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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Cloudy said:
There are other things happening in this world besides abortion, people!
There's that. There's also the fact that I'll bet a dollar to anyone's dime that whether you elect Obama or McCain, nothing of any significance is going to happen in regards to abortion.


Steve Youngblood said:
There's that. There's also the fact that I'll bet a dollar to anyone's dime that whether you elect Obama or McCain, nothing of any significance is going to happen in regards to abortion.

Exactly. Again:

How fukking selfish/apathetic/ignorant/arrogant do you have to be to become a one-issue voter?


Branduil said:
If you really wanted to disarm the anti-abortion vote, the Dems would adopt a platform less fervently pro-abortion rights.

I think religious zealots out there should just stop trying to rule everyone's lives. It's 2008 and abortions are never gonna be banned. They need to deal with it! No one is encouraging abortions, Dems just value a woman's right to choose in a FREE country!

With all the crap going on in this country, abortion is the last thing on SANE people's minds during this election.. *sigh*


Cloudy said:
I think religious zealots out there should just stop trying to rule everyone's lives. It's 2008 and abortions are never gonna be banned. They need to deal with it! No one is encouraging abortions, Dems just value a woman's right to choose in a FREE country!

With all the crap going on in this country, abortion is the last thing on SANE people's minds during this election.. *sigh*
That's your opinion.

There are others who believe that if a fetus is human and alive, it deserves all the protection anyone else has, and if they're being slaughtered in mass numbers, it really is the most important issue of the day.

But we've discussed this before so I'm going to stop now unless someone adds a salient point to the discussion. And your wild-eyed ranting is really anything but.
Branduil said:
If you really wanted to disarm the anti-abortion vote, the Dems would drop-kick the GOP so bad in EVs this cycle that Republicans would never aggressively pursue abortion as a wedge issue ever again.

fixy fixy .

Values voters, prepare to meet the underside of the bus after McCain gets beat in November. The GOP will be scrambling to form a coalition that can beat the new Democratic majority of Aftrican Americans+urban/suburban whites+Hispanics, and that'll probably require a de-emphasis on traditional social conservative issues.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Branduil said:
That's your opinion.

There are others who believe that if a fetus is human and alive, it deserves all the protection anyone else has, and if they're being slaughtered in mass numbers, it really is the most important issue of the day.

But we've discussed this before so I'm going to stop now unless someone adds a salient point to the discussion. And your wild-eyed ranting is really anything but.

Well, maybe when republicans stop being such hypocrites and stop slaughtering men, women, and children by starting unnecessary wars and being so staunchly pro-death penalty, then they might have a leg to stand on this abortion debate. Until then, they need to keep their mouths shut.


Branduil said:
That's your opinion.

There are others who believe that if a fetus is human and alive, it deserves all the protection anyone else has, and if they're being slaughtered in mass numbers, it really is the most important issue of the day.

But we've discussed this before so I'm going to stop now unless someone adds a salient point to the discussion. And your wild-eyed ranting is really anything but.

It's not directed at you, man. From reading your posts, I doubt you'd ever vote Democrat even if Obama was pro-life :lol

I'm just so frustrated at others (who would vote for a Democrat on everything else) who refuse to look at the big picture on things. Banning abortion isn't gonna put food on the table for struggling folks. It's not gonna end the war in Iraq. It's not gonna provide healthcare for the poor. I guess those lives don't mean anything? *sighs again*


Fragamemnon said:
fixy fixy .

Values voters, prepare to meet the underside of the bus after McCain gets beat in November. The GOP will be scrambling to form a coalition that can beat the new Democratic majority of Aftrican Americans+urban/suburban whites+Hispanics, and that'll probably require a de-emphasis on traditional social conservative issues.
I don't think it will require a de-emphasis as much as a re-framing.

I believe there are significant numbers of pro-life Hispanics and African Americans that could come into play if the Republicans are smart in the future.

reilo said:
Well, maybe when republicans stop being such hypocrites and stop slaughtering men, women, and children by starting unnecessary wars and being so staunchly pro-death penalty, then they might have a leg to stand on this abortion debate. Until then, they need to keep their mouths shut.

If everyone who ever did or said anything hypocritical stayed silent on every moral issue because of that, blacks would still be slaves and women wouldn't be able to vote.


First tragedy, then farce.
Fragamemnon said:
fixy fixy .

