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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Amir0x said:
Fucking fantastic. Push back, puuush back.

I can't help but think that part of the strategy is to just throw a lot of shit up there and see what sticks. Some people aren't going to be so in tuned to the news cycle -- as fast paced as it is -- they're actually going to walk away believing this story.


adamsappel said:
This Cameron fellow made up quotes from a presidential candidate and he's still working, not only in the news business, but for the same network? That's unconscionable.

Considering the network he "reports" for, he probably got a raise for it!


The biggest project that Sarah Palin undertook as mayor of this small town was an indoor sports complex, where locals played hockey, soccer, and basketball, especially during the long, dark Alaskan winters.

The only catch was that the city began building roads and installing utilities for the project before it had unchallenged title to the land. The misstep led to years of litigation and at least $1.3 million in extra costs for a small municipality with a small budget. What was to be Ms. Palin's legacy has turned into a financial mess that continues to plague Wasilla.

So if she's that incompetent at running a town of 7,000.....


Deus Ex Machina said:
Source Of Fake Fox Flag Story Is Carl Cameron.



CBS now calling it fake

I know its Fox...but they have NONE, ZERO integrity.


Some people like to believe that the Fox News hate is out of some envy at ratings or ridiculous left-wing obsession with discrediting a viable source for conservatives.

But if ANY fucking newspaper, network, website or feed had the same sort of pervasive inaccuracies, innuendo, intentional falsehoods with that influence we'd all be coming down on it. This is a very dangerous channel. It is borderline propaganda at times
Tamanon said:
Considering the network he "reports" for, he probably got a raise for it!

Reprimanded on Fox = paid vacation and a raise when he returns.

The most interesting thing about the elections this year will be to see what direction Fox takes when Obama wins (and especially if he wins big). Will they try to go somewhat neutral (outside of Hannity and company) or will there just be a steady stream of attacks on Obama as usual? I think NY Times had a story on this a while ago saying that if Obama wins this is the end of the conservative era (of sorts).
Amir0x said:
Some people like to believe that the Fox News hate is out of some envy at ratings or ridiculous left-wing obsession with discrediting a viable source for conservatives.

But if ANY fucking newspaper, network, website or feed had the same sort of pervasive inaccuracies, innuendo, intentional falsehoods with that influence we'd all be coming down on it. This is a very dangerous channel. It is borderline propaganda at times

Amir0x said:
Some people like to believe that the Fox News hate is out of some envy at ratings or ridiculous left-wing obsession with discrediting a viable source for conservatives.

But if ANY fucking newspaper, network, website or feed had the same sort of pervasive inaccuracies, innuendo, intentional falsehoods with that influence we'd all be coming down on it. This is a very dangerous channel. It is borderline propaganda at times

Fox News has essentially blurred the line between punditry and actual news reporting. All they present is propaganda as far as I'm concerned. It must be nice for the Republicans to have a major sector of the media in their pockets. Even some of their shows that you could try and classify as somewhat fair, like Chris Wallace's show, at best he may have one or two independents and several republicans on his panel. At worst, he'll have an entire panel of republicans. How can you not have one republican on the panel and call it "fair and balanced". No wonder Bill Kristol is always grinning.


Trurl said:
Wait, he made it up?

What the fuck was this guy thinking? There is no way he wouldn't have been caught.
uuhhhh...Fox News. Hello? Of COURSE he wouldn't get caught. They haven't gotten caught in the last 8 years and even when they do no one cares.


ronito said:
uuhhhh...Fox News. Hello? Of COURSE he wouldn't get caught. They haven't gotten caught in the last 8 years and even when they do no one cares.

More like it didn't matter if he got caught, because Fox News wouldn't punish him and a lot of people will still believe it.
Amir0x said:
Some people like to believe that the Fox News hate is out of some envy at ratings or ridiculous left-wing obsession with discrediting a viable source for conservatives.

But if ANY fucking newspaper, network, website or feed had the same sort of pervasive inaccuracies, innuendo, intentional falsehoods with that influence we'd all be coming down on it. This is a very dangerous channel. It is borderline propaganda at times

And when caught red-handed with various lies, they always say "Oh, it was just a mistake." But when looks at all their 'mistakes', virtually all them break in one direction. If they were random 'mistakes', they'd break both ways. But do you think you'll ever see "William Jeffson (R) - caught with bundles of cash in his refridgerator"? I think not.


Azrael said:
More like it didn't matter if he got caught, because Fox News wouldn't punish him and a lot of people will still believe it.
When your target demographic is the willfully ignorant even if you lie to them they don't care.


