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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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formerly sane
The Lamonster said:
This is true and the PC thing to say, but we all know he's simply stealing votes from the good guy ;)

He knows he's not going to win. He knows he's just going to steal votes. He knows he basically cost Gore the election. He's selfish as fuck if you ask me.

I know what you mean, but the voting system is shitty change it up and make people choose for what they want not the lesser of two evils.


Captain Pants said:
I know that is how most of us will perceive it, but I worry that most of America is just looking for someone who talks tough and doesn't "blink in the face of terror."

Nah. That's done with. Those sorts ain't voting Obama anyway and think Palin a goddess. That rah-rah shit ain't working no more. I know this with full certainty because I have faith in the American people as a whole. :D


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
bob_arctor said:
Nah. That's done with. Those sorts ain't voting Obama anyway and think Palin a goddess. That rah-rah shit ain't working no more. I know this with full certainty because I have faith in the American people as a whole. :D

I hope you are right.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Biden's sounding a bit warhawkish here.

"If we have actionable intelligence, we will take out high ranking officials of Al-Qeuda, whether we have the permission of the Pakistani government or not."

You could argue we had "actionable intelligence" to invade Iraq.

Not sure why Pakistan wouldn't allow us to capture or kill terrorists harbored in their country...but doing it against their will doesn't sound like a great move.
LCGeek said:
I know what you mean, but the voting system is shitty change it up and make people choose for what they want not the lesser of two evils.

Voting third party is not going to do anything to change the system, though. If Obama loses, the Democrats will just move farther to the right in an attempt to "recapture the center," no matter how many people vote for Nader or McKinney.
RubxQub said:
Biden's sounding a bit warhawkish here.

"If we have actionable intelligence, we will take out high ranking officials of Al-Qeuda, whether we have the permission of the Pakistani government or not."

You could argue we had "actionable intelligence" to invade Iraq.

He probably means real, vetted evidence instead of cherrypicked, made-up evidence.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
bob_arctor said:
Nah. That's done with. Those sorts ain't voting Obama anyway and think Palin a goddess. That rah-rah shit ain't working no more. I know this with full certainty because I have faith in the American people as a whole. :D

I commend your optimism. I've lost a lot of that faith in the American people. I still think there is a large portion of us that don't want to hear about diplomatic solutions, and think that anything less than blowing the other guy up is appeasement. I do think that Obama will run circles around McCain in the debates, I'm just not convinced that the general public will agree.




Fragamemnon said:
this! At least unban him for election night, no matter what happens you know that the posts are gonna be made of gold.
Totally agree. But has a poster ever been brought back due to popular demand?

Bitching about it in posts will only derail this thread and annoy the mods, but maybe I'll make an avatar when I get home. :D


RubxQub said:
Not sure why Pakistan wouldn't allow us to capture or kill terrorists harbored in their country...but doing it against their will doesn't sound like a great move.

Their government and intelligence agencies are filled with basically double agents.

The American army came out and said they miss most of their targets when they inform the Pakistani government, so they're not informing them now and well Pakistan is pissed. Wouldn't you if a foreign power is firing missiles into your country and you don't know?

There's no easy way to handle this.


giga said:
campbell brown. goddam, i would tear that ass up.

:lol That's exactly what I've been thinking lately. She's really cleaned up ever since they made her election coverage queen.

mckmas8808 said:
I hope you are right.

Ain't no hope to it. The majority of this country is done with cheerleading cornball talk. Shit, we still want out of Iraq even though the usual suspects tried to gussy up the surge in high heels and a short skirt hoping we'd all take the plunge.
SupahBlah said:
Their government and intelligence agencies are filled with basically double agents.

The American army came out and said they miss most of their targets when they inform the Pakistani government, so they're not informing them now and well Pakistan is pissed. Wouldn't you if a foreign power is firing missiles into your country and you don't know?

There's no easy way to handle this.
IMO the easy way is to GTFO of Iraq and put our military force where it should be. If we have intelligence to kill some terrorists in Pakistan I say go for it.


North Korea is doing Jim Lehrer a real favor. At least there is something to make people sort of interested in foreign policy again after what is happening inside of the US.:lol
Harry Reid confirms that McCain WILL vote for the 700$ Billion Surplus...

ofcourse it could be a ploy where McCain casts the vote for it and Obama votes against it as do most democrats and then say Bush didnt relent on the changes and align McCain with Bush on trying to create an economic disaster for Taxpayers

but ... I am not Obama's advisor
NH by 6 seems perfectly reasonable, as does Iowa by 10.

I really think that McCain has to do something about Virginia. Right now on my maps even if he swipes PA or MI, he still loses a close election due to Virgnia.

Speaking of PA or MI, I think that the McCain team is being forced into trying to make a "kerry in ohio" style hail mary for one of those states in order to win. Just trying to defend Bush - NM - IA is, by my numbers, not possible.


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HylianTom said:
Marist Polls:

New Hampshire:
Obama - 51
McCain - 45

edit: I'm relieved about New Hampshire. NH is instrumental in avoiding a 269-269 scenario when the IA/NM/CO route is taken. While a 269-269 victory would be amusing, I'd rather take no chances on faithless electors.

YAY NH is back!

And Obama is winning the independent vote 54% to 38%. That's huge when considering alot of voters in NH are independents.
Michigan pulling towards McCain?

MI: McCain 46, Obama 43 (MRG-9/15-20)

By Eric Dienstfrey

Market Research Group of Lansing
9/15-20/08; 600 RV, 4%
Mode: Live Telephone Interviews


Fragamemnon said:
NH by 6 seems perfectly reasonable, as does Iowa by 10.