Values voters, prepare to meet the underside of the bus after McCain gets beat in November. The GOP will be scrambling to form a coalition that can beat the new Democratic majority of Aftrican Americans+urban/suburban whites+Hispanics, and that'll probably require a de-emphasis on traditional social conservative issues.

The real problem is the Christian Coalition hit its high point about 15-20 years ago, and they didnt have as much traction with Gen X and Gen Y as they did with previous generations, which means their numbers are slowly dying off and not being replinished at the same rate


Fragamemnon said:
fixy fixy .

Values voters, prepare to meet the underside of the bus after McCain gets beat in November. The GOP will be scrambling to form a coalition that can beat the new Democratic majority of Aftrican Americans+urban/suburban whites+Hispanics, and that'll probably require a de-emphasis on traditional social conservative issues.

The GOP had better begin to shift; otherwise, they will be relegated to permanent minority status in two or three election cycles.

We're going to see some real fireworks from the far-far-right as the process unfolds. It's not going to be pretty.
Banning abortion solves absolutely nothing. It would be prohibition all over again, just with more bloody hangers than machine guns.

Curbing the amount of abortions is the only logical way to tackle the subject, and that process would involve issues that republicans are typically not concerned with - such as education, helping the poor (not handouts), etc


Branduil said:
That's your opinion.

There are others who believe that if a fetus is human and alive, it deserves all the protection anyone else has, and if they're being slaughtered in mass numbers, it really is the most important issue of the day.

But we've discussed this before so I'm going to stop now unless someone adds a salient point to the discussion. And your wild-eyed ranting is really anything but.

Why not worry about the fact that the US has the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world? Why not care for the babies that are born wanted and die because our health care system is shit due to the Republicans blocking legislation to reform it instead of concerning yourself with women who are keeping unwanted children out of poverty by being responsible? Why not vote for a party that will increase funding for sex education programs that teach about birth control to reduce unwanted pregnancies and abortions instead of voting for one that says it will outlaw abortion but never does?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Branduil said:
I don't think it will require a de-emphasis as much as a re-framing.

I believe there are significant numbers of pro-life Hispanics and African Americans that could come into play if the Republicans are smart in the future.

If everyone who ever did or said anything hypocritical stayed silent on every moral issue because of that, blacks would still be slaves and women wouldn't be able to vote.

Yes, and there will still be other stuff going on in the world.


PhoenixDark said:
Banning abortion solves absolutely nothing. It would be prohibition all over again, just with more bloody hangers than machine guns.

Curbing the amount of abortions is the only logical way to tackle the subject, and that process would involve issues that republicans are typically not concerned with - such as education, helping the poor (not handouts), etc
Well, it at least solves the problem of implicitly-sanctioned murder.

I don't see why you assume that banning abortion automatically means taking no other steps to stop it after that.


Brotherhood of Shipley's
I got rid of the text, and made my new wallpaper.


That's not the full size, I have it 1440x900, but flickr doesn't upload that large. I'll upload the full one when I get back.


we'll see how long this lasts

Branduil said:
Well, it at least solves the problem of implicitly-sanctioned murder.

I don't see why you assume that banning abortion automatically means taking no other steps to stop it after that.

I'd love to hear your ideas on these "other steps"


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Branduil said:
Well, it at least solves the problem of implicitly-sanctioned murder.

I don't see why you assume that banning abortion automatically means taking no other steps to stop it after that.
Because republicans want to have their cake and eat it, too. They don't want to ban just abortion: they want to ban sex all together. Their entire agenda over the past few years has been to stop ordinary people from sticking their genitals in places that don't concern them.

If you want to reduce abortion, then support a party that is a proponent of safe sex and contraceptives. Abortion doesn't happen because people are bored; it happens because people are too fucking stupid to use preventive measures to prevent unwanted babies. They keyword here is "unwanted". Politicians that have been anti-contraceptives are part to blame as to why there are so many unwanted pregnancies and high abortion rates in the first place.

If you don't see that, then you need to quit living inside your bubble.


PhoenixDark said:
I'd love to hear your ideas on these "other steps"

Public hangings. :lol

reilo said:
Because republicans want to have their cake and eat it, too. They don't want to ban just abortion: they want to ban sex all together. Their entire agenda over the past few years has been to stop ordinary people from sticking their genitals in places that don't concern them.


GAF, never change. Please, I need a good laugh from time to time.


