interested in how the media should interview politicians Sky News are interviewing Gordon Brown. The full interview will be released tomorrow, but here's a preview:


Now I wish American media would interview politicians like this. No one like Bush would ever get anywhere near the Presidency.
Yeah, a great deal of US political reporting USED to be pretty good about screening bullshit and not parroting the candidates' or their surrogates' scripts. Now, the most honest US reporting tends to come from political comedy shows and fact-checking organizations. Thankfully, it seems that the media will not completely revert to the cocksucking inanity that typifies the Bush-era political coverage (one that is PROVEN to have mostly Republican and Bush administration propaganda and viewpoints that call all others un-American/unpatriotic). Still, most US media has a ways to go to return to some semblance of the kind of journalistic integrity that was mostly divorced from the 'reality' show and American Idol-like contest mentality that we have now.

It truly hurts that this generation of kids (as old as 26) never really knew a world without the baldly propagandist, and borderline racist & bigoted shit-speak that dominates the late 90s to today. There's the near-complete infestation of right-wing hate/news radio that completely distorts what many of this new generation see as the unbiased truth...they think the right is actually the center?!?!. When I was a kid in the 80s and early 90s, political discourse was FAR better and more issues-based than the crap that passes for substance these days. Sure, it was still happy to practically celebrate the age-old tradition of bullshit in politics taken at face value, but it was far more centered and, most importantly, critical in thought and not just verbal communication...which is what you get from Fox News and many of the more right-leaning outlets.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Price Dalton said:
Some pages back I remember reading about inaccurate polling methodology in several key states that actually favors McCain... anyone know what I'm talking about?

Having trouble finding it.

The issue is that polls poll an equal number of republicans and democrats, even though there aren't an equal number of registered voters. There are far more registered republicans. So all that polling data is useless and inaccurately skewed right.


DSWii60 said:
:lol Can't believe I've never seen that before. I am actually quite surprised Bush performed as well as he did.

im surprised you had not seen it before, was pretty big news in the UK and Ireland since Bush and his people were furious and actually made a complaint to the Irish Embassy :lol
and yeh I agree he did surprisingly well
http://www.independent.ie/national-news/angry-white-house-pulls-rte-interview-169268.html said:
THE White House has lodged a complaint with the Irish Embassy in Washington over RTE journalist Carole Coleman's interview with US President George Bush.

And it is believed the President's staff have now withdrawn from an exclusive interview which was to have been given to RTE this morning by First Lady Laura Bush.

It is understood that both RTE and the Department of Foreign Affairs were aware of the exclusive arrangement, scheduled for 11am today. However, when RTE put Ms Coleman's name forward as interviewer, they were told Mrs Bush would no longer be available.

The Irish Independent learned last night that the White House told Ms Coleman that she interrupted the president unnecessarily and was disrespectful.

She also received a call from the White House in which she was admonished for her tone.

And it emerged last night that presidential staff suggested to Ms Coleman as she went into the interview that she ask him a question on the outfit that Taoiseach Bertie Ahern wore to the G8 summit.


Steve Youngblood said:
So, you're argument is that independants are going to be following left wing blog sites, not accept them for what they are (partisan news), and think that the media as a whole is being unfair towards Palin?

To me, this argument is the same as me saying "God, that Sean Hannity is such a tool. the stuff he was saying about Obama is completely uncalled for. I don't like the way "the media" is treating him."

If I come across as antagonistic, I apologize. I just honestly think you're being intentionally aloof here.
:lol You seriously don't see the irony here. The constant bitching about the quality of our media, and i'm behind all of that and you don't see a connection.

Do all independents think that, no and I never said they did, or at least i didn't try to make that statement. Independents are independent for a reason, and while some may believe she has been handled with kid gloves and others believe she has been treated the same as anyone else, there may be others who think the initial attacks against her were either to personal, completely irrelevant or just stupid, and that reflected bad on the media they read(blogs),watch(t.v), or hear(radio).
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