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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Trurl said:
That's really not an option.
Is it. Many americans aren't feeling this on a day to day level yet. maybe he can talk about gas prices and ....health....homes........

Look he should just shut up, okay?


speculawyer said:
I'd hate that. A clear win would be much better and give more legitimacy.

Just the opportunity to say "get over it" to certain family members for a few months years.. it'd help with the healing process. (Yes, I'm a very vengeful person.)

But you're right. A blowout would probably be just as delectable. And the electoral map poster would be prettier.


Xisiqomelir said:
I can't even read that
Senator Barack Obama has an admirer -- political commentator Pat Buchanan. Both have a history of being dangerously wrong on issues important to Israel.

Buchanan, a leading anti-Israel voice in American politics, said recently his position on Israel is a lot closer to Barack Obama's. Dangerous.

Buchanan praises Barack Obama for wanting to meet personally without preconditions, with leaders of Iran to resolve differences with the United States. "I think Barack is right, we ought to talk to the Iranians." Buchanan said. Reckless.

And what does Pat Buchanan think about Sen. Obama’s pro-Palestinian rhetoric? "Frankly, (Barack Obama) is right to say the Palestinian people got a terrible deal over there and their suffering ought to be recognized. That's Obama's position. It's my position."

The Anti-Defamation League says Buchanan "publicly espouses racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel and anti-immigrant views." Yet, Buchanan calls his views on Israel, Iran and the Palestinians the same as Obama's. Wrong.

Emphasis theirs.
avatar299 said:
Honestly John McCain should shut up about the economy.

I'd prefer this


But first shove Palin in there.


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The Blue Jihad said:
I'd prefer this


But first shove Palin in there.[/QUOTE]
Toooooooo far.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Remember Bush claiming, "political capital" after squeezing by in 04?

Mostly I just remember 2005 when Bush pissed it all away on Terry Schiavo, privatization of Social Security, Harriet Myers, Katrina, etc... The Bush train wreck has been in the red since about five minutes after the 2004 election. :lol
OuterWorldVoice said:
Remember Bush claiming, "political capital" after squeezing by in 04?

Electoral mandate is the correct term. It's been used by Presidents since Andrew Jackson as an excuse for executive power grabs and agenda-pushing.
Another Palin Lie: Palin said she got a paycut while Mayor, she actually got a raise

One thing Sarah Palin cites as proof of her reform credentials is a pay cut she says she took when she became Mayor of Wasilla in 1996.

"As mayor I took a voluntary pay cut, which didn't thrill my husband; and then as governor I cut the personal chef position from the budget, and that didn't thrill my hungry kids," Palin said recently, repeating a frequent refrain.

But did she really get an overall pay cut as mayor? The record suggests a more complex story.

While Palin did appear to get a pay cut ordinance passed upon entering, several years later her salary had actually gone up to the point where it ended up thousands of dollars higher than it was just before she took office, local press reports at the time show.

Two reports in the local Alaska press in 1999, three years after she became Mayor, say explicitly that her salary at that time was $68,000, higher than the $64,000 it was just before she took over as mayor. The pay hikes were apparently due to mandated salary increases that the City Council refused to overrule, though that's not certain.

The McCain campaign was unable to explain why her salary had gone up and how that squared with her claim of taking a cut.

Asked for proof of her claim that she took a pay cut, the McCain campaign provided us with minutes from a Wasilla City Council meeting from November 13, 1996, which appear to show that Palin introduced and passed some sort of measure to reduce her salary by 10 percent.

But that's not the end of the story.

Three years later, on March 12, 1999, an article ran in The Frontiersman which explicitly reported that Palin's salary was higher at that time than it was when she took over. The article describes a City Council vote where the Council, in the words of the paper, "decided to leave the mayor's salary at $68,000." It was $64,000 when Palin took over, according to the paper.

An article in the same paper a week earlier shows Palin herself discussing the fact that she'd accepted the increase, albeit against her will:

The mayor's wage was increased from $64,000 to $68,000 in 1996, just before Sarah Palin was elected.

"I voted against it when I was a council member and I felt like a hypocrite when I came in and had to accept it," Palin said.

"Two and a half months after I was elected, the new resolution kicked in, but I took a pay cut down to $61,200. Then I had to accept the $68,000 since the last fiscal year started."

