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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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MaddenNFL64 said:
Ahmedinejahd is fucking loony. Reminds me of our christian nutters. Just with an opposite view. We're the world threat, and need to return to god, or face collapse from our excess. If he had a huge military, regime change in Israel would be his first option, no doubt. We'll be killing muslims for Jesus, and they'll try & kill us for Allah for the next century.

Some religious people are loons, not all loons are religious people.

Also, a Canadian would like to know when the Americans will start going to the polls. November?


Sorry, just listened to his U.N speech. His zionist are evil shit, just keeping this whole thing moving to war it seems. Ahh... just depressing.
Fatalah said:
I love that picture.

Right smack between Paulson (Our new socialist dictator) and Bernakke (Mr. "Do what we say if you want the economy to live.")

Yes, things need to be done . . . but if we have learned anything in the last few years, it is that rash decisions are not a good idea.


That's who he reminds me of, I could've swore I saw Bernanke elsewhere. He's the fucking Architect from the Matrix trilogy! No wonder I loathe him.
MaddenNFL64 said:
Ahmedinejahd is fucking loony. Reminds me of our christian nutters. Just with an opposite view. We're the world threat, and need to return to god, or face collapse from our excess. If he had a huge military, regime change in Israel would be his first option, no doubt. We'll be killing muslims for Jesus, and they'll try & kill us for Allah for the next century.


Bush & Ahmedinejahd are very similar. Both loved by their rural religious base. Both disliked by their urban cosmopolitan portion of their electorate. Both succeed by making economic promises that they cannot keep and maintain power by whipping up fear and nationalism.

May the electorate of both countries see through these primitive popularity techniques.


Amir0x said:
What's the latest gossip guys?

McCain/Palin continues to avoid the media. CNN reacts by not covering Palin's visit to the UN.

Obama's showing strong numbers in Virginia and NC.

Larry King has an interview with Iran's dictator bearded dude tonight.


Amir0x said:
What's the latest gossip guys?

North Carolina's up for grabs, Palin is sporting a hilarious beehive hairdo and will be mostly ignored by the mainstream press during her photo-op with world leaders because she won't allow any journalists/reporters except a single one from CNN, and McCain is already doing damage control on the debates.
speculawyer said:
Steve Youngblood is the new Nicodimas.

Could he possible be serious? We are in two quagmire wars already, we run massive deficits, and our financial system is having a meltdown . . . so what do we need? MOAR WAR! Stupid is as stupid does.
I don't know how there could be any question about it.

Of course I'm serious.


I can understand that, we shouldn't support Israel blindly, but the way he puts it is so... "Throw the jew down the well!" Borat style. You can't work with people who say this shit. He keeps ratcheting up the rhetoric, insinuating the west are zionist puppets. It's insanely racist, and makes the situation worse.

But since the Ayatollah is in charge, maybe we can ignore this guy.


Hellsing321 said:
Obama may not be African-American.

(According to Rush Limbaugh)

We never see McCain's full family walking around like Palin's. I don't like that he's hiding the fact that he's actually got a diverse family.



MaddenNFL64 said:
I can understand that, we shouldn't support Israel blindly, but the way he puts it is so... "Throw the jew down the well!" Borat style. You can't work with people who say this shit. He keeps ratcheting up the rhetoric, insinuating the west are zionist puppets. It's insanely racist, and makes the situation worse.

But since the Ayatollah is in charge, maybe we can ignore this guy.

Hell he was probably ratcheting up the rhetoric since a vice presidential candidate ratcheted up theirs big-time out of nowhere in an op-ed:p
MaddenNFL64 said:
I can understand that, we shouldn't support Israel blindly, but the way he puts it is so... "Throw the jew down the well!" Borat style. You can't work with people who say this shit. He keeps ratcheting up the rhetoric, insinuating the west are zionist puppets. It's insanely racist, and makes the situation worse.

But since the Ayatollah is in charge, maybe we can ignore this guy.
It is amazingly simplistic bullshit rhetoric but we still have to deal the guy. Amidinjad's BS about 'zionists' is the Muslim world's version of Neil Boortz ranting about 'Islamofacists'. They both have a very tiny of nugget of truth but it is buried under massive quantities of unhelpful paranoid unnecessarily inflammatory rhetoric.


thank you.

a bit funny about Palin's visit to the UN

but it's not like visiting the UN strengthens any foreign policy credentials, let's be honest


Amir0x said:
thank you.

a bit funny about Palin's visit to the UN

but it's not like visiting the UN strengthens any foreign policy credentials, let's be honest
It was just a photo op. The McCain camp wanted to allow just a photographer, no pool reporters at all. So much of the media refused to comply. They relented and let a CNN producer in for 29 seconds. (literally)

Also, good numbers for Obama in Colorado, up 7 in the PPP poll. Palin's favorabilitiy cratered.
Amir0x said:
thank you.

a bit funny about Palin's visit to the UN

but it's not like visiting the UN strengthens any foreign policy credentials, let's be honest

But then again, some people think that because she can see Russia from Alaska, that she has the enough foreign policy cred.

