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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Incognito said:
What stood out for me in that one was:



Good ad, though. My father throwing this one at me from time to time drives me crazy.

Tamanon said:

Nice numbers...and get your avatar back! It has been demanded and now seconded by the PoliGAF overlords. You no longer have a choice in this matter. I duly apologize for the inconvenience.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Stoney Mason said:
People mistakenly thought that Drudge had somehow reformed when all he did was refocus his slant towards taking down Hillary Clinton in the primaries. There was another short period post primary where people thought he was more balanced in his coverage although I mainly just saw it as not much happening. It still was slanted imo. Now that the fall election is here he is in full bore conservative mode which would make sense as he is an admitted conservative and there isn't anything wrong with that.

The interesting bit is that recently though he hasn't been able to narrative set for the mainstream media as much. I think Pig-Gate backfired and that has left him throwing everything at the wall to try to get something to stick.

So would it be fair to say that Drudge is just as bad as DailyKos?

Seth C

Tim-E said:
It's Kentucky.

Yeah, fuck the lot of you.

BdoUK said:
Thankfully I live in Lexington. Sure we get our share of rednecks from the surrounding woods, but overall it's a pretty progressive and liberal city. Much much different than the rest of Kentucky.

That being said I wish I lived somewhere where my vote wasn't wasted year in and year out. Time to move to Ohio I guess...

Then you should have been around in 1992 and 1996 I suppose? The state went for Clinton in both elections. Assuming you wouldn't have considered that a "wasted vote" as well. But by all means, move to Ohio, the country's rotting armpit.

Byakuya769 said:
Eh, could have just been someone from a smaller county coming out for the weekend

Many of the neighboring counties are also reasonably urban and contain decent sized universities (Georgetown, Kentucky State, EKU). Lexington does have a select few "cowboys" though, the good ole boy, old money type. If she was out somewhere like Redmon's then I wouldn't be surprised. She probably likes her men in white t-shirts and cowboy boots.


Agent Icebeezy said:

I'm late to this, but damn, that's a pretty sight. Now let's not cross the streams again.
Bulla564 said:
Not very related...

... but Limbaugh just said that this mortgage crisis was partly due to lenders not wanting to be called racists, so they gave out the loans to poor people.

Not only is the statement itself racist, but his logic is mindboggling.
He said that? WTF? Wow, that is racist and also completely gets the point wrong.

Wall Street wasn't giving out loans to poor people because they suddenly had some kind of inspiration of charity . . . they did it ONLY because they saw it as a way to make money. They figured that with house prices going up, it really didn't matter if people defaulted since the people unable to make their payments would just sell their houses to cover the loans. The problems happened when lots of people defaulted AND the houses were no longer worth the amount of money lent out.

They also bought credit default swaps to cover lots of these defaults . . . but companies behind these CDSs are going under too (AIG). The CDSs are in effect insurance, but no one would call them insurance since that is a heavily regulated business, thus this was an unregulated insurance business that has failed big time.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Tamanon said:
Plus it gets a bonus for blaming the black people for it!

The same black people that will vote for Obama. So this is a great way to make his listeners hate Obama.
mckmas8808 said:
So would it be fair to say that Drudge is just as bad as DailyKos?

He has an agenda like Daily Kos. There is nothing wrong with that honestly. There should be sites that promote a viewpoint and those that are moderate and those that are in between. The only problem comes in when mainstream news directly lifts the same agenda from these sites and it is allowed to overwhelm the news. This happens quite a bit with Drudge during certain periods where you can watch mainstream news and see they have lifted straight from that site without bothering to give the counter-balance.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Zeliard said:
"Sleazy ads. Anti-choice. That's John McCain."

Ouch, that's what they boiled him down to. :lol

So deserving.
I'm curious if these strong arm attacks will be viewed in a negative light, however. I don't know how else you defend yourself from all these smears, though.

Fucking McCain campaign...


DrEvil said:
Watching Biden talk about 86 billion dollars in tax breaks that the current admin are giving to millionaires, he REALLY reminds me of Bob Barker.

Looks and Sounds like him too sometimes... lol.

Biden would be an awesome talk show host, he's so fired up all the time. "SPIN THE WHEEL...THE WHEEL IS SPINNING...WATCH IT SPIN..WHERE WILL IT STOP...."


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The Post story is "absolutely not true," Hagel spokesman Mike Buttry told ABC News.

"Barack Obama has never urged a delay in negotiations," said Obama campaign national security spokesperson Wendy Morigi, "nor has he urged a delay in immediately beginning a responsible drawdown of our combat brigades."

Buttry said that Hagel agrees with Obama's account of the meeting: Obama began the meeting with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki by asserting that the United States speaks with one foreign policy voice, and that voice belongs to the Bush administration.


So that NY Post story was a lie. Good so what will REPs on the radio and the internet say now? Being that the republicans themselves in office said it was a lie?


Didn't seet this mentioned in the fapping over the gallups.

Obama enjoyed one of his widest advantages over McCain of recent weeks in Thursday night's interviewing. It will be important to see whether the stock market's reaction today to aggressive government intervention in the crisis has an impact on the direction of the presidential race over the next few days.
If that holds, his lead will expand in the next few days.

The abortion ad is great, because it continues the "McCain is a liar" meme and merges it with Palin's extremism.
Hitokage said:
Hagel was corrupted and he's only a dishonest RINO now.

Ya know I wouldn't mind Hagel as Sec of Defense if Obama wins possibly. You always have to stick an opposition party member in your cabinet somewhere and I wouldn't mind Hagel being that guy. I know other conservative dems like Sam Nunn will be pushed for that slot also.


RubxQub said:
I'm curious if these strong arm attacks will be viewed in a negative light, however. I don't know how else you defend yourself from all these smears, though.

Fucking McCain campaign...

Obama is in a tough position, given how he has conducted himself and his campaign for nearly the entire duration, but he's doing the right thing with these ads. Most people, particularly those on the left and non-committed independents, will realize that he's simply doing what he has to do to defend himself from the baseless lies and smears coming from the McCain campaign. He can't allow them to paint him with a certain negative brush - it's exactly what happened to Gore and Kerry.

He may be in danger of losing a few possible votes, but I think he stands to gain a lot more. I really don't think anyone who was already leaning towards Obama will be turned off by these ads.
Byakuya769 said:
(facebooked her) UK, [NAME REMOVED FROM THE INTERNET]. she's a 1L

interesting. but this is completely OT, and i'm sorry the dude at the bar said that to her.

back on-topic...
yeah, Ky has a Dem gov (and has for a while, with the exception of Fletcher...), but both senators are R's as are 4? of the 6 CongressCritters...

and as Seth said, clinton won in 1992 (48,000 votes) and 1996 (by 13,000 votes)
bush won by 234,000 in 2000 and 357,000 in 2004

then again, bush sr did win by 150,000 votes in 1988...


I can only assume this is old, but Obama reamed McCain pretty hard. His amused delivery is just perfect.

This morning Senator McCain gave a speech in which his big solution to this worldwide economic crisis was to blame me for it.

This is a guy who's spent nearly three decades in Washington, and after spending the entire campaign saying I haven't been in Washington long enough, he apparently now is willing to assign me responsibility for all of Washington's failures.

Now, I think it's a pretty clear that Senator McCain is a little panicked right now. At this point he seems to be willing to say anything or do anything or change any position or violate any principal to try and win this election, and I've got to say it's kind of sad to see. That's not the politics we need.

It's also been disappointing to see my opponent's reaction to this economic crisis. His first reaction on Monday was to stand up and repeat the line he's said over and over again throughout this campaign -- 'the fundamentals of the economy are strong' -- the comment was so out of touch that even George Bush's White House couldn't agree with it.
mckmas8808 said:

So that NY Post story was a lie. Good so what will REPs on the radio and the internet say now? Being that the republicans themselves in office said it was a lie?
It's worth noting that this is the same columnist who made up the story awhile back that Jews in Iran were being forced to wear yellow Stars of David on their sleeves to identify themselves in public.


Seriously guys, I've said it twice this week-- Obama's finally spending some cash on the Internet. Drudge has Obama ads in every position today!
Zeliard said:
So true. McCain has disappointed many people.
When McCain won the nomination, I was happy since I thought "Cool . . . now, no matter who wins things won't totally suck." Well, I don't think that way anymore. But I will say at least he wouldn't be as bad as Bush. (But Palin? . . . she could be as bad as Bush.)

Seth C

kkaabboomm said:
interesting. but this is completely OT, and i'm sorry the dude at the bar said that to her.

back on-topic...
yeah, Ky has a Dem gov (and has for a while, with the exception of Fletcher...), but both senators are R's as are 4? of the 6 CongressCritters...

and as Seth said, clinton won in 1992 (48,000 votes) and 1996 (by 13,000 votes)
bush won by 234,000 in 2000 and 357,000 in 2004

then again, bush sr did win by 150,000 votes in 1988...

We also voted for Jimmy Carter in '76.

Also, the eastern portion of the state, typically regarded as the most backward/redneck/racist area of Kentucky, can frequently lean Democrat. In 2004 almost all of the few counties that went for Kerry were in this portion of the state. Places like Pike, Floyd, and Magoffin county. They voted for Gore in 2000 as well. It is actually the rest of the state that is staunchly Republican. The middle areas that are within an hour of Lexington, Louisville, or Bowling Green always vote Republican.

When I was visiting Floyd county last month I was surprised to find that my aunts were all strongly supporting Obama this year. They are about 65, white, and have lived "on the creek" their entire lives.
Indeed, her stump speech has deviated very little from that convention speech in St. Paul. She continues to introduce herself to audiences primarily with biographical detail, stories from her time in Alaska, and praise for McCain -- rarely straying from the words on her Teleprompter.
Perhaps her scripted nature was best on display Wednesday, when she joined McCain for her first town hall meeting in Grand Rapids, MI. After giving opening remarks with no new material, McCain tackled the first question on fighting terrorism. Palin quickly chimed in -- “can I add something?” she asked McCain -- and returned to lines she has used daily on McCain’s leadership for the surge in Iraq. Answering audience questions, she mixed and matched lines directly from her normal remarks, speaking of her opposition to earmarks in Alaska, equality for women, and energy independence. When topics arose that Palin hadn’t previously delved into, she stayed silent.

i would love a video montage of this mix-and-match thing, where people splice in/do a side by side comparison of speech lines with town hall answer lines. because that would be 100% awesome.


New Poll 9/19/08

54% Obama
43% McCain
[B]+11[/B] Obama

Obama = untouchable in Iowa. +11 in SUSA, and +12 in Selzer yesterday.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JayDubya said:
Having read that, frankly, it is.

Someone tell me when Jay is off this topic again and I will take him off ignore. I don't want to read what he says about it, but I respect his right to say it and it is on topic.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Someone tell me when Jay is off this topic again and I will take him off ignore. I don't want to read what he says about it, but I respect his right to say it and it is on topic.

It would probably be easier to just skip over his posts when you see his avatar whenever abortion is mentioned, which is what I always do.
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