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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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mamacint said:
I like it too, but it shouldn't take a professor to realize that the VP office isn't it's own branch of the gov't. Especially from someone who's actually running to be VP.
The actual VP says that it isn't, so...


not a medical professional
Watching Biden talk about 86 billion dollars in tax breaks that the current admin are giving to millionaires, he REALLY reminds me of Bob Barker.

Looks and Sounds like him too sometimes... lol.
Byakuya769 said:
Hmm, a friend of mine is going to law school at one of the university's up there. While out at a bar she was told by a middle age guy, "I don't have a problem with black people, but you guys shouldn't be going to law school". This was only prompted by him asking if they were students.

Maybe blacks shouldn't go to law school, cause then they can run for the white house... amirite?

What a perfectly lovely Southern gentleman.


Byakuya769 said:
Hmm, a friend of mine is going to law school at one of the university's up there. While out at a bar she was told by a middle age guy, "I don't have a problem with black people, but you guys shouldn't be going to law school". This was only prompted by him asking if they were students.

Maybe blacks shouldn't go to law school, cause then they can run for the white house... amirite?

Thats weird because the only two law schools are in like the only two counties in Kentucky which Obama won from Hilary.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
kkaabboomm said:
ARG Idaho it's +43

+18 isn't bad comparatively...

Hey atleast we delivered Obama his largest margin of victory over Hilary in the primaries. We are more sexist than racist! Yay!

I'm, ashamed of this state sometimes.
Bob Bauer, Obama legal counsel
On the other side, of course, we have the long history of documented Republican Party vote suppression developed and executed at the highest institutional levels. We need only look at recorded law enforcement actions, at the findings against Republican "caging" and the imposition of remedies provided by law. This legal history is not crammed in a tight time period: it is, as Chandler Davidson and others have shown, a programmatic party commitment pursued over many decades. The party is quite proud of it: it holds conferences (of the Republican National Lawyers Association) and otherwise holds forth on the topic, and it looks forward to the quadrennial re-publication of John Fund's compendium of anecdotes. And their representatives go about "caging" as one of their preferred strategies for controlling the" fraud" that is always present to their fevered minds or part of their strategic calculations.

Against this history, Potter asks that we credit the denials of Carabelli. He said he did not mean it, didn't he? Not exactly: recently, a Michigan radio station I was invited to call into played a tape of this "denial." Perhaps before the national party had squeezed the last bit of candor out of him, Carabelli huffed only that he had been "misinterpreted" and that he had answered a "leading question."

As denials go, this one is in need of work; and whatever it is, it is not of the absolute and unqualified kind. What leading question might he have been asked? Perhaps it was, "Are you planning to use foreclosure lists to challenge voters," to which he seems to have answered "yes." That the question was leading does not render the answer false. About the nature of the "misinterpretation," Carabelli said nothing. He was lost: this handlers up the chain had yet to descend upon him.


Revengeance said:
Hot and fresh Gallup

O 49
M 44



Byakuya769 said:
Hmm, a friend of mine is going to law school at one of the university's up there. While out at a bar she was told by a middle age guy, "I don't have a problem with black people, but you guys shouldn't be going to law school". This was only prompted by him asking if they were students.

Maybe blacks shouldn't go to law school, cause then they can run for the white house... amirite?

To be fair, he may just have a problem with lawyers...


Clothed, sober, cooperative

UPDATE: The AP has more details on how the hacker got into Sarah Palin's account:

The hacker guessed that Alaska's governor had met her husband in high school, and knew Palin's date of birth and home Zip code. Using those details, the hacker tricked Yahoo Inc.'s service into assigning a new password, "popcorn," for Palin's e-mail account, according to a chronology of the crime published on the Web site where the hacking was first revealed.

I don't get it. What does "On Background" mean?

Palin Aide: Palin -- ON BACKGROUND -- Is Great
19 Sep 2008 12:07 pm
Per Scott Conroy, the CBS News reporter traveling with Gov. Palin, an aide to Palin actually let these words escape the barrier of her or his teeth:
"We go into today with a candidate who's got, on background, enormous clarity and action versus a candidate of contemplation and confusion."
Byakuya769 said:
Hmm, a friend of mine is going to law school at one of the university's up there. While out at a bar she was told by a middle age guy, "I don't have a problem with black people, but you guys shouldn't be going to law school". This was only prompted by him asking if they were students.

