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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Ike said:
Wow at some of these things coming out of conservatives mouths in Slacker Uprising. It's like they are clinically retarded or something.

I'm Catholic, and it sickens me that some so-called Christians are so fuckin deluded.


Sucks at poetry
Cloudy said:
Austan Goolsbee is probably the best Obama adviser on TV. Dude has his talking points DOWN and he doesn't miss a chance to bash McCain. It works very well cos he's a good speaker and he actually knows what he's talking about...

He needs to be doing the rounds from now on..


I also saw him own some lady on Lou Dobbs last week. She was parroting the usual Republican meme that Obama has not been specific with his economic plan. Dude starts listing Obama's plan point by point and after 2 highly detailed points, the segment was already over. She looked like a total jackass :lol

K that guy is awesome.
RubxQub said:
Never forget...WV is the scum of our nation:

WV will forever be America's butthole unless they vote for Barack.

Rednecks...the worst demographic.

The most frustrating part is that they're not willing to be educated. They convince themselves that they're right without doing any research into the person that they're supporting and to Hell with anyone who thinks different.


It's not really surprising Goolsbee is a great surrogate

As a high school student at Milton Academy, a New England preparatory school, Goolsbee became one of the most decorated competitive speakers in the nation. In 1987, he became the first extemporaneous speaking competitor to go through an entire year of competitions placing only first. This included winning the NCFL national championship in extemporaneous speaking for the second time and winning the National Forensics League's national championship in international extemporaneous speaking as well as placing second in the nation in original oratory.

As a student at Yale he debated on the APDA circuit. In 1990 he and partner Dahlia Lithwick were runners up for National Debate Team of the Year. He and partner John Wertheim placed second at the national championship. In 1991, he and partner David Gray were the National Debate Team of the Year. Goolsbee finished as the third best speaker at the World Debate Championships in Toronto. He later served as coach to the M.I.T. debate team and the University of Chicago debate society, as well as being active in the annual Great Latke-Hamantash Debate.


syllogism said:
It's not really surprising Goolsbee is a great surrogate

Not only that, but the guy graduated from Yale summa cum laude with a degree in economics, then got an M.A. in economics from Yale, and then got a PhD in economics from M.I.T.

It's no surprise he's smacking fools around on the subject.

Goolsbee has more credentials in his left nut than Palin has total when it comes to running for something like VP.


Those vids were awesome. Great surrogate.

Nate has an interesting article up about one county in Nevada that might be a harbinger of the state.


Washoe County, home of Reno and Sparks and 19% of Nevada’s vote, may be on the verge of having more registered Democrats than Republicans. It would be a stunning development.

As of September 18, the county registrar reported 87,971 registered Republicans and 84,705 registered Democrats, a gap of 3,266 (down from 5,648 at the end of the primaries).

But as of that update, more than 5,000 registration applications were in the queue.

If 82% of those are Democratic registrations (5 to 1), Washoe would now have more registered Democrats, with 17 days from the time of that update (Sept 18) through the close of mail-in registrations (Oct 4).

“Unlike any time I have seen in 30 years of doing this, there is a really aggressive move from one party,” (Washoe County’s Voter Registrar Dan) Burk said. “It’s really unusual to see this intense growth in such a short period of time.”

In 2004, registered Republicans outnumbered registered Democrats by approximately 17,000 voters. George Bush beat John Kerry by 6,696 votes in Washoe.
There's more, but that's the gist of it. May well be a sign of how the state will tip.
syllogism said:
It's not really surprising Goolsbee is a great surrogate

As a high school student at Milton Academy, a New England preparatory school, Goolsbee became one of the most decorated competitive speakers in the nation. In 1987, he became the first extemporaneous speaking competitor to go through an entire year of competitions placing only first. This included winning the NCFL national championship in extemporaneous speaking for the second time and winning the National Forensics League's national championship in international extemporaneous speaking as well as placing second in the nation in original oratory.

As a student at Yale he debated on the APDA circuit. In 1990 he and partner Dahlia Lithwick were runners up for National Debate Team of the Year. He and partner John Wertheim placed second at the national championship. In 1991, he and partner David Gray were the National Debate Team of the Year. Goolsbee finished as the third best speaker at the World Debate Championships in Toronto. He later served as coach to the M.I.T. debate team and the University of Chicago debate society, as well as being active in the annual Great Latke-Hamantash Debate.
Shh . . . don't give out the liberal secret.


PissBOX, PeeS2, or Toiletcube
Slacker Uprising was pretty good. I didn't like it nearly as much as any of Moore's previous films probably because it didn't really have him narrating or making hilarious observations. Still a good movie though.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Zeliard said:
Not only that, but the guy graduated from Yale summa cum laude with a degree in economics, then got an M.A. in economics from Yale, and then got a PhD in economics from M.I.T.

Sorry. Doesn't sound like someone I could have a beer with. He'd probably fuck up the order and say, "can I have a cup of lagerbeer please, barkeep." Or ask for a Chablis. Either way, if he can't field dress a moose, he's worse than useless.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Sorry. Doesn't sound like someone I could have a beer with. He'd probably fuck up the order and say, "can I have a cup of lagerbeer please, barkeep." Or ask for a Chablis. Either way, if he can't field dress a moose, he's worse than useless.