So what appears to have happened is this: As a Council member she voted against hiking the mayor's salary from $64,000 to $68,000, but it passed anyway. When she came in as mayor, she passed the ordinance which brought her salary down to $61,200. But that may not actually have taken effect, and Council-mandated raises brought her actual salary up to $68,000.

The McCain campaign was unable to explain whether her salary actually was cut. And the McCain campaign declined to comment on the fact that her salary had actually ended up higher than it was when she first took office, beyond referring us back to the original minutes of the initial meeting where the first ordinance was passed.

avatar299 said:
:lol You seriously don't see the irony here. The constant bitching about the quality of our media, and i'm behind all of that and you don't see a connection.

Do all independents think that, no and I never said they did, or at least i didn't try to make that statement. Independents are independent for a reason, and while some may believe she has been handled with kid gloves and others believe she has been treated the same as anyone else, there may be others who think the initial attacks against her were either to personal, completely irrelevant or just stupid, and that reflected bad on the media they read(blogs),watch(t.v), or hear(radio).
And all I'm saying is that there's a big difference between saying that "some media outlets" were unfair, and referring to the media as some singular, nebulous entity where anything that can be describe as 'media' represents media as a whole.

Maybe I've unfairly lopped you in with GOP whiners who have, from day one, sought to divert attention away from scrutiny of the unknown Palin in the hopes that only the positives would be played up. But still, I don't see any reason why independent, partisan bloggers should be held to the same standards as mainstream media outlets. I'm not saying they're better or worse, or arguing that they have zero influence. I'm just saying that it seems odd to me that they would be held accountable for what they write to the same degree as the big news stations, or the big newspapers that many get delivered to their door or pick up at any newstand would be. They're not an inconsequential niche, no. But they also aren't quite in the same league just yet.


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Tim-E said:
Every Obama/Biden event can be watched live from there. :D Enjoy.
Who...WHO in this thread would have been brave enough to bring this link to the masses! WHO I ASK!

Surely not the tyrannous GhaleonEB...what...with his fishy ways. He supports hunting fish from aircraft, ladies and gentleman...it's true. Think about that before you pull the lever for Ghaleon this fall.

Would it be Gaborn? What...with his unbreakable spirit and impossible to bend views of the world? NO! This man would sooner vote AGAINST progress to his causes, in hopes of spawning some kind of uber backlash in the future to get precisely what he craves. This is not the ramblings...of a sane man. THIS IS MADNESS!

Perhaps it would be Tamamamanomomnom? Who can say this man's name...honestly. The world does not have a place for this tall skinny kid from Chicago with a funny name. Not in my America.

This brings us to Tim-E. Tim-E is about the right to view media without forcing the evil plug-ins of the internet into your homes. Tim-E is pro-choice. He believes in the right for the women of the internet to choose whether or not they want to be pestered by "big plug-ins". Tim-E challenges the "Old Media Club" and he will reform the internet.

Join me, ladies and gentleman...my friends, and a Tim-E/RubxQub administration will free your minds, and free your internet browsers!

Thank you, and God Bless NeoGAF!


They were just saying on brit humes fox show that this resolution trust idea that paulson is apparently pushing is something that the McCain campaign has talked about previously.

I'm wondering if that is actually the case? Apparently everybody seems to like this idea in the economic thread. I barley understand it myself, but it somehow involves the government assuming a bunch of bad debt for a period of time. If the congress passes it, and McCain is somehow able to take credit for it, that would be interesting.

edit// Apparently it is true..

He also called for creation of a new agency modeled after the Resolution Trust Corp. that handled the fallout from the savings and loan crisis. He said the new agency would be called the Mortgage and Financial Institutions Trust.

"The priorities of this trust will be to work with the private sector and regulators to identify institutions that are weak and take remedies to strengthen them before they become insolvent," he said. "For troubled institutions this will provide an orderly process through which to identify bad loans and eventually sell them."

Sen. McCain said the new agency, which he dubbed the "MFI," will work proactively with markets to prevent problems before they happen.

"The MFI will enhance investor and market confidence, benefit sound financial institutions, assist troubled institutions and protect our financial system, while minimizing taxpayer exposure," he said.



