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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Xisiqomelir said:
Do you regard abortion as synonymous with infanticide, Jay? I think that might be what's confusing RubX here.

Morally, sure.

The bill in question had to do with children / legal persons / things what came out the magic personhood cave.


Thread .....starting to ....slow...down.

Well, we have 1 week until the big debate. I can't wait, I have a feeling the ratings will be through the roof. Except they're being held on a Friday night. I wonder how many bars will have the volume turned up? :lol

Here's hoping for a plenitude of earnest eyes and ears next Friday night.


Fatalah said:
Thread .....starting to ....slow...down.

Well, we have 1 week until the big debate. I can't wait, I have a feeling the ratings will be through the roof. Except they're being held on a Friday night. I wonder how many bars will have the volume turned up? :lol

Here's hoping for a plenitude of earnest eyes and ears next Friday night.

Alright man, your post wasn't important enough to edit it on the bottom of the last page and then post it again on the top of the next page:p


when is my burrito
Odrion said:
Jesus Christ Obama's attack ads are getting vicious.

I'm loving them. :p

I laugh when I see people trying to defend McCain's position on abortion in the comments. They say McCain and Palin believe in exceptions for rape and incest which may or may not be true. The fact remains that "no exceptions" is the party platform and McCain wrote the damn platform.

So they're either defending a hypocrite (exceptions are good but McCain refused to add it to the platform) or an anti-choice authoritarian (doesn't believe in the exceptions).

Not to mention the utter hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy of claiming he is pro-life while being an ardent supporter of the DEATH penalty.


Tamanon said:
Alright man, your post wasn't important enough to edit it on the bottom of the last page and then post it again on the top of the next page:p

Hmm...You're a liar.



tanod said:
I laugh when I see people trying to defend McCain's position on abortion in the comments. They say McCain and Palin believe in exceptions for rape and incest which may or may not be true. The fact remains that "no exceptions" is the party platform and McCain wrote the damn platform.

So they're either defending a hypocrite (exceptions are good but McCain refused to add it to the platform) or an anti-choice authoritarian (doesn't believe in the exceptions).

Not to mention the utter hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy of claiming he is pro-life while being an ardent supporter of the DEATH penalty.
Out of curiosity, do you consider people who support the right to abortion but are against the death penalty "hypocrites"?


tanod said:
Not to mention the utter hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy of claiming he is pro-life while being an ardent supporter of the DEATH penalty.

Even as someone that is opposed to the DP, this absolutely does not make sense. Someone convicted of a capital offense is not the moral equivalent of a child.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Maybe this was talked about earlier in the thread, but those African Americans protesting the Barack Obama event with signs saying he supports the KKK blows my mind. Someone please explain to me how anyone could get that idea.



WASHINGTON — It was a room full of people who rarely hold their tongues. But as the Fed chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, laid out the potentially devastating ramifications of the financial crisis before congressional leaders on Thursday night, there was a stunned silence at first.

Mr. Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. had made an urgent and unusual evening visit to Capitol Hill, and they were gathered around a conference table in the offices of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“When you listened to him describe it you gulped," said Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York.

As Senator Christopher J. Dodd, Democrat of Connecticut and chairman of the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, put it, “There was a long pause in the room.”

Mr. Schumer added, “History was sort of hanging over it, like this was a moment.”

When Mr. Schumer described the meeting as “somber,” Mr. Dodd cut in. “Somber doesn’t begin to justy the words,” he said. “We have never heard language like this.”

“The congressional leaders were told “that we’re literally maybe days away from a complete meltdown of our financial system, with all the implications here at home and globally.”


ICallItFutile said:
Maybe this was talked about earlier in the thread, but those African Americans protesting the Barack Obama event with signs saying he supports the KKK blows my mind. Someone please explain to me how anyone could get that idea.

Wait, what?
ICallItFutile said:
Maybe this was talked about earlier in the thread, but those African Americans protesting the Barack Obama event with signs saying he supports the KKK blows my mind. Someone please explain to me how anyone could get that idea.

There are krazy kooks all over America. The fact that he generally gets over 90% of the black votes demonstrates their kookiness.


Branduil said:
Out of curiosity, do you consider people who support the right to abortion but are against the death penalty "hypocrites"?

If someone raped your gf, would you make her have the baby?

Maybe this was talked about earlier in the thread, but those African Americans protesting the Barack Obama event with signs saying he supports the KKK blows my mind. Someone please explain to me how anyone could get that idea.



when is my burrito
JayDubya said:
Even as someone that is opposed to the DP, this absolutely does not make sense. Someone convicted of a capital offense is not the moral equivalent of a child.

Moral equivalence has nothing to do with what I said. McCain saying he is pro-life is hypocrisy. Life is life. Unless you mean to argue that the pro-life philosophy has exceptions, in which case, I'd be glad to hear you explain them.
JayDubya said:
Even as someone that is opposed to the DP, this absolutely does not make sense. Someone convicted of a capital offense is not the moral equivalent of a child.
And a cluster of cells are not the equivalent of a child either.

A tumor on the side of your face holds all the same life giving material as your spunk. A skin flake does as well.