To be fair, he does seem like the kind of guy that would hike up his skirt and order a Cosmo.
Ike said:
Slacker Uprising was pretty good. I didn't like it nearly as much as any of Moore's previous films probably because it didn't really have him narrating or making hilarious observations. Still a good movie though.
About 25 minutes in. It's pretty good so far. I saw him speak during this tour down in Arizona. So it's kind of like a nice trip down memory lane.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Sorry. Doesn't sound like someone I could have a beer with. He'd probably fuck up the order and say, "can I have a cup of lagerbeer please, barkeep." Or ask for a Chablis. Either way, if he can't field dress a moose, he's worse than useless.

A Mastercard Marxist is all he is.


Cloudy said:
Austan Goolsbee is probably the best Obama adviser on TV. Dude has his talking points DOWN and he doesn't miss a chance to bash McCain. It works very well cos he's a good speaker and he actually knows what he's talking about...

He needs to be doing the rounds from now on..


I also saw him own some lady on Lou Dobbs last week. She was parroting the usual Republican meme that Obama has not been specific with his economic plan. Dude starts listing Obama's plan point by point and after 2 highly detailed points, the segment was already over. She looked like a total jackass :lol

:lol his one liners are just killer.

"His(McCain's) economic plan came out of a Cracker Jack box"

His best line, also referring to McCain's "detailed" economic plan.

"There's more information on a box of Froot Loops, than what they presented."

Just kills.


GhaleonEB said:

Pretty solid polling day.

I really like seeing CO and Virginia slowly being put out of play. Have to absolutely must secure Pennsylvania and Michigan.
Sorry to piss on the Goolsbee parade, but he strikes me as incredibly artificial. It's the same instinctual disgust I feel while watching Republicans spout off their talking points.
dead christmas said:
I don't know what hard-bound toilet paper is. Taken down a peg and my elite status revoked. Damn!!

Just like it sounds.


Journeywalker said:
Sorry to piss on the Goolsbee parade, but he strikes me as incredibly artificial. It's the same instinctual disgust I feel while watching Republicans spout off their talking points.

I'm inclined to agree with you, although I think many Democrats wanted this.


According to Slacker Uprising, 21 million 'young people' voted for Kerry? Good lord. I thought the popular notion was that the youth vote didn't come out that year.
AniHawk said:
According to Slacker Uprising, 21 million 'young people' voted for Kerry? Good lord. I thought the popular notion was that the youth vote didn't come out that year.
I just finished and saw that statistic. I remember hearing about the huge turn out of young people. Didn't realize it was that large and Kerry's only big win demographically. Gives me hope for this year.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Is there a good proxy website for slacker uprising? only free to americans and canadians unfortunately :/

even if I wanted to pay for it, it'd take ages for it to get here!

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Crayon Shinchan said:
Is there a good proxy website for slacker uprising? only free to americans and canadians unfortunately :/

even if I wanted to pay for it, it'd take ages for it to get here!

Couldn't you get it from the torrent that is listed there?


AniHawk said:
According to Slacker Uprising, 21 million 'young people' voted for Kerry? Good lord. I thought the popular notion was that the youth vote didn't come out that year.
That wasn't really it. The youth vote did not come out in greater proportion compared to the rest of the electorate. The raw numbers were higher but so were every other demographic's. It still didn't change the fact that only 1 in 10 voters were under 30 in both 2000 and 2004.


Crayon Shinchan said:
Is there a good proxy website for slacker uprising? only free to americans and canadians unfortunately :/

even if I wanted to pay for it, it'd take ages for it to get here!

I think these might work for you:


or lower quality


EDIT: If it STILL doesn't work I've uploaded it on mininova too:



So I found this blog with this dude that's obsessed with IQs and spends a lot of time doing IQ calculations for different groups and such. In one post he concludes that it's 'virtually certain' that republican voters have higher IQs.

I.... I want to stab my eyes out. I can't take this. I wanted to send the imbecile a huge reply but where do I even start. To hell with it, this is taking too much out of me. I'll just vent here at GAF and try to forget about that blog. I CAN'T FUCKING TAKE THIS ANYMORE.

And the bastard thinks that Palin 'kinda' looks like Lulu from Final Fantasy X. HE'S RUINING MY FAVORITE GAMES NOW.

Edit: Look at this...


Well you know, there's this whole thing about IRAN BEING A THEOCRATIC DICTATORSHIP AND THE US A FREE DEMOCRACY.

But no, Obama won't be able to do anything. The conservatives will block him. They'll assassinate liberal journalists and intellectuals, close down newspapers, jail dissidents, and Bush, as supreme leader, will veto anything the democrats do. JUST LIKE IRAN!!!!!

How can this much stupidity exist? Unbelievable. Un-fucking-believable.

avatar299 said:
What's his formula?


