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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The last hail mary pass worked for a little while though. Only now do most people see Palin as dumb as a stump. You have to worry about timing...is there enough time to expose this? Because, as Bill Maher says, americans are really fucking dumb.


“Presidents are going to have to deal with more than one thing at a time. It’s not necessary for us to think that we can only do one thing and suspend everything else.”
That really is the perfect response. McCain is going to take it in the nutsack for this.

Plus, from TPM:

The deal on the "bail out" is 98% done. Treasury has capitulated on almost every point. A draft is circulating on the Hill now. No one needs McCain to help do the remaining 2%....except the White House who has no standing on this matter on the Hill with either Democrats or Republicans.


Y2Kev said:
The last hail mary pass worked for a little while though. Only now do most people see Palin as dumb as a stump. You have to worry about timing...is there enough time to expose this? Because, as Bill Maher says, americans are really fucking dumb.

He's throwing Hail Mary's in the 3rd quarter.
Y2Kev said:
The last hail mary pass worked for a little while though. Only now do most people see Palin as dumb as a stump. You have to worry about timing...is there enough time to expose this? Because, as Bill Maher says, americans are really fucking dumb.

It'll be decided much more quickly. There's a Friday Night Deadline: The Debate.


Y2Kev said:
The last hail mary pass worked for a little while though. Only now do most people see Palin as dumb as a stump. You have to worry about timing...is there enough time to expose this? Because, as Bill Maher says, americans are really fucking dumb.

Americans do not respect weaklings who run for President. McCain looks weak, and Obama looks strong.


I was reading what people thought/hoped he would say, and I doubted that he would hit every point...but he DID.

Debate importance...
Avoiding politicizing the legislation...

I am so happy right now.


RubxQub said:
I think you'll see exactly what Amir0x (and I) said. This is going to be spun like crazy and it's going to be all "Country First".

Idiots Americans will eat it up.
Well of course it will be spun, everything is spun, but I think you're wrong about what the reaction will be. If Obama's campaign and the media are talking about McCain shying away from the debate about America's future, that's a serious negative for McCain. If the debate still occurs, and McCain re-enters the debate with his tail between his legs, that's a serious negative for McCain.


lawblob said:
This. After 8 years of bullshit, we are so close to having a highly intelligent and thoughtful leader back in power. I can taste the Hopium.... so close...

So fucking close.

Obama's there, though. He's got it. How can he lose at this point? He's up in the polls and McCain just fucked himself over, with only 40 days left until election day. It would take something drastic at this point for Obama to lose.



GhaleonEB said:
That really is the perfect response. McCain is going to take it in the nutsack for this.

Plus, from TPM:

Plus, I'm 99% sure Bush would not be giving a primetime speech if the bill wasn't done, or damn-near done.

"Hello America. The Bailout bill is coming along. We aren't done yet, but we figure it'll be done in a week or so. Maybe month."

The President of the United States doesn't give the country status updates; he shows up to close the deal.
ShOcKwAvE said:
I was reading what people thought/hoped he would say, and I doubted that he would hit every point...but he DID.

Debate importance...
Avoiding politicizing the legislation...

I am so happy right now.
Obama is a Gaffer confirmed!



"Holy shit I'm losing the election! Oh FUCK. FUCK ME."


"Wait I got it. I'll suspend the campaign under the guise of 'helping the economy' and Obama will have to so he doesn't look like an asshole. GG me. :D"


"I'm a man! I'm 47! I can multitask! Debate's on you old fuck!"




It's bizarre. McCain talks about being a leader in times of crisis and then this economic bit "sneaks" up on him and he calls for going back to Congress to do nothing.


If McCain were winning, he might be able to do something by going to Washington, but he's not.

Right now it's the Republicans who are stopping the bailout. If he were a lock for President he'd be able to twist arms and bring the Republicans into line, but he's not.

McCain's begun to stink like dead fish, and I can't imagine that too many Republicans want to go against their constituency on behalf of a man who's going to be leaving politics soon.


Damn, McCain sure is full of himself

'My friends, I am going to Washington to fix this problem' :lol
Puleeze, they didn't need you for the last 100 votes this year, and they sure don't need you for this one.

They need people who understand economics, not the guy who's main adviser thought up the legislation that helped create this mess.
Y2Kev said:
The last hail mary pass worked for a little while though. Only now do most people see Palin as dumb as a stump. You have to worry about timing...is there enough time to expose this? Because, as Bill Maher says, americans are really fucking dumb.

The fact that he's thrown one before is going to hurt him this time. People gave Palin a chance, and defended her. Now her numbers are horrible, and people realize her selection was a political gimmick; in fact, they realized that 24 hours after she was chosen according to polls.

He's used up so much political capitol by lying to the public that I really don't think he has much left. I'm sure some people will see this as a good, American move by McCain...but this is America dude. Americans prefer leaders who don't back down, and who make the tough decisions. That's why McCain's numbers were so good awhile ago - people trusted him to answer the call and provide leadership. I think he did the opposite today. Think about those polls that showed older people souring on Palin, thinking she wasn't capable, and that McCain made an irresponsible choice. What do those older people think now?


Tamanon said:
It's bizarre. McCain talks about being a leader in times of crisis and then this economic bit "sneaks" up on him and he calls for going back to Congress to do nothing.

As opposed to what he does for his other votes, which is just flat not showing up.
the best thing is that McCain's country first mantra will not work because everyone in the country will watch the debate and the McCain charge of country first will die down, so between now and friday is only 2 days, and 2 days will not do anything to change the race.


This is what the Republicans are spinning:

"There Is A Problem, Let's Get To Work"

"If You Need Me, Call Me"

Who do you want as your president?
Which is bullshit. Obama said that he didn't want to infuse the debate with presidential politics. McCain is apparantly willing to do exactly that.


I think I figured out why Bush will address the nation tonight.

He's going to push for a certain version of the plan.

Then McCain will oppose it, and offer a "better" one. You know, to save his Maverick image. One the administration actually already agrees with.
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