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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Obama certainly has the upper hand at the moment, as far as overall support goes. Have there been any recent presidential elections when the front-runner in mid/late September ended up losing?


DeaconKnowledge said:
I know this is old, but it makes me wonder how long it will take for Arabs to no longer be boogeymen in America and possibly have an Arab candidate for president.
How long did it take Japanese-Americans to get out from under Pearl Harbor?


MoxManiac said:
Is this a joke post? I can't tell.

PoliGAF can't find any real Republicans to put up a fight, so a few brave souls are standing in for them. Sort of like hot girls at a club opening; you know they are paid for being there, but you appreciate the effort nonetheless.


ShOcKwAvE said:
Obama certainly has the upper hand at the moment, as far as overall support goes. Have there been any recent presidential elections when the front-runner in mid/late September ended up losing?
I read somewhere that in the past 15 elections, in 13 of them... the person ahead end of September ends up winning.



No way!

First that economist uses "all your base are belong to us" and now this.


ShOcKwAvE said:
Obama certainly has the upper hand at the moment, as far as overall support goes. Have there been any recent presidential elections when the front-runner in mid/late September ended up losing?
Carter/Reagan, IIRC.
Steve Youngblood said:
Sure it will. We'll be wasting money on more socialist entitilement nonsense. That's money that we could be using to explore our military options against Iran. They're over there working on nuclear weapons, and you want to focus our attention on giving more free handouts?

Sure, it might save American lives in our own borders, but imagine how many more lives might be lost if Iran launched a nuclear attack on us or our allies that they might be theoretically capable of at some point?

Steve Youngblood is the new Nicodimas.

Could he possible be serious? We are in two quagmire wars already, we run massive deficits, and our financial system is having a meltdown . . . so what do we need? MOAR WAR! Stupid is as stupid does.
Ahmadinejad is making a big speech on CNN to make him look like a good guy. "God does not tolerate violence and injustice." I thought Khomeini spoke for God?
Fatalah said:
[IM G]http://d.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/afp/20080923/capt.cps.nrj65.230908203126.photo02.photo.default-512x341.jpg[/IMG]

No way!

First that economist uses "all your base are belong to us" and now this.

When did that happen?


Xisiqomelir said:
The index card contains McCain's economic plan. Verbatim.

:lol :lol That is amazing! They need to use that index card in every televised event, Obama needs to whip that out at the debates!


Nazgul_Hunter said:
When did that happen?

It's Drudgereport's headline right now. Must have been during the bailout talks today in DC.

The "all your base" line was used during the Olbermann show last night, it's a few pages back...


TheClimaxan said:
I've been part of a voter registration campaign for the last month through moveon.org. I haven't been able to help as much as I would have liked over the past few weeks but I have been doing some canvassing, and I personally converted a handful of republicans. Hi-ohhhhh!

You're my hero!


good credit (by proxy)
speculawyer said:
Seeing is believing . . . This is just like James Carville holding up the picture of the Wasilla town hall and Chris Matthews holding up the book "Lipstick on a Pig" written by a former press-person for McCain.

I like this new technique and hope the Obama team uses it more and more.

This is a pretty badass technique for calling them out on their bullshit.


TheClimaxan said:
I've been part of a voter registration campaign for the last month through moveon.org. I haven't been able to help as much as I would have liked over the past few weeks but I have been doing some canvassing, and I personally converted a handful of republicans. Hi-ohhhhh!

Keep it up!


GhaleonEB said:
Carter/Reagan, IIRC.


If I remember my Political History class from HS correctly, Carter was starting to lose popularity already by the end of August/September.

Unless I'm mistaken...
so if the bailout fails, wont that be a boon to McCain who was seemingly against it from the beginning unlike Obama who was hesitantly for it from the beginning? The man on the street wouldnt car what the bickering of the details of the plan were. they only care what happened in the end.

So what is the deal here ive not been following it, is the current week of economic news good or bad for Obama


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Shiggie said:
what is going on here?

McCain lackey says McCain's been over his huge plan for the economy, and I believe in a prior segment mentioned that it's all up at the website.

Austan, being the badass he is, wenta nd printed it up. All 10 sentences of it. And displayed it as such.


artredis1980 said:
so if the bailout fails, wont that be a boon to McCain who was seemingly against it from the beginning unlike Obama who was hesitantly for it from the beginning? The man on the street wouldnt car what the bickering of the details of the plan were. they only care what happened in the end.

So what is the deal here ive not been following it, is the current week of economic news good or bad for Obama

Huh? McCain's been semi-for the bailout from when it was announced.


TreIII said:

If I remember my Political History class from HS correctly, Carter was starting to lose popularity already by the end of August/September.