When we can more or less create life, where does the "life" qualifier begin?
Zeliard said:
Wait, what?
Black protestors heckle Obama at rally


CORAL GABLES, Florida (AFP) - Around 20 African-Americans heckled Barack Obama at a rally here Friday, screaming chants and holding up placards accusing the White House hopeful of selling out the black community.

As the Democrat, who would be the first African-American US president, spoke, the protestors jumped up from their seats in a corner high up in the University of Miami's basketball arena. One of their signs said: "Barack Obama endorsed by KKK (Ku Klux Klan)."

Police and Secret Service agents intervened, as thousands of Obama supporters responded with boos and jeers. The protestors did not appear to resist as they were hustled out of the stadium.

"OK, let's get back to work," Obama said after the five-minute interruption, resuming a speech dominated by attacks on Republican rival John McCain's record on women's issues and the economy at a time of financial crisis.


we all knew her
ICallItFutile said:
I read the earlier in the thread now; so they were protesting Obama because the KKK endorses him? Is that even true? I'm so confused.

Some higher-up in the KKK said a few months back that they'd like to see Obama win because they think it would help them add members to their organization.


syllogism said:
“The congressional leaders were told “that we’re literally maybe days away from a complete meltdown of our financial system, with all the implications here at home and globally.”
I have a brother in law who has been rather prescient with all of this. He sold his house over a year ago and rented, because he thought home values were about to plunge. Over the past few years he's bought a lot of gold and silver instead of stocks and bonds because he's been saying the financial systems were going to implode.

He called today and suggested we pull some cash from the bank, "in case you can't access deposits for a few days."


tanod said:
Moral equivalence has nothing to do with what I said. McCain saying he is pro-life is hypocrisy. Life is life. Unless you mean to argue that the pro-life philosophy has exceptions, in which case, I'd be glad to hear you explain them.

If I must, then fine.

Premise: You have a right to life, a right to certain liberties, and a right to the pursuit of happiness (property / self-interest). If you don't agree with the premise, tough titties, the dudes what wrote the Constitution did, so moving right along.

A just government protects those rights by prosecuting infractions of those rights, and through the due process of law, it can deprive someone of their property, their liberties, and Constitutionally speaking at least, their life (5th Amendment).

So for someone who has been convicted of murder by a jury of their peers and sentenced to death, they violated the rights of others, and they forfeited their own rights. If you always have your right to life no matter what your actions, and thus you cannot be executed, then you could take that same logic to state that you always have a right to your liberty and property and you could not be jailed or confiscated either.

Now, speaking more personally, I oppose the use of the death penalty in almost all cases because I can't say that as a rule, government is full of fail, and then turn around and say that I trust them to find the objective truth and prosecute and execute the person that deserves it every time. That has nothing to do with people that commit murder not deserving execution, and that has nothing to do with "right to life" arguments.


zesty said:
Some higher-up in the KKK said a few months back that they'd like to see Obama win because they think it would help them add members to their organization.

Goddamn, the Gaborn Doctrine has adherents everywhere! This is like...political masochism or something :lol

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
JayDubya said:
Even as someone that is opposed to the DP, this absolutely does not make sense. Someone convicted of a capital offense is not the moral equivalent of a child.

what if that person is innocent? which seems to happen quite often.
It would be so much easier if people just voted based on astrology like I do

I mean you have a virgo and a leo and who in their right mind would actually vote for a virgo? I mean a virgo... really? Come on


Clevinger said:
Can we please have one mega-abortion thread for you guys to argue with Jaydub and little girl anime avatar guy?


This is the PoliGAF mega-thread catch all for all things politics, and these side arguments directly correlate to the candidates, their issue stances, ads they are airing, and things they will be saying to each other at the debates.

quadriplegicjon said:
what if that person is innocent? which seems to happen quite often.



Gantz said:
If someone raped your gf, would you make her have the baby?
I don't know how I would "make" her do anything. In any case, my views on life are certainly something I would discuss with any potential girlfriends or future Mrs. Branduils, and I don't believe I would date someone who doesn't also believe that babies are not responsible for the sins of their father.


JayDubya said:
This is the PoliGAF mega-thread catch all for all things politics, and these side arguments directly correlate to the candidates, their issue stances, ads they are airing, and things they will be saying to each other at the debates.


No, when abortion comes up it almost always devolves into a discussion about why you think it's wrong, and how they think it's right.
OuterWorldVoice said:
What kind of findings can they make without witnesses - and can those who refused be held in contempt, or charged for not obeying the subpoena?

There are plenty of witnesses who have testified. They cannot be charged until the full legislature is reconvened in January.


quadriplegicjon said:
wait. wait. obama was in coral gables today. the fuck? how did i miss this?!?!?!!!!!!?!?!!!


Are you signed up to the official newsletter? I get e-mailed if Obama feels like he wants a New York Strip Steak for dinner.


Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Fatalah said:
Are you signed up to the official newsletter? I get e-mailed if Obama feels like he wants a New York Strip Steak for dinner.


i canceled those newsletters because they were getting annoying. :(
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