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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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ryutaro's mama said:
Bullcrap, in that scenario, the child might want to find his/her birth parents at some point. And could find out why they were put up for adoption/discarded.

In both scenarios, the child loses as they are the one lied to by people who claim to love them.

Adoption is bullcrap?

Go up and talk to anyone that's been adopted and ask them if they'd rather never have been born.

On the off chance they agree with that notion, suggest they remedy their parents' mistake, but even then, at least they get the option to do themselves in or not.

Zefah said:
What would he do if his girlfriend was raped and said she wants to get an abortion? Would he just break up with her because he doesn't date people who get abortions? Would he oppose the abortion? Either way he comes off as a piece of shit in my book.

Fine then, I guess we're pieces of shit to you.

I knew my wife's position on this issue well before we started getting serious.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Branduil said:
Of course I would. And so would she, most likely, so I'm not sure what your point is.

You wouldn't need to be against her getting an abortion if she wanted to keep the rape baby. You would only need to oppose it if she came out and said she wants an abortion. At that point you would tell her that you are against her choice? You would tell your girlfriend, who just got raped, that she should not get an abortion? Really??
None of the electable parties is going to make significant changes on the reproductive rights issues, folks. THe issue is a popular talking point because the GOP dupes the findies into thinking that they'll overturn Roe v Wade-- and they never will, because it's votes in the bank for them. Single-issue voters are idiots.


Zefah said:
You wouldn't need to be against her getting an abortion if she wanted to keep the rape baby. You would only need to oppose it if she came out and said she wants an abortion. At that point you would tell her that you are against her choice? You would tell your girlfriend, who just got raped, that she should not get an abortion? Really?
I know you're just asking this so you can go on some kind of misguided rant against me, but yes.

And as long as we're in the realm of stupid assumptions and hypotheticals, I wouldn't just say to my date "SO HOW ABOUT RAPE HUH? I SURE HOPE YOU WOULD KEEP THE BABY IF IT HAPPENED TO YOU." It is possible to discuss the issue of abortion without quickly devolving to insults and idiocy, despite how things appear on the internet.
speculawyer said:
Old. Look, stump speeches have little content in them. You need to go to the web sites to learn the specifics and I doubt those old farts understand 'the internets' or 'the google'.

"Undecided voters" especially as you get close to the election I'll subjectively call some of the biggest morons on the planet. Sadly we'll be hearing more and more about them and their cottage cheese brains as election day nears.

Daily Show as usual nailed it back in 04.

JayDubya said:
Adoption is bullcrap?

Go up and talk to anyone that's been adopted and ask them if they'd rather never have been born.

On the off chance they agree with that notion, suggest they remedy their parents' mistake, but even then, at least they get the option to do themselves in or not.

Yeah adoption is crap in the scenario I suggested which you convienently ignored in your response.

Tucker, is that you?


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Schlep said:
I saw Bush today; he came out and made McCain look stupid for bitching about advisors. Basically said, "Me and Congress got this shit."

You know it's a bad day when Bush looks more presidential than you do.
For that, I dedicate this picture to you.



ryutaro's mama said:
Yeah adoption is crap in the scenario I suggested which you convienently ignored in your response.

Tucker, is that you?

The remainder of the scenario was simply that the kid was a product of rape. And what I said applies just the same. They can feel free to off themselves if they want to, but being the product of rape does not make you evil or bad or worthless. This is not the dark ages.
JayDubya said:
The remainder of the scenario was simply that the kid was a product of rape. And what I said applies just the same. They can feel free to off themselves if they want to, but being the product of rape does not make you evil or bad or worthless. This is not the dark ages.
Not one person has made that argument.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Branduil said:
I know you're just asking this so you can go on some kind of misguided rant against me, but yes.

And as long as we're in the realm of stupid assumptions and hypotheticals, I wouldn't just say to my date "SO HOW ABOUT RAPE HUH? I SURE HOPE YOU WOULD KEEP THE BABY IF IT HAPPENED TO YOU." It is possible to discuss the issue of abortion without quickly devolving to insults and idiocy, despite how things appear on the internet.

