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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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However a senior Obama campaign official said Obama "intends to debate."

"The debate is on," a senior Obama campaign official told ABC News.

Obama supporter and chief debate negotiator Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., told MSNBC that "we can handle both," when asked about his reaction to McCain's call to postpone the first debate because of the administration's bailout plan.



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
bob_arctor said:
And 2 fucking days before the debate?? When did this crisis hit, like a week or more ago or some shit? :lol Pathetic.
That's what James Clyburn just said on MSNBC. He mentioned that congress started this process over a week ago, and McCain decides just now to get involved.


TheKingsCrown said:
You people really don't understand macro strategy do you?

Obama just passed the other team the ball. He's a fucking idealist and, depending on his response, he just messed up.
I get how this game is being played. McCain took the ball and ran home wtih it. Now it's up to Obama to figure out how to get it back.

But the big question is, how will the public perceive this? Obama can shut McCain down by saying, "In this defining moment, when our nation demands a great debate about the future of our country, we owe it to the American people to give them that debate."

Or something like that.
TheKingsCrown said:
You people really don't understand macro strategy do you?

Obama just passed the other team the ball. He's a fucking idealist and, depending on his response, he just messed up.

Would you just shut the fuck up already? Jesus H Christ, you're one of the most annoying posters in this thread right now.

U Mad?
Obama needs to respond to all this in his own speech, immediately. He needs to say in his speech what he said to ABC about debating, and he needs to call McCain out on everything. Immediately.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Steve Youngblood said:
You're going to feel foolish when McCain emerges with some no-nonsense straight talk that explains how we're going to get out of this mess.
Oh, just like his plan to capture Osama Bin Laden? He's had a week to come out with a no-nonense plan.

Was he too busy explaining how to BBQ ribs on Rachel Ray's show?


Gary Whitta said:
Does anyone else find CNN's Rick Sanchez really irritating?

*raises hand*

Anyway, I think the spin on this will favor McCain if Obama doesn't immediatley capitulate. It's very easy for the McCain campaign to come back with accusations of Obama being a crass politician and etc... Also, both of these sitting senators have been almost completley absent from their day jobs during the entire campaign and most people would probably like to see them working a little. If McCain is on the senate floor, while Obama continues campaigning and running ads, it will not look good. It doesn't make mccain look old and defeated. It makes him look like a statesman.

Not saying that's particularly fair, but that's how i think it will play.
artredis1980 said:
Obama is not backing down, he is calling on McCain to change the debate from foreign policy to economy instead on friday!

I am fucking prescient.

Time to transfer some more funds into my etrade account and buy some lottery tickets :lol


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
reilo said:
That's what James Clyburn just said on MSNBC. He mentioned that congress started this process over a week ago, and McCain decides just now to get involved.
"At least our candidate wants to get involved. Obama just wants to run ads and talk more empty rhetoric to the American people, while John McCain wants to focus on the problems our country is facing.

Surely only one of the candidates running right now is putting Country First."

- Douchey McLargeHuge, McCain Surrogate


Fucking McCain. We only get 2 debates between them & he's pulling this shit. Damn i'm pissed off. This is completely political. If they postpone the debate, have it on Saturday, or Sunday.


lawblob said:
This has to backfire. The only people cynical enough to buy this shit are the dumbfucks who would have voted for him regardless of what he does.

To the average person, this can only look like a pathetic and desperate move. Americans like to see tough Presidents, not pussies who need to hide-out for a few days while America suffers.

Like when Cheney and crew went and hid in underground bunkers after 9/11 ?


If all Obama asked for was a joint statement (which he shouldn't have done IMO) then he should absolutely call out McCain for trying to twist this into a cheap political stunt.
TheKingsCrown said:
You people really don't understand macro strategy do you?

Obama just passed the other team the ball. He's a fucking idealist and, depending on his response, he just messed up.


All Obama has to do is point out that:

A) McCain had a big hand in this mess
B) That he was the one to initiate proceedings
C) to insist that he will help draft a bailout that will help all Americans, WHILE engaging in the debates and campaigning, because America deserves a candidate that can multitask.

edit: Seems Obama agrees.

APF said:
Wasn't the debate supposed to be on Foreign Policy? That's an area where McCain holds a substantial lead in the minds of the public.

Exactly, and that's McCain's problem. He already enjoys a commanding lead in foreign policy. The debate would reveal that lead to be tenuous once he started spouting Bush/neocon policies. Obama could only gain ground in the foreign policy debate, so calling it off benefits McCain.


McCain is now spouting doom and gloom, driving the stock markets further down, instead of staying calm and continuing business as usual. This is not helpful AT ALL.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Norah <3<3<3<3

"Some could perceive this as McCain dropping in the polls and trying to do some political maneuvering..."


RiZ III said:
Like when Cheney and crew went and hid in underground bunkers after 9/11 ?

Thats different. Bush was on TV the evening of 9-11 responding to the attacks, and promising vengence. Postponing your campaign the day you hit a new low in the polls only makes you look like a bitch.


ronito said:
Do you say this meaning that Mccain would win?
I think McCain will get more of a mulligan on the economy than Obama gets on foreign policy, at least in terms of media narrative / public perception / etc. I doubt he "wins" though, and he's not going to win the election.


Gary Whitta said:
This is like when they had that nuclear plant disaster during the campaign on the West Wing.


"I would have won too"


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
lawblob said:
Thats different. Bush was on TV the evening of 9-11 responding to the attacks, and promising vengence. Postponing your campaign the day you hit a new low in the polls only makes you look like a bitch.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Dax01 said:
Update please, PoliGAF. Anything interesting happen today?
Absolutely nothing at all major is happening at the moment.


Definitely not.


McCain advisors won't speak for Obama's side of the phone call but describe it as a "good conversation." Advisors also say this is not a response to sliding poll numbers and insist this is "an even race."
Good to see the topic brought up so soon.
RubxQub said:
Absolutely nothing at all major is happening at the moment.


Definitely not.
:lol :lol :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
RubxQub said:
Absolutely nothing at all major is happening at the moment.


Definitely not.
Yeah, not like anyone's suspending their campaign or anything.


McCain's challenge

He's also asking Obama to agree to suspend all campaign advertising, my colleague Amie Parnes reports from the campaign bubble.
Well, if McCain's looking for a game-shifter, this certainly isn't a bad attempt.

Dax01 said:
Update please, PoliGAF. Anything interesting happen today?
McCain's having a late-life crisis.


Price Dalton said:
The debate would reveal that lead to be tenuous once he started spouting Bush/neocon policies. Obama could only gain ground in the foreign policy debate, so calling it off benefits McCain.
Your point being, people trust him on foreign policy, but don't know he was a strong advocate of the surge, etc., and this will be revealed to people in a debate where Obama is going to be grilled for not supporting the surge, and his comments re: its success.


APF said:
So similarly the economic debate is a no-win for Obama

From Obama's viewpoint, it's a bit different. Obama has two key advantages in these debates because on foreign policy, he was against the war in Iraq, and on the economy, McCain's (and his party's) agenda for deregulation is a big part of why the economy is in the state it is now.

I think Obama will do exceedingly well in the debates because he was on the right side of the fence on both of these issues. Plus, as far as debating skills go (and judging by their speeches and public appearances), I think Obama is the clear favorite.
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