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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Jenga said:
Completely agreed. I've learned a shit-ton from following PoliGaf threads over the months.
Seriously, i come here everyday. You guys answering questions and following the news all the time, be glad - you're making a difference. It's the same reason why I'm pursuing Journalism. I want to learn & teach all the same.


GhaleonEB said:
Everything in the next week needs to be viewed in the context of a normal convention bounce. This is what fivethirtyeight was predicting before either convention started:


So far the trackers are matching that quite closely.

Thanks - I think that's very helpful to keep in mind. That is what I'd expect to see for the first half of next week. Damn, those 538 guys/gals are good.
AniHawk said:
In the bigger picture, it doesn't look like it'll be enough:

I'd love to be wrong though.

I'd love for you to be wrong to. The way I look at it, Florida will be close enough to justify sending Hillary there.

Even if the O camp can't take Florida, even the numbers start tightening up it will force the M camp to spend resources defending yet another state.
I find it interesting that Republicans/conservatives are so concerned about "socialism"...didn't a "Republican/conservative" administration effectively nationalized a large part of the mortgage industry a couple days ago?

They sure seem to love socialism when it comes to bailing out large companies. But somehow, Obama's optional government health care plan is evil socialism that will bankrupt us all.

Capitalism is already a government run program. When conservatives realize this, debates will be much more fruitful.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Frank the Great said:
State 	R 	D 	Other 	Period

FL 	77,196 	209,422 26,100 	January-June

FL is not a lost cause.

And that doesn't include the fact that those numbers are just through June 2008. And Obama is only down by 2% points there.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Chiggs said:
People that disapprove of abortions are idiots?
People that are concerned with Obama's lack of experience for the job are idiots?
People who are concerned with tax hikes are idiots?
People who are still waiting for the debates before pledging allegiance are idiots?
People who disagree with socialism on a fundamental level are idiots?

There are a variety of other reasons as to why the polls are close; I'd like to think that the majority of Americans aren't dumb enough to buy the "4 MORE YEARS OF BUSH" crap is one of them. Both candidates are pretty engaging for wildly different reasons. And just because one isn't pulling away right now doesn't speak for the stupidity of America.

you can barely, BARELY make a difference between McCain and Bush policy wise. so its NOT crap. McCain's message last week has basically been "IM NOT REPUBLICAN" and people are Dumb enough to believe that.

I pointed to Daily Show cuz they illustrated very well How McCain moved towards Bush instead of Away, so the Mavrick bullshit is just that...Bullshit.

We had 8 Years of the same basic policies. I'll concede that no, not all are idiots, but idiocy(and i guess salesmanship too) is a large part of why its still so close.

and oooooooh $ocializm:lol



John McCain’s presidential campaign prepared to chastise Democrats Saturday over leaving behind piles of miniature American flags after Barack Obama’s nomination acceptance speech last Thursday in Denver.

Boy Scouts have arrived with 84 trash bags full of bundles of flags at the site of a McCain rally scheduled to begin at 12:30 p.m. local time in Colorado Springs.

What the hell man, seriously what the hell?


People that disapprove of abortions are idiots?

Not unless they disapprove of other people's abortions in a free country where abortion is LEGAL..

People that are concerned with Obama's lack of experience for the job are idiots?

The only experience McCain stresses these days is military experience. Look, he's been a senator longer but Obama seems to have a frikken clue about issues. It's easy to scream about "experience" all day but what about competence? temperament? judgment?

People who are concerned with tax hikes are idiots?

If they make less than $250,000, they are cos they will be getting a tax cut. That's the fact regardless of how many lies the GOP tells..

People who are still waiting for the debates before pledging allegiance are idiots?

I don't think there are really many truly "undecided" voters. People are just waiting to find more justification to vote for the guy they subconsciously prefer

People who disagree with socialism on a fundamental level are idiots?

I agree that I'm not too thrilled with some of Obama's socialist-looking policies myself but if that one issue makes someone vote McCain even though they're on board with 80% of what Obama represents....yeah, they're an idiot..

One-issue voters are idiots in general though :D

edit: Just so it's not buried on the last page :p


Gold Member
Manmademan said:
4.) Anyone who is still "waiting for the debates" when any and all information that could possibly be gleaned from them is easily available and has been for months now is..well...let's call them lazy, uninformed, or both. The debates are all about appearances, not position. Anyone who actually gives a shit knows everything they need to know.

Disagree entirely. During the debates, both candidates will need to get even more specific with their plans for reshaping America. And cookie cutter answers aren't going to cut it thanks to the virtual dead heat. I also expect the panels to be far more aggressive than in years past. Lots of grand promises from both candidates. More than we've ever seen. This country is at something of a crossroad, no?