Maybe blacks shouldn't go to law school, cause then they can run for the white house... amirite?
UK (where i go to law school)? UoL? just curious...

and as someone else pointed out, yeah, the two main law schools here are in the only two counties obama won...
Captain Pants said:
Hey atleast we delivered Obama his largest margin of victory over Hilary in the primaries. We are more sexist than racist! Yay!

I'm, ashamed of this state sometimes.
I have a short Jewish friend that works as a lawyer for Micron . . . I hope he's doing OK up there. :lol

Was Idaho the state that elected an openly-racist mayor in some small town?


kkaabboomm said:
UK (where i go to law school)? UoL? just curious...

and as someone else pointed out, yeah, the two main law schools here are in the only two counties obama won...

To be fair, it doesn't sound like they go to law school, the guy just asked if they did. :p I know that I don't have a clue what law schools are nearby myself.


kkaabboomm said:
UK (where i go to law school)? UoL? just curious...

and as someone else pointed out, yeah, the two main law schools here are in the only two counties obama won...

Thankfully I live in Lexington. Sure we get our share of rednecks from the surrounding woods, but overall it's a pretty progressive and liberal city. Much much different than the rest of Kentucky.

That being said I wish I lived somewhere where my vote wasn't wasted year in and year out. Time to move to Ohio I guess...


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
OuterWorldVoice said:
Sticking with his "lesser of two evils" line and looking for another reason to support an unsupportable candidate.

Has he mentioned "aggravated homicide" yet today, because boy if I was a drinker that'd be my drinking game of choice.
speculawyer said:
I have a short Jewish friend that works as a lawyer for Micron . . . I hope he's doing OK up there. :lol

Was Idaho the state that elected an openly-racist mayor in some small town?

:lol For some reason, I totally cracked up at "short" in that sentence.


gcubed said:
wheres JayDubya and his outrage now?

Um, reading a link with no description that was posted like a minute ago after you name dropped me because that suggests that somehow it's supposed to be more important than getting Ragnar a chain sickle, chain mail, and scale shield.

It probably isn't, but I'll read it anyway.


JayDubya said:
Um, reading a link with no description that was posted like a minute ago after you name dropped me because that suggests that somehow it's supposed to be more important than getting Ragnar a chain sickle, chain mail, and scale shield.

It probably isn't, but I'll read it anyway.

it definitely isnt more important.


Ignatz Mouse said:
I named my son Alec. Yeah, I am a pretty big fan. :)
I smile every time I see your avatar.

Now that's a double-down for you. Not only knowing Deadface/Bacchus, but Alec.

I tip my cap to you, sir.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
speculawyer said:
I have a short Jewish friend that works as a lawyer for Micron . . . I hope he's doing OK up there. :lol

Was Idaho the state that elected an openly-racist mayor in some small town?

If he's at Micron, that means he is here in Boise which isn't really the same as the rest of the state. He's fine. I think there is a small Jewish community here in town, and the city itself is much more democratic than the rest of the state, the mayor of Boise gave the main speech at the Idaho Caucus, and he is a big Obama supporter. The only bad thing for your friend is that I hear Micron is dangerously close to closing down.

As for the openly racist mayor, I haven't heard anything about it. I hope it isn't Idaho, but I wouldn't be surprised.
NewLib said:
Thats weird because the only two law schools are in like the only two counties in Kentucky which Obama won from Hilary.

Likely won those counties due to the universities being there with students and younger people voting, as well as professors.


Byakuya769 said:
Likely won those counties due to the universities being there with students and younger people voting, as well as professors.

They are the two bigger cities, Louisville and Lexington. I mean the University populations make up less than 6-7% of Fayette County and 2-3% in Jefferson County.


gcubed said:
any good?

Well, all I've ever done with this game is beat the Ragnar chapter on the NES version at my friend's house. I was going to borrow it from him when he was done, but he moved. :'(

Thus far, the DS adaptation is to my liking.

Also, I always love the Fighter type characters best, so Ragnar ftw.

Day & Night stuff? Oh yeah, I forgot about this. Damn, weapon shop is closed. I blame you, gcubed. That whore at the inn charged a whole 4 gp. I hope she chokes on it.
kkaabboomm said:
UK (where i go to law school)? UoL? just curious...

and as someone else pointed out, yeah, the two main law schools here are in the only two counties obama won...