It is, but abortions because of a broken condom and abortions because of rape are quite a bit different.
Mumei said:
From the link:

Yet another group of undecided voters described as "informed" who then give their complaints: Obama isn't saying the right things to relate to the younger generations, and B) Obama has no substance.


For once, can I see them described as poorly informed? Uninformed? Confused?

This is where the GOP succeeds. Their goons go out repeating talking points ad nauseum, spewing misinformation enough so that eventually it is accepted as fact by the uninformed. Thus many are scared that Obama will raise their taxes or that Obama isn't specific enough. Obama can't win this. If he is too detailed, the pundits will say that Obama is conducting a lecture and can't relate to the American people. If Obama talks to people in more general terms and in terms they can appreciate without fully researching his proposals, the pundits will say that Obama is empty rhetoric.


Thunder Monkey said:
Not one person has made that argument.

Bullcrap, in that scenario, the child might want to find his/her birth parents at some point. And could find out why they were put up for adoption/discarded.

In both scenarios, the child loses as they are the one lied to by people who claim to love them.

I'm not sure what exactly he's saying. I'm only guessing. But I was responding to his entire post, and he's saying I didn't.


Thunder Monkey said:
Not one person has made that argument.
But the implicit argument is that it's easier to abort a baby conceived by rape than consensual intercourse, and thus they are valued less in the eyes of the mother.
Zefah said:
It is, but abortions because of a broken condom and abortions because of rape are quite a bit different.
Well I imagine the topic would come up at some point in our discussion of abortion. And I don't think either abortion is all that different for the one on the receiving end.
why are we talking about abortion?

killing babies or not killing them, however you define it, is far from the most important concern that this country has right now....

so please stop...


Hitokage said:
:lol :lol :lol
You can see him straining to achieve crude conceptions of "human emotion" and "empathy," but sadly, it seems to be failing.

I generally can give JDubs some respect for at least being logically consistent, but this... yeah. :lol :lol :lol
Branduil said:
But the implicit argument is that it's easier to abort a baby conceived by rape than consensual intercourse, and thus they are valued less in the eyes of the mother.
It's got nothing to do with being valued less. It's got everything to do with how the child was conceived.

If you can't see that, then this argument will go nowhere.
The economy is going to shit and you all are bitching about abortion

well now I know why we are in this mess

I hope you all work out your petty social issues before I loose my job

That said, I was adopted and like being alive... but thats just me!


Ignatz Mouse said:
Clump of cells has no brain, hence, not a person. End of argument.

Anybody claiming anything else is a zealot, IMHO, and not worth listening to.
What a convincing argument. Let it never be said that liberals are close-minded.


Setec Astronomer
TheKingsCrown said:
why are we talking about abortion?

killing babies or not killing them, however you define it, is far from the most important concern that this country has right now....

so please stop...
NO! Here in Libertopia it is PRIORITY ONE, sir!
HamPster PamPster said:
The economy is going to shit and you all are bitching about abortion

well now I know why we are in this mess

I hope you all work out your petty social issues before I loose my job

That said, I was adopted and like being alive... but thats just me!

relax man, there's always hope for you as a grammar teacher if things don't work out

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Branduil said:
But the implicit argument is that it's easier to abort a baby conceived by rape than consensual intercourse, and thus they are valued less in the eyes of the mother.

Well I imagine the topic would come up at some point in our discussion of abortion. And I don't think either abortion is all that different for the one on the receiving end.

You are kidding yourself if you think it isn't easier in the eyes of the mother to get an abortion for a rape baby than it is to get an abortion for a baby they might have wanted with a man they loved. Imagine raising a child that was the product of rape? I doubt many women would have a good time doing that.

I realize the abortion is the same for the receiving end, but for us humans it is a lot easier to care about our loved ones than bunches of cells that have the potential to possibly grow into a great human being.
JayDubya said:
What you're saying does not sway me in the least, and should not sway anyone. If it's just, it's just; if it isn't, it isn't.

Not trying to sway you. You're living according to your principles, and that's fine by me, not that it matters what I think about it.

Just from my vantage point, your ideals and reality seem to be at opposite poles.

