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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Rayme said:
Maybe the plan was supposed to be...

1> Hold the investigation off until after the election.
2> Use the Power of Palin to win the election.
3> Throw her under the troopergate bus.
4> Welcome, VP Lieberman!

</tinfoil hat party>
Wow, Outerworldvoice made that EXACT prediction a few days ago. :lol


when is my burrito
Rhindle said:
Yes, most of them are.

But there is a good chunk of independents that are fairly clueless about issues, and just vote based on who they feel "more comfortable" with. The guy who wins the "who would you rather have a beer with" question always wins the presidential election. Always.

And there's probably a not-insignificant number of these people who don't tend to go out for beers with black folks.

The question remains is whether active and even passive racism is a motivator to get people to go out to the polls and vote against someone. I think there's a strong case to make that it's not a significant motivator for voters to go out and vote since historically, heavy use of negative advertisements and messaging have been almost always single-mindedly geared towards depressing voter turnout of the opponent, not changing undecided or wishy-washy people's minds, like some would like to think.


Ignatz Mouse said:
The GOP culture of victimhood in full swing.

This is not a winning strategy, and I am happy to see them resort to it.

Agreed entirely. I don't think this strategy has EVER worked.


when is my burrito
ChoklitReign said:
Let me get this straight: Italy's finance minister is blaming, and comparing to Osama bin Laden, the leader of the greatest US market in a century, for a problem that is in the hands of his successor? And don't get me started on the socialist Frogs.

Greenspan's policies at the Fed navigated our economy to the point where a perpetual and moving bubble flows through the market. The only question is where the bubble will pop next and where it will redevelop. Bernanke is dealing with the fallout of years of terrible money supply mismanagement.


when is my burrito
Every interest rate adjustment just delayed an increasingly large popping of the American economy. If no adjustment were made or interest rates were actually decent, that would encourage people to save. Well, interest rates have been low for so long and the consumer economy so prevalent that we are at a point where the consumer has no money left to spend and the system is folding.


GhaleonEB said:
Wow, Outerworldvoice made that EXACT prediction a few days ago. :lol

Hah, but really. I know it's crazy, but I'd almost think it makes sense. ;)
harSon said:
It may be a bit off but I guarantee the number of individuals who harbor negative feelings towards blacks or minorities in general is alarmingly significant.
And it will come from people who you had never considered racist before. I had no idea the feelings my mother-in-law held until the WV primaries, then it was all how she was glad when MLK was assassinated and how she missed being in the John Birch Society.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Amir0x said:
The only state polling I don't like is Pennsylvania.

That should not be this close, I must work even HARDER
I can direct you to a few roads not too far north of Philly where I see far too many McCain lawn signs.
adamsappel said:
And it will come from people who you had never considered racist before. I had no idea the feelings my mother-in-law held until the WV primaries, then it was all how she was glad when MLK was assassinated and how she missed being in the John Birch Society.
John Birch Society? What is that?
adamsappel said:
And it will come from people who you had never considered racist before. I had no idea the feelings my mother-in-law held until the WV primaries, then it was all how she was glad when MLK was assassinated and how she missed being in the John Birch Society.

That's so disturbing it's actually sad.
StoOgE said:
Her being guilty is probably less damaging than this crazy coverup.
You'd think so . . . well let's see if this story has traction.

Seriously, could you IMAGINE the shit-fit Hannity would throw if Barack Obama decided to investigate himself for an abuse of power charge that was originally launched by a bi-partisan commission?

Where is the decency? They are obstructing an investigation THAT WAS STARTED LONG BEFORE SHE WAS PICKED TO BE VP. Why didn't he just pick someone else? Or, if you think she is fine, just let the investigation go forward.

And a really pathetic thing is that they have the nerve to blame their opposition for 'hijacking the investigation' when NOTHING HAS CHANGED. The only slight improper aspect was that Mr. French probably should not have made some of those comments, but his comments did not reveal anything that was not already publicly known. But Mr. French is not the investigator anyway!

May the cardinal rule of scandals sink their campaign. That rule being "The cover-up is always worse than the crime."


maximum360 said:
This Golden Parachute nonsense for Wall Street CEOs is disgusting.

Pretty much. I feel weird that all the stuff I learned about in business school is taking center stage of this election.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
viciouskillersquirrel said:
John Birch Society? What is that?
A far-right extremist group.

Edit: Ben Smith covered the JBS/Palin story too:

And speaking of the JBS . . . is Sarah Palin a member? I don't know if this is real or not, but it is something floating around the interwebs . . .
Sarah Palin member of John Birch Society?

