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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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lawblob said:



Anyone else think "Dukakis going back to Massachusetts to govern over the summer" when they first heard McCain use the word "suspend"?

Whatever short term intelligence they think this demonstrates is going to really kill them in the long term. All Obama needs to do is to ask if legislating is so important, why has McCain only shown up to vote X times (where X is very small) this year.

In America, when you don't show up to a game, everyone assumes it's because you know you were going to lose. And the only thing Americans hate more than the losing team are losers. That CNN poll will probably ring true throughout most of the undecided vote.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
avatar299 said:
Have you been to college? Many people take longer than 4 years.

It doesn't matter what he says tomorrow. If he does suspend the campaign, when he comes back people will expect new ideas. If he changes his economy plans at all he will look weak.

The best thing McCain can do if this happens is hope Obama momentum slows down, but with Obama grassroots effort i don't see that happening.
It's going to take me only 3 years to get my Bachelors of Science. I should be VP.
Obama Statement: At a time at which groups and nations abroad are hell bent on destroying the United States. At a time when Iran and North Korea have restarted their nuclear plans and at a time when Afghanistan and Pakistan are at a tipping point and we are losing our allies, This time is not the time to back down from a foreign policy debate. When you become president you should have the ability to handle both domestic and foreign issues. If John McCain thinks he cannot handle both issues at the same time, I dont believe he is ready to be President of the United States

this is my statement that i wish obama makes


reilo said:
It's going to take me only 3 years to get my Bachelors of Science. I should be VP.

You graduated in 3 years? You sound like an elitist prick who wants to take my guns and Bibles away. :p

Also, isn't the act of disputing the 8am phone call an act of campaigning? :lol :lol

How can McCain 'quit campaigning' but then keep doing this? This just turned into a B-movie


TDG said:
Of course, when talking about foreign policy, you do acknowledge that Obama having the "right" judgement on getting into the war in the first place is a much better asset than McCain having the "right" judgement on the surge, correct?
Not really, since Obama didn't actually have any responsibility at stake when making that speech, and his positions re: the war while Senator haven't particularly set him apart from the crowd. [Edit: that's not to say I trust McCain's judgment re: foreign policy however]


shooting blanks
GhaleonEB said:
Well this just got even uglier.

This comment made me :lol for some reason.

*BEEP* "Hi, this is Barack, calling for John. Call me back when you can, I have something unspecified to discuss."

Does McCain expect us to believe that "the topic was never discussed"?


Clipjoint said:
CNN Poll:

CO - O51 M47
MI - O51 M46
PA - O54 M43
Ah, so THAT'S why McCain did this.
AniHawk said:
CO is pulling away. It's the last state that really needs to.

Gotta secure NH for a 270 win.
Obama pulled ahead in a Nevada poll earlier today. Could be a nice failsafe against NH.


speculawyer said:
Most take 4. Taking more time is fine . . . but I wouldn't call those folks "a quick study" though.
Or maybe they have to pay their own way and can only afford so may classes at a time :p
Steve Youngblood said:
I can't believe the cynicism here. Why are so many of you not willing to take what a politician says at face value?

He spent 6 hours deciding how to respond to Obama's call, and then tries to pretend that a few hours on a Friday night are too much to "waste"? (nevermind that political debates are not a waste of time and are very important parts of speaking to the public)


McCain was up in West VA and Montana in the poll, but I didn't catch the numbers when Wolf read them. I think it was 56-46 in West VA and 54-43 in Montana. Not surprising.
speculawyer said:
Most take 4. Taking more time is fine . . . but I wouldn't call those folks "a quick study" though.

Yep. It took me six years to finally get all my work done for an English degree. And I still haven't got the paper in hand.

I wouldn't want me in the VP spot.


Shins said:
Or maybe they have to pay their own way and can only afford so may classes at a time :p

If it takes you 6 years to get a degree from the U. of Idaho, you are a moron who shouldn't be running to lead the US. Plain-and-simple...