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Biden is going CRAAAAAAAZAAAAAAAY right now.

I'm loving this.


drawer by drawer
RubxQub said:
Who...WHO in this thread would have been brave enough to bring this link to the masses! WHO I ASK!

Uhhh, sorry to rain on your parade, but that link has been posted a couple times. It's awesome :D

Nice speech, though :lol

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Pennsylvania GOP seeks ban on political clothing at polling places

If top state Republicans get their way, you can forget about wearing that Obama T-shirt when you step up to cast your vote Nov. 4.

Palin pins will be off limits, too.

It's called "passive electioneering" and GOP officials today called on the Rendell administration to enforce a little-known, decades-old law they say bans such things.

"We strongly believe Pennsylvanians should be able to look to the polling place as a safe harbor, free of any type of electioneering, without any outside influences," Robert Gleason, chairman of the state Republican Party, said at a Capitol news conference.

In past years, some local election officials across Pennsylvania - but not in Philadelphia - have enforced the provision, going as far as asking voters to turn their T-shirts inside out.

What the fuck?


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Judderman said:
Uhhh, sorry to rain on your parade, but that link has been posted a couple times. It's awesome :D

Nice speech, though :lol
By me


RubxQub said:
Who...WHO in this thread would have been brave enough to bring this link to the masses! WHO I ASK!

Surely not the tyrannous GhaleonEB...what...with his fishy ways. He supports hunting fish from aircraft, ladies and gentleman...it's true. Think about that before you pull the lever for Ghaleon this fall.

Would it be Gaborn? What...with his unbreakable spirit and impossible to bend views of the world? NO! This man would sooner vote AGAINST progress to his causes, in hopes of spawning some kind of uber backlash in the future to get precisely what he craves. This is not the ramblings...of a sane man. THIS IS MADNESS!

Perhaps it would be Tamamamanomomnom? Who can say this man's name...honestly. The world does not have a place for this tall skinny kid from Chicago with a funny name. Not in my America.

This brings us to Tim-E. Tim-E is about the right to view media without forcing the evil plug-ins of the internet into your homes. Tim-E is pro-choice. He believes in the right for the women of the internet to choose whether or not they want to be pestered by "big plug-ins". Tim-E challenges the "Old Media Club" and he will reform the internet.

Join me, ladies and gentleman...my friends, and a Tim-E/RubxQub administration will free your minds, and free your internet browsers!

Thank you, and God Bless NeoGAF!

Factcheck.org says that Gaborn wants to overturn Firefox v. Internet Explorer. Pundits representing both parties that he would make Netscape the only legal option you have when making your decision on what browser to use.

That's not change. That's just more of the same.

I'm Tim-E and I approve this message.


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~Devil Trigger~ said:
Biden's the muthafuckin man
I'm loving how this is all off-script, too. It's so crazy.

Fake edit: 2 "ladies and gentleman" rapid fire :lol
Krowley said:
They were just saying on brit humes fox show that this resolution trust idea that paulson is apparently pushing is something that the McCain campaign has been talking about.

I'm wondering if that is actually the case? Apparently everybody seems to like this idea in the economic thread. I barley understand it myself, but it somehow involves the government assuming a bunch of bad debt for a period of time.

It's the GOP/Bernake/Paulson approach, which bails out the banks and the financial industry but does jack all for the homeowner and little for the actual, on the ground housing market.

The Democratic plan should be more about buying the shitty mortgages from the banks in return for equity stakes that would then be sold off in a defined way later, and then taking those mortgages and writing them into more "real" mortgage products so that, when possible, distressed homeowners can stay in their homes.

There's a big gap here and the difference between the two approaches is very stark in terms of economic populism.


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Sleepover with the Obama kids and Obama's grandkids...fucking adorable as all fucking shit.



Whoa, I've been at work all day, what the hell happened to make Obama shoot up 20% on 538? I know he's rising in the polls, but that's a huge change for one day. Is there something I missed?


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demon said:
Am I wrong for thinking Biden is a better speaker than Obama?
I think it speaks more to the greatness of the Democratic tickets oratory skills than anything. Both Barack and Biden have pretty different styles of stump.

Long story short, though, the Republicans have absolutely nothing in this category against them.
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