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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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mj1108 said:
According to MSNBC: Obama called McCain at 8:30 this morning to talk about issuing a joint statement over what needs to be done with the bailout.
McCain called Obama back at 2:30 agreeing to it.

Obama will be issuing a statment shortly regarding postponing the debate.
It looks like this was Obama idea. McCain camp leaked the news first.

mj1108 said:
With the joint statement it shows Obama working across party lines -- especially since he's the one that initiated it.

Now for the suspending of the campaign, that's McCain's problem that McCain started.
No no no. This is just like the misinterpretation that happened before Wii overtook HD in the console war.

Obama just effectively killed his economic advantage by agreeing to a joint statement. In the minds of dumb americans, Obama is saying that McCain knows just as much as him about the economy.

Stupid. Fucking. Move.


Steve Youngblood said:
Now that's entirely unfair. All this shows is that, once again, McCain is willing to make the unpopular choices. Unlike his opponent, he'd rather lose an election than stand by and watch the economy continue to deteriorate.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
The Obama campaign said Obama had called McCain around 8:30 a.m. Wednesday to propose that they issue a joint statement in support of a package to help fix the economy as soon as possible. McCain called back six hours later and agreed to the idea of the statement, the Obama campaign said. McCain's statement about postponing his campaign was issued to the media a few minutes later.

Steve Youngblood said:
Now that's entirely unfair. All this shows is that, once again, McCain is willing to make the unpopular choices. Unlike his opponent, he'd rather lose an election than stand by and watch the economy continue to deteriorate.
Holy Shit!


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
CharlieDigital said:
Did this exchange actually happen?

Pfotenblabber is quoting "I'd rather lose an election, than lose a war" now. It's playing out to a T as to how McCain would spin this.
So the McCain camp over-reacted to Obama's call and in the process decided to one up him, causing them instead to possibly shoot themselves in the foot?


McCain advisers said they are also reaching out to the Obama campaign to discuss pulling political television advertisements.

what does that have to do with anything?


Just got out of a meeting.

Holy shit, McCain - what a lousy tactic. I would argue that weaseling out of a debate for a few hours to work on this - on a Friday night - is the very definition of putting politics first.

I'm all for Obama and he putting out a shared statement, but Obama had better not agree to this. The American people are owed a debate. Utter chickenshit from McCain. :lol
X26 said:

What a joke, what's he going to do?

Monday morning...

McCain: "Well, now that i've fixed the economy, let's debate!"
Advisor: "Umm... Sir, recent polls show that your campaign withdrawal wasn't very popular, and you haven't really fixed anyt--"


You guys are idiots. Doing this helps both of them, becuase it puts the light back on the white house and makes the "change/reform" message shine even brighter. Also it helps the "bipartisan" angle, something they are both pushing

Also the bailout details are coming out, and people are starting to talk about what this will do to the national debt. Both of their positions on foreign policy, (one obviously less than another) are expensive, and neither want to remind the american people about this.
They will take a "break" and each come out with slightly different, much less expensive economic plans.

This isn't that big a deal. They are still going to have a debate on the economy, the public will demand it and Obama will still look better on it.


People, you should not be freaking out about this. This works to Obama's favor!

Did they suspend Presidential campaigns because of WW2? No

Did they suspend Pres campaigns because of Vietnam? No The Great Depression? No.....

McCain looks weak for doing this, I guarantee Obama moves up higher in the polls because of this.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
This move is even more unpredictable than the Palin pick. On one hand, you'll have doofuses who will believe he's a true hero trying to crusade for the economy and get shit done. For people in reality however, using the country's problems as an excuse to avoid the after school beatdown is not something a leader should be respected for.


WaltJay said:
They should just move the debate to Saturday or Sunday. It's not like McCain has much else to do on the weekends!
I'd be ok with that. I just want to see the debate before the work week starts up again. :lol


jmdajr said:
McCain advisers said they are also reaching out to the Obama campaign to discuss pulling political television advertisements.

what does that have to do with anything?
Obama is outspending him on TV ads and is pulling ahead in key states. That's what.

McCain is really fucking desperate. :lol


Wasn't the debate supposed to be on Foreign Policy? That's an area where McCain holds a substantial lead in the minds of the public.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
CharlieDigital said:
They're running out of money :lol
Holy shit didn't think of that :lol

Maybe the reason McCain is suspending his campaign is to save some of his $85mil limit.


Sigh, Friday just got a lot less entertaining.
APF said:
Wasn't the debate supposed to be on Foreign Policy? That's an area where McCain holds a substantial lead in the minds of the public.


So, Presidential campaigns continued unabated through the Civil War, World War I and II, and the Great Depression, but the current crisis trumps all those apparently.
reilo said:
Holy shit didn't think of that :lol

Maybe the reason McCain is suspending his campaign is to save some of his $85mil limit.

When I read the CNN headline "McCain suspends campaign due to financial crisis" that's exactly how I interpreted it. :lol

Edit: Holy shit at the stock market since his announcement. Good going McCain!


Trakdown said:
Ben Smith: "But in terms of the timing of this move: The only thing that's changed in the last 48 hours is the public polling."