I really think that McCain has to do something about Virginia. Right now on my maps even if he swipes PA or MI, he still loses a close election due to Virgnia.

Speaking of PA or MI, I think that the McCain team is being forced into trying to make a "kerry in ohio" style hail mary for one of those states in order to win. Just trying to defend Bush - NM - IA is, by my numbers, not possible.
McCain seems to be aiming for PA as his hail mary far more than MI in terms of ad dollars and campaign events. Which Obama is oddly not calling his bluff on yet, Obama is letting McCain vastly outspend him in PA and he rarely appears there. It worries me a bit.


artredis1980 said:
Michigan pulling towards McCain?

MI: McCain 46, Obama 43 (MRG-9/15-20)

By Eric Dienstfrey

Market Research Group of Lansing
9/15-20/08; 600 RV, 4%
Mode: Live Telephone Interviews

Marist has Obama up by 9% in MI. Not a great pollster though.


Cheebs said:
McCain seems to be aiming for PA as his hail mary far more than MI in terms of ad dollars and campaign events. Which Obama is oddly not calling his bluff on yet, Obama is letting McCain vastly outspend him in PA and he rarely appears there. It worries me a bit.
They increased spending dramatically in Florida, Colorado, Nevada and Pennsylvania

* In Florida, where the jump is perhaps most dramatic, Obama's spending has climbed to $1.9 million for the week ending on Sept. 21, from $1.2 million the week before that and $807,000 the week before that. Obama has closed in on McCain in the polls.

* In Colorado, Obama's spending has jumped 20% a week; it's at $810,000 for the week ending Sept. 21, up from $500,000 two weeks ago. Obama has edged ahead in the polls.

* In Nevada, where McCain has steadily held a very narrow lead, Obama's spending is at $500,000 a week, up from $230,000 two weeks ago.

* In Pennsylvania, where Obama has led by increasingly tight margins, the Obama camp has increased its spending 20% since last week.


syllogism said:
They increased spending dramatically in Florida, Colorado, Nevada and Pennsylvania
That's good.

And Bill Clinton said he is doing a huge rally in Philly later this month for Obama which should help.


Pakistan has an interest in keeping the taliban active in Afghanistan. The US is always making compromises and has to doubt their every move every time they work with Pakistan.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
artredis1980 said:
Michigan pulling towards McCain?

MI: McCain 46, Obama 43 (MRG-9/15-20)

By Eric Dienstfrey

Market Research Group of Lansing
9/15-20/08; 600 RV, 4%
Mode: Live Telephone Interviews

Do they have internals?


Are there any polls about people's support of the bailout? It seems like popular opinion is turning against it quickly and strongly. We're as mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore!

Hopefully this will be a watershed moment for how voters feel about the fiscal responsibility of the government.

My current map, assuming that the election really is somewhat close and that, if Obama is losing the popular vote, it isn't by more than .2 or .3 % tops. FL is just too close to call either way and will probably be won or lost on turnout.

PA just seems like a terrible idea-it's expensive to advertise and organize there, and the emergent 2004->2008 demographics are terrible for the GOP there. But if I was going to go for a hail mary, that's where I might go given that CO/VA demographics are even worse and, unlike in PA, there is likely jack shit in the RNC voter vault for those states since Bush never had to organize any kind of defense or offense in those states.


Trurl said:
Are there any polls about people's support of the bailout? It seems like popular opinion is turning against it quickly and strongly. We're as mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore!

Hopefully this will be a watershed moment for how voters feel about the fiscal responsibility of the government.
There's a Pew poll, which claims 57% support it and 30% are against.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Trurl said:
Are there any polls about people's support of the bailout? It seems like popular opinion is turning against it quickly and strongly. We're as mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore!

Hopefully this will be a watershed moment for how voters feel about the fiscal responsibility of the government.

CNN has a poll and most people are against it.

1. What should Congress do with the $700 billion proposal to take pressure off the credit markets?

Pass the legislation quickly - 16%
Pass it, but add stimulus and foreclosure relief - 31%
Reject it - 53%

Total responses to this question: 161679



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Cheebs said:
Erm..thats a online poll

yeah I know, but it's relative. At least these people go to CNNMoney.com and read up on the information.

That Pew poll has plenty of people that probably don't know jack saying they are for it.
Rasmussen has done some polling regarding the bailout, his latest numbers for it are:

44% against
25% for

rest undecided. It's not a popular measure and these polling numbers are the reason for the Democratic insistence that any measure be passed with a majority of the minority so they can't use it as a wedge against them in the elections. Either everyone owns a piece of this POS or it doesn't pass.


Going from those historicals, Obama is well positioned right now.

Also, the McCain camp has a legitimate criticism of the ABC news poll: it had a Dem - GOP party ID split of 16 points. 8-9 is what most pollsters use. That would take Obama's lead down to closer to six points.

The Lamonster said:

This is the one that scares me...the republican creeps up to gain the lead at the last minute.
Carter won that election. :lol

Though, something similar happened when Reagan beat Carter four years later.
GhaleonEB said:
Going from those historicals, Obama is well positioned right now.

Also, the McCain camp has a legitimate criticism of the ABC news poll: it had a Dem - GOP party ID split of 16 points. 8-9 is what most pollsters use. That would take Obama's lead down to closer to six points.

Were they undersampling independents or Republicans? That's a pretty big "gap" by any stretch.
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