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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Master of the Google Search
The Lamonster said:

This is the one that scares me...the republican creeps up to gain the lead at the last minute.
But dude, that was Ford. It shouldn't scare you


ChrisGoldstein said:
haha I like this comment
OUCH :lol

That exchange isn't surprising, but it is even more revealing. In four weeks, Palin has given two interviews and taken zero questions from the press. Total bubble.

10 days until the bubble bursts.


grandjedi6 said:
But dude, that was Ford. It shouldn't scare you
Ford closed very well at the end. Reagan really was wishy washy about supporting him but in the final weeks came out and did rallies, it got the Rep. base all rilled up despite watergate.

Ford believed if he got Reagan out in Ohio earlier in the final days he would have won the election. And he was probably right.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Agent Icebeezy said:
Stephanopoulos: No Candidate With More Than 50% Support in Sept. Has Lost Presidential Race Since '48

Obama now leads McCain among likely voters by 52 percent to 43 percent, according to the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll.

"You have to go back to 1948 for the last time when a candidate having this kind of a lead in late September lost," Stephanopoulos said.

Neither of the last two Democratic nominees, former Vice President Al Gore in 2000 or Sen. John Kerry in 2004, broke the 50 percent mark in pre-election ABC News/Washington Post polls.

This is why the McCain camp had a presser today about the polls. This is why they are running scared.

WOAH! Good news for obama.


MoxManiac said:
WTF? Why is NH turning red? Granted, it's only 4 votes, but didn't Kerry get NH rather easily?
NH to McCain is what Iowa is to Obama. Both states take pride in "creating" the candidates by giving them their first key victory that lead them to winning the nomination. It's almost like a home state advantage.


good credit (by proxy)
CharlieDigital said:
The audio on the stream is terrible dude.

Oh I know. Lower the gain and raise the output you incompetent "volunteer" sound guy.

Sound keep cutting out and changing volume too.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
RapeApe said:

Looks like Wright commercials were already running.

It's unclear how long the ad has been running, and how big the buy is, but The New York Times reports this morning that the spot is running in Macomb County, Michigan, a stronghold of white, unionized auto workers -- the latest in a wave of very targeted advertising by outside groups that appear to have been set up for the sole purpose of sliming Obama in one way or another.

:lol could my county really decide the election? this is so exciting.

In an interview with CNN's Larry King airing tonight, Bill Clinton offered a slightly unusual reason for postponing his campaigning for Obama: The Jewish high holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, which he's not known to observe.

"When [the Clinton Global Initiative] is over, and after the Jewish holidays, which follow close on it, I intend to go to Florida, to Ohio, to northeast Pennsylvania, and to Nevada at a minimum," he said. "I may do events in Arkansas depending on what the Democratic Party does down there. And I've agreed to do some fundraising for them in California and New York."

"Are you kind of feeling Jewish that you're waiting until after the Jewish holidays?" King asked, according to a CNN transcript.

"No. But I think it would be -- if we're trying to win in Florida, it may be that," Clinton began, before discussing his real Florida target: "You know, they think that because of who I am and where my politic[al] base has traditionally been, they may want me to go sort of hustle up what Lawton Chiles used to call the 'cracker vote' there."

"But Senator Obama also has a big stake in doing well in the Jewish community in Florida, where Hillary did very well and where I did very well. And I just think respecting the holidays is a good thing to do," he said.


artredis1980 said:
more proof Bill doesnt want to go out and stump for Obama, Clinton never has been an observant Jew and he is making excuses to run as many days as he can to not stump for him
Joke post right?


Woo, Bush speeech on the economy at 9 tonight! I bet it'll lay everything out there and let us know about the "grave and certain dangers"
artredis1980 said:
more proof Bill doesnt want to go out and stump for Obama, Clinton never has been an observant Jew and he is making excuses to run as many days as he can to not stump for him

Wrong. It's pointless for anyone attempting to appeal to the Jewish vote, nor someone as high profile as he to campaign in Florida on the High Holidays. Anyone who knows anything about them would agree.
artredis1980 said:
more proof Bill doesnt want to go out and stump for Obama, Clinton never has been an observant Jew and he is making excuses to run as many days as he can to not stump for him

doubtful. There's another story on Politico where Palenty used the same excuse about the Jewish holiday. Seems like both parties are serious about this.


artredis1980 said:
more proof Bill doesnt want to go out and stump for Obama, Clinton never has been an observant Jew and he is making excuses to run as many days as he can to not stump for him

"When [the Clinton Global Initiative] is over, and after the Jewish holidays, which follow close on it, I intend to go to Florida, to Ohio, to northeast Pennsylvania, and to Nevada at a minimum," he said. "I may do events in Arkansas depending on what the Democratic Party does down there. And I've agreed to do some fundraising for them in California and New York."
Lawton Chiles. :bow :bow , best florida politician ever. Having lived in the FL panhandle, I can say that one of the keys to winning the state is to hold the GOP's redneck vote there to a minimum while running up the score in Tallahassee-if you can swing that, you can probably win the state.


artredis1980 said:
no joke. there is no way in hell Clintons want Obama elected

I don't know why people think this, especially after Palin. Palin is like the anti-Hillary. I guarantee you the Clintons don't want her anywhere near the White House.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
artredis1980 said:
more proof Bill doesnt want to go out and stump for Obama, Clinton never has been an observant Jew and he is making excuses to run as many days as he can to not stump for him

protip: jews dont go to rallies during high-holidays.

florida = large jewish population.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Zeliard said:
I don't know why people think this, especially after Palin. Palin is like the anti-Hillary. I guarantee you the Clintons don't want her anywhere near the White House.
I'm assuming people think it's a lose/lose for the Clintons.

They obviously don't agree with the Republican candidate on the issues, but I'm assuming some think the Clintons want to protect their image, as well.

Not sure what about Obama getting elected hurts the Clinton image, though.
artredis1980 said:
no joke. there is no way in hell Clintons want Obama elected

Honestly, Hillary is acting in complete good faith with the Obama campaign. She's raised money for him despite still carrying whopper campaign debt, started a volunteer "Hillary Sent Me!" drive that has engaged thousands of Hillary supporters to work for Obama, and is going to be doing stops all across the country.

I know the tools on this board can't get over their Hillary hate from the primaries, but if she's not acting in good faith, there isn't a democratic surrogate out there that is.
Breaking news: NBC/WSJ Poll shows Palin is becoming a liability for McCain

49% think Palin is NOT qualified to be President IF something happens to McCain
40% think Palin is qualified to be President IF something happens to McCain

64% think Biden is qualified to be President IF something happens to Obama
21% think biden is NOT qualified to be President IF something happens to Obama
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