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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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demon said:
Am I wrong for thinking Biden is a better speaker than Obama?
Depends, I don't think he can quite deliver big idea type of a speech as well as Obama, but he is fuck awesome when it come to the details.
He is also without a doubt a doubt a better debater than him.
There will be motherfucking blood in the VP debate.


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Rur0ni said:
United States of Barack Obama?

Or did he say United States with Barack Obama? :lol
First we had "Barack America". Now we have "United States of Barack Obama".

Because you see...Barack is America. His story is our story. Our story is his story. We are all, Barack Obama.


RubxQub said:
First we had "Barack America". Now we have "United States of Barack Obama".

Because you see...Barack is America. His story is our story. Our story is his story. We are all, Barack Obama.

I am Obamacus!


I hate to keep harping on Troopergate, but it stinks to high heaven.

McCain's thugs are calling local Alaska reporters at their homes to harass them about their reporting.

Here's a little more evidence that the McCain-Palin campaign is playing the hardest of hardball on Trooper-Gate -- especially in regard to press relations.

Jason Moore, a reporter with Anchorage-based KTUU-TV, just confirmed to TPMmuckraker that Megan Stapleton, a spokeswoman for the McCain-Palin campaign in Alaska, called his home to complain about one of Moore's news reports, and accused Moore of calling Stapleton and another McCain staffer liars.

Moore's report looked at the McCain-Palin campaign's "Truth Squad," an aggressive Alaska-based public relations campaign that's being led by Stapleton and former federal prosecutor Ed O'Callaghan and is designed to help thwart the Trooper-Gate investigation.

Whatever lines they can find to cross, they are crossing them.


*drowns in jizz*
speculawyer said:
Pat Buchanan likes Obama's policy, so don't vote for Obama . . . VOTE FOR THE CANDIDATE PAT BUCHANAN FULLY ENDORSES! (Kinda nonsensical, eh?)


Translation: Any candidate who isn't so far Israel's ass that they're coming back up through the other side, who may actually be interested in finding a rational solution to the issues, and that doesnt see the Palestinians as worthless dirt whose blood has absolutely no value is 'dangerous'.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
GhaleonEB said:
I hate to keep harping on Troopergate, but it stinks to high heaven.

McCain's thugs are calling local Alaska reporters at their homes to harass them about their reporting.

Whatever lines they can find to cross, they are crossing them.

Keep airing this shit out. The more daylight, the better. However, I had a weird thought. What if the Repub machine now thinks that it can get McCain elected using what popularity Palin has left - knowing full well Troopergate is toxic and will require her resignation after the fact? At which point they will be able to insert a Romney, or similar.
RubxQub said:
First we had "Barack America". Now we have "United States of Barack Obama".

Because you see...Barack is America. His story is our story. Our story is his story. We are all, Barack Obama.

This post reminds me of this NYTimes article:

Obama Supporters Take His Name as Their Own

Published: June 29, 2008
Emily Nordling has never met a Muslim, at least not to her knowledge. But this spring, Ms. Nordling, a 19-year-old student from Fort Thomas, Ky., gave herself a new middle name on Facebook.com, mimicking her boyfriend and shocking her father. “Emily Hussein Nordling,” her entry now reads.

With her decision, she joined a growing band of supporters of Senator Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, who are expressing solidarity with him by informally adopting his middle name.

The result is a group of unlikely-sounding Husseins: Jewish and Catholic, Hispanic and Asian and Italian-American, from Jaime Hussein Alvarez of Washington, D.C., to Kelly Hussein Crowley of Norman, Okla., to Sarah Beth Hussein Frumkin of Chicago.

“I am sick of Republicans pronouncing Barack Obama’s name like it was some sort of cuss word,” Mr. Strabone wrote in a manifesto titled “We Are All Hussein” that he posted on his own blog and on dailykos.com.

Funky Papa

GhaleonEB said:
I hate to keep harping on Troopergate, but it stinks to high heaven.

McCain's thugs are calling local Alaska reporters at their homes to harass them about their reporting.