(facebooked her) UK, audrey saint elie.. she's a 1L


Byakuya769 said:
(facebooked her) UK, audrey saint elie.. she's a 1L

I went to undergrad there and that surprised me there. Its a really progressive town and one of the top 10 in the nation in college graduates. Oh well, I guess every town has outliers.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
OuterWorldVoice said:
Probably as old as John McCain. Wall Street Journal skewers McCain on economy.



"In a crisis, voters want steady, calm leadership, not easy, misleading answers that will do nothing to help. Mr. McCain is sounding like a candidate searching for a political foil rather than a genuine solution," the editorial also said. "He'll never beat Mr. Obama by running as an angry populist like Al Gore, circa 2000."

OUCH! And this is from the Wall Street Journal. So is the WSJ liberal now?
NewLib said:
I went to undergrad there and that surprised me there. Its a really progressive town and one of the top 10 in the nation in college graduates. Oh well, I guess every town has outliers.

Eh, could have just been someone from a smaller county coming out for the weekend


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Stoney Mason said:
Same bet as yesterday. This gallup update won't make drudge today.

What's with Drudge? Does he not want to update his far right vistors? Does he want to keep them ignorant?
mckmas8808 said:
What's with Drudge? Does he not want to update his far right vistors? Does he want to keep them ignorant?

People mistakenly thought that Drudge had somehow reformed when all he did was refocus his slant towards taking down Hillary Clinton in the primaries. There was another short period post primary where people thought he was more balanced in his coverage although I mainly just saw it as not much happening. It still was slanted imo. Now that the fall election is here he is in full bore conservative mode which would make sense as he is an admitted conservative and there isn't anything wrong with that.

The interesting bit is that recently though he hasn't been able to narrative set for the mainstream media as much. I think Pig-Gate backfired and that has left him throwing everything at the wall to try to get something to stick.


Stoney Mason said:
People mistakenly thought that Drudge had somehow reformed when all he did was refocus his slant towards taking down Hillary Clinton in the primaries. There was another short period post primary where people thought he was more balanced in his coverage although I mainly just saw it as not much happening. It still was slanted imo. Now that the fall election is here he is in full bore conservative mode which would make sense as he is an admitted conservative and there isn't anything wrong with that.

The interesting bit is that recently though he hasn't been able to narrative set for the mainstream media as much. I think Pig-Gate backfired and that has left him throwing everything at the wall to try to get something to stick.

Oh, you mean "Joe Biden: Losing the Catholic Vote?" :p


Not very related...

... but Limbaugh just said that this mortgage crisis was partly due to lenders not wanting to be called racists, so they gave out the loans to poor people.

Not only is the statement itself racist, but his logic is mindboggling.
Tamanon said:
Oh, you mean "Joe Biden: Losing the Catholic Vote?" :p

He had a Obama is losing the Jewish vote story (editorial link) and pimped that NY poll that had the race in that state at 4% when no other poll has confirmed it. He also has taken to leaving up the negative stories way past their shelf life. If I was back in college I'd love to do a research paper on that site.
Bulla564 said:
Not very related...

... but Limbaugh just said that this mortgage crisis was partly due to lenders not wanting to be called racists, so they gave out the loans to poor people.

Not only is the statement itself racist, but his logic is mindboggling.

That's a little meme some on the right are trying to push. Liberal white guilt in finance.

Kudlow: It’s time for the Congress, Republicans and Democrats to stop encouraging—exhorting and forcing banks to make low income loans with no documentation. Stop that—literally pushed these lenders to make low income loans
Scarborough: Hold on a second. You cannot blame this on low income people that are getting a house.
Kudlow: I’m not blaming them. Kudlow: Sub prime, sub standard loans were a creature of the US Congress in the 90’s and the 2000’s.
Scarborough: Are you saying that poor people have caused this crisis?
Kudlow: Not poor people. Members of Congress who were rich people. But their Liberal guilt consciences forced banks and lenders to make lousy sub-standard loans and that has to be repealed…not everybody can afford a home, Joe. Some people have to rent.”


Bulla564 said:
Not very related...

... but Limbaugh just said that this mortgage crisis was partly due to lenders not wanting to be called racists, so they gave out the loans to poor people.

Not only is the statement itself racist, but his logic is mindboggling.

Plus it gets a bonus for blaming the black people for it!
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