Exactly. Desperation time for Johnny Boy.
Bingo. This has the potential to really backfire on McCain, IMO. Hopefully the public sees through it just like they see through the Palin pick.

Please don't cave, Obama.

Also: Insider Advantage has Obama up by nine in Colorado. Woot!


avatar299 said:
You guys are idiots. Doing this helps both of them, becuase it puts the light back on the white house and makes the "change/reform" message shine even brighter. Also it helps the "bipartisan" angle, something they are both pushing

Also the bailout details are coming out, and people are starting to talk about what this will do to the national debt. Both of their positions on foreign policy, (one obviously less than another) are expensive, and neither want to remind the american people about this.
They will take a "break" and each come out with slightly different, much less expensive economic plans.

This isn't that big a deal. They are still going to have a debate on the economy, the public will demand it and Obama will still look better on it.

Wait, you're calling us idiots? Really?


I think Obama should tell it like it is. He called John McCain to make a bi-partisan statement on the bailout, and the McCain campaign decided to turn it into a cheap poltical trick.


I doubt Obama suggested this. Obama called to discuss the situation, McCain decided to suspend the campaign. This was obviously McCain's decision alone which is why he is asking Obama to do the same.
besada said:
So, Presidential campaigns continued unabated through the Civil War, World War I and II, and the Great Depression, but the current crisis trumps all those apparently.

To be fair, a lot of McCain donors, staff and lobbyists are going to be losing a lot of money if they don't get that $700 billion blank check. So yeah, I guess to some, it does trump all that.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dow -90 and dropping since McCain made it clear he wanted to get involved.


GhaleonEB said:
Bingo. This has the potential to really backfire on McCain, IMO. Hopefully the public sees through it just like they see through the Palin pick.

Please don't cave, Obama.

This has to backfire. The only people cynical enough to buy this shit are the dumbfucks who would have voted for him regardless of what he does.

To the average person, this can only look like a pathetic and desperate move. Americans like to see tough Presidents, not pussies who need to hide-out for a few days while America suffers.


APF said:
Wasn't the debate supposed to be on Foreign Policy? That's an area where McCain holds a substantial lead in the minds of the public.

True, but Obama could still relate foreign policy questions to economy-related answers. For example, the mod asks a foreign policy question, the answer starts off about Iraq, then the money wasted in Iraq, then what we could have done with the wasted money, i.e. help our economy.

Also, McCain has a lot to lose in a foreign policy debate because that's supposed to be his thing. If McCain does better, well he was supposed to because he's the "expert". If Obama does better, then McCain looks like his strength really isn't his strength (and then what does McCain run on?). It's a no-win for McCain.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
lawblob said:
This has to backfire. The only people cynical enough to buy this shit are the dumbfucks who would have voted for him regardless of what he does.

To the average person, this can only look like a pathetic and desperate move. Americans like to see tough Presidents, not pussies who need to hide-out for a few days while America suffers.
You watch.

This will be spun as a positive for McCain and the hurting Americans will treat him like a hero for it.

Americans are fucking stupid as shit. This news is bringing out the worst in me :lol
Obama: Don't try to hide in the jungles of Washington by suspending your campaign and delaying the debates. Its time to fess up and face it like a man. We will have a debate and we will have a campaign, just like in every other crisis. If we give in to this, we will lose!

but ofcourse I am not Obama's speech writer


lawblob said:
This has to backfire. The only people cynical enough to buy this shit are the dumbfucks who would have voted for him regardless of what he does.

To the average person, this can only look like a pathetic and desperate move. Americans like to see tough Presidents, not pussies who need to hide-out for a few days while America suffers.

And 2 fucking days before the debate?? When did this crisis hit, like a week or more ago or some shit? :lol Pathetic.
GhaleonEB said:
This is basically McCain crying "Uncle!"
You people really don't understand macro strategy do you?

Obama just passed the other team the ball. He's a fucking idealist and, depending on his response, he just messed up.


lawblob said:
This has to backfire. The only people cynical enough to buy this shit are the dumbfucks who would have voted for him regardless of what he does.

To the average person, this can only look like a pathetic and desperate move. Americans like to see tough Presidents, not pussies who need to hide-out for a few days while America suffers.
After a week of hearing about how McCain is suddenly behind in the polls, I hope people make the connection: the guy behind is backing out of the debates.
lawblob said:
To the average person, this can only look like a pathetic and desperate move. Americans like to see tough Presidents, not pussies who need to hide-out for a few days while America suffers.
You're going to feel foolish when McCain emerges with some no-nonsense straight talk that explains how we're going to get out of this mess.


WaltJay said:
Also, McCain has a lot to lose in a foreign policy debate because that's supposed to be his thing. If McCain does better, well he was supposed to because he's the "expert". If Obama does better, then McCain looks like his strength really isn't his strength (and then what does McCain run on?). It's a no-win for McCain.
So similarly the economic debate is a no-win for Obama


Man, remember when the GOP suspended the first day of the RNC to better care for the Hurricane victims and every American loved them for that and it made a huge splash and totally turned out great for McCain? oh wait, that never happened.
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