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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Anihawk: Campbell Brown called the McCain campaign sexist for sequestering Palin. "Palin deserves to be treated like all the male candidates."

ronito said:
Who are these 21% of people that think we're doing fine? I mean the ultra rich would account for 1 MAYBE 2 percent of that, where's the other 19-20% coming from?

FoxNews viewers. I know some of these people. They do not bend.
AniHawk said:
George W Bush's fanclub, prolly.
Yeah. Those who "get it," and understand that although he might not be popular now, just you wait. In 50 years, when our grandchildren are reading their history books, at least they'll regard him as the visionary that only 20% of us can see right now.
Campbell Brown's rant on on Palin's 'no media' bubble being sexism was interesting....

I don't see how she gets that at all. I don't like Palin but still... her bubble is about her inexperience with the media and avoiding risk -- not whether she's male or female. Brown, whom doesn't like Palin or the Palin bubble, sounded a bit like she was just grasping to tie-in sexism to that.

I like Brown a lot, too. But this came off like spin. Anyone actually make that connection themselves?

p.s. I just got home btw and I saw that President Ahmadinejad is going to be on Larry King Live. WTF.... I said that aloud.


Steve Youngblood said:
Yeah. Those who "get it," and understand that although he might not be popular now, just you wait. In 50 years, when our grandchildren are reading their history books, at least they'll regard him as the visionary that only 20% of us can see right now.

Tom Sawyer, you tricked me! This isn't as fun as previously indicated!

thekad said:
Anihawk: Campbell Brown called the McCain campaign sexist for sequestering Palin. "Palin deserves to be treated like all the male candidates."

So good.
Steve Youngblood said:
Yeah. Those who "get it," and understand that although he might not be popular now, just you wait. In 50 years, when our grandchildren are reading their history books, at least they'll regard him as the visionary that only 20% of us can see right now.
Yeah, I'm going with Joke character.
Alright, what did I miss today? MSNBC seems not very keen on Obama's chances right now, I don't know why.

Also, they (certain pundits on MSNBC) think he's going to not do well in the debates



You're not too quick, huh speculawyer?

BrandNew: Which pundits? If it's Olbermann, then he's just lowering expectations :lol


BrandNew said:
Alright, what did I miss today? MSNBC seems not very keen on Obama's chances right now, I don't know why.

Also, they (certain pundits on MSNBC) think he's going to not do well in the debates


Lowering expectations baby!


BrandNew said:
Alright, what did I miss today? MSNBC seems not very keen on Obama's chances right now, I don't know why.

Also, they (certain pundits on MSNBC) think he's going to not do well in the debates


Obama's pulling away and they need it to be close (or they need to say it's close) for ratings to stay high.
I would think he's going to dominate the debates... I mean, from what I've read of his university bio, he sounds like a very intelligent person. He wasn't the strongest debater at first but he refined that versus Clinton, and he's likely been practicing since then as well. I would think that those two combined would give him a pretty big advantage.

My hope is that the really let the debate free reign a little more. Have them think on their feet more and surprise them with complex questions.


KyanMehwulfe said:
I would think he's going to dominate the debates... I mean, from what I've read of his university bio, he sounds like a very intelligent person. He wasn't the strongest debater at first but he refined that versus Clinton, and he's likely been practicing since then as well. I would think that those two combined would give him a pretty big advantage.

I think he held back during the Clinton debates since they're similar ideologically. His debates with Alan Keyes are more telling.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
AniHawk said:
I think he held back during the Clinton debates since they're similar ideologically. His debates with Alan Keyes are more telling.

If this is what the pundits are basing this on, then yeah, McCain is going to get treated like Keyes was.


Agent Icebeezy said:
If this is what the pundits are basing this on, then yeah, McCain is going to get treated like Keyes was.

This is what I'm hoping for. Obama was playful, clever, humorous, and pointed during those debates. He was a totally different man compared to the man we saw in the primary debates.

In a twisted way, he's in the position that Bush was in eight years ago. Provided that he performs decently, any previous perception that he is a "style over substance" candidate is going to pay dividends as far as the expectations game goes.


Clevinger said:
Uh, do you realize why he does? Because last time some piece of shit (Rove/Bush) used them in a smear.

Never mind the fact that he's now buddying up with the same guys who did that, but if I were that girl I sure as shit wouldn't want to be in the public spotlight.

Well damn. It's pretty damn sad that he would let politics dictate the admiration for his daughter.

"Honey it's not that I'm ashamed of you, but you might cost me the election this November. Please try to understand."