This picture shows Palin during her time on the Wasilla city council. The magazine under her pen is the 1995 edition of American Opinion - which is the magazine of the far-right extremist John Birch Society. Why is someone running for VP reading extremist materials from a crank far-right group like this? Why does Sarah Palin hate our freedom?




I'd bet Palin's investigation team preempts the independent investigator's report with her own, since we know, since we know the date that one is coming out. Then, they paint that one as a partisan attack, and hers as fair and balanced.


You know I miss this Clinton.

I didnt always agree with his policy, but he is a very intelligent man who can actually break things down for people easily. Great example of what a lawyer/politician should be.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
NewLib said:
You know I miss this Clinton.

I didnt always agree with his policy, but he is a very intelligent man who can actually break things down for people easily. Great example of what a lawyer/politician should be.

If he had simply said, "Yes, I had a sexual fling with that woman. I am a cad and a heel and I apologize to my wife and the country," things would have been very different.

However, it is still inexcusable that the conservatives went after him for sexual chicanery after failing on every other charge, when Reagan still gets a free pass on that former presidential perk.

Let's never forget - they spent millions of dollars going after a real estate deal, which morphed into a travel irregularity and eventually turned into a blowjob from a plump nobody. Still, they reaped what they sowed. I hope all their fucking mutual funds are underwater.
maximum360 said:
That's so disturbing it's actually sad.
Let's hope speaking to our better sides wins Obama the election.

His entire campaign has been about our better side. Talking to that spark of greatness that sets America apart. The promise and opportunities it can give to just about anyone. Or could give.

It's a risky gamble.

I know more then a few that seem to be having a lot of trouble with the idea. He won't win Kansas, but I think he can win the election. It will either be really close, or a huge victory.

I'd bet really close. The last large change was electing a Catholic. Seriously. Just because to the majority of us Obama is a biracial man. And that's all we tend to think about in that regard.

It literally has no meaning to me. We're human. All of us. If we aren't in this together then we're fucked as a species. Different genes for a multitude of different races, and in the end we're still like 99% exactly the same.

The physical differences mean so little. It's almost shocking to me that they once did. And in some cases still do.

Actually, it amazes me that they mean anything to anyone. Your ethnicity is tied directly to your past, your ancestry, but that don't stop your genes from being within 60th cousin to me.

We are one big family of crazy apes. I think we were aquatic apes, but that's beside the point.



This was posted on the NYT last Friday (and may have been part of what led Schmidt to denounce the publication for the umpteenth time), but I just got around to reading through it. So in case anyone was wondering how McCain was pushing the boundaries of the campaign finance laws that he supported and just what all these banners for the McCain Palin fund are, here you go.

A brief excerpt:

This month, the McCain campaign began running banner Web advertisements asking for donations to the McCain-Palin Compliance Fund, a fund-raising vehicle rooted in a 1980s F.E.C. ruling that candidates who accept public financing can still collect private donations for legal and accounting costs for complying with campaign finance laws.

Only a careful observer, however, would have noticed the advertisements’ fine print, which said donations to the fund would be used to pay for “a portion of the cost of broadcast advertising,” as well as other expenses.

That would seem to be a far cry from the legal and accounting exemption. But the F.E.C. issued an advisory opinion last year that said Senator John Kerry’s presidential campaign could use its compliance fund to cover up to 5 percent of its advertising costs, because of the several seconds candidates must devote in their advertisements to a disclaimer.
NewLib said:
You know I miss this Clinton.

I didnt always agree with his policy, but he is a very intelligent man who can actually break things down for people easily. Great example of what a lawyer/politician should be.

But you have to remember rarely is the question asked is our children learning...


Tamanon said:
I think Bill did good, he was pretty glowing about everyone but Palin, that's not bad.

He was extremely right about Palin. I understand the decision making but its such a long shot because McCain obviously didnt know much about her.

I really think Huckabee would have been his best bet. He might not have lead to the monumental gain, but he would have helped in the South and the Midwest. I also think the tone of the campaign wouldnt have gone completely in the gutter.


NewLib said:
He was extremely right about Palin. I understand the decision making but its such a long shot because McCain obviously didnt know much about her.

I really think Huckabee would have been his best bet. He might not have lead to the monumental gain, but he would have helped in the South and the Midwest. I also think the tone of the campaign wouldnt have gone completely in the gutter.

I'm thinking Huckabee refused.

:lol Chris Rock, what a weird choice to follow Clinton.


Tamanon said:
I'm thinking Huckabee refused.