Jak140 said:
Why not worry about the fact that the US has the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world? Why not care for the babies that are born wanted and die because our health care system is shit due to the Republicans blocking legislation to reform it instead of concerning yourself with women who are keeping unwanted children out of poverty by being responsible? Why not vote for a party that will increase funding for sex education programs that teach about birth control to reduce unwanted pregnancies and abortions instead of voting for one that says it will outlaw abortion but never does?
The health care issue cannot be blamed on one party... and it's really not the government's job to teach people to be responsible.

I'd also like to know how Republicans would outlaw abortion. It's not as if they're not trying, but we pretty much have no chance unless several liberal-leaning justices retire and are replaced by conservative ones.
HylianTom said:
The GOP had better begin to shift; otherwise, they will be relegated to permanent minority status in two or three election cycles.

We're going to see some real fireworks from the far-far-right as the process unfolds. It's not going to be pretty.
Meanwhile, the Democrats will gradually move from slightly-right-of-centre to slightly-left-of-centre by the time the process finishes stabilising. A lot of the issues currently espoused by Liberalism will disappear from the political discourse as they become par for the course for both sides.

Once the Democrats have won most (or all) of their battles, the Republicans will start winning again on a platform of change. This will mainly be because the Democrats will have started representing more of the same. Of course, by this time, Obama will be remembered with the same strange nostalgia as Reagan is now, regardless of whether or not he was actually any good at running the country.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dr_Cogent said:
Public hangings. :lol


GAF, never change. Please, I need a good laugh from time to time.
If you don't think republicans have been pushing for abstinence only for decades now, then you sir, are quite naive.

Or maybe you just don't know what abstinence only means?
Branduil said:
Well, it at least solves the problem of implicitly-sanctioned murder.

It's not murder if its officially sanctioned. And the Republicans are for all kinds of officially sanctioned killing. Wars and the death penalty spring immediately to mind.

gkrykewy said:
You are an enabler

I engage in discussion of the issues. In a thread dedicated to the same. It wasn't like there was no context here.


reilo said:
If you don't think republicans have been pushing for abstinence only for decades now, then you sir, are quite naive.

Or maybe you just don't know what abstinence only means?

I guess you are just fucking retarded then. You said that they are trying to ban sex altogether. Preaching abstinence is not trying to ban anything. Words mean things. Maybe you should learn how to fucking use them. They have just as much a right to preach abstinence as others have to preach promiscuity.

If you actually had said what you just said now, I wouldn't have called out your idiotic comment in the first place.
Steve Youngblood said:
There's that. There's also the fact that I'll bet a dollar to anyone's dime that whether you elect Obama or McCain, nothing of any significance is going to happen in regards to abortion.
If McCain wins and gets a couple of Supreme Court appointments, Roe v. Wade is good as dead.


*drowns in jizz*
DO we have to constantly get back into the 'abortion is mass murder' discussion every few pages? There's nothing that hasn't been said about the topic. FOr those of you who hold this view, we get it, good for you. It isnt advanceing the discourse in any way.


The Times' just gave Obama a gift basket.


McCain Aide’s Firm Was Paid by Freddie Mac

WASHINGTON — One of the giant mortgage companies at the heart of the credit crisis paid $15,000 a month from the end of 2005 through last month to a firm owned by Senator John McCain’s campaign manager, according to two people with direct knowledge of the arrangement.

The disclosure undercuts a statement by Mr. McCain on Sunday night that the campaign manager, Rick Davis, had had no involvement with the company for the last several years.

Mr. Davis’s firm received the payments from the company, Freddie Mac, until it was taken over by the government this month along with Fannie Mae, the other big mortgage lender whose deteriorating finances helped precipitate the cascading problems on Wall Street, the people said.

They said they did not recall Mr. Davis’s doing much substantive work for the company in return for the money, other than speak to a political action committee of high-ranking employees in October 2006 on the approaching midterm Congressional elections. They said Mr. Davis’s firm, Davis & Manafort, had been kept on the payroll because of Mr. Davis’s close ties to Mr. McCain, the Republican presidential nominee, who by 2006 was widely expected to run again for the White House.
Money for access, plain and simple.

Might be why Schmidt was trashing the Times so hard - both for the previous article, and because they were investigating this. Something tells me Obama will be talking about this for the rest of the election.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Branduil said:
I'd also like to know how Republicans would outlaw abortion. It's not as if they're not trying, but we pretty much have no chance unless several liberal-leaning justices retire and are replaced by conservative ones.

