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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Nameless McCain advisor:
McCain advisors say they will do all the debates but the schedule is up in the air.
They also deny that there is a political calculation in this and say without action the country could slide into a Depression by Monday and added "we'll see 12 percent unemployment" if action is not completed. GOP sources say they believe the current deal is dead on the Hill and reject suggestions that without McCain's vote Democrats would not support a package.

Oh come the fuck on!!!


Seriously, though, what the fuck is McCain doing? The election is in 40 days. That analogy someone brought up from an article a bit back was perfect - this is like McCain faking an injury in the 4th quarter just to get out of having to play the game.
I need 50000 CCs of live streams, stat.

Turner media plugin = suicide. Anyone got a direct url I can pop into a player?

Edit: sweet, got the Obama site feed


speculawyer said:
Most take 4. Taking more time is fine . . . but I wouldn't call those folks "a quick study" though.
You don't know the details of her college experience. She could have gotten sick, she could have ran out of money, she could have switched majors or schools that prolonged her studies.

I have never heard of the time invested in school being a barometer of intelligence.


APF said:
Not really, since Obama didn't actually have any responsibility at stake when making that speech, and his positions re: the war while Senator haven't particularly set him apart from the crowd. [Edit: that's not to say I trust McCain's judgment re: foreign policy however]
While I agree, I think that Clinton's campaign may have shown that the "Well, he wasn't actually in a position to make a real decision at that time," line isn't very effective. I think that if McCain tries to question Obama's Iraq judgement in relation to the surge, Obama will counter by talking about his original judgement about the war, McCain will talk about Obama not having any responsibility on the issue, and the entire Iraq debate will end up being a wash.

And since Obama and McCain both want a surge in Afghanistan, I agree with you that Obama shouldn't crush McCain in the debates, since I don't think (in the eyes of the general public) either will end up having an edge. However, I think you can definitely agree that if the debate moves away from the middle east, McCain is very vulnerable, especially considering how many Europe-related gaffes he's had recently.

So in the end, I definitely give Obama the edge in the foreign policy debate.

AniHawk said:

Youngblood needs my tag. PoliGAF edition.
I hope he doesn't get one. It's fun to see people take him seriously and get pissed at him.


CNN stream of Obama talking now without CNN's bullshit player:


PUt that into Windows Media Player.


I F*ing called it weeks ago. I knew McCain would do ANYTHING to weasel out of a debate with Obama. I can't believe people are buying this bullshit. Just waiting for the other shoe to drop and Palin weasling out of her debate with Biden. Unbelievable.


Shins said:
I'm not defending her. Its going to take me longer than four years to graduate because I can't be a full-time student. I doesn't take me longer because I'm stupid. It takes me longer because I couldn't afford to go if I didn't work.

Anyone who doesn't understand that is a prick.

But you aren't running for Vice President.

Look, I know what you are saying, I just wish America in general would give up this fantasy that politicians need to be 'just like us.' No they don't, I don't care if Obama likes Nascar or video games, etc., I want my Prez to be a highly educated, tough as nails SOB. I just get sick of the 'common man' narrative that incompetent politicians try to hide under.
From NBC's Mike Viqueira
For what it's worth, the man who is leading congressional Democrats in negotiating the bailout deal with the administration isn't impressed with Sen. McCain's announcement.

Rep. Barney Frank told a group of reporters outside the House chamber:

"It's the longest Hail Mary pass in the history of either football or Marys."

Ponn01 said:
I F*ing called it weeks ago. I knew McCain would do ANYTHING to weasel out of a debate with Obama. I can't believe people are buying this bullshit. Just waiting for the other shoe to drop and Palin weasling out of her debate with Biden. Unbelievable.

Something is going to happen to her newborn and she's going to bow out gracefully while Mittens steps in.


cjdunn said:

WTF? I'm no economist and even I know that unless you can mess with the space time continuum there's no way we'll be in a depression by monday.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Sounds like Obama called to issue a joint statement where they stand on their proposal to help fix this economy.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
McCain jumped the shark on this.

Obama never proposed suspending the debate or his campaign :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Obama's call this morning was about issuing a joint statement and nothing further.
The absolute best thing for McCain to do would be to have contacted Obama quietly, and convinced him to make a joint announcement at the same time, with neither taking credit, while carefully keeping records and such so you can slam the democrats if they themselves ever try to take credit for it. That is the least divisive and most undisruptive thing he could have done for the country, and it probably would have even earned him points with left leaning voters in the middle, showing that he puts the country above his own personal gain.

Instead he's coming straight out of the gate looking to score points (with the people who are already voting for him I guess) by pressing Obama into a submissive position if Obama agrees with his public declaration, while being able to spin it as "McCain sacrifices for America while Obama ignores our problems!" if he doesn't.

All the while, if McCain followed the strategy in my first paragraph and then Obama makes a public statement, suddenly he is cast into the same situation that McCain is in now... being seen as exploiting a crisis for political gain.

I'm not a political strategist so what do I know. On both sides there are pundits and strategists who are so eager to make the killing blow that some of them are swinging wildly and often at this point.

If Obama's call was indeed about making a joint statement and that can be proven this will backfire on McCain bigtime.


Obama using the press conference opportunity wisely, and making it known he did the initiating of "the talks" earlier today and not McCain.


"It's my belief that this is the exact time that people need to hear from the prospective people who will have to deal with this mess" Awesome tact about the debates going on.
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