As far as the whole topic of abortion goes, I think I've got a pretty simple grounding for my own principles. And that is that a woman has undeniable right over her own body, and her choice takes precedence over what may or may not end up to be a living person inside of her. "When life begins" doesn't matter in my universe, because even if we could prove that life begins at conception, I'd still hold that a woman is justified to do with it what she will until it is no longer a part of her.

Neither opinion on this matter is truly 'just'. Somebody loses. And that's either the woman or the fetus. We all pick our sides.


Zefah said:
You are kidding yourself if you think it isn't easier in the eyes of the mother to get an abortion for a rape baby than it is to get an abortion for a baby they might have wanted with a man they loved. Imagine raising a child that was the product of rape? I doubt many women would have a good time doing that.

I realize the abortion is the same for the receiving end, but for us humans it is a lot easier to care about our loved ones than bunches of cells that have the potential to possibly grow into a great human being.
Well of course it's easier.

But just because it's easier doesn't make it right.


Single-issue voters are idiots.

Amen. Anyone who agrees with a candidate for the most part but votes for someone else based on "abortion" is a damn fool. The world is not so black and white.

When will the simpletons realize this?
Ignatz Mouse said:
Clump of cells has no brain, hence, not a person. End of argument.

Anybody claiming anything else is a zealot, IMHO, and not worth listening to.

Agreed. I would be perfectly happy limiting abortion to the first trimester (with strong wording making exceptions for the health of the mother), but this seems to be an all or nothing issue for the conservative-republicans-pretending-to-be-libertarian sect of society.

They get caught up in the "potential" of it all. I say that "potential" goes all the way back to masturbation and, until after the first trimester, that clump of cells is no more "alive" than your useless appendix. Once the brain stem starts operating, my opinion changes. If they can't make the freaking decision in the first trimester, they don't deserve to make it.
HamPster PamPster said:
The economy is going to shit and you all are bitching about abortion

well now I know why we are in this mess

I hope you all work out your petty social issues before I loose my job

That said, I was adopted and like being alive... but thats just me!
That's just it man.

The economy is already in the shitter, and not a single one of us is in a position to fix that. We can talk about it until we're blue in the face, but it won't stop a certain side from being completely assbackwards. Abortion is much in the same vein.

Deregulation won't fix the system, but certain ideologues can see no other way. Abortion isn't an against or for thing, but that won't stop a certain side from trying to remove all choice from the fairer sex.

Until the other side can see that nothing is black and white, but subtle shades of gray we will continue to have these arguments.

"You're either with us or against us." The mindset of a total moron.


This country fucking always about abortion, gay marriage, and religion everywhere. Is it going to take a hundred years for the progressives in this country to win on these issues? By then EU & Canada will be battling eachother on android rights, and we'll be a step behind again.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
MaddenNFL64 said:
This country fucking always about abortion, gay marriage, and religion everywhere. Is it going to take a hundred years for the progressives in this country to win on these issues? By then EU & Canada will be battling eachother on android rights, and we'll be a step behind again.

Branduil said:
The pot called the kettle black.
Not even slightly.

I have layers. I don't agree with late term abortions, unless the mother is in serious danger. But just because I don't think life begins at conception doesn't mean I have to tow the party line.

Your outlook is completely black and white. Abortion = bad.

Or JayDubs Hitmen in white coats. That's black and white.

If the young woman can survive carrying the child of a man that took away her very rights, and even raise the child I give her my props. I won't look at her as an idiot for doing so. It's her choice.

You wish to remove the choice from the equation entirely. Black and white.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Mango Positive said:
Agreed. I would be perfectly happy limiting abortion to the first trimester (with strong wording making exceptions for the health of the mother), but this seems to be an all or nothing issue for the conservative-republicans-pretending-to-be-libertarian sect of society.

They get caught up in the "potential" of it all. I say that "potential" goes all the way back to masturbation and, until after the first trimester, that clump of cells is no more "alive" than your useless appendix. Once the brain stem starts operating, my opinion changes. If they can't make the freaking decision in the first trimester, they don't deserve to make it.
There is a difference between life with potential and the potential for life. I don't really want to argue heavily without a separate topic, however. I hate discussing something while others are going on about a topic completely different. It just ruins the focus of the argument.


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