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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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It's unfortunate but I always thought Palin was a high risk potential high reward pick for Mccain which is why politically I thought it was a good pick. Despite whether it's fair or not Obama has some work to do in the next 2 months.
minus_273 said:
reagan was a democrat who became a republican and used barry goldwaters (losing) example to create the model of modern western conservatism. He was immensely popular and won 49 out of 50 states in his reeletion. He ended the cold war peacefully combining military might with diplomacy and that led to thepeace and prosperity in the 90s. Peace through strength.

oh and he also gave what is called "the speech". the greatest speech in convention history:

the most memorable part here:

Now people are giving Reagan credit for the success of the 1990's?
:lol :lol :lol


Stoney Mason said:
It's unfortunate but I always thought Palin was a high risk potential high reward pick for Mccain which is why politically I thought it was a good pick. Despite whether it's fair or not Obama has some work to do in the next 2 months.

Just wait until she starts doing interviews and they cut her off her leash..... I'm sure there will be all kinds of screwups. Plus, troopergate.
My sister just sent me a text that said "The host of the VMA's, some guy from another country Idk who he is just came on and said please elect Obama.":lol
Wow, that "My Muslim Faith" clip is just the type of propaganda the Reps will hit the ground running with.

Good grief.

It really is a bad thing.

There are some, even in the face of the present State of the Union, looking for a reason to justify not voting for Obama.

This could be it.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
They are pushing voting hard as hell on the VMAs. Maybe some young nonvoters will realize how important it is to get out and vote.


The Lamonster said:
That's why, as a fellow 24 year-old, we have a lot of work to do in the next 7 weeks to get out the youth vote. I'm finding that I have to hold my friends' hands in even registering to vote. I registered one of my friends just this morning!

Anyway, everybody needs to talk to friends, neighbors, co-workers and family, donate your time and money, put a sign in your yard, bumper sticker etc etc etc because the time has come to start sweating...

I've definitely been doing that. Convinced both of my parents who were undecided to go with Obama, as well as some friends who were otherwise not that into the election at all. They greatly warmed up to Obama, though I can't say that it isn't for superficial reasons. One absolutely loves the fact that we could have a basketball-playing president, but they're not that into politics. :p

And hey, that's much better than voting for McCain-Palin because you hate gays.

Ether_Snake said:
Oh wow :lol :lol :lol :lol

And the expressions from McCain, so perfect!

I can't believe how well-done that is. Like, really, really well-done.


I'm guessing the convention bump won't fade until Thursday or so. Weird to see people freaking out about this, but whatever. As if these poll numbers will have any importance at all post-debates, when we'll be getting a real sense of where this is going. All these poll numbers tell us is that people want to like McCain. But hey, if freaking out leads you guys to giving Obama money, working harder to convince your friends to vote for him, etc, then more power to you.
minus_273 said:
reagan was a democrat who became a republican and used barry goldwaters (losing) example to create the model of modern western conservatism. He was immensely popular and won 49 out of 50 states in his reeletion. He ended the cold war peacefully combining military might with diplomacy and that led to the peace and prosperity in the 90s. Peace through strength.

oh and he also gave what is called "the speech". the greatest speech in convention history:

the most memorable part here:
He didn't end the Cold War though, the USSR collapsing had nothing to do with Reagan and everything to do with internal problems. Namely massive, unsustainable growth and spending that had been taking place since the end of WWII.

Again though, you haven't explained why he was so popular.
mj1108 said:
Just wait until she starts doing interviews and they cut her off her leash..... I'm sure there will be all kinds of screwups. Plus, troopergate.

People keep over-estimating the public