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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Zeliard said:
Oh, duh. My bad. I should've made that connection. :lol

It is a good sign, it shows you are in game-shape, ready to punch your way through the final rounds. :lol

I remember the final month before the 2004 election, by the time it was all over I felt exhausted from the day-to-day arguments / conversations I had with Bush supporters. Luckily, this time, we are on the attack!


Steve Youngblood said:
I sincerely hope that you are not belittling Detective Chimp, there.

No sir, but Detective Chimp's main purpose is to provide comic relief as a backstop to serious situations! Even when presented as a serious character, his innate appearance immediately mocks the situation.
Tamanon said:
No sir, but Detective Chimp's main purpose is to provide comic relief as a backstop to serious situations! Even when presented as a serious character, his innate appearance immediately mocks the situation.
A well-reasoned response, sir. Carry on.


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TheClimaxan said:
Hell the fuck yeah NC. My state is making me proud.
Have you done anything to get your state there? If not, do something!

Your state is fucking important, and if you're serious about this election, you need to do more than just cheer it on!


Here's the Goolsbee beatdown with the index card:


This guy is the best talking head EVER. And he does it w/o being rude or obnoxious :lol
RubxQub said:
Have you done anything to get your state there? If not, do something!

Your state is fucking important, and if you're serious about this election, you need to do more than just cheer it on!

I've been part of a voter registration campaign for the last month through moveon.org. I haven't been able to help as much as I would have liked over the past few weeks but I have been doing some canvassing, and I personally converted a handful of republicans. Hi-ohhhhh!


lawblob said:
It is a good sign, it shows you are in game-shape, ready to punch your way through the final rounds. :lol

I remember the final month before the 2004 election, by the time it was all over I felt exhausted from the day-to-day arguments / conversations I had with Bush supporters. Luckily, this time, we are on the attack!

Palin is certainly doing her part in offering ample amounts of ammunition for us.

And McCain may gain a few brownie points with his base by attacking the NY Times, but if they piss off the entire media as they've been doing lately (except Fox News, naturally), then they're just fucking themselves since much of their campaign rests on photo-ops and shitty stump speeches.

So let's hope they keep at it.


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TheClimaxan said:
I've been part of a voter registration campaign for the last month through moveon.org. I haven't been able to help as much as I would have liked over the past few weeks but I have been doing some canvassing, and I personally converted a handful of republicans. Hi-ohhhhh!
Excellent... carry on then! :D
TheClimaxan said:
I've been part of a voter registration campaign for the last month through moveon.org. I haven't been able to help as much as I would have liked over the past few weeks but I have been doing some canvassing, and I personally converted a handful of republicans. Hi-ohhhhh!

This is a story I want to hear!


TheClimaxan said:
I've been part of a voter registration campaign for the last month through moveon.org. I haven't been able to help as much as I would have liked over the past few weeks but I have been doing some canvassing, and I personally converted a handful of republicans. Hi-ohhhhh!

Zeliard said:
And McCain may gain a few brownie points with his base by attacking the NY Times, but if they piss off the entire media as they've been doing lately (except Fox News, naturally), then they're just fucking themselves since much of their campaign rests on photo-ops and shitty stump speeches.
I think you underestimate the power of her acceptance speech. As she said, she's not here to gain the approval of the elitist east coast media, she's here to change Washington!


TheClimaxan said:
I've been part of a voter registration campaign for the last month through moveon.org. I haven't been able to help as much as I would have liked over the past few weeks but I have been doing some canvassing, and I personally converted a handful of republicans. Hi-ohhhhh!

That is awesome. I only converted 1 Repub in 2004, so you have me beat! Keep up the good work.
reilo said:
Wait a minute.

-- $700 billion: proposed Wall St. bailout
-- $580 billion: cost of Iraq war (so far)
-- $50-$65 billion: Obama's health care plan, per year


And people are bitching about Obama being a tax and spend asshole? What the hell?

In ten years, Obama's healthcare plan would cost as much as the Iraq war did 5 years in. Fuck this shit.

welcome to "conservative" government. You can bet that if Obama gets elected, Republicans in Congress will magically rediscover their fiscal responsibility.

"You can't spend money on health care or energy, look at all this debt we have! Sorry, we gotta balance the budget. No time for your entitlements!"

And then in the next elections, they'll campaign on a promise of bringing back limited government.


oh, and grover norquist drowning wishes have come true, lol
TheClimaxan said:
I've been part of a voter registration campaign for the last month through moveon.org. I haven't been able to help as much as I would have liked over the past few weeks but I have been doing some canvassing, and I personally converted a handful of republicans. Hi-ohhhhh!
Keep on rockin' in a free world!


Cloudy said:
Here's the Goolsbee beatdown with the index card:


This guy is the best talking head EVER. And he does it w/o being rude or obnoxious :lol

can you fix the link, I wanna see this
avatar299 said:
wow spec tell us something we didn't know
Half the country still isn't getting it, so the message needs to be repeated . . . "to catapult the propaganda" as it were.

Iraq war = socialism
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac = socialism
AIG = socialism
$700 Billion = Socialism.

It just makes me want to punch the next GOPer that talks about 'socialism' or 'fiscal conservatism'.