Okay, I read that. And he comes off looking pretty bad.
Obama, Senate floor, 2001: Number one, whenever we define a previable fetus as a person that is protected by the equal protection clause or the other elements in the Constitution, what we’re really saying is, in fact, that they are persons that are entitled to the kinds of protections that would be provided to a – a child, a nine-month-old – child that was delivered to term. That determination then, essentially, if it was accepted by a court, would forbid abortions to take place. I mean, it – it would essentially bar abortions, because the equal protection clause does not allow somebody to kill a child, and if this is a child, then this would be an antiabortion statute.
So basically, he wants to extend the supposed non-personhood of a fetus even to those already outside the womb. And of course he assumes it's non-viable... I thought that was above his pay-grade.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Branduil said:
Okay, I read that. And he comes off looking pretty bad.

So basically, he wants to extend the supposed non-personhood of a fetus even to those already outside the womb. And of course he assumes it's non-viable... I thought that was above his pay-grade.

He's objecting to a deliberately obfuscatory piece of language. If you think laws should be written to include trick meanings, then the conversation is above your pay grade.


OuterWorldVoice said:
He's objecting to a deliberately obfuscatory piece of language. If you think laws should be written to include trick meanings, then the conversation is above your pay grade.
It seems to me like he's the one using obfuscatory language. The bill was functionally identical to the federal one, yet he opposed it anyway, even though he claimed he would support the federal one.
Branduil said:
Okay, I read that. And he comes off looking pretty bad.

So basically, he wants to extend the supposed non-personhood of a fetus even to those already outside the womb. And of course he assumes it's non-viable... I thought that was above his pay-grade.

"Non-viable" and "not alive" are two very different things. You're confusing the two.
KyanMehwulfe said:
Campbell Brown's rant on on Palin's 'no media' bubble being sexism was interesting....

I don't see how she gets that at all. I don't like Palin but still... her bubble is about her inexperience with the media and avoiding risk -- not whether she's male or female. Brown, whom doesn't like Palin or the Palin bubble, sounded a bit like she was just grasping to tie-in sexism to that.

I like Brown a lot, too. But this came off like spin. Anyone actually make that connection themselves?

p.s. I just got home btw and I saw that President Ahmadinejad is going to be on Larry King Live. WTF.... I said that aloud.

It was an intentional strawman to get her to react. McCain's campaign is claiming sexism on the same pretenses, so the thought is she either denounces and looks like a hypocrite, or opens up to interviews.
C'mon now. Obama is pro-choice. If you really think Obama is pro-Infanticide, you've jumped the paranoia shark. Do you seriously think Obama is going to get elected and push for making infanticide legal? No, this is clearly over-blown bullshit. Vote against him if you disagree with his pro-choice view. But drop this infanticide bullshit . . . it is as looney as the 9/11 conspiracy theory folks.


NullPointer said:
"Non-viable" and "not alive" are two very different things. You're confusing the two.
Not really.

If you assume the fetus is non-viable, naturally there will be no motivation to keep it alive. And of course, if you're a doctor performing an abortion, and you botch it, I'm sure there's an additional motivation to say it's non-viable, whether it actually is or not.

That was the whole reason for the law in the first place.


Branduil said:
But in the end the One actually capitulated and helped the machines instead of destroying them.
Isn't about time for your kind to step aside and allow the country to move?
Hasn't your kind done enough damage to this country already?

kind= nixon/reagan republicans




They just showed part of an Obama interview with Matt Lauer on Countdown. Obama did really well and Matt actually gave him a couple tough, relevent questions.


speculawyer said:
C'mon now. Obama is pro-choice. If you really think Obama is pro-Infanticide, you've jumped the paranoia shark. Do you seriously think Obama is going to get elected and push for making infanticide legal? No, this is clearly over-blown bullshit. Vote against him if you disagree with his pro-choice view. But drop this infanticide bullshit . . . it is as looney as the 9/11 conspiracy theory folks.
No one thinks Obama is pro-infanticide in the sense that he's secretly giggling in his office at the thought of killing babies. Rather that he's so extreme in his support of abortion that he's willing to allow for the possibility of some live babies dying in support of his misguided principles.


Setec Astronomer
Branduil said:
No one thinks Obama is pro-infanticide in the sense that he's secretly giggling in his office at the thought of killing babies. Rather that he's so extreme in his support of abortion that he's willing to allow for the possibility of some live babies dying in support of his misguided principles.
I take it you didn't want them to pull the plug on Terry Schiavo.


Hitokage said:
I take it you didn't want them to pull the plug on Terry Schiavo.
That issue was somewhat complicated by the husband's claim that she told him to pull the plug if she became like that... but in a case like that where one party is willing to keep her alive, I would favor them. Even if it's true that she's a vegetable, it's not like keeping her alive would hurt her.


gkrykewy said:
Again with the fucking abortion nuttery.

I swear I want to drop-kick catholics who are voting McCain ONLY because of the abortion issue. Are these retards insane?

There are other things happening in this world besides abortion, people! How fukking selfish/apathetic/ignorant/arrogant do you have to be to become a one-issue voter?
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