5.) The democrats are all socialists??? Who knew??? :lol :lol :lol

Universal health isn't a socialist program??? Who knew??? :lol :lol :lol

There are a lot of reasons why the polls are close. Just not GOOD ones.

To you.

I realize they're there, but I don't have to pretend I respect them.

Very nice.

~Devil Trigger~ said:
and oooooooh $ocializm:lol

Really drove that point home, didn't you?


So what were they supposed to do with the flags? This strategy of attacking ALL Democrats instead of just the politicians will hopefully backfire on them..

Talk about the economy, Mr. McCain!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Cloudy said:
I agree that I'm not too thrilled with some of Obama's socialist-looking policies myself but if that one issue makes someone vote McCain even though they're on board with 80% of what Obama represents....yeah, they're an idiot..

One-issue voters are idiots in general though

I can argue that the economy is connected to every major issue facing us today.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Frank the Great said:
This is gonna be big. This is the kind of shit the public eats up.

It's also the shit that even this media is often too embarrassed to discuss. I imagine the republican conventioneers all folded and ceremonially burned their American flag paper cups and napkins.

Also, did you note that they managed to roll in about 15 unrelated Obama attacks in that piece, including quoting him for no reason other than to include the word "muslim."


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I just watched the last Bill Maher tivoed and god that guy who looked like a black Dr. Phil was such a tool. It's sad that talking-point regurgitating morons like this are even allowed airtime.

People that are concerned with Obama's lack of experience for the job are idiots?
The idiots are the people treating experience as the end instead of merely the means to an end that it is. All McCain's experience means shit considering the end product.
Chiggs said:
Disagree entirely. During the debates, both candidates will need to get even more specific with their plans for reshaping America. And cookie cutter answers aren't going to cut it thanks to the virtual dead heat. I also expect the panels to be far more aggressive than in years past. Lots of grand promises from both candidates. More than we've ever seen. This country is at something of a cross roads, no?

More specific than they've already been in the half dozen or so debates that have ALREADY taken place? probably not. And as for specifics, you can get a hell of a lot more specific in the documents freely available on both websites, than you can in the 60 seconds or so you have to respond during a debate. This should be obvious.

Universal health isn't a socialist program??? Who knew??? :lol :lol :lol

seeing as how Obama's plan is totally optional and not mandatory by any means, It's no more socialist than Medicare is. but please, go on and do make a fool of yourself by attempting to throw around the term "socialist" as if you know what it means.

The truth is that the United States is not a purely 100% capitalist country and never has been. There are many, many things we take for granted that are federally funded or subsidized to make our lives a hell of a lot easier...like say..the FDIC. would you say the federal government guaranteeing your savings up to $100,000 should your banking institution fail (which HAS happened this year, several times) an "evil socialist program?"


Cooter said:
I can argue that the economy is connected to every major issue facing us today.

Well I'm not gonna be against a guy I support on 95% of things because I disagree with national healthcare. The alterative is a guy I agree with maybe 50% of the time. THAT would be idiotic...

Then again, I don't make $250,000 and won't be getting a tax hike so I can't fault any rich guy for voting for McCain. I do think it's unfair that the rich get taxed more just cos they're rich but in the long-run, isn't this better than huge tax-cuts for everyone with no care about how to pay for it in the future?


AniHawk said:
No, it's that Democrats don't respect the American flag.
I realized that, I was being sarcastic. but fuck, if Obama not doing the pledge properly and not wearing a lapel pin matters to conservatives, this will makes them shit themselves.

also, props to the mccain campaign for having boy scouts do it. incredibly cheesy, but the base will love it


Chiggs said:
Universal health isn't a socialist program??? Who knew??? :lol :lol :lol

*raises hand* I've gotta be honest. I had no idea what socialism/being socialist even meant until I kept hearing it said over and over by Republicans and their supporters. All I knew when I heard about universal healthcare was "Good. About goddamn time!"
Cloudy said:
I agree that I'm not too thrilled with some of Obama's socialist-looking policies myself but if that one issue makes someone vote McCain even though they're on board with 80% of what Obama represents....yeah, they're an idiot..
Can anything of Obama's be considered socialistic? I've heard people say crap like, "Obama is a socialist."


Chiggs said:
Disagree entirely. During the debates, both candidates will need to get even more specific with their plans for reshaping America. And cookie cutter answers aren't going to cut it thanks to the virtual dead heat. I also expect the panels to be far more aggressive than in years past. Lots of grand promises from both candidates. More than we've ever seen. This country is at something of a cross roads, no?

