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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Small balls, big fun!
Stoney Mason said:
Cable news doesn't want specifics. That's the very opposite of what they are aiming for.

Which makes the "does he have substance" narrative so weird and meta.

What they're really talking about is whether he gives off the appearance of someone who has specifics, but they don't want to put it that way.
Stoney Mason said:
Cable news doesn't want specifics. That's the very opposite of what they are aiming for.

You know, I never paid much attention to cable news before this election. Didn't have cable, either, so I guess that explains it. But I am continually struck by the inability of cable news anchors and hosts to ask follow up questions. There is no real dialogue, ever.

It's like reading an interview in People Magazine or a similarly fluffy publication - each subsequent question is an island unto itself, without any relation or reaction to the answer given previously. They're not thinking at all. Just reading off a list.

Fucking sad.
Price Dalton said:
You know, I never paid much attention to cable news before this election. Didn't have cable, either, so I guess that explains it. But I am continually struck by the inability of cable news anchors and hosts to ask follow up questions. There is no real dialogue, ever.

It's like reading an interview in People Magazine or a similarly fluffy publication - each subsequent question is an island unto itself, without any relation or reaction to the answer given previously. They're not thinking at all. Just reading off a list.

Fucking sad.

The structure is purposely setup not to have policy wonk debates at any substantive level. Perhaps understandable from a ratings perspective but then it is almost impossible to have the media in an authority position or true arbiter if their role is only to provide an outlet for two talking heads from different parties to spin at each other.


Setec Astronomer
Price Dalton said:
You know, I never paid much attention to cable news before this election. Didn't have cable, either, so I guess that explains it. But I am continually struck by the inability of cable news anchors and hosts to ask follow up questions. There is no real dialogue, ever.

It's like reading an interview in People Magazine or a similarly fluffy publication - each subsequent question is an island unto itself, without any relation or reaction to the answer given previously. They're not thinking at all. Just reading off a list.

Fucking sad.
If you want an interview, go to Terry Gross.
Stoney Mason said:
The structure is purposely setup not to have policy wonk debates at any substantive level. Perhaps understandable from a ratings perspective but then it is almost impossible to have the media in an authority position or true arbiter if their role is only to provide an outlet for two talking heads from different parties to spin at each other.

Yep. Talk about empty suits, huh?

Hitokage - Thanks. I knew that name sounded familiar. Listening to a Carlin/Gross interview right now.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Price Dalton said:
You know, I never paid much attention to cable news before this election. Didn't have cable, either, so I guess that explains it. But I am continually struck by the inability of cable news anchors and hosts to ask follow up questions. There is no real dialogue, ever.

It's like reading an interview in People Magazine or a similarly fluffy publication - each subsequent question is an island unto itself, without any relation or reaction to the answer given previously. They're not thinking at all. Just reading off a list.

Fucking sad.
It's really fucking pathetic. Also just as pathetic is how either biased or "unbiased" the media is. On the one hand you have despicable shit stains like Sean Hannity who are total bullshit factories, and then you have the people who are too chickenshit to challenge even the most blatant of lies. I can't count the number of times I've seen some McCain supporter on this or that show regurgitate the latest talking-point lie, and the interviewer doesn't call them out on it even if it's become common knowledge that it isn't true. I mean what the fuck purpose does that serve? Our msm has become almost entirely ineffective and useless.
GhaleonEB said:
I read that and thought - are his pecs developing......?
demon said:
It's really fucking pathetic. Also just as pathetic is how either biased or "unbiased" the media is. On the one hand you have despicable shit stains like Sean Hannity who are total bullshit factories, and then you have the people who are too chickenshit to challenge even the most blatant of lies. I can't count the number of times I've seen some McCain supporter on this or that show regurgitate the latest talking-point lie, and the interviewer doesn't call them out on it even if it's become common knowledge that it isn't true. I mean what the fuck purpose does that serve? Our msm has become almost entirely ineffective and useless.

From my limited experience, David Gregory seems especially guilty of this. But yeah - the idea that there's a liberal media is the greatest trick ever pulled.

Though the media narrative seems to be shifting a bit toward calling out the McCain talking points, I worry that Obama's recent upward trend will only make the MSM relapse. You know, ratings trump all, and whatnot.

And :lol at "bullshit factories."


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
The "media" isn't liberal-slanted, the entertainment industry is. It's just those two industries are so intertwined that the puny Republican brains cannot distinguish the two :lol


Obama Laments Debt, But Promises Billions for Anti-Poverty Program

i know terrible journalism by fox news is no revelation, but i thought that was generally kept to their tv programs

books by the author of the article:

At Any Cost: How Al Gore Tried to Steal the Election
Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism from Inside the White House
Misunderestimated: The President Battles Terrorism, Media Bias and the Bush Haters
Strategery: How George W. Bush Is Defeating Terrorists, Outwitting Democrats, and Confounding the Mainstream Media



artredis1980 said:
LOL is anyone watching Lou Dobbs?

The Obama supporters was asked: 'Why dont we hear specifics? I want specifics on Obama's Plan'

Obama Supporter said : 'His plan has been told to the american people, you can go to his website and check out his 6 point plan'

Host asked: 'but I dont see any specifics, what are the specifics'

Obama supporter said : 'Ok you want specifics, point number 1 (and he goes on point number 1 for 30-45 seconds), then he starts on point 2 and then the HOST cut him off and said Ok we have to go for a break, Thank you for your time

:lol :lol


Setec Astronomer
Price Dalton said:
Hitokage - Thanks. I knew that name sounded familiar. Listening to a Carlin/Gross interview right now.
If more people become fans of Public TV/Radio I'll consider these threads a success. :D
Stoney Mason said:
Cable news doesn't want specifics. That's the very opposite of what they are aiming for.
Cable News doesn't even want the news. They want ratings and cheap production costs. And if the news gives it to them, they'll put it out there. But largely, the news isn't very profitable so they don't give out much of it.
Hitokage said:
If more people become fans of Public TV/Radio I'll consider these threads a success. :D

That's the one thing I regret about finding gainful employment. When I was a delivery driver, I could listen to NPR all day.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JayDubya said:
You know what the consensus will be without asking it.

