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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
artredis1980 said:
Breaking news: NBC/WSJ Poll shows Palin is becoming a liability for McCain

49% think Palin is NOT qualified to be President IF something happens to McCain
40% think Palin is qualified to be President IF something happens to McCain

64% think Biden is qualified to be President IF something happens to Obama
21% think biden is NOT qualified to be President IF something happens to Obama
Money in the bank! :D
Zeliard said:
I don't know why people think this, especially after Palin. Palin is like the anti-Hillary. I guarantee you the Clintons don't want her anywhere near the White House.

Exactly. If people think Hillary is truly a power hungry politician obsessed with herself, it would make no sense for her to want Obama to lose this year - thus placing Palin closer to the White House than Hillary's 18 million votes got her. IF she wanted Obama to lose (which I doubt) she'd prefer him to not get re-elected in 2012, allowing her to run in 2016 and try to defeat God's Candidate himself: Huckabee <3


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
artredis1980 said:
Breaking news: NBC/WSJ Poll shows Palin is becoming a liability for McCain

49% think Palin is NOT qualified to be President IF something happens to McCain
40% think Palin is qualified to be President IF something happens to McCain

64% think Biden is qualified to be President IF something happens to Obama
21% think biden is NOT qualified to be President IF something happens to Obama
...and yet sadly, I'm sure people within that 49% would vote for McCain anyways.
Fragamemnon said:
Honestly, Hillary is acting in complete good faith with the Obama campaign. She's raised money for him despite still carrying whopper campaign debt, started a volunteer "Hillary Sent Me!" drive that has engaged thousands of Hillary supporters to work for Obama, and is going to be doing stops all across the country.

I know the tools on this board can't get over their Hillary hate from the primaries, but if she's not acting in good faith, there isn't a democratic surrogate out there that is.

Yep. I can't think of another Democratic surrogate who has raised $5 million + for Obama.


artredis1980 said:
Breaking news: NBC/WSJ Poll shows Palin is becoming a liability for McCain

49% think Palin is NOT qualified to be President IF something happens to McCain
40% think Palin is qualified to be President IF something happens to McCain

64% think Biden is qualified to be President IF something happens to Obama
21% think biden is NOT qualified to be President IF something happens to Obama

Not qualified? In what respect, America?


PhoenixDark said:
Exactly. If people think Hillary is truly a power hungry politician obsessed with herself, it would make no sense for her to want Obama to lose this year - thus placing Palin closer to the White House than Hillary's 18 million votes got her. IF she wanted Obama to lose (which I doubt) she'd prefer him to not get re-elected in 2012, allowing her to run in 2016 and try to defeat God's Candidate himself: Huckabee <3

But Sarah Palin told us jesus is going to return in 2010. How does that affect the equation?


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
PhoenixDark said:
Exactly. If people think Hillary is truly a power hungry politician obsessed with herself, it would make no sense for her to want Obama to lose this year - thus placing Palin closer to the White House than Hillary's 18 million votes got her. IF she wanted Obama to lose (which I doubt) she'd prefer him to not get re-elected in 2012, allowing her to run in 2016 and try to defeat God's Candidate himself: Huckabee <3
Plus Hilary would lose momentum from attempting to be THE FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT TO HOLD OFFICE.


PhoenixDark said:
Exactly. If people think Hillary is truly a power hungry politician obsessed with herself, it would make no sense for her to want Obama to lose this year - thus placing Palin closer to the White House than Hillary's 18 million votes got her. IF she wanted Obama to lose (which I doubt) she'd prefer him to not get re-elected in 2012, allowing her to run in 2016 and try to defeat God's Candidate himself: Huckabee <3
She'd be in her seventy's in 2016. The only way she'd ever run again is if Obama loses in 2008.

If Obama wins then its up to CHELSEA!


shooting blanks
Zeliard said:
I don't know why people think this, especially after Palin. Palin is like the anti-Hillary. I guarantee you the Clintons don't want her anywhere near the White House.

But if Obama loses Hillary will be a shoe in for the 2012 nomination. Everyone will be like 'we should've picked hillary!'


PhoenixDark said:
She'd be 68! Woman vote+elderly vote=landslide
To be fair then she could run anyway cause there is no way Biden would run for prez in 8 years even if Obama does win re-election.


First tragedy, then farce.
artredis1980 said:
Breaking news: NBC/WSJ Poll shows Palin is becoming a liability for McCain

49% think Palin is NOT qualified to be President IF something happens to McCain
40% think Palin is qualified to be President IF something happens to McCain

64% think Biden is qualified to be President IF something happens to Obama
21% think biden is NOT qualified to be President IF something happens to Obama


Just wait till the VP debate, she could be the albatross around his neck.
I dont get it, the ussual reliable poll, gallup is getting closer, but all the others are getting a bigger diff for Obama. Could it be Gallup is the only one right or is wrong for the first time ?