So yeah, this is probably big news to that crowd.


speculawyer said:
I love that picture.

Right smack between Paulson (Our new fascist dictator) and Bernakke (Mr. "Do what we say if you want the economy to live.")

Yes, things need to be done . . . but if we have learned anything in the last few years, it is that rash decisions are not a good idea.

fixed. carry on.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Krugman looks (and talks) like I imagine a real life Link would talk. All your decisions are belong to me? :lol
There's a new Obama ad attacking McCain on his energy record. He did one good thing that was listed as bad: he voted against ethanol farming, which any scientist will tell you is contributing to the extinction of the Amazon rain forest. Wake up, Obama!


Y2Kev said:
Krugman looks (and talks) like I imagine a real life Link would talk. All your decisions are belong to me? :lol
I think he's a fan which seems surreal. :lol No one says stuff like that by accident.


Tanned Greyface said:
fixed. carry on.

No. Socialism is state ownership of industry. Socialism is the correct term for the nonsense currently going on, and it was brought to us by none other than the administration of Shrubby, as a happy bit of irony.


CharlieDigital said:
But then again, some people think that because she can see Russia from Alaska, that she has the enough foreign policy cred.

So yeah, this is probably big news to that crowd.

I still remember the first time I heard that. A poster on GAF on the day Palin was picked said that one of the talking heads on Fox News stated that she has foreign policy credentials because "Alaska is right next to Russia". I sincerely thought that post was just a sarcastic jab at Fox News' blatant bias, and when I found out it wasn't, I chuckled. I chuckled heartily. And then Palin herself repeated it, and I cried, knowing that she is potentially our next VP.



September 23, 2008, 4:48 pm

Obama Says Bailout Should Include 4 Conditions

By Patrick Healy

CLEARWATER, Fla. – Senator Barack Obama this afternoon urged Treasury and Federal Reserve officials to include four conditions that he and other Democrats are seeking in the proposed $700 billion federal bailout for financial firms – though he stopped short of saying he would vote against the bailout if his terms were not met.

Adding some specificity to proposals he has already made, Mr. Obama, the Democratic presidential nominee, called for a payback plan for taxpayers if the bailout succeeds; a bipartisan board to oversee the bailout; limits on any federal money going to compensate Wall Street executives; and aid to homeowners who are struggling to pay their mortgages.

If those four objectives are not met, Mr. Obama told reporters at a news conference here, he would recommend that federal and congressional negotiators “go back to the drawing board” to restructure the bailout plan. He side-stepped two questions about whether he would vote against bailout legislation that did not include his priorities, and he also did not commit to returning to Washington to go on record and cast a vote on a final package.

“If we get consensus and everybody is popping champagne, then I’ll probably go back to campaign with folks who are having a tough time in Ohio and Michigan,” Mr. Obama said. “If this ends up being a close vote or a vote where the outcome is at all in question, then obviously this is a top priority.”

In both his tone and his remarks – particularly his new criticism of President Bush’s “stubborn inflexibility” on the bailout – Mr. Obama was clearly seeking to come across as the leader of the opposition party at a time of national crisis.


The messaging at this news conference is a bit better. Clearly, they're very reluctant to get directly embroiled in the bailout debate.

I guess that's the safe path given that this could turn into a political tar baby. But it is still a big missed opportunity to show leadership and confidence.


Xisiqomelir said:
No. Socialism is state ownership of industry. Socialism is the correct term for the nonsense currently going on, and it was brought to us by none other than the administration of Shrubby, as a happy bit of irony.

Did you even read the proposal or follow the current controversy? The Democrats are asking for some equity or at least that the bulk of the losses fall on Wall St. but Paulson said No!

Fascism is the collusion between big business and the government (with the government ultimately calling the shots). It's a right wing political ideal.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Fascism must've been redefined sometime in the last few minutes.

Now I'll have to buy new textbooks and shit.


Tanned Greyface said:

Did you even read the proposal or follow the current controversy? The Democrats are asking for some equity or at least that the bulk of the losses fall on Wall St. but Paulson said No!

Fascism is the collusion between big business and the government (with the government ultimately calling the shots). It's a right wing political ideal.

I was talking about AIG.


Tanned Greyface said:

Did you even read the proposal or follow the current controversy? The Democrats are asking for some equity or at least that the bulk of the losses fall on Wall St. but Paulson said No!

Fascism is the collusion between big business and the government (with the government ultimately calling the shots). It's a right wing political ideal.

You know I keep hearing this definition of Fascism and if you look at Nazi Germany, Mussolini Italy, and Spain after the Spanish Civil War, this definition doesnt leap at me as defining what these three governments had in common.

Fascism is at the core extreme nationalism with the ideals of unity and strength being preached. Past this there is a collusion between business and government to the point that the entire economy is planned and everything is done for the greater good of the country. But just to say Fascism means Big Business and Government are in bed is vague if not slightly wrong.