Whatever lines they can find to cross, they are crossing them.
This will backfire. Hard. The MSM was happy to follow whatever information that could improve their ratings (see: lipstick on a pig) but things like this are not easily forgotten. McCain is committing a serious mistake.


Anyone else think there will be fireworks once palin is sent back to Alaska ? alot of people there have crossed Palin and she doesnt seem to be the type to forgive and forget.


qwertybob said:
Anyone else think there will be fireworks once palin is sent back to Alaska ? alot of people there have crossed Palin and she doesnt seem to be the type to forgive and forget.

This is the United States of America, not the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. There can be no disappearances, mysterious threats, dark insinuations and other villainous miscellany, or we do not deserve to call ourselves a free society. If her Great Northern Eminence dares to attempt any such Republican criminal acts, I would hope that the free press and judiciary of Alaska stand up to her.
Smiles and Cries said:
the thread title changes are confusing since I have not kept up with the drama on PoliGAF. Tell me this, do I want to know?

Apparently John McCain owns a Delorean, which is why he is so old. Time travel is a bitch.
SnakeswithLasers said:
My answer was better; this is why you shouldn't click on links.

I do not see McCain as a Delorean owner... I see him as someone who owns one of those early bikes. As seen in the movie with Paul Newman riding this bike with a 8 feet tall wheel and a smaller one in the back. Not that McCain could ever join the hole in the wall gang. Still that bike is McCain


Xisiqomelir said:
This is the United States of America, not the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. There can be no disappearances, mysterious threats, dark insinuations and other villainous miscellany, or we do not deserve to call ourselves a free society. If her Great Northern Eminence dares to attempt any such Republican criminal acts, I would hope that the free press and judiciary of Alaska stand up to her.

not the kind of stuff I had in mind lol but some slightly more subtle stuff, blackballing half the press etc.
GhaleonEB said:
I hate to keep harping on Troopergate, but it stinks to high heaven.

McCain's thugs are calling local Alaska reporters at their homes to harass them about their reporting.

Whatever lines they can find to cross, they are crossing them.

Wow. You ever get the feeling that the GOP got so powerful that they don't know where the limits of their power ends?

Well if I were the reporter, I'd take such calls as a chance to ask them more questions and get more responses that I could put in my articles.
Smiles and Cries said:
I do not see McCain as a Delorean owner... I see him as someone who owns one of those early bikes. As seen in the movie with Paul Newman riding this bike with a 8 feet tall wheel and a smaller one in the back. Not that McCain could ever join the hole in the wall gang. Still that bike is McCain

Or maybe he traveled through time while living in a box?
Photos: Obama in Espanola today.


ESPANOLA, N.M. -- Barack Obama intensified his push for Latino voters today with an outdoor rally in Espanola, a city in northern New Mexico that's 84 percent Hispanic.

He brought with him one of the country's chief Hispanic validators: New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who greeted the crowd warmly in a mix of Spanish and English. In Spanish, he assured the crowd -- 9,500 people, says Obama's campaign -- that Obama believed in family and in religion.

Obama, delivering the latest in a series of speeches on the economy, sprinkled in references to specific concerns of Hispanic families, noting that they've been the target of predatory lenders and often don't have health insurance. And then he made a blunt pitch for their support.

Obama also said today that he would meet tomorrow with his economic team to devise a plan, which he called a "Homeowner and Financial Support Act," to provide capital and liquidity to the financial system, and to help struggling families restructure their mortgages. It's unclear yet what exact form the plan will take. And he continued to mock John McCain for embracing economic populism and regulation after a career spent advocating a hands-off approach to corporate America.

"John McCain can't decide whether he's Barry Goldwater or Dennis Kucinich," Obama said. "You cannot just run away from your long-held views or your life-long record."


"On Monday, he said the economy was fundamentally sound -- and he was fundamentally wrong. On Tuesday, he said the government should stand by and allow one of the nation's largest insurers to collapse, putting the well-being of millions of Americans at risk. But by Wednesday, he changed his mind," Obama said.

"He said he would take on the ol' boy network, but he seemed to forget that he took seven of the biggest lobbyists in Washington from that network and put them in charge of your campaign," Obama said.