First tragedy, then farce.
quadriplegicjon said:
what are the percentages in the parenthesis ?

Those are always the previous results for the same poll, so last time McCain was up on Obama.. so the poll shows a 9 point swing.
Nevada is pulling towards Obama

NV: Obama 47, McCain 45 (NewWest-9/14-19)

By Eric Dienstfrey

Project New West (D) /
Myers Research (D) / Grove Insight (D)
9/14-19/08; 600 LV, 4%
Mode: Live Telephone Interviews


First tragedy, then farce.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
The way they're sheltering her from the media, it already appears to be this situation.

Yeah, right now people *think* she isnt qualified. She's about to open her mouth and remove all doubt as the saying goes.


artredis1980 said:
Breaking news: NBC/WSJ Poll shows Palin is becoming a liability for McCain

49% think Palin is NOT qualified to be President IF something happens to McCain
40% think Palin is qualified to be President IF something happens to McCain

64% think Biden is qualified to be President IF something happens to Obama
21% think biden is NOT qualified to be President IF something happens to Obama

Thats actually horrible to me! To think 40% of americans actually think that she IS qualified to take over if McCain were to die in office.
artredis1980 said:
Nevada is pulling towards Obama

NV: Obama 47, McCain 45 (NewWest-9/14-19)

By Eric Dienstfrey

Project New West (D) /
Myers Research (D) / Grove Insight (D)
9/14-19/08; 600 LV, 4%
Mode: Live Telephone Interviews

Good news!

Nevada was, IMO, one of those states that McCain simply was never going to win given the polling spread so far (which has oscillated between +2 McCain and +4 Obama) this cycle. Obama had too much ground presence, too many new registrations, and the economy in NV was just going to sink McCain even if he was able to keep the popular vote totals tight. Thankfully for McCain, it's not really a tipping point state so he can sort of let it go.
i don't really understand where this hillary scheming for the oval office comes from. it is true she was hyper-determined to win this one, in a reese witherspoon in Election kind of obnoxiousness, but god knows what could happen in four to eight years. its fun to think she's sipping whiskey in her office and plotting things out, but i don't think that's the case. the next 4 to 8 years will be so unpredictable, and it's the republicans if anybody who are planning ahead in this regard.

that said, if there's a successful 8 years of an obama admin. and she's in good health, i'd guess she'd give it another shot. why not? but it's unlikely that she's scheming on anything other than getting obama elected because its what's best.


Jonm1010 said:
Thats actually horrible to me! To think 40% of americans actually think that she IS qualified to take over if McCain were to die in office.

Keep in mind, that 40% are pretty much McCain's ardent supporters. It's only really news if you break that support, like with Biden's readiness numbers.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
We gotta remember, we're not even in the 4th quarter yet. If the numbers look this way in late October, then I think it's time to start making the party plans.


Small balls, big fun!
Fragamemnon said:
I really hope she runs for office someday. Watching her in the primaries pointed out to me that she's got some serious potential.

Eh, she could have done anything she wanted and decided to work for a hedge fund.

I know it's a ridiculous judgment of someone I don't know based on very little information, but we're only talking about her in the first place because her parents are political celebrities.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
We gotta remember, we're not even in the 4th quarter yet. If the numbers look this way in late October, then I think it's time to start making the party plans.

I won't celebrate until I see Obama's hand on the bible (or Koran). Don't want to get my hopes up at all although I must say...I haven't been worried since the DNC


artredis1980 said:
Nevada is pulling towards Obama

NV: Obama 47, McCain 45 (NewWest-9/14-19)

By Eric Dienstfrey

Project New West (D) /
Myers Research (D) / Grove Insight (D)
9/14-19/08; 600 LV, 4%
Mode: Live Telephone Interviews
Nice. Polls tightened the past few weeks, and the last Nevada poll has McCain up only one point. Nevada is a nice failsafe if Obama picks up CO, IA and NM but loses NH.


First tragedy, then farce.
artredis1980 said:
similiar to her acceptance speech

The ability to deliver a prepared speech written by a team of proffesionals in front of a crowd of ardent supporters is a very very different thing from sitting down next to Joe Biden one of the smartest politicians in Washington. Ive seen him make other pros look stupid on MTP before.

She will be destroyed, the only question is if Joe says something stupid, goes off topic or comes off as a jerk.

She is going to give her coached answers just like her very poor interview with Gibson, and then Biden is going to be able to go into insane minutia about things right after her surface level "we cant question Israel" answer.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
I won't celebrate until I see Obama's hand on the bible (or Koran). Don't want to get my hopes up at all although I must say...I haven't been worried since the DNC



First tragedy, then farce.
GhaleonEB said:
Nice. Polls tightened the past few weeks, and the last Nevada poll has McCain up only one point. Nevada is a nice failsafe if Obama picks up CO, IA and NM but loses NH.