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Xisiqomelir said:
Wow, no Turner Media Plugin bullshit too!
Aye, that's only for their live feed nonsense, thank God :lol
Zeliard said:
She [Palin] never has anything of substance to say, and she won't answer questions,
Which reminds me of a line from Maher . . . "They could put a gun to her head and ask her to say something substantive about the financial crisis and should would be unable to do so . . . but she could tell you what kind of gun it was." :lol


DeaconKnowledge said:
I know this is old, but it makes me wonder how long it will take for Arabs to no longer be boogeymen in America and possibly have an Arab candidate for president.

As soon as Russia goes back up to #1 enemy status instead of the veiled "Arabs/Muslims" rhetoric.


speculawyer said:
Which reminds me of a line from Maher . . . "They could put a gun to her head and ask her to say something substantive about the financial crisis and should would be unable to do so . . . but she could tell you what kind of gun it was." :lol




September 23rd, 2008 2:28 PM Eastern
McCain lowers debate expectations
Article said:
McCain lowers debate expectations
by Mosheh Oinounou
SAGINAW, MI — During a campaign stop in Berea, OH to deliver a pep talk to local volunteers today, McCain raised debate expectations for his Democratic rival, calling Barack Obama “very, very good.”

“As you know we’ve got a debate on Friday night, and we’ve got a couple of debates after that. And look, have no doubt about the capabilities of, of Senator Obama to a debate. I mean, he’s very, very good. He was able to defeat Senator Hillary Clinton who as we all know is very accomplished, very accomplished. And he was able to, I think, with his eloquence, inspire a great number of Americans,” McCain told supporters gathered at Baldwin Wallace College. “So these are going to be tough debates my friends, but I believe on the substance, on the substance I can convince the American people that I can keep reform government restore prosperity and keep peace.”


Steve Youngblood said:
I think you underestimate the power of her acceptance speech. As she said, she's not here to gain the approval of the elitist east coast media, she's here to change Washington!

Have you all noticed how often she repeats herself? I know all politicians repeat things over and over in speeches, including Obama, but Palin takes that to a whole new level. She literally gives the same exact speech with the same exact talking points every single time she's on the stump. She doesn't even pretend to vary it up. I think her speechwriters only gave her one speech and told her to run with it.

speculawyer said:
Which reminds me of a line from Maher . . . "They could put a gun to her head and ask her to say something substantive about the financial crisis and should would be unable to do so . . . but she could tell you what kind of gun it was." :lol

I remember that. Here's the exact quote:

"Even with all the economic news this week, I bet you if you put a gun to her head today and asked her what the SEC was, she couldn't tell you. Although she could probably tell you what kind of gun it was."


"Heads of state. Heads of state. Heads of... lettuce."
DeaconKnowledge said:
I know this is old, but it makes me wonder how long it will take for Arabs to no longer be boogeymen in America and possibly have an Arab candidate for president.

Holy smokes. We are supposed to be eliminating racism . . . not fine-tuning specific racial bigotry. How can people listen that schmuck?

LIMBAUGH'S LATEST SMEAR.... I don't want to alarm anyone, but it appears that Rush Limbaugh is blisteringly stupid when it comes to race and ethnicity.

Rush Limbaugh baselessly asserted of Sen. Barack Obama: "Do you know he has not one shred of African-American blood?" Limbaugh continued: "He's Arab. You know, he's from Africa. He's from Arab parts of Africa.... [H]e's not African-American. The last thing that he is is African-American."

Limbaugh concluded his little rant by telling his audience, "Everything seems upside-down today in this country."

The irony was rich.

As Media Matters reported, this "Obama is actually Arab" line has been making the rounds in right-wing circles, and has been featured in a variety of conservative settings. It's also demonstrably ridiculous.

First, it's probably worth noting that Obama is not "Arab" "from Africa," he's American from Hawaii. (You know, the place Cokie Roberts mocks for being "exotic.") Second, his father is from Kenya, and Kenya isn't an Arab part of Africa. Third, "African American" generally refers to black people in the United States of African lineage. "The last thing that he is is African American"? Please.

But let's not overlook the point here -- far-right hacks aren't quite done with the smear. The efforts to label Obama "Arab" is just the latest twist in a larger effort launched by those motivated by fear and bigotry.

"Everything seems upside-down today in this country." Especially for those who listen to right-wing radio.
so_awes said:

this guy is awesome! :lol :lol

Seeing is believing . . . This is just like James Carville holding up the picture of the Wasilla town hall and Chris Matthews holding up the book "Lipstick on a Pig" written by a former press-person for McCain.

I like this new technique and hope the Obama team uses it more and more.



soul creator said:
welcome to "conservative" government. You can bet that if Obama gets elected, Republicans in Congress will magically rediscover their fiscal responsibility.

"You can't spend money on health care or energy, look at all this debt we have! Sorry, we gotta balance the budget. No time for your entitlements!"

And then in the next elections, they'll campaign on a promise of bringing back limited government.


oh, and grover norquist drowning wishes have come true, lol
People really need to understand that:

fiscal responsibility ≠ fical conservatism AND neocons aren't either one

The speculawyer.jpg chart doesn't show fiscal conservatism, it only shows responsibility.


Steve Youngblood said:
Sure it will. We'll be wasting money on more socialist entitilement nonsense. That's money that we could be using to explore our military options against Iran. They're over there working on nuclear weapons, and you want to focus our attention on giving more free handouts?

Sure, it might save American lives in our own borders, but imagine how many more lives might be lost if Iran launched a nuclear attack on us or our allies that they might be theoretically capable of at some point?

Is this a joke post? I can't tell.
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