Unless I'm mistaken...
He had it bad at the end...Sluggish economy, Iranian hostage crisis, drunken brother...


Tamanon said:
Huh? McCain's been semi-for the bailout from when it was announced.

I thought McCain was against the bailout... ?

I know that Newt Gingrich hates it.

I'm not sure if I like it either... because it's an unnecessary burden on taxpayers.
Fragamemnon said:
I'd put even money on NC going for Obama even if McCain was up 2 in the polls (and would do the same for Missouri). A last ditch ground game in NC for the GOP isn't going to compete with Obama's team who has been here for almost six months now.
What makes you say that? Just curious because I live here in MO.


Fragamemnon said:
I'd put even money on NC going for Obama even if McCain was up 2 in the polls (and would do the same for Missouri). A last ditch ground game in NC for the GOP isn't going to compete with Obama's team who has been here for almost six months now.

My god, if Obama wins NC, game-fucking-over.
KTallguy said:
I thought McCain was against the bailout... ?

I know that Newt Gingrich hates it.

I'm not sure if I like it either... because it's an unnecessary burden on taxpayers.

McCain was against the AIG bailout before he was for it.

Obama was for it, Biden was against it.

Don't try to make sense of any of it.


KTallguy said:
I thought McCain was against the bailout... ?

I know that Newt Gingrich hates it.

I'm not sure if I like it either... because it's an unnecessary burden on taxpayers.

He's been for and against it several different times since it was proposed. He's just doing basically what Obama is, treading water until something actually substantive comes closer. I'm thinking the bailout won't pass personally, I don't see election year senators/representatives voting for something that may or may not prop things up.


TreIII said:

If I remember my Political History class from HS correctly, Carter was starting to lose popularity already by the end of August/September.

Unless I'm mistaken...
From what I gather Carter lead all of summer but in sept polls began to close and they were roughly tied and Reagan did fantastic in the debate and began to pull away.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
worldrunover said:
Eh, I think NC is a pipe dream at this point. If NC falls, this thing is gonna be a blowout.

Dude have you been following the latest polls and ground game numbers?
speculawyer said:
Props to CNN for pulling its reporters from what became a campaign commercial instead of a news event.

MAD PROPS for this. I hope more news organizations do this. There's no reason for them to play along with this Palin Farce if she's never going to ask any questions.
Maybe it's a mental block, but I can't get excited about a state till I see a poll that puts my guy ahead. NC has been closing for Barockin, and hopefully it will pull some of McCain's resources out of Ohio and PA, but I'm not going to go crazy for it.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Tamanon said:
He's been for and against it several different times since it was proposed. He's just doing basically what Obama is, treading water until something actually substantive comes closer. I'm thinking the bailout won't pass personally, I don't see election year senators/representatives voting for something that may or may not prop things up.

Something has to pass this year. Regardless of the elections.
mckmas8808 said:
Dude have you been following the latest polls and ground game numbers?

Yes, but I just don't see a southern state voting for Obama when push comes to shove. I think even Virginia is a longshot. Call me cynical, but...


Cheebs said:
From what I gather Carter lead all of summer but in sept polls began to close and they were roughly tied and Reagan did fantastic in the debate and began to pull away.

Ah, I see.

Any way, if the likes of NC and FL start to REALLY come into play, that's only even better for Obama.

Eh, to be in a Blue State like MD seems so boring, in comparison... :lol


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
electricpirate said:
Maybe it's a mental block, but I can't get excited about a state till I see a poll that puts my guy ahead. NC has been closing for Barockin, and hopefully it will pull some of McCain's resources out of Ohio and PA, but I'm not going to go crazy for it.

Did you know that McCain is starting to put some money into Indiana for the first time now?

We got them spending money.


Ahmedinejahd is fucking loony. Reminds me of our christian nutters. Just with an opposite view. We're the world threat, and need to return to god, or face collapse from our excess. If he had a huge military, regime change in Israel would be his first option, no doubt. We'll be killing muslims for Jesus, and they'll try & kill us for Allah for the next century.

MaddenNFL64 said:
Ahmedinejahd is fucking loony. Reminds me of our christian nutters. Just with an opposite view. We're the world threat, and need to return to god, or face collapse from our excess. If he had a huge military, regime change in Israel would be his first option, no doubt. We'll be killing muslims for Jesus, and they'll try & kill us for Allah for the next century.

MaddenNFL64 said:
Ahmedinejahd is fucking loony. Reminds me of our christian nutters. Just with an opposite view. We're the world threat, and need to return to god, or face collapse from our excess. If he had a huge military, regime change in Israel would be his first option, no doubt. We'll be killing muslims for Jesus, and they'll try & kill us for Allah for the next century.


I know right? I can't believe Obama wants us to surrender to him unconditionally.
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