Checkout the last reply by crush41, he's the blogger.

This is too funny:

I've little empirical to go on but I'd bet that among minorities as IQ increases so does the propensity to vote Republican. Among whites I'm not sure.


Chrono said:
So I found this blog with this dude that's obsessed with IQs and spends a lot of time doing IQ calculations for different groups and such. In one post he concludes that it's 'virtually certain' that republican voters have higher IQs.

I.... I want to stab my eyes out. I can't take this. I wanted to send the imbecile a huge reply but where do I even start. To hell with it, this is taking too much out of me. I'll just vent here at GAF and try to forget about that blog. I CAN'T FUCKING TAKE THIS ANYMORE.
What's his formula?


formerly sane
Cloudy said:
Austan Goolsbee is probably the best Obama adviser on TV. Dude has his talking points DOWN and he doesn't miss a chance to bash McCain. It works very well cos he's a good speaker and he actually knows what he's talking about...

He needs to be doing the rounds from now on..


I also saw him own some lady on Lou Dobbs last week. She was parroting the usual Republican meme that Obama has not been specific with his economic plan. Dude starts listing Obama's plan point by point and after 2 highly detailed points, the segment was already over. She looked like a total jackass :lol

The first vid you posted I saw live when he did that and man it was brutal. Obama needs to put this dude on fox for a week guarantee he won't be a contributor for that long. Him and carville have been putting on a clinic with the way they break down people going after obama with bs.
Are these Quinnie numbers new?

From Quinnipiac University/washingtonpost.com/Wall Street Journal polls:
COLORADO: Obama 49 – McCain 45
MICHIGAN: Obama 48 - McCain 44
MINNESOTA: Obama 47 - McCain 45
WISCONSIN: Obama 49 - McCain 42
Dates conducted: September 14-21; Error margin: Ranges from 2.6-2.7 points.

What's the matter, Halperin? Can't think of anything sharper than "Latest Battleground Numbers" for a title?

Oh, right. Obama's in the lead.



devilhawk said:
That wasn't really it. The youth vote did not come out in greater proportion compared to the rest of the electorate. The raw numbers were higher but so were every other demographic's. It still didn't change the fact that only 1 in 10 voters were under 30 in both 2000 and 2004.
The ratio didn't change but the number did.

And from what I've heard the 2006 congressional elections saw a very significant surge in the youth vote, both quantity and ratio, as did the primaries.


From NBC News/Mason Dixon poll:
Obama 47, McCain 45

Error margin: 4 points.


ABC News/USA Today/Columbia University poll finds:

Following election “very” closely: blacks 56%, whites 48%, Hispanics 33%

Contributed money to a campaign: blacks 31%, whites 21%, Hispanics 16%

Worked for a party of candidate: blacks 14%, whites 7%, Hispanics 7%
Hootie said:
I was wondering where the hell you were :lol
Yep. All's well now, though.

Oh, and I heard about the VP debate in that the McCain campign is trying to push for a very "short and to the point" type of debate. I guess they are afraid Palin will embarrass herself, and Biden is already going to tear her apart.


His father Dann, who describes himself as a "proud conservative", said the school's actions trampled on free speech.

"It's the public school system — let's be honest, it's full of liberal loons," Mr Dalton said.
Author of the article should've just spelt it libruls.


I'm still amazed that a person who probably thinks The Flintstones was a documentary could be a heartbeat away from being the most powerful person on the planet.
Ok, answer me this then, why do I see shirts saying how Bush and the republicans are war criminals and they just like to kill and no one really cares, but an anti Obama shirt comes into the fold and all of a sudden your not allowed to wear it. Its called the 1st amendment, read it sometimes, its pretty good.


guess said:

"School suspends boy for anti-Obama shirt"

This is interesting; but maybe somebody should tell the conservative father who thinks the school is run by libruls about the Bong Hits for Jesus Supreme Court decision. Elementary schools (K-12) have wide latitude in banning distracting or offensive speech such as this.

Also, improper use of the apostrophe for the win! Never fails. :lol

CrazedArabMan said:
Ok, answer me this then, why do I see shirts saying how Bush and the republicans are war criminals and they just like to kill and no one really cares, but an anti Obama shirt comes into the fold and all of a sudden your not allowed to wear it. Its called the 1st amendment, read it sometimes, its pretty good.

You are a complete moron. The reason this shirt was banned was because a kid was wearing it at an elementary school. Under free speech law there is something called "Time, Place & Manner Restrictions." Basically, a public elementary school is neither the appropriate time or place to wear obnoxious shirts like this. Shirts saying Bush is a terrist' war criminal would also be justifiably banned from elementary schools. You can wear whatever you want in public, but in an elementary school, they don't have to put up with this crap.


CrazedArabMan said:
Ok, answer me this then, why do I see shirts saying how Bush and the republicans are war criminals and they just like to kill and no one really cares, but an anti Obama shirt comes into the fold and all of a sudden your not allowed to wear it. Its called the 1st amendment, read it sometimes, its pretty good.

Do you see these shirts on a noncollege school campus?
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