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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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God what a desperate move. As if McCain, the grand economic wizard, will ride into Washington (which he just left) and save the day!

He's going to fall flat on his face and just lose by even more than he would if he had fought to the last.

Obama is Pres.


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said:

This is a critical time for our country. While I appreciate that both candidates have signaled their willingness to help, Congress and the Administration have a process in place to reach a solution to this unprecedented financial crisis.

I understand that the candidates are putting together a joint statement at Senator Obama’s suggestion. But it would not be helpful at this time to have them come back during these negotiations and risk injecting presidential politics into this process or distract important talks about the future of our nation’s economy. If that changes, we will call upon them. We need leadership; not a campaign photo op.

If there were ever a time for both candidates to hold a debate before the American people about this serious challenge, it is now.


Guy Legend

So McSame wants to go into hiding and become 1 in 100 again, avoiding Obama and the debates. Fabulous.

The repubs are finished. A terrible, terrible campaign they've run.


let nader debate

I also think Rachel Maddow's popularity is because he's a intellegent non-ugly female, I've been talking to several college women about politics that repeatedly bring her up.
TDG said:
Ooh, you saw the Call Me If You Might Need Some Indecisive Partisan Politics Talk Express?


we all knew her
AndersTheSwede said:

God what a desperate move. As if McCain, the grand economic wizard, will ride into Washington (which he just left) and save the day!

Someone should 'shop a GIF of McCain as Gandalf riding down the hill on his white horse. Except find a way to make him lose.


Ether_Snake said:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said:

This is a critical time for our country. While I appreciate that both candidates have signaled their willingness to help, Congress and the Administration have a process in place to reach a solution to this unprecedented financial crisis.

I understand that the candidates are putting together a joint statement at Senator Obama’s suggestion. But it would not be helpful at this time to have them come back during these negotiations and risk injecting presidential politics into this process or distract important talks about the future of our nation’s economy. If that changes, we will call upon them. We need leadership; not a campaign photo op.

If there were ever a time for both candidates to hold a debate before the American people about this serious challenge, it is now.


OuterWorldVoice said:
This is the dumbest political move since hiring Palin

i actually think this and the palin move are polically (and diabolically) genious, when you factor in the low, low chance of a republican winning this election. his best chance is to distract and stall the very election, which he's doing as best he can. of course, in the end it won't work, but keep on swinging til you can't move your arms, as they say


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said the candidates' presence could be a distraction during the talks.

"I understand that the candidates are putting together a joint statement at Sen. Obama's suggestion. But it would not be helpful at this time to have them come back during these negotiations and risk injecting presidential politics into this process or distract important talks about the future of our nation's economy," Reid said Wednesday.

"If that changes, we will call upon them. We need leadership, not a campaign photo op."


PhoenixDark said:
you guys see this developing story on Drudge?

They'll complain about it, but they will fall in line when it's time to vote. The Republican Party is all about socialism for the rich and laissez-faire for everyone else. To admit it would be poltical suicide. So they will say they're against it, but vote for it in the end "to save us from another Great Depression."


CNN Quick Vote holding steady. A good sign:

John McCain's request to delay campaigning and this week's debate is:

An effort to help the economy 26%
A political gimmick 69%

Total Votes: 85680


What Chuck Todd said earlier is right though, americans do listen to their president. Bush handing the leader position over to Paulson was a big mistake. At least he's saying something now.

Even after this, still a big chance this bill dies.


MaddenNFL64 said:
What Chuck Todd said earlier is right though, americans do listen to their president. Bush handing the leader position over to Paulson was a big mistake. At least he's saying something now.

Even after this, still a big chance this bill dies.

Yup, you don't claim something's an emergency and then trot out the Secretary of Treasury. They're only public for minor problems or announcements.


why the fuck would he want to stop airing ads while in washington trying to figure this out? :lol isn't anyone there telling him how transparent all this really is?


MaddenNFL64 said:
What Chuck Todd said earlier is right though, americans do listen to their president. Bush handing the leader position over to Paulson was a big mistake. At least he's saying something now.

Even after this, still a big chance this bill dies.
this is why i hate bush the most, there is no respect you can have for him

he addressed what, 9/11? the rest of our disasters he did nothing about


for the record, if McCain wins at this point... I think we can safely assume it is not because of any substantive ideological reasons, because no sane conservative would support his brand of retard politics. All that is left is blind devotion to party and sinister reasons of hatred.


Amir0x said:
for the record, if McCain wins at this point... I think we can safely assume it is not because of any substantive ideological reasons, because no sane conservative would support his brand of retard politics. All that is left is blind devotion to party and sinister reasons of hatred.
pretty much, at this point i can't see how you can back him up anymore
Amir0x said:
for the record, if McCain wins at this point... I think we can safely assume it is not because of any substantive ideological reasons, because no sane conservative would support his brand of retard politics. All that is left is blind devotion to party and sinister reasons of hatred.

...or maybe young people, hispanics, and blacks are too lazy to come out and vote again.

Let's be real
Since everyone is playing with the football allusions;

PolitiGAF Interim Thread of Punting on the 3rd Down

PhoenixDark said:
...or maybe young people, hispanics, and blacks are too lazy to come out and vote again.

Let's be real

Because the primaries showed exactly that.


Americans Respond to McCain Stunt


SurveyUSA has just completed a snap poll on response to John McCain's request to cancel or postpone the presidential debate.

Several questions. But two key ones.

What to do about debates?

Hold as Scheduled 50%
Hold with Econ Focus 36%
Postpone 10%

Suspend Campaigns?

Suspend 14%
Continue 31%
Refocus on Fin. Crisis 48%

Would canceling the debates be good for America? 14% say yes.


PhoenixDark said:
...or maybe young people, hispanics, and blacks are too lazy to come out and vote again.

Let's be real

yeah you're right. Of course i'd be too lazy as well if I faced an army of fucking hateful election fixers who challenge any vote on the basis of a thousand remote and vague election laws in a direct attempt to suppress minority vote which turns out largely for Democrats.


kkaabboomm said:
MSNBC: Debate commission says they’re going ahead full speed with Friday’s face-off.

i wonder what would happen if just Obama showed up?
Dogs and cats, living together. Mass hysteria!
WickedAngel said:
Because the primaries showed exactly that.

In Texas and Penn.? Yup

On a serious note, comparing primaries to general elections doesn't work. Obama winning or losing is going to be determined by the get-out-the-vote campaign, and it heavily relies on various groups of people who don't vote in large numbers. I'm not trying to dampen the Hopium or whatever but let's be serious. An Obama loss would have little to do with race, Hillary Clinton, or any other excuse


kkaabboomm said:
MSNBC: Debate commission says they’re going ahead full speed with Friday’s face-off.

i wonder what would happen if just Obama showed up?

McCain would go down as the biggest fuck-up in modern Presidential politics. He will be there, especially considering the insta-polls are dramatically opposed to his bullshit.


kkaabboomm said:
MSNBC: Debate commission says they’re going ahead full speed with Friday’s face-off.

i wonder what would happen if just Obama showed up?
In a similar situation not too long ago, in a local debate, the moderator handled it by having an empty chair take the place of the candidate that refused to show up. They gave the chair equal time as the opposing candidate. It was broadcast on TV.
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