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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Fragamemnon said:

Continued uptick in the tracking polls and some big polling in IA and IN probably caused a lot of this swing.

First??? man I posted that gif a full page ago!


Stoney Mason said:
Biden tapping a reporter's chest, telling him, 'you need to work on your pecs'... Developing...
That's not even "developing" as it happened yesterday. I think Drudge is just having fun for once.


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I hereby claim victory in the abortion debate, as no one has refuted my statement.

Victory tastes so fucking sweet.
Stoney Mason said:
Biden tapping a reporter's chest, telling him, 'you need to work on your pecs'... Developing...

I like how Drudge has stories of Murdoch saying Obama would be bad for the economy. As if the FoxNews doesn't serve as his mouthpiece and has not conveyed this message.


RubxQub said:
I hereby claim victory in the abortion debate, as no one has refuted my statement.

Victory tastes so fucking sweet.

At last our long national nightmare is over. Now let us heal from this debate and move on to more substantive issues, like Joe Biden poking a reporter's chest & pointing out the reporter's weakling body.


RubxQub said:
I hereby claim victory in the abortion debate, as no one has refuted my statement.

Victory tastes so fucking sweet.

I thought you had just said you had ended your tinge. I also figured it was about time to wrap it up.

If you want to keep arguing, we could. But your last word was something I already addressed in one of the many pages we've now spent on this today.


Enough posting the fivethirtyeight pics. Nate's analysis is always more interesting that the results of his statistical simulations.

Let's not equivocate too much here. Over the course of the past several days, there has been a rather dramatic shift in this election toward Barack Obama. Our trendline estimate, which is engineered to be fairly conservative, registers the swing as equaling roughly 4 points over the course of the past week.

Changes of this velocity are unusual outside of the convention periods and the debates, especially in close elections. It took John McCain about 60 days and tens of millions of advertising dollars to whittle Obama's lead down from roughly 5 points at its peak in early June, to the 1-point lead that Obama held heading into the conventions. Obama has swing the numbers that much in barely a week.

Of course, we never really were entirely outside of gravitational field of the conventions, and probably at least half of this bounceback for Obama is merely the more-or-less inevitable consequence of McCain's convention bounce ending. But the fact is that Obama is in a stronger position now than he was immediately before the conventions.

Lots of interesting stuff today, but that's the bottom line - Obama's in better shape than before the veeps or conventions. McCain has reason to worry.
I just want PoliGaf's opinion on this subject:

Do you guys think that by giving the rich tax cuts, they will invest their capital into businesses that create jobs? Is there any proof of this? My opinion is no. It's the government investment that helps create jobs.
GhaleonEB said:
Enough posting the fivethirtyeight pics. Nate's analysis is always more interesting that the results of his statistical simulations.

Lots of interesting stuff today, but that's the bottom line - Obama's in better shape than before the veeps or conventions. McCain has reason to worry.

"Obama's Lehman Leap"

I love it.


when is my burrito
Jason's Ultimatum said:
I just want PoliGaf's opinion on this subject:

Do you guys think that by giving the rich tax cuts, they will invest their capital into businesses that create jobs? Is there any proof of this? My opinion is no. It's the government investment that helps create jobs.

There was a chart with job creation results by President a couple pages ago. Democrats whooped Republicans in job creation.


Setec Astronomer
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Do you guys think that by giving the rich tax cuts, they will invest their capital into businesses that create jobs? Is there any proof of this? My opinion is no. It's the government investment that helps create jobs.
Businesses DO invest in stuff, but it's the basic research and infrastructural investments that reap the biggest and most lasting rewards even if they aren't immediately profitable. Profit-driven investment tends to have diminishing returns.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
I just want PoliGaf's opinion on this subject:

Do you guys think that by giving the rich tax cuts, they will invest their capital into businesses that create jobs? Is there any proof of this? My opinion is no. It's the government investment that helps create jobs.

You know what the consensus will be without asking it.

The obvious problem with using the Reagan admin et. al. as examples of Friedman's brand of economics is this, and it's fairly simple: they're not a very good example, because they spend like hell and they advocate spending like hell, and when they could be vetoing the really expensive shit, they don't.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
I just want PoliGaf's opinion on this subject:

Do you guys think that by giving the rich tax cuts, they will invest their capital into businesses that create jobs? Is there any proof of this? My opinion is no. It's the government investment that helps create jobs.
They speculate.
Hitokage said:
Yeah, we can inflate our way out of debt. Who cares about million dollar loans if the average fast-food worker makes that in an hour? :D

Its OK. Thanks to McCain I've got myself a sweet new $50/hour lettuce picking job.

I don't think I can manage working the entire season though.


Small balls, big fun!
JayDubya said:
Mandark said:
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=health+care+spending+per+capita&btnG=Google+Search Take your pick.

The rule of thumb is that the United States spends about twice as much as the average developed nation with a single payer system.

I've got this great plan, see, that'll reduce that by 200%.

You mean to zero? If so then I wasn't clear.

I'm talking about total spending, private and public added together. Very generally speaking, unregulated private health insurance systems tend to inflate costs.