Obama said:
“Suddenly, he’s the change agent,” Obama said of McCain. “He says, ‘I’m going to tell those lobbyists that their days in Washington are over.’ Who’s he going to tell? Is he going to tell his campaign chairman who’s one of the biggest corporate lobbyists in Washington? Is he going to tell all the folks who are running his campaign who are the biggest corporate lobbyists in Washington?

“Who is it that he’s going to tell that change is coming?” Obama asked. “I mean, come on, they must think you’re stupid!”
Oh Obama, Obama, Obama. After the last 8 years they KNOW we're stupid.
methane47 said:
Yeah, quite old. That article doesn't hit on the real scandal aspects that have surfaced lately:
1) McCain has repeatedly been saying she sold it on eBay (No, but so what.) for a profit! (that's a lie.)
2) This is the one that needs more investigation . . . it was eventually sold at far below the asking price to a person that contributed to both Palin and the Republican Speaker of the Alaskan Senate who finalized the deal. That smells. But it is really only scandalous if it was sold at below fair market value . . . and that isn't easy to determine.
Y2Kev said:
Holy shit, it should have been out as fake the minute the story came out.

It's all part of their tactics man. Like I said, long after the shits been cleaned up, the stench is still there. Not everyone is going to catch that it was debunked. These people seriously have no fucking shame and the can only get away with it because no one demands accountability from Fox News.


Stoney Mason said:
"Small Town Values" are another mythologized portion of our country that is in the same rough category as this perpetual yearning for the 50's Leave it to Beaver America that never actually existed for everybody.

The sad thing is once again there is something to small town values (on both the positive and negative side) but the fellating of small town America is simply another GOP talking point to bash gay rights, civil rights, basically any kind of "rights".


The only "small town value" that everyone seemed to agree upon is "God + no homosexuals."
Is it all the way fake, though? I haven't seen anything official. For example, the "CBS is saying it's fake" was actually a columnist on the website. I need evidence to throw this back in my dad's face.


vas_a_morir said:
Is it all the way fake, though? I haven't seen anything official. For example, the "CBS is saying it's fake" was actually a columnist on the website. I need evidence to throw this back in my dad's face.

According to a article just out from Huffington Post, the story about flags from the Democratic National Convention being thrown away is simply false. The story was jumped on and apparently authored by the McCain campaign. But the real tell is down in the Huffpo piece where it traces the story to none other than Fox News' Carl Cameron.

Longtime readers of TPM will remember that back in October 2004 this site caught Cameron publishing a series of fabricated quotes attributed to John Kerry on the front page of the Fox News website.

After I placed a series of calls to Fox News inquiring about the Kerry story, the story was eventually pulled, and Fox was forced to issue an apology and retract the fabricated story. Fox spokesman Paul Schur told TPM: "Carl [Cameron] made a stupid mistake which he regrets. And he has been reprimanded for his lapse in judgment. It was a poor attempt at humor."

Why anybody would believe anything this joker says is difficult to fathom. But he's good enough for McCain.
so when obama wins the presidency are all the people at fox news going to melt, or what

i mean thats the equivalent of beating dracula on castlevania where the castle vaporizes


vas_a_morir said:
Is it all the way fake, though? I haven't seen anything official. For example, the "CBS is saying it's fake" was actually a columnist on the website. I need evidence to throw this back in my dad's face.

Look at it this way, if they were going to THROW AWAY FLAGS, don't you think they wouldn't neatly roll them up and put them in separate sleeves then gather them all up separately?:lol


Jack Scofield said:
I fucking hate O'Reilly with an unhealthy passion and I'm not even a huge follower of politics.
Same. Too bad we can't send O'Reilly, Hannity, Coulter, and Limbaugh to a another planet. :\


Saint Gregory said:
The comments from people trying to defend her are hilarious :lol

"She only said she put it on eBay, not sold it!"

Yeah, because that couldn't be what she was infering the numerous times she mentioned it over the last week. How obtuse are we supposed to be?
Well wasn't McCain the one who said she made a profit? Because if you want a lie, there it is.


AniHawk said:
Well wasn't McCain the one who said she made a profit? Because if you want a lie, there it is.
He said she sold it on eBay, and made a profit. Two lies, via puffing up the original story. Palin was careful to say she "put it on eBay", which is true.
methane47 said:

Obviously we can't have anything like the Fairness Doctrine. Let the market decide what's true!

(old Fairness Doctrine is too restrictive and a little silly, but it's better than what we have now... also I've said this to PoliGAF before.)


So Hannity just said that he read in some news articles that there is a "McCain/Palin Mania" in that women want to be like her. "Girls with glasses want her glasses, women want to dress like her."

Could someone PLEASE link me to ONE story about that?
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