Edit: The reason I say slightly wrong is Fascism also seems to promote a sense of hate toward the wealthy in that they promote their own self interests in front of the state.
Has this been posted in this thread about Palin yet? I mean, :lol is the only reaction I can have..and many tears if she gets voted in.

I first met Alaska Governor and GOP Vice Presidential aspirant Sarah Palin when she was on the City of Wasilla Planning Commission. I appeared at one of their meetings, along with my boss at that time, now-convicted ex-Allvest CEO, Bill Weimer. We were presenting a proposal Allvest was working on, in conjunction with a Wasilla-based mental health clinic, to open a community corrections project there, and needed a facility permit.

At that time, I remembered her, because she seemed to be the only person on the commission who had actually read our proposal. It was obvious from her questions.

Of the encounters I've since had with Sarah Palin, two that brought up her faith, have become important, in light of the possibility that she might someday soon be in charge of thousands of thermonuclear weapons.

In June 1997, both Palin and I had responsibilities at the graduation ceremony of a small group of Wasilla area home schoolers. I directed the Mat-Su College Community Band, which played music, and she gave the commencement address. It was held at her church, the Wasilla Assembly of God.

Palin had recently become Wasilla mayor, beating her earliest mentor, John Stein, the then-incumbent mayor. A large part of her campaign had been to enlist fundamentalist Christian groups, and invoke evangelical buzzwords into her talks and literature.

As the ceremony concluded, I bumped into her in a hall away from other people. I congratulated her on her victory, and took her aside to ask about her faith. Among other things, she declared that she was a young earth creationist, accepting both that the world was about 6,000-plus years old, and that humans and dinosaurs walked the earth at the same time.

I asked how she felt about the second coming and the end times. She responded that she fully believed that the signs of Jesus returning soon "during MY lifetime," were obvious. "I can see that, maybe you can't - but it guides me every day."

Our next discussion about religion was after she had switched to the less strict Wasilla Bible Church. She was speaking at, I was performing bugle, at a Veterans ceremony between Wasilla and Palmer. At this time, people were beginning to encourage her to run for Governor.

Once again, we found ourselves being able to talk privately. I reminded her of the earlier conversation, asking her if her views had changed. She was no longer "necessarily" a young earth creationist, she told me. But she strongly reiterated her belief that "The Lord is coming soon." I was trying to get her to tell me what she felt the signs were, when she had to move on.


Good lord, this woman is fucking psychotic. Good job picking her McCain.


Fatalah said:
We never see McCain's full family walking around like Palin's. I don't like that he's hiding the fact that he's actually got a diverse family.


Did he adopt Madonna's daughter?


NewLib said:
.Saw your edit. *shrug* Mussolini and Hitler were funded by big businessmen on their rise to the top. Capitalists were Franco's constituency during the civil war and afterwards. The people who planned a coup to make America fascist were the biggest financiers and capitalists. They never seem to feel threatened by fascism. Clearly they like the government handouts and protection from worker unions etc.
Maxwell House said:
Has this been posted in this thread about Palin yet? I mean, :lol is the only reaction I can have..and many tears if she gets voted in.
There will (if she gets elected) be many tears, but those tears will not due to a poor reason.

I guess she must have feel asleep in all her science classes during her school days. I wonder what prompted her to change her stance on her being a "young earth creationist."


Setec Astronomer
NewLib said:
You know I keep hearing this definition of Fascism and if you look at Nazi Germany, Mussolini Italy, and Spain after the Spanish Civil War, this definition doesnt leap at me as defining what these three governments had in common.

Fascism is at the core extreme nationalism with the ideals of unity and strength being preached. Past this there is a collusion between business and government to the point that the entire economy is planned and everything is done for the greater good of the country. But just to say Fascism means Big Business and Government are in bed is vague if not slightly wrong.

Edit: The reason I say slightly wrong is Fascism also seems to promote a sense of hate toward the wealthy in that they promote their own self interests in front of the state.
The best definition of fascism I've seen is "palingenetic ultranationalist populism," palingenetic referring to rebirth.


Fascism to me is a ruling party controlling business, societal norms, and the people. Make sure it runs without a hitch.

Socialism in it's purest form can be fascist. But pure capitalism can destroy itself easily, leaving a huge chunk of the population destitute.


The Bush administration, in order to compete with China and Russia, must become like China and Russia. I'm pretty sure that's their way of thinking. Right now they want to lower the living standards of the US citizens so they can stop financing China.


Setec Astronomer
MaddenNFL64 said:
Fascism to me is a ruling party controlling business, societal norms, and the people. Make sure it runs without a hitch.
No, that's totalitarianism. Please don't confuse the two.

Socialism in it's purest form can be fascist. But pure capitalism can destroy itself easily, leaving a huge chunk of the population destitute.
Socialism as a political concept can be incorporated into fascism, but it's not what people usually mean when they say socialist.
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