You can argue that government spending on healthcare is immoral, a violation of property rights, breaks the Constitution in exile, etc. But you can't say it's inefficient.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
I just want PoliGaf's opinion on this subject:

Do you guys think that by giving the rich tax cuts, they will invest their capital into businesses that create jobs? Is there any proof of this? My opinion is no. It's the government investment that helps create jobs.

The premise is just ridiculous to begin with. It's loaded with false assumptions (besada's "In China"comment points to just one offhand) and tends to overemphasize job growth strictly in a quantitative, rather than a qualitative, manner.
Macam said:
The premise is just ridiculous to begin with. It's loaded with false assumptions (besada's "In China"comment points to just one offhand) and tends to overemphasize job growth strictly in a quantitative, rather than a qualitative, manner.

Well, I believe in "trickle-up" economics. :D

But anyway, hearing Sarah Palin say that tax increases will kill jobs is just laughable. Marginal tax rates during the 50s were over 90% and that didn't stop a strong economy.

REV 09

These are both about a week old, but very good, short reads.

Sarah Palin's Worldview

Dissects Palin's interview with Gibson.

A Big Regulator for the Little Investor
I just saw Jim Cramer reference this article by William Gruver when a call-in asked about how the current market condition relates to the Glass-Steagal Act and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Well, I believe in "trickle-up" economics. :D
Pft.. so, I put in a hard day's work in the coal mines so that I can buy food and shelter for wife and kids, and you want my hard-earned money given to some poor person who's going to spend it on who-knows-what?
Steve Youngblood said:
Pft.. so, I put in a hard day's work in the coal mines so that I can buy food and shelter for wife and kids, and you want my hard-earned money given to some poor person who's going to spend it on who-knows-what?

Pfft. Giving huge tax cuts starting from the bottom will allow more consumption, thus creating more demand and those businesses hiring more people to create more goods.

That's called logic.
LOL is anyone watching Lou Dobbs?

The Obama supporters was asked: 'Why dont we hear specifics? I want specifics on Obama's Plan'

Obama Supporter said : 'His plan has been told to the american people, you can go to his website and check out his 6 point plan'

Host asked: 'but I dont see any specifics, what are the specifics'

Obama supporter said : 'Ok you want specifics, point number 1 (and he goes on point number 1 for 30-45 seconds), then he starts on point 2 and then the HOST cut him off and said Ok we have to go for a break, Thank you for your time



artredis1980 said:
LOL is anyone watching Lou Dobbs?

The Obama supporters was asked: 'Why dont we hear specifics? I want specifics on Obama's Plan'

Obama Supporter said : 'His plan has been told to the american people, you can go to his website and check out his 6 point plan'

Host asked: 'but I dont see any specifics, what are the specifics'

Obama supporter said : 'Ok you want specifics, point number 1 (and he goes on point number 1 for 30-45 seconds), then he starts on point 2 and then the HOST cut him off and said Ok we have to go for a break, Thank you for your time

That's the news media in a nutshell. They don't provide a venue for anything other than sound bites.
Just a few minutes ago, I saw a brief segment on Lou Dobbs that basically highlighted all my problems with CNN.

First, they ask Obama's senior economics advisor about why Obama isn't being specific about his economic plan. The advisor says Obama's been very specific. Then she says that just today Obama said he "woudln't comment on specifics." The advisor notes that the comment was referring to the gov't bailout, and the specifics haven't been released to be commented on. Then she reiterates the attack that Obama isn't being specific at all, and asks him to go into detail on Obama's plan. Midway through part two of Obama's six point plan, she cuts him off and says there's no time left.

Both candidates have to put up with this garbage. What a piece of shit network. I guess it's easier and more profitable to recycle the same 10 minutes of news 24 hours a day instead of asking new questions or getting new information.

edit: ah shit, you guys beat me to it. I was watching it during the cool down phase of my jog, and I didn't bother refreshing this page when I came back. Ah well. At least some of us agree that the media's total trash.
artredis1980 said:
LOL is anyone watching Lou Dobbs?

The Obama supporters was asked: 'Why dont we hear specifics? I want specifics on Obama's Plan'

Obama Supporter said : 'His plan has been told to the american people, you can go to his website and check out his 6 point plan'

Host asked: 'but I dont see any specifics, what are the specifics'

Obama supporter said : 'Ok you want specifics, point number 1 (and he goes on point number 1 for 30-45 seconds), then he starts on point 2 and then the HOST cut him off and said Ok we have to go for a break, Thank you for your time

Unbelievable. :(


artredis1980 said:
LOL is anyone watching Lou Dobbs?

The Obama supporters was asked: 'Why dont we hear specifics? I want specifics on Obama's Plan'

Obama Supporter said : 'His plan has been told to the american people, you can go to his website and check out his 6 point plan'

Host asked: 'but I dont see any specifics, what are the specifics'

Obama supporter said : 'Ok you want specifics, point number 1 (and he goes on point number 1 for 30-45 seconds), then he starts on point 2 and then the HOST cut him off and said Ok we have to go for a break, Thank you for your time


I've been saying that the "empty suit" narrative will never go away. Thanks Hillary!
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