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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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lawblob said:
Now is the time to go for the jugular. Do not be intimidated, call this what it is, an old man who can't face the music in America's hour of need!

Finish Him!!!
Can't face the music? He's out there trying to come up with solutions to the real problems, and would rather focus his attention on that instead of pandering to the intellectual elite out there in the form of a debate, and you think he can't face the music?

It's just like at work. All too often my superiors are getting on my back wanting ridiculous status updates and proposals for what I'm going to do. I say: "Do you want me to waste time talking about doing the work, or do you just want me to get it done?" That always puts them in their place.
Suspending the debate is fine - if they move it to next week and focus on the economy. Suspending your fucking campaign? No. No. No. He can go about this by not attacking McCain while still campaigning. He can campaign and still make the trip to Washington. He can pull his ads off the air if McCain does the same. But suspending the campaign at the point makes no sense.

Obama is officially in the driver's seat now




lawblob said:
I think this means Obama will go along with it in terms of re-scheduling the debate, which is something Obama can't control. Either McCain shows up or he doesn't. But canceling Obama's campaign would be ridiculously stupid, IMO.

I can see him rescheduling the debate, but not suspending the campaign.


So Obama called McCain to do a joint statement, and McCain ran on it early to make it look like it was his idea? Is that what's going on here?
Steve Youngblood said:
Can't face the music? He's out there trying to come up with solutions to the real problems, and would rather focus his attention on that instead of pandering to the intellectual elite out there in the form of a debate, and you think he can't face the music?
Slap yourself in the face HARD, NOW.


if the MSNBC statement is true, then i take it back... but you cant suspend your campaign, that just shows that you cant handle the pressure of the job. Suspending your campaign = suicide for McCain.


Suspending campaigning is a loser move, and Obama will not do that.

This makes McCain look so weak, it boggles the mind. I think the election is pretty much over. Honestly, what does McCain think he will even say in a week or so when he "re-emerges" from his war-room? He will be no better equipped then than he is now to face the nation. He is finished. :lol


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Fuck all of this news. Fuck it.

How many of these McCain bullshit stunts are we going to have to put up with during this campaign season?

As if picking a completely unqualified woman VP to pander for votes wasn't bad enough, he is now trying to alter the narrative so that he appears to be putting "Country First" and Barack to be all about himself.

Fuck this news in the ass.



Claiming credit for the solidarity, Bill Burton said in an email that Obama called McCain this morning and asked him to put out a statement "outlining their shared principles and conditions for the Treasury proposal and urging Congress and the White House to act in a bipartisan manner to pass such a proposal."

McCain called Obama back at 2;30, Burton said, and agreed to join him in issuing such a statement.

"The two campaigns are currently working together on the details."


gkrykewy said:
What what what? Obama proposed this bullshit first?

looks like Obama wanted to release a joint statement and work on trying to get the country fixed... McCain ran with, yay i'm suspending my campaign, cancel the debates!

So it looks like McCain took it a little too far (suspending his campaign)


I hope McCain doesn't intend on running for a second term. God knows, if he can't campaign while doing a senators job, he sure as hell can't do it while doing the president's.


gkrykewy said:
What what what? Obama proposed this bullshit first?

He proposed putting out a joint statement about the economy. I guess McCain decided that was too much work. One can't campaign AND write a joint statement.


Wait WAT?

I leave GAF for 10 freaking minutes and I come back to find out the McCain's campaign is temporarily suspended? Holy shit :lol


gcubed said:
looks like Obama wanted to release a joint statement and work on trying to get the country fixed... McCain ran with, yay i'm suspending my campaign, cancel the debates!

So it looks like McCain took it a little too far (suspending his campaign)

McCain's poll numbers have been dropping steadily, and he saw an opening to go all "country first" on us when Barack called him up and took it. Remains to be seen what happens now. Obama needs to do exactly what CharlieDigital said, and make a move to focus the debate on the economy and educate the American people on the problem.
It should just be illegal to run for office while you currently hold a elected position (the exception being re-elections to your current position)

Politics should never be a "career" to begin with anyway


RubxQub said:
This move is total bullshit. It infuriates me because it puts Barack in an indefensible position.

Still have the debate: "The Senator from Illinois is putting politics before country."

Don't have the debate: "Senator McCain was putting country first, something the Senator for Illinois should have done. Clearly his own personal vendetta to attain the highest office in America comes before the country's deepest crisis."

Door2Dawn said:
McCain proposed to postpone the debate,not Obama.
Even proposing to make a joint statement is like fucking setting your basketball game at equal points after you are 10 points ahead. What a fucking stupid move.

Obama is way too much of an idealist. What a fucking loon.


What is he going to do next? Go to the front lines of Iraq so he can fix things over there?? All he did was abandon his post right here. The economy will be fucked 6 months from now regardless of him going to Washington. What a fucking douche.


Couldn't Obama just show up this Friday as planned, and sit in a chair Ross Perot syle, giving a speech for an hour on the economy? Do it..

The whole thing is comical. What does McCain expect us to think he is doing, sitting in some room reading a book on economics for the next few days? It is a pathetic strategic move that will only move Obama higher in the polls.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Chrono said:
In my example I was speaking as a McCain surrogate. They like to use scary words!

Leave me alone! :p


So there's really no debate Friday? What the hell.

MSM am cry.

Well actually they're eating this shit up right now, so who knows.


TheKingsCrown said:
Why in God's name, strategically, would Obama make himself appear equal with McCain over this? What a fucking idiot Obama is. Jesus Christ.

With the joint statement it shows Obama working across party lines -- especially since he's the one that initiated it. So if someone says he doesn't later on, he can point right back to it.

Now for the suspending of the campaign, that's McCain's problem that McCain started.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Norah: "The presidency is the most difficult job in life... you multi-task all the time. Why can't you have the debate and help fix the economy at the same time?"

Pfotenblabber: "COUNTRY FIRST!!!!!!!!"
RiZ III said:
What is he going to do next? Go to the front lines of Iraq so he can fix things over there?? All he did was abandon his post right here. The economy will be fucked 6 months from now regardless of him going to Washington. What a fucking douche.
Now that's entirely unfair. All this shows is that, once again, McCain is willing to make the unpopular choices. Unlike his opponent, he'd rather lose an election than stand by and watch the economy continue to deteriorate.
reilo said:
Norah: "The presidency is the most difficult job in life... you multi-task all the time. Why can't you have the debate and help fix the economy at the same time?"

Pfotenblabber: "COUNTRY FIRST!!!!!!!!"

Did this exchange actually happen?


Basically, McCain is trying to put himself in an economic POW! camp. He literally just surrendered his campaign to the bad economy.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
reilo said:
Norah: "The presidency is the most difficult job in life... you multi-task all the time. Why can't you have the debate and help fix the economy at the same time?"

Pfotenblabber: "COUNTRY FIRST!!!!!!!!"
What did I fucking tell you?

That is all this bullshit move is about.


reilo said:
Norah: "The presidency is the most difficult job in life... you multi-task all the time. Why can't you have the debate and help fix the economy at the same time?"

Pfotenblabber: "COUNTRY FIRST!!!!!!!!"

Thank god, somebody's calling the obvious problem.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Steve Youngblood said:
Now that's entirely unfair. All this shows is that, once again, McCain is willing to make the unpopular choices. Unlike his opponent, he'd rather lose an election than stand by and watch the economy continue to deteriorate.
Uhm, McCain's votes and actions as a senator over the past ten years put us into this mess in the first fucking place. Sorry, but I'm not one to believe that if you fuck things up, I'm going to trust you to come up with a solution on how to fix it.
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