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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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This is my Obama statement

America must move forward as we always have, this is a time for leadership and I will continue to work on the bail out plan and campaign for the President of the US. With todays technology I am instantly updated and aprised of every situation. We both have our own private jets for this campaign we can work in Washington during the day and debate for 90 min in Miss.

A Leader should be able to multi task and I will work in a bipartisan way, but I will not suspend my campaign and I will be in Miss to debate John McCain, Rick Davis, Steve Schmidt or Sarah Palin on Friday. Questions.


APF said:
Meaningless drivel that succeeded beyond Obama's wildest imagination, and that's a statement he will be on the defensive about in this debate.

It hasn't succeeded at anything, unless you've rewritten the definition of success. Ethnic cleansing in the area had as much or more to do with a reduction in violence, which is already falling apart.
lawblob said:
Give me a break. There is nothing for him to fucking do! What is he going to do, work extra hard in his Senate office for a few days?

Jesus, the man is a Senator, and not on the finance committee! There is nothing he could do even if he wanted to!

This. What can McCain possibly do, other than vote on the bill? Nothing, that's what. And voting takes very little time, I'm sure Obama would fly in for the vote either way. He has no influence on what happens here other than that.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
ShOcKwAvE said:
Is there NO ONE who thinks he might actually want to help more with the situation? Really?

I don't really see this as "sleazy." Calculated, maybe, but I think he does at least partially want to get the situation resolved.

Also, if Obama had done this, at least some people here would be jumping for joy and calling McCain sleazy for continuing the campaign. I'm not taking either side yet, I'm just pointing it out.

Yeah, you could really see how much this was weighing on his mind when he was braising short ribs with Rachel Ray.

Funky Papa

The conservative element over Politico is jacking with fury at this news. Apparently McCain is leading and putting country first.

The fuck.


APF said:
Meaningless drivel that succeeded beyond Obama's wildest imagination, and that's a statement he will be on the defensive about in this debate.

I hope McCain mentions that Obama supported the FISA "compromise" as well. Another subject popular with the masses.
Laura Bush: Palin lacks foreign policy experience
2 hours, 1 minute ago

WASHINGTON - First lady Laura Bush says Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin lacks sufficient foreign policy experience but is a very quick study.

In an interview Wednesday with CNN, the first lady remarked that it's fortunate that Republican presidential nominee John McCain has foreign policy experience himself.

Still, Mrs. Bush says she has a lot of confidence in Palin. She says the Alaska governor has a lot of good common sense, and the first lady adds that she is thrilled to have a chance to vote for Palin on the GOP ticket.

Mrs. Bush also said that she thinks Palin is being treated unfairly because she is a woman. That, the first lady says, is to be expected.

"Quick study"? I think every time people mention that people should point out that it took her 6 years to get a 4-year degree.
ShOcKwAvE said:
Is there NO ONE who thinks he might actually want to help more with the situation? Really?

i think it's a little bit of both, really. i think good counter question would be: if mccain were ahead, would he still want to do this? my answer would be No
CNN Live poll, 15,000 people have voted on whether McCain's decision is smart one

70% Political Gimmick
27% effort to help economy
4% Something else


A reader on TPM sums it up:

Obama reached out privately, because once this discussion went public it was bound to be politicized. Instead of taking his call and hearing what he had to say, McCain spent the next six hours huddling with his aides, searching for a way of turning the situation to his political advantage. His response - a unilateral, public call for cooperation - was designed to retake the initiative and steal Obama's thunder. But it also ends any hope of actual cooperation.

Obama reached out, hoping that McCain would see something more important at stake than his own personal ambition. Alas, it would appear that there is nothing more important to McCain.
I'd love to see Obama call McCain out on this.


wayward archer said:
I don't blame McCain for wanting to cancel this first debate... it's pretty much a lose-lose situation for him, but his best bet is to have as little on-screen time with Obama as possible.
McCain was at his best during this cycle when he wasn't participating in the usual song and dance, and was just trolling Obama. If the guy decided to skip out on all the debates (which Obama would probably win), and his campaign could effectively spin the decision, it would actually probably be a smart move.
I also think it's funny McCain made his snide comments earlier in the week when Obama wanted to wait for the administration's plan before relaying his own. McCain scoffed at him being unprepared with no answers.

So, what exactly does this move show? In the face of crisis, instead of using your influence on the stump and as potential president of the US, you go to Washington where you would be ultimately less effective than using the bully pulpit being the GOP nominee gives you. Makes NO SENSE.


Wow, what a very calculating political move. If this works, it effectively gives McCain an advantage on the economy that Obama has held.


Nice statement


Reid: McCain return 'would not be helpful'

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, in a statement that would be unlikely to go out without the Obama campaign's approval, dismisses McCain's suspension:

This is a critical time for our country. While I appreciate that both candidates have signaled their willingness to help, Congress and the Administration have a process in place to reach a solution to this unprecedented financial crisis.