Here's what's going to happen: McCain will give vague non-answers that are delivered shortly enough that the media will think he wins even though Obama lays down more concrete and thought-out plans. McCain will go for the soundbite and Obama will lose because of it. I'm predicting one answer for McCain to be, "look, I have foreign policy experience and I know what we need to do." The first two debates are in McCain's bag (one's on foreign policy experience and the other's a town hall meeting). The third debate is domestic policies, and I fully expect him to bring up "TAX HIKE TAX HIKE I'LL CUT TAXES GAS TAX HOLIDAY" while Obama defends against the absurdity.
Jenga said:
I realized that, I was being sarcastic. but fuck, if Obama not doing the pledge properly and not wearing a lapel pin matters to conservatives, this will makes them shit themselves.

also, props to the mccain campaign for having boy scouts do it. incredibly cheesy, but the base will love it


I am Korean.
Chiggs said:
I think there's a great deal more to it than that. I know you have images of the RNC still dancing in your head, but a generalization is still just a generalization.

People that disapprove of abortions are idiots?
People that are concerned with Obama's lack of experience for the job are idiots?
People who are concerned with tax hikes are idiots?
People who are still waiting for the debates before pledging allegiance are idiots?
People who disagree with socialism on a fundamental level are idiots?
Lima beans aren't people.

The only people who actually have relevant experience are former US presidents. It's not really relevant to the people running for president.

I do think that people who are concerned about tax hikes enough to vote into office someone promising to bankrupt the US government are stupid. (Especially the people who actually believe that such a promise can or will be kept.)

The debates aren't really going to show much that we don't already know. They're not idiots, but they are lazy.

Yes. Only because they think socialism and communism are interchangeable tho.

Funky Papa

This socialism bullshit needs to stop. The red scare is long past, there is no need to label as "socialist" everything that is not pro-big business.

I swear to God, the fuck some people know about actual socialism.
Funky Papa said:
This socialism bullshit needs to stop. The red scare is long past, there is no need to label as "socialist" everything that is not pro-big business.

I swear to God, the fuck some people know about actual socialism.

THIS x1000
AniHawk said:
Here's what's going to happen: McCain will give vague non-answers that are delivered shortly enough that the media will think he wins even though Obama lays down more concrete and thought-out plans. McCain will go for the soundbite and Obama will lose because of it. I'm predicting one answer for McCain to be, "look, I have foreign policy experience and I know what we need to do." The first two debates are in McCain's bag (one's on foreign policy experience and the other's a town hall meeting). The third debate is domestic policies, and I fully expect him to bring up "TAX HIKE TAX HIKE I'LL CUT TAXES GAS TAX HOLIDAY" while Obama defends against the absurdity.

i don't know. mccain is pretty quick on the draw at times, and whenever he does he hits hard. but most of the time he's just stodgy and awkward, and i can't really see him doing too well - but i am sort of worried about the standard slames. HE WILL RAIZE UR TAXS. THE SURGE WORKED. because those are hard to counter without being nuanced and lengthy.

IMO the only reason mccain did decently in the primary debates is because it was such a clusterfuck


Funky Papa said:
This socialism bullshit needs to stop. The red scare is long past, there is no need to label as "socialist" everything that is not pro-big business.

I swear to God, the fuck some people know about actual socialism.



Gold Member
Chiggs said:
I think there's a great deal more to it than that. I know you have images of the RNC still dancing in your head, but a generalization is still just a generalization.

People that disapprove of abortions are idiots?
People that are concerned with Obama's lack of experience for the job are idiots?
People who are concerned with tax hikes are idiots?
People who are still waiting for the debates before pledging allegiance are idiots?
People who disagree with socialism on a fundamental level are idiots?

I am willing to bet that such people are idiots, and only a handful have the intellectual capacity to back up their ideological positions with an educated stance rather than emotional appeals or a sense of traditionalism.

So how can someone be interested in voting for the right or still be uncommitted? It's because they lacked the essence of self-discovery that would have already led them to investigate the candidates prior or they're a slack-jawed traditionalist that has to be told why he should vote away from the party his families always voted for just because. Perhaps they have researched and have based to support their candidate on only one issue, but they're still stupid enough to let one of a subset of lesser issues cloud an election with far reaching consequences if the same tactics used for the last 8 years continue onward.

People who voted for Bush the first time can't really be blamed for their choice. Those that did it a second time are morons, and those leaning to vote for another candidate in the same vein again are imbeciles.


Jenga said:
I realized that, I was being sarcastic. but fuck, if Obama not doing the pledge properly and not wearing a lapel pin matters to conservatives, this will makes them shit themselves.

also, props to the mccain campaign for having boy scouts do it. incredibly cheesy, but the base will love it

It's apparently 12,000 Flags so it could become a new email sensation for forwarding.