See - here's the thing. They do not wish to get rid of their main wedge issue. They don't care about babies. They care about dividing people and taking advantage of your "passion." In short, the republican party is playing you for a fucking idiot.

I think you know this and I think you prefer the "appearance" of morality that the party offers.


Branduil said:
I'd also like to know how Republicans would outlaw abortion. It's not as if they're not trying, but we pretty much have no chance unless several liberal-leaning justices retire and are replaced by conservative ones.

Hmm.. I don't think the court can outright ban abortion, given that fetuses under the 14th Amendment have no rights. It bears repeating from time to time: they are neither legally "born" nor "naturalized".

But "several" justices? More likely, we're just one vote away from overturning Roe and sending the issue back to the states. Scalia, Alito, Thomas, and Roberts would probably vote to overturn. Replace Stevens with a Scalia clone, and Roe is history.

speculawyer said:
If McCain wins and gets a couple of Supreme Court appointments, Roe v. Wade is good as dead.

Unless Stephens and Ginsburg can hold-on for another four years. Either that, or the Senate Democrats controlling the confirmation process grow spines all of a sudden.

So yeah, Roe would go bye-bye.
Branduil said:
I'd also like to know how Republicans would outlaw abortion. It's not as if they're not trying, but we pretty much have no chance unless several liberal-leaning justices retire and are replaced by conservative ones.
Several? No. One.
GhaleonEB said:
The Times' just gave Obama a gift basket.


McCain Aide’s Firm Was Paid by Freddie Mac

Money for access, plain and simple.

Might be why Schmidt was trashing the Times so hard - both for the previous article, and because they were investigating this. Something tells me Obama will be talking about this for the rest of the election.

This is why you don't declare war on the NYTimes.
i think in the trajectory of 50 years you'll see the complete dissolution of the GOP unless they finally eschew screwball far-right ideology. i honestly can't see a future where people equate abortion with murder and decry homosexuality. they're just silly and regressive and it's only a matter of time until joe america realizes that.


Dr_Cogent said:
I guess you are just fucking retarded then. You said that they are trying to ban sex altogether. Preaching abstinence is not trying to ban anything. Words mean things. Maybe you should learn how to fucking use them. They have just as much a right to preach abstinence as others have to preach promiscuity.

If you actually had said what you just said now, I wouldn't have called out your idiotic comment in the first place.

Preaching abstinence is what is fucking retarded. Teenage kids are horny. They will fuck. The right needs to get the hell over it.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dr_Cogent said:
I guess you are just fucking retarded then. You said that they are trying to ban sex altogether. Preaching abstinence is not trying to ban anything. Words mean things. Maybe you should learn how to fucking use them.
Yeah, quite clearly, I'm the retarded one. Because this administration never placed contingencies on educational funding by requiring abstinence-only education.

If you don't tell people about how to do something, maybe they won't do it!


First tragedy, then farce.
GhaleonEB said:
The Times' just gave Obama a gift basket.


McCain Aide’s Firm Was Paid by Freddie Mac

Money for access, plain and simple.

Might be why Schmidt was trashing the Times so hard - both for the previous article, and because they were investigating this. Something tells me Obama will be talking about this for the rest of the election.

Newsweek has the scoop as well, so we have two very good sources for this story now.

So, the campaign coordinator for McCain was getting paid to lobby for Freddie Mac up until August.


Its like watching a slomo train wreck.
OuterWorldVoice said:
See - here's the thing. They do not wish to get rid of their main wedge issue. They don't care about babies. They care about dividing people and taking advantage of your "passion." In short, the republican party is playing you for a fucking idiot.
These are the truest words I've read in years. Social conservatives need to really understand this, as history continues to back this up, election cycle after election cycle.

You're being played


OuterWorldVoice said:
See - here's the thing. They do not wish to get rid of their main wedge issue. They don't care about babies. They care about dividing people and taking advantage of your "passion." In short, the republican party is playing you for a fucking idiot.

I think you know this and I think you prefer the "appearance" of morality that the party offers.
No, actually, you're the one trying to do that. You fail, but thanks for trying.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
i think in the trajectory of 50 years you'll see the complete dissolution of the GOP unless they finally eschew screwball far-right ideology. i honestly can't see a future where people equate abortion with murder and decry homosexuality. they're just silly and regressive and it's only a matter of time until joe america realizes that.

That's why they try to enforce religion into the school curriculum: fading voting base. No doubt they will have to reform.
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