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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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The Lamonster said:
lol true but this one is scary too:


Look how good Gore was doing in September...
Gore did horrible at the debates which is when Bush became the front runner.

In most polls around election day Bush had a 2-3 point lead. But the DUI story out the weekend before the election gave Gore a sudden boost. Without it Gore would have lost the popular vote.
soul creator said:
interesting idea by Kos that McCain probably wishes Mittens was the VP right now. Regardless of if he's spewing typical Republican talking points, he might come across as the "trusted economic business guy", and Obama/Biden would have to attack more.

Seriously dude, policy wise, Palin brings nothing to the table. Foreign policy? Fuck no. Economy? Fuck no.


soul creator said:
interesting idea by Kos that McCain probably wishes Mittens was the VP right now. Regardless of if he's spewing typical Republican talking points, he might come across as the "trusted economic business guy", and Obama/Biden would have to attack more.
Seriously, Romney would have helped. Not only economically but electorally.

He may have governed MA but I live in MI, the local news here always treated him like a local boy. He is seen as a Michigan guy born and raised. And he would have helped a lot in places like Nevada and CO where there is a lot of mormons.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Fragamemnon said:
Were they undersampling independents or Republicans? That's a pretty big "gap" by any stretch.

Per typical polling methodology - but we already know cellphone users, the young, black people and other groups are underrepresented in polling anyway. Makes a nice change to see one that takes that into account, even artificially.
The Lamonster said:
but dude she's hot

From one of the links on that Kos post:


"This is an issue of real concern," Palin told thousands gathered in a rodeo ring in Golden, Colo. But, she said, "I'm glad to see the Federal Reserve has said 'no' to using taxpayer money for a bailout."

It'll be funny to juxtapose this against McCain's vote for the current bailout.

This was the first time Palin had mentioned Wall Street in her stump speech. Mostly, she tends to reprise large portions of her nomination speech from the convention. Palin, herself, may not be the most authoritative spokesperson on such issues. In the past, when she ran for Alaska governor, she freely admitted to a reporter that she got a "D" in macroeconomics in college.


I laugh on the outside, but I'm crying on the inside...
soul creator said:
interesting idea by Kos that McCain probably wishes Mittens was the VP right now. Regardless of if he's spewing typical Republican talking points, he might come across as the "trusted economic business guy", and Obama/Biden would have to attack more.

McCain would have supporter enthusiasm numbers in the twenties and waffling base support. The pick for a bona fide crazy social conservative was the abstractly the correct one, but the choice of Sarah Palin was an awful one. If he really wanted a woman, he should have picked someone like Marsha Blackburn.
soul creator said:
interesting idea by Kos that McCain probably wishes Mittens was the VP right now. Regardless of if he's spewing typical Republican talking points, he might come across as the "trusted economic business guy", and Obama/Biden would have to attack more.

Romney would be an easier target to attack though, given his CEO days (not to mention laying off workers). I'm not denying that he was a pretty awesome CEO from a business perspective but politically, it seems a pretty bad time to be a former CEO


Cheebs said:
Seriously, Romney would have helped. Not only economically but electorally.

He may have governed MA but I live in MI, the local news here always treated him like a local boy. He is seen as a Michigan guy born and raised. And he would have helped a lot in places like Nevada and CO where there is a lot of mormons.

It would have been a disaster overall though. Truth is that Americans (especially the neo-cons) are waaay to bigoted to ever vote for a Mormon.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Cheebs said:
Seriously, Romney would have helped. Not only economically but electorally.

He may have governed MA but I live in MI, the local news here always treated him like a local boy. He is seen as a Michigan guy born and raised. And he would have helped a lot in places like Nevada and CO where there is a lot of mormons.

yep I thought the samething. To me it shows that McCain really isn't ready to be president.

Anybody want to guess what Gallup is today? I say Obama +2.


WSJ (nbc poll) has a teaser: Voters doubt VP hopeful Palin's qualifications to be president.