Gold Member
Funky Papa said:
I swear to God, the fuck some people know about actual socialism.

Ah, another wonderful GAF fallacy. Someone who criticizes socialism doesn't get it and is still living in the Red Scare days.

Bravo, keep it coming.

Atrus said:
Those that did it a second time are morons, and those leaning to vote for another candidate in the same vein again are imbeciles.

Maybe some people aren't buying the constant regurgitation of "JUST LIKE BUSH!"


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Funky Papa said:
This socialism bullshit needs to stop. The red scare is long past, there is no need to label as "socialist" everything that is not pro-big business.

I swear to God, the fuck some people know about actual socialism.

I don't see any gaf Republicans flipping out about other "socialist" measures, like highways, traffic lights, firemen and police.

It's also a fucking embarrassment that the invisible hand of the free market actually fails hard at providing adequate health care for the populace.

Chiggs said:
Right-to-Choose female voters. Bread, butter?



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Cloudy said:
Well I'm not gonna be against a guy I support on 95% of things because I disagree with national healthcare. The alterative is a guy I agree with maybe 50% of the time.

Then again, I don't make $250,000 and won't be getting a tax hike so I can't fault any rich guy from voting for McCain. I do think it's unfair that the rich get taxed more just cos they're rich but in the long-run, isn't this better than huge tax-cuts for everyone with no care about how to pay for it in the future?

Well, 95% is a little extreme but I see your point. I have no problem with rich people getting to keep more of their money. Why should it bother me? I believe the most productive situation, in a macro economic sense, for our country is to keep as much capital in the market as you can while still maintaining basic government functions. Just a core principle and because I believe without our strong economy the country as we know it will cease to exist it is a very important issue for me. Now keeping spending down and spending tax revenue responsibly is another issue.
Funky Papa said:
This socialism bullshit needs to stop. The red scare is long past, there is no need to label as "socialist" everything that is not pro-big business.

I swear to God, the fuck some people know about actual socialism.
Tell me about it. Apparently, believing in universal health care makes someone a socialist. :\

I was in my government class the other day and the guy sitting behind spouts that Obama is a socialist. Of course, I was the only who responded, "How the hell is he a socialist?". I didn't get any sort of real answer, only that Obama supported some organization blah blah bombings blah blah.



Neither did Palin but that's understandable since she places Alaska above all else. Notice when she ran for offices in Alaska she always proclaimed to uphold the constitution...of Alaska that is. Do we really need a homegrown terrorist one heartbeat away from having her finger on the button?!


OuterWorldVoice said:
I don't see any gaf Republicans flipping out about other "socialist" measures, like highways, traffic lights, firemen and police.

It's also a fucking embarrassment that the invisible hand of the free market actually fails hard at providing adequate health care for the populace.

The highway system's invention worldwide was not for you and me. Highways were made for fast and efficient Military movements.

Your really stretching with the rest considering a "police State" is the logical end goal of facism not socialism


Chiggs said:
Ah, another wonderful GAF fallacy. Someone who criticizes socialism doesn't get it and is still living in the Red Scare days.

Bravo, keep it coming.

Maybe some people aren't buying the constant regurgitation of "JUST LIKE BUSH!"

i find it funny how you pick and chose what to reply to... but when your bullshit is countered, you just skip over it and pretend the post isnt there. Its entertaining to say the least


Gold Member
OuterWorldVoice said:
It's also a fucking embarrassment that the invisible hand of the free market actually fails hard at providing adequate health care for the populace.

Completely valid issue. I just don't think Universal health is the only answer.
If we can spent $10 billion dollars a month on a war based on lies, we can definitely afford universal health care.

and Chiggs, you need to watch "Sicko" and really watch it with an open mind rather than thinking "lol michael moore is a stupid fat liberal".


Clothed, sober, cooperative
laserbeam said:
The highway system's invention worldwide was not for you and me. Highways were made for fast and efficient Military movements.

Your really stretching with the rest considering a "police State" is the logical end goal of facism not socialism

Holy shit wat?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Michael Steele is a piece of shit.

How can he say that Obama's entire qualifications are "being a community organizer", and then when talking about Palin, he proclaims that she is qualified to be VP because she is "a mom, small town mayor, and has small town values." What the fuck?

What a dick. He went Bill O'Reilly on everyone and wouldn't even let Maher talk.

OuterWorldVoice said:
Holy shit wat?

He's referring to Hitler's idea with the autobahn, which was primarily used for swift transportation of his military units. Yeah, let's do what the most evil son of a bitch in the history of this world wanted to do!
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