RiskyChris said:
He spent 6 hours deciding how to respond to Obama's call, and then tries to pretend that a few hours on a Friday night are too much to "waste"? (nevermind that political debates are not a waste of time and are very important parts of speaking to the public)


Youngblood needs my tag. PoliGAF edition.
APF said:
Not really, since Obama didn't actually have any responsibility at stake when making that speech, and his positions re: the war while Senator haven't particularly set him apart from the crowd. [Edit: that's not to say I trust McCain's judgment re: foreign policy however]

It has set him apart from McCain.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
As evidenced in the NH primary thread, I don't respond rationally to shitty news :lol

I apologize for my madness upfront.
RiskyChris said:
He spent 6 hours deciding how to respond to Obama's call, and then tries to pretend that a few hours on a Friday night are too much to "waste"? (nevermind that political debates are not a waste of time and are very important parts of speaking to the public)
If debates are so important, then why didn't Obama agree to do the town hall meetings?

This stuff seriously writes itself.
Fuck McCain, seriously. I was accepting of his platform years ago, tolerant of it this year, and now it's just plain fucking disgusting.

Fucking joke. "Politics first, country second"


Steve Youngblood said:
If debates are so important, then why didn't Obama agree to do the town hall meetings?

This stuff seriously writes itself.

Don't pivot the argument away from an already agreed upon debate.


lawblob said:
If it takes you 6 years to get a degree from the U. of Idaho, you are a moron who shouldn't be running to lead the US. Plain-and-simple...
I'm not defending her. Its going to take me longer than four years to graduate because I can't be a full-time student. I doesn't take me longer because I'm stupid. It takes me longer because I couldn't afford to go if I didn't work.

Anyone who doesn't understand that is a prick.
gluv65 said:
This is my Obama statement

America must move forward as we always have, this is a time for leadership and I will continue to work on the bail out plan and campaign for the President of the US. With todays technology I am instantly updated and aprised of every situation. We both have our own private jets for this campaign we can work in Washington during the day and debate for 90 min in Miss.

A Leader should be able to multi task and I will work in a bipartisan way, but I will not suspend my campaign and I will be in Miss to debate John McCain, Rick Davis, Steve Schmidt or Sarah Palin on Friday. Questions.

Quoting myself, check out time page about multi task



*drowns in jizz*
This campaign is filled with so much bullshit, it's just maddening. Why, how altruistic of you, John McCain, for suspending your campaign and wanting to cancel the debates. What an honorable, self-less move.
McCain Wants A Time Out -- But Why?

Why does John McCain suddenly want to suspend his presidential campaign and postpone Friday's debate? His campaign surrogates are saying it's a typical "maverick" move, that McCain is simply "putting country first." Let's look at the evidence:

1) As Ben Smith notes, McCain's move "is a mark, most of all, that he doesn't like the way this campaign is going. ... The only thing that's changed in the last 48 hours is the public polling."

2) The idea of uniting the campaigns to find a bipartisan solution to the Wall Street crisis wasn't even McCain's idea. A few minutes ago, Obama spokesman Bill Burton emailed to reporters:

"At 8:30 this morning, Senator Obama called Senator McCain to ask him if he would join in issuing a joint statement outlining their shared principles and conditions for the Treasury proposal and urging Congress and the White House to act in a bipartisan manner to pass such a proposal. At 2:30 this afternoon, Senator McCain returned Senator Obama's call and agreed to join him in issuing such a statement. The two campaigns are currently working together on the details."

3) John McCain has skipped more votes during this session than any member of the Senate except for Tim Johnson, who had major brain surgery. All of a sudden, McCain demands that the presidential race shut down so he can return to Washington?

4) For all of his sudden urgency, McCain acknowledged just yesterday that he had not even read the administration's three-page bailout proposal.

5) It's not clear at all that having McCain and Obama back in DC will actually help. "What does seem apparent, though, is that putting the two candidates in the negotiating room is far more likely to distract--and derail--negotiations than having them out on the hustings," Jonathan Cohn writes at the New Republic. "Besides, it's not as if McCain has any great expertise he can bring to this subject. Or does he plan to bring Senator Phill Gramm, Mr. Deregulator himself, along?"

It's impossible to know why McCain chose this course, but it sure seems like more of a political stunt than a maverick moment.

Pretty much.
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