Uh he went on Colbert the week before the VP was chosen and said he thought he should be VP.

I think it would have been smart for him to refuse though. He is going to be the odds on favorite as a Republican candidate for 2012 after this election.

Edit: Thats if either person wins. I honestly think if McCain wins, he will either only run one term or (plz god no) die in office. And there is no way Palin going to be a presidential nominee.


Nah, I'm saying Huckabee refused early on, it's why he signed that FOX deal. He was a pretty vocal anti-Romney guy too. He's just waiting his turn now.


Paulson Plan May Push National Debt to Post-World War II Levels


Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's $700 billion proposal to stabilize the banking system may push the national debt to the highest level since 1954, threatening an erosion of foreign appetite for U.S. bonds.


Paulson may be questioned on the borrowing impact of his plan at a hearing at the Senate Banking Committee today that begins at 9:30 a.m. He's asking lawmakers to lift the legal ceiling on the federal debt to a record $11.3 trillion from the current $10.6 trillion.


``It's an alarming level of debt given that we're not fighting something like World War II,''

The government reaching the requested debt limit would entail every man, woman and child in the U.S. owing more than $37,000 each. The median U.S. income last year was $50,233.


Michael Feroli, an economist at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in New York, says the combination of the Paulson plan, additional government expenditures, and a slower economy, could swell the deficit to $1.5 trillion -- 10 percent of GDP.

To be sure, several developed nations have debt levels far higher than that of the U.S., including Japan at 196 percent of GDP and Italy at 104 percent of GDP, according to the International Monetary Fund.

The only way out, IMO, is a renewable energy revolution that would lead to the creation of millions of lasting jobs. Otherwise the economy will continue to worsen, and all assets bought by the gov will never be sold at a profit and the deficit will only continue to grow. Too bad Obama and McCain are not interested in that like Al Gore is.



McCain is losing George Will it seems.

Conservatives who insist that electing McCain is crucial usually start, and increasingly end, by saying he would make excellent judicial selections. But the more one sees of his impulsive, intensely personal reactions to people and events, the less confidence one has that he would select judges by calm reflection and clear principles, having neither patience nor aptitude for either.

It is arguable that, because of his inexperience, Obama is not ready for the presidency. It is arguable that McCain, because of his boiling moralism and bottomless reservoir of certitudes, is not suited to the presidency. Unreadiness can be corrected, although perhaps at great cost, by experience. Can a dismaying temperament be fixed?


Austan Goolsbee is probably the best Obama adviser on TV. Dude has his talking points DOWN and he doesn't miss a chance to bash McCain. It works very well cos he's a good speaker and he actually knows what he's talking about...

He needs to be doing the rounds from now on..


I also saw him own some lady on Lou Dobbs last week. She was parroting the usual Republican meme that Obama has not been specific with his economic plan. Dude starts listing Obama's plan point by point and after 2 highly detailed points, the segment was already over. She looked like a total jackass :lol
Cloudy said:
Austan Goolsbee is probably the best Obama adviser on TV. Dude has his talking points DOWN and he doesn't miss a chance to bash McCain. It works very well cos he's a good speaker and he actually knows what he's talking about...

He needs to be doing the rounds from now on..


I also saw him own some lady on Lou Dobbs last week. She was parroting the usual Republican meme that Obama has not been specific with his economic plan. Dude starts listing Obama's plan point by point and after 2 highly detailed points, the segment was already over. She looked like a total jackass :lol

"What would have to happen for John McCain to think the fundamentals were looking a little iffy?"

That one got me.


Cloudy said:
His wife works for the McCain campaign but he's a true conservative. I bet this bailout makes those guys sick to their stomachs :lol
The thought just occurred to me that the right would never call someone a "true liberal" as a compliment.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Cloudy said:
Austan Goolsbee is probably the best Obama adviser on TV. Dude has his talking points DOWN and he doesn't miss a chance to bash McCain. It works very well cos he's a good speaker and he actually knows what he's talking about...

He needs to be doing the rounds from now on..


I also saw him own some lady on Lou Dobbs last week. She was parroting the usual Republican meme that Obama has not been specific with his economic plan. Dude starts listing Obama's plan point by point and after 2 highly detailed points, the segment was already over. She looked like a total jackass :lol

:lol :lol :lol
My favorite was when he said that there is more information on the back of a box of Fruit Loops than there is information on what McCain plans to do about the economy.

Thank you for this!


PissBOX, PeeS2, or Toiletcube
Wow at some of these things coming out of conservatives mouths in Slacker Uprising. It's like they are clinically retarded or something.
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