Which is the point, Obama has so many roads to the whitehouse right now.

hell, Florida is back in play in case anyone failed to notice. In fact, he might be slightly leading in Florida, and the Social Security privatization thing is just starting to get traction.


Don't think I've seen it mentioned, but Rasmussen has New Hampshire +2 McCain.

Rasmussen 9/24/08
[U]New Hamshire[/U]
49% McCain
47% Obama
[B]+2[/B] McCain


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The Lamonster said:
This is turning into a soap opera. :lol

If you think that was bad check this out.

Later, the campaign only slightly offset negative coverage of the imbroglio by sending reporters an email promising “a little color for background use from today.” The details – that Palin’s husband Todd took their three youngest children to snap pictures of the Statue of Liberty, to Ground Zero and to F.A.O. Schwartz, where their 7-year old daughter Piper “enjoyed trying on some princess dresses” – were featured far less prominently in most news reports story than the standoff with reporters and descriptions of her thin foreign policy credentials.

The McCain campaign believes Palin has been treated unfairly by the press, but it denies it’s shielding her. Aides assert that her popularity on the campaign trail makes that a better forum for her.

Rick Davis, a top campaign aide, in a Monday conference call, pointed to a Sunday afternoon Palin rally in central Florida that drew the largest crowd showall of any single Republican event this cycle. Crowd size was estimated from 23,000 to a harder-to-believe 60,000.

“If anybody ever asks us to make a choice between seeing 60,000 people at a rally on the I-4 corridor in Florida or spending an hour with a reporter,” Davis said, “I don’t imagine we’d have many questions about what we’d rather do.”

After the Florida event, Palin left behind the print reporter “pooler” designated to follow her – but not the pool camera crew – as she, Todd and their three youngest children sped off in their motorcade to a Cold Stone Creamery ice cream parlor.

Footage captured the Palins being greeted by cheering supporters and mingling with customers without the uncomfortable presence of reporters shouting questions at Palin. The campaign later sent them an email detailing the flavors of ice cream each ordered.

“Piper had Oreo Overload. Willow (14) had Birthday Cake Mix (sic). Todd had chocolate with peanut butter. Gov. Palin also had Birthday Cake Mix

The flavors did not appear in many accounts of the Palins trip to Florida.

McCain's camp is send reporters details on what flavor ice cream Sarah and her family eats and what dresses her daughters are trying on.



What in the flying fuck? Obama surrogate MY ASS!


Former President Bill Clinton has some words of wisdom for Todd Palin, the husband of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin: “Give support,” but don’t “make her look weak.”

During an interview Tuesday with Fox’s Greta Van Susteren, Clinton said, “I think the trick is, if you're a husband and the woman is in the role, the political role, traditionally identified by — with men, the trick is to give support that is unambiguous and clear and to also be there with advice privately, but to do it in a way that doesn't, in a funny way, make her look weak.”

The former president said Alaska’s “first dude” is doing “just fine” since being thrust into the national spotlight in late August.

But, Clinton said, “whenever you start changing the deck chairs and gender roles and family roles, you have to be prepared for psychological, as well as political sparks to fly.”

“Now, these role changes have happened a lot. You know, in '92, when I became president, Hillary was assaulted by some people for being too aggressive in giving advice. I was criticized for giving her a formal role in policymaking.”

As for dealing with the media — a constant problem for Clinton on campaign stops for his wife’s presidential run — the former president advised Palin to answer as best he can and move on.

“My advice to him is: Keep that smile. Don't get defensive,” Clinton said. “And you know, somebody asks you a question about whether you should or shouldn't have done something, try to answer it the best you can and go on.”

Clinton said the challenges of having a spouse run for office are “different” from those faced by a candidate, saying that attacks against his wife were “harder” to take.

“If you're just pulling for somebody and you think so highly of them and you think they're getting whacked unfairly and it's their job, then it's harder to take. So I'm going to be — you know, I'm sort of sympathetic with him navigating through this campaign and what he had to do in Alaska because I was right there in this election, and I've been right there since 2000, since Hillary first ran” for the Senate from New York.

“We went through brutal campaigns, you know, for a long, long time and learned to just treat it like water off a duck's back and have a good time. It's been very interesting, the different — the challenges of being a spouse.”

The former president said that he admires Todd Palin, saying that “he must have something going if he can finish that 500-mile race with a broken arm.”

“I can't get over it,” Clinton said of Palin’s snow machine racing. “I like it a lot.”
stressboy said:
What exactly did he do wrong?

surrogating and giving help to Todd Palin?

same Todd Palin who used his 'influence' on running things while Palin was governor?
same Todd Palin who is refusing to abide by the law and go to the court and answer valid questions
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