Might not mean much though

Forty-nine percent say that Palin is unqualified to be president if the need arises, compared with 40 percent who say she's qualified.

By contrast, 64 percent believe Biden is qualified to be president, versus just 21 percent who disagree.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
syllogism said:
WSJ has a teaser: Voters doubt VP hopeful Palin's qualifications to be president.

Might not mean much though

Another hint was that Chuck Todd said that the ABC/Washington Post poll doesn't look to be out of wack.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Agent Icebeezy said:
McCain Camp: NO Palin Medical Records Until AFTER The Election

"Governor Palin has no history of health problems," Goldfarb says. "We believe that a candidate should be able to preserve some privacy in this process, and we're confident the American people will validate that judgment come election day."

- McCain spokesman Michael Goldfarb


But didn't they release McCain's medical records?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Stephanopoulos: No Candidate With More Than 50% Support in Sept. Has Lost Presidential Race Since '48

Obama now leads McCain among likely voters by 52 percent to 43 percent, according to the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll.

"You have to go back to 1948 for the last time when a candidate having this kind of a lead in late September lost," Stephanopoulos said.

Neither of the last two Democratic nominees, former Vice President Al Gore in 2000 or Sen. John Kerry in 2004, broke the 50 percent mark in pre-election ABC News/Washington Post polls.


This is why the McCain camp had a presser today about the polls. This is why they are running scared.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
syllogism said:
What are you trying to say here. It's a non-story.

Basically, they never came out and said that they were against earmarks, Palin did. She lied in her first major address to the nation. That is what this is about.
Earmarks need reform, not removal. They serve a (rather important) purpose in our political process and are a very, very small slice of the overall discresionary budget.


RiZ III said:
It would have been a disaster overall though. Truth is that Americans (especially the neo-cons) are waaay to bigoted to ever vote for a Mormon.

I don't think this would be true if Romney were in the veep spot.

I think there is no question that with the current financial situation, Romney would be a huge asset for McCain. Romney is a very successful and highly educated businessman who could fiercely debate & deliver the Repub talking points on the economy.

From a tactical position, at this point Palin is little more than a puppy who guarantees support from Evangelicals. She offers zero help to McCain in terms of delivering their message. Romney, on the other hand, would be able to have daily interviews & press conferences where he could very competently deliver the campaign's economic policy. Instead, McCain has to struggle to do it himself.

Cheebs said:
Rachel Maddow beat not only larry king last night but HANNITY. She also beat Fox on Friday. Insane.

Good for her, but from what I have seen of her show I don't see the appeal.



Diageo/Hotline Tracker is +6 Obama, up from +4 yesterday

So today's trackers are:

Rasmussen: Obama +2 (+2 from yesterday)
Gallup: Obama +3 (unchanged)
Diageo/Hotline: +6 (+2 from yesterday)
Research 2k/Kos: +4 (-2 from yesterday)

+3.75 on average, +.5 daily increase. Essentially unchanged overall.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
When will the next NBC/WSJ poll be revealed?
6:30 Eastern time (3:30 Pacific) tonight.

I'm guessing Obama +4.


Cheebs said:
Rachel Maddow beat not only larry king last night but HANNITY. She also beat Fox on Friday. Insane.

Are you kidding me? I never thought it would possible. Maybe America has grown tired of the same old messengers and are looking to new faces for their news.

I wonder what's going on here.

I don't find show-Rachel, as good a specialguest-Rachel. In fact, right now her delivery and tone almost mirrors Olbermann. She hasn't developed her own style yet, as she had so eloquently did as a guest analyst.

So I'm just plain shocked at this ratings news.

But alas---Good for America, and good for her.



McCain then looked around the room and gestured as if to welcome questions. The AP reporter shouted a question at Gov. Palin (“Governor, what have you learned from your meetings?”) but McCain aide Brooke Buchanan intervened and shepherded everybody out of the room.

Palin looked surprised, leaned over to McCain and asked him a question, to which your pooler thinks he shook his head as if to say “No.”
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