If by consensus you mean the consensus of historical fact, then the consensus is that tax cuts for the rich do not (by demonstration) have any effect on jobs - either positive or negative.

Economists, including Friedman are aware of this, as are the politicians who push for it. So why do they push for tax cuts for the wealthy?

Shortest "follow the money" trail in the universe. The problem with most capitalist economic models is that they choose to ignore the driving principle of capitalism, which is human greed*. Instead of harnessing that prodigious energy, your modern politician abuses it for personal political gain - in cahoots with wealthy individuals and corporations who cooperate for short term personal or discrete capital gain.

The true invisible hand, in 2008, is the one in the cookie jar.

*This is also the problem with socialist and facist models too, to be fair.


OuterWorldVoice said:
If by consensus you mean the consensus of historical fact, then the consensus is that tax cuts for the rich do not (by demonstration) have any effect on jobs - either positive or negative.

Economists, including Friedman are aware of this, as are the politicians who push for it. So why do they push for tax cuts for the wealthy?

Shortest "follow the money" trail in the universe. The problem with most capitalist economic models is that they choose to ignore the driving principle of capitalism, which is human greed*. Instead of harnessing that prodigious energy, your modern politician abuses it for personal political gain - in cahoots with wealthy individuals and corporations who cooperate for short term personal or discrete capital gain.

The true invisible hand, in 2008, is the one in the cookie jar.

*This is also the problem with socialist and facist models too, to be fair.
What is wrong with greed?
I was searching for something and I ended up at some random blog that continues the 'Obama is a Muslim' conspiracy.

So assuming Obama wins and goes about being a president, pretty much like all the previous presidents, what are these people going to do?
-Will they continue thinking he's a Muslim and he's continuing to hide it for the big day of revolution?
-Will they actually admit they were wrong (I'm certain that won't happen.)
-Will they just forget they ever thought it and move on to the next conspiracy?

I'm guessing the first of those . . . and they'll probably carry it on even after he is no longer president (although I'm not sure how they'll rationalize it).

Or maybe Obama really is the Meccachurian candidate?


I'm not entirely sure the people behind that Vets For Freedom commercial about the surge working is placed very well. I don't think you get much traction by advertising that Obama didn't support the surge on Countdown.
Socreges said:
Obama Laments Debt, But Promises Billions for Anti-Poverty Program

i know terrible journalism by fox news is no revelation, but i thought that was generally kept to their tv programs

books by the author of the article:

At Any Cost: How Al Gore Tried to Steal the Election
Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism from Inside the White House
Misunderestimated: The President Battles Terrorism, Media Bias and the Bush Haters
Strategery: How George W. Bush Is Defeating Terrorists, Outwitting Democrats, and Confounding the Mainstream Media


Washington deputy managing editor for FOX News Channel. It's not like his bias could carry over into his work...
NewLib said:
What is wrong with greed?
Uh, that that prodigious energy goes unharnessed; rather, it's abused by politicians for gain.

I don't know, though, I'm just reading what stinkles wrote. Maybe you saw something else in the invisible ink.


speculawyer said:
Cable News doesn't even want the news. They want ratings and cheap production costs. And if the news gives it to them, they'll put it out there. But largely, the news isn't very profitable so they don't give out much of it.

More than anything all they want is controversy....this way they have a story to tell for a couple of days. As it's been proven today, real answers seem to shut them up and give them nothing to go on.

Next time Lou Dobbs sits there and says "but Obama's plan isn't specific" I sure hope someone says something about cutting people off that are telling it saying they ran out of time.

DeaconKnowledge said:

Better pic. American politics is so much like wrestling it's hilarious.

Someone needs to cut that out and put in a wrestling background/ring.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
NewLib said:
What is wrong with greed?

Who are you asking? Me, Hamurabi, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed or Gordon Gecko? Five of those authorities will give you the same answer and the other one will give you the answer you're looking for.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Who are you asking? Me, Hamurabi, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed or Gordon Gecko? Five of those authorities will give you the same answer and the other one will give you the answer you're looking for.

Like it or not, money is the biggest motivator in the world. I wouldnt go as far as Wall Street and say Greed is good, but I will say that greed is responsible for most of the big technological advances in the last 200 yrs.

Just look at the auto industry. We all agree hybrid/electric cars are good, but its only when people could make money off of them that manufacturing began to ramp up on it.

Greed might not be good, but its definitely needed.



OK, a correspondent directs me to John McCain’s article, Better Health Care at Lower Cost for Every American, in the Sept./Oct. issue of Contingencies, the magazine of the American Academy of Actuaries. You might want to be seated before reading this.

Here’s what McCain has to say about the wonders of market-based health reform:

Opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition, as we have done over the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of state-based regulation.

So McCain, who now poses as the scourge of Wall Street, was praising financial deregulation like 10 seconds ago — and promising that if we marketize health care, it will perform as well as the financial industry!


force push the doodoo rock

Biden taps reporter's chest, tells him, 'you need to work on your pecs'... Developing...

Oh, Drudge.


Door2Dawn said:
I'm not smart enough to know what this means on my own. A little help?

So McCain, who now poses as the scourge of Wall Street, was praising financial deregulation like 10 seconds ago — and promising that if we marketize health care, it will perform as well as the financial industry!
Basically, use the success of deregulation in the financial sector as a model for healthcare reform.

Magazine lead times are a bitch.
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