I understand that the candidates are putting together a joint statement at Senator Obama’s suggestion. But it would not be helpful at this time to have them come back during these negotiations and risk injecting presidential politics into this process or distract important talks about the future of our nation’s economy. If that changes, we will call upon them. We need leadership; not a campaign photo op.

If there were ever a time for both candidates to hold a debate before the American people about this serious challenge, it is now.

If there is one way to delay coming to a consensus on anything, it's adding more people and their opinions to debate, especially when those opinions aren't going to be game-changing.

It's not like Obama or McCain are going to say anything that'll make Paulson & Co. go, "Gee, we never thought of that!!!".


Junior Butler
Xisiqomelir said:
I can't believe some of you think this is bad for Obama. :lol

This is pretty much the greatest thing ever.

It depends on how much the average american has woken up in the past few days and how each campaign handles the situation.

You can guarantee the McCain campaign will spin this in their favor no matter what.

1.)Obama agrees
"Senator McCain has taken the first steps towards a bipartisan agreement that will help us solve our current financial crisis. His leadership was obviously effective because senator Obama agreed."

2.)Obama refuses
"Senator Obama declined my invitation to the town hall meetings and now, in this time of financial crisis, declines my invitation to put politics aside and come together to promptly solve this financial crisis. Once again, senator Obama proves that taking the low road takes priority over our countries real issues."


besada said:
It hasn't succeeded at anything.
So you're calling Obama stupid or a liar. Either way, that's fine. I'm just saying he'll be called to defend that statement in the debate.
Kudos to Obama for not backing down. This is a pure Hail Mary pass, and I honestly believe most voters will see it as the stunt that it is rather than the noble "country above politics" move that McCain wants it to be seen as.
And while Obama is debating himself, Chuck Todd will be there sitting next to him clarifying for the American public whom they should be voting for: Obama or Obama?
Claiming credit for the solidarity, Bill Burton said in an email that Obama called McCain this morning and asked him to put out a statement "outlining their shared principles and conditions for the Treasury proposal and urging Congress and the White House to act in a bipartisan manner to pass such a proposal."



Steve Youngblood said:
That's two hours he's wasting not coming up with solutions.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Steve Youngblood said:
That's two hours he's wasting not coming up with solutions.
Well, he's spent 7 days not coming up with one either. Why should that change?


PhatSaqs said:

"Economy isn't my strong point"

"Economy is fundamentally strong"

"I want to help with the economy crisis"


and as Reilo pointed out, the dow starts receding upon his announcement.


Master of the Google Search
Father_Brain said:
Kudos to Obama for not backing down. This is a pure Hail Mary pass, and I honestly believe most voters will see it as the stunt that it is rather than the noble "country above politics" move that McCain wants it to be seen as.
Since the majority of Americans view both Obama and McCain as politicians, neither of them could likely get away with this move. Everyone would (and likely will) just assume the worst behind the candidate's motives.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Dax01 said:
And while Obama is debating himself, Chuck Todd will be there sitting next to him clarifying for the American public whom they should be voting for: Obama or Obama?

i'd go with Obama myself

im just not too sure about that Obama guy


APF said:
So you're calling Obama stupid or a liar. Either way, that's fine. I'm just saying he'll be called to defend that statement in the debate.
Of course, when talking about foreign policy, you do acknowledge that Obama having the "right" judgement on getting into the war in the first place is a much better asset than McCain having the "right" judgement on the surge, correct?


speculawyer said:
"Quick study"? I think every time people mention that people should point out that it took her 6 years to get a 4-year degree.
Have you been to college? Many people take longer than 4 years.

It depends on how much the average american has woken up in the past few days and how each campaign handles the situation.

You can guarantee the McCain campaign will spin this in their favor no matter what.

1.)Obama agrees
"Senator McCain has taken the first steps towards a bipartisan agreement that will help us solve our current financial crisis. His leadership was obviously effective because senator Obama agreed."

2.)Obama refuses
"Senator Obama declined my invitation to the town hall meetings and now, in this time of financial crisis, declines my invitation to put politics aside and come together to promptly solve this financial crisis. Once again, senator Obama proves that taking the low road takes priority over our countries real issues."
It doesn't matter what he says tomorrow. If he does suspend the campaign, when he comes back people will expect new ideas. If he changes his economy plans at all he will look weak.

The best thing McCain can do if this happens is hope Obama momentum slows down, but with Obama grassroots effort i don't see that happening.
Dax01 said:
And while Obama is debating himself, Chuck Todd will be there sitting next to him clarifying for the American public whom they should be voting for: Obama or Obama?

But can Obama win the working class Obama vote?


Trakdown said:
and as Reilo pointed out, the dow starts receding upon his announcement.

The movement wasn't really anything to do with McCain, it was to do with Paulson dropping hints on allowing executive pay restrictions in the investment plan.


A 2 hour debate on Friday. When you think about it, why postpone it at all? Do all your super productive senator work, and spend 2 hours debating.
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