"Well, I have a message for Senator McCain: You can't just run away from your long-held views or your life-long record. You can't erase twenty-six years of support for the very policies and people who helped bring on this disaster with one week of rants."


“On Tuesday, he said the government should stand aside and allow one of the nation’s largest insurers AIG, to collapse, I mean he said this in three different interviews despite the possibility that it would put millions of Americans at risk,” Obama told a crowd of thousands at a northern New Mexico rally. “But by Wednesday, he changed his mind. And today he accused me of not supporting what the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank did with AIG, despite no evidence whatsoever that that’s what I had said.”

“He has consistently opposed the sorts of common sense regulations that might set out some rules of the road for these financial institutions have lessened the current crisis,” he said. “Except now, with the magnitude of the crisis apparent even to the Bush White House, John McCain wants to reverse himself, he wants to reverse course. Now, all of a sudden, he has become a populist now he’s unleashed an angry tirade against all the insiders and lobbyists who happened to have supported him for twenty-six years


In Espanola, New Mexico, Barack Obama nailed it. In discussing the economy, he attacked McCain's idea of creating a commission to deal with our economic crisis.

He said something like, "We don't need no stinkin' commission!"

"What we need is honest talk and real solutions," Obama said. "Senator McCain's first answer to this economic crisis was - get ready for it - a commission. That's Washington-speak for "we'll get back to you later." Folks, we don't need a commission to spend a few years and a lot of taxpayer money to tell us what's going on in our economy. We don't need a commission to tell us gas prices are high or that you can't pay your bills. We don't need a commission to tell us you're losing your jobs. We don't need a commission to study this crisis, we need a President who will solve it - and that's the kind of President I intend to be."


Wouldn't it be great if Larry King had Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert on to talk about the election? That's an awesome interview right there. Of course I'd want Colbert out of character.


*drowns in jizz*
_leech_ said:
Canada supports Obama.


Canada should acts as sort of a barometer. Culturally, the 2 countries are almost identical, so its always interesting the see the large gap in opinion between the 2 countries. Id say Canada is a 'saner' version of the US, devoid of Fox News. All polls Ive seen from Canada on which candidate Canadians would support range anywhere between 75%-88% for Obama. Also, I think its safe to say every other country on Earth would also overwhelmingly support Obama, save possibly for Israel.


lopaz said:
Wait what? You're going to have sex?!?!?!!?!?!?

Great idea. Help move things along down there.

Tamanon said:
Canada is the US without wedge issues.

No, Canada is the blue states without the red states.

And incidentally, most of those wedge issues should be relegated to the states anyway.
lawblob said:
Anyone know where I can find the kid wearing the vote shirt so I can punch him in his smug face?


gaf always brings the haterade. The kid is probably getting laid left and right as the sensitive kid with a heart.
I have to find sources for a term paper in my PoliSci class about the 08 election, and I figured what better place to find sources than PoliGaf. Does anyone have any articles that talk about Obama's and McCain's policies on health care, the economy, Iraq War, ect. I'd prefer if they came from newspapers or magazines like NYtimes, or Time. Op/Ed pieces are good too especially some of the ones recently I've seen that have been blasting the McCain campaign for running a dishonest campaign. I'd be really grateful to any help you guys can give.


JayDubya said:
Great idea. Help move things along down there.

No, Canada is the blue states without the red states.

And incidentally, most of those wedge issues should be relegated to the states anyway.



Hellsing321 said:
I have to find sources for a term paper in my PoliSci class about the 08 election, and I figured what better place to find sources than PoliGaf. Does anyone have any articles that talk about Obama's and McCain's policies on health care, the economy, Iraq War, ect. I'd prefer if they came from newspapers or magazines like NYtimes, or Time. Op/Ed pieces are good too especially some of the ones recently I've seen that have been blasting the McCain campaign for running a dishonest campaign. I'd be really grateful to any help you guys can give.
Definitely take a look at that NYT piece scorcho keeps peddling. It's a pretty extensive look at Obama's economic philosophy. I don't have the link unfortunately :(
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