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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Yeah, hell I got emailed yesterday to tell me Sebelius was going to be in Hickory. Hito had to tell me that Obama was going to be in Charlotte this weekend!


when is my burrito
JayDubya said:
Premise: You have a right to life, a right to certain liberties, and a right to the pursuit of happiness (property / self-interest). If you don't agree with the premise, tough titties, the dudes what wrote the Constitution did, so moving right along.

Faulty premise. I did not ask you to describe the "right to life" constitutional argument. I asked you to explain the supposed exceptions to the pro-life philosophy that makes McCain saying he is pro-life not hypocritical.


El_TigroX said:
Don't forget when "Michelle Obama" and David Plouffe e-mail you too!

We get all sorts of e-mails from all types of people in the campaign. It's great.

Had a blast from the past moment when Kerry e-mailed his old e-mail subscribers after he endorsed Obama.
ICallItFutile said:
I read the earlier in the thread now; so they were protesting Obama because the KKK endorses him? Is that even true? I'm so confused.

I remember some article a while back saying they want him to win because white people will realize how horrible it is to have a black person in charge of them, and then they will rise up and revolt, bringing about the Great Race War of 2009...

...or something like that.


Cafferty has me rolling.

"When you graduate 894th out of 899 in the Naval Academy, it'll come back to haunt you. McCain's failure to understand the economy this week reflects that."


tanod said:
Faulty premise. I did not ask you to describe the "right to life" constitutional argument. I asked you to explain the supposed exceptions to the pro-life philosophy that makes McCain saying he is pro-life not hypocritical.

I explained in pretty great detail how / why someone could be "pro-life" which is really just "I oppose legal abortion" and be in favor of the death penalty for convicted murderers, and not have it be logically inconsistant, hypocritical, or morally bankrupt, which are the charges you levied.

And just to cut you off before you make the comment, no, "pro-choice" does not mean anything more than "I support legal abortion" either. Both terms are retarded in their implications, and generally inaccurate if taken to mean more than that in either case.


Low blow by Cafferty,ouchies.

"When you graduate 894th out of 899 in the Naval Academy, it'll come back to haunt you. McCain's failure to understand the economy this week reflects that."
syllogism said:

Cool. They should just write up a report on what they get and also give a list of other people they issued to subpoenas to but refused to talk. Perhaps some people may change their minds and decide to testify instead of just letting other people get their views out. Just do the investigation, get it out, and the let it sink in. The report will be out long before the election so any effects it has will be after long contemplation.

Investigator: Palin probe to end before election

By MATT VOLZ – 46 minutes ago

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — The Alaska lawmaker in charge of the abuse of power investigation of Sarah Palin promises the probe will be finished before the election, after all.

Alaska state Sen. Hollis French said Friday the investigator's report on the governor will be completed by Oct. 10, even though key witnesses won't testify.

None of the people ordered to testify Friday showed up. The McCain campaign, Palin and her allies have been working to delay the investigation until after the election. They say it's become a political fight.

Investigators are seeing whether Palin, the Republican vice presidential candidate, improperly fired her public safety commissioner after he wouldn't fire a state trooper who went through a nasty divorce from Palin's sister.
Door2Dawn said:
Low blow by Cafferty,ouchies.

"When you graduate 894th out of 899 in the Naval Academy, it'll come back to haunt you. McCain's failure to understand the economy this week reflects that."

Facts are fair game.
Branduil said:
I don't know how I would "make" her do anything. In any case, my views on life are certainly something I would discuss with any potential girlfriends or future Mrs. Branduils, and I don't believe I would date someone who doesn't also believe that babies are not responsible for the sins of their father.

So you're saying that you would leave her once she had the rape baby, right?



Five weeks ago, the St. Petersburg Times convened a group of Tampa Bay voters who were undecided about the presidential election. Their strong distrust of Barack Obama suggested it was a group ripe for John McCain to win over.

Not anymore. The group has swung dramatically, if unenthusiastically, toward Democrat Obama. Most of them this week cited the same reason: Sarah Palin.

"The one thing that frightens me more than anything else are the ideologues. We've seen too many," said 80-year-old Air Force veteran Donn Spegal, a lifelong Republican from St. Petersburg, who sees McCain's new running mate as the kind of "wedge issue" social conservative that has made him disenchanted with his party.

Of the 11 undecided voters participating in the free-wheeling discussion one recent evening at the Times — four Republicans, five Democrats, and two registered to no party — only two Republican men applauded the selection of Palin.

Nobody had finalized a choice, but seven of the panelists said that McCain's running mate selection had made them more likely to vote for Obama, and in several cases much more likely.
Palin: the gift that keeps on giving.


Tamanon said:
Oddly enough, he's hanging out with Bush. You won't see either of them much until after election day!
I saw Bush today; he came out and made McCain look stupid for bitching about advisors. Basically said, "Me and Congress got this shit."

You know it's a bad day when Bush looks more presidential than you do.


Setec Astronomer
Tamanon said:
Yeah, hell I got emailed yesterday to tell me Sebelius was going to be in Hickory. Hito had to tell me that Obama was going to be in Charlotte this weekend!
No Forum Poster Left Behind!


sevenchaos said:
It's nice but it's only a handful of people. I hope it's a trend that sticks through to the election.

Off topic: holy hell. were there always ripples in your avatar?
Nope, Ogni-XR21 sent me an unsolicted upgrade a couple days ago. <3


Door2Dawn said:
Low blow by Cafferty,ouchies.

"When you graduate 894th out of 899 in the Naval Academy, it'll come back to haunt you. McCain's failure to understand the economy this week reflects that."
CNN let's the anti-Obama shill Lou Dobbs have his own show, I wonder why Jack Cafferty doesn't get his own liberal leaning show to counter it.


Setec Astronomer
Cheebs said:
CNN let's the anti-Obama shill Lou Dobbs have his own show, I wonder why Jack Cafferty doesn't get his own liberal leaning show to counter it.
Jack Cafferty isn't liberal-leaning. He's crotchety "too old for this bullshit" leaning.
speculawyer said:
You mean it is not like a truck?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Hitokage said:
Jack Cafferty isn't liberal-leaning. He's crotchety "too old for this bullshit" leaning.
If you're of voting age, you should be too old for this bullshit.
mckmas8808 said:
So how many people still think Palin was a great pick? :p

Well to be fair there is still a lot of time and some of it may hinge on the Vp debate but ultimately I think her pick was a base pick. I don't think Mccain had a lot of great options among that field. I would still take her over Lieberman. Nobody knew Pawlenty. I think Romney might have arguably been as good a pick or slightly better in retrospect since he's stronger on economics. Has michigan ties. Was very popular with the right wing punditocracy. And was already vetted by the press.


GhaleonEB said:

They had a similar thing today with people in MN on NPR. And the same things were said. Some independents do like McCain, but Palin has basically scared them off. She's too right wing.

Notice how everyone says she fires up the base? Well McCain does need some of that because he was luke warm with the base, but she also alienates the independents. You need the middle to win and he gave it to Obama when he picked her.


vitaflo said:
They had a similar thing today with people in MN on NPR. And the same things were said. Some independents do like McCain, but Palin has basically scared them off. She's too right wing.

Notice how everyone says she fires up the base? Well McCain does need some of that because he was luke warm with the base, but she also alienates the independents. You need the middle to win and he gave it to Obama when he picked her.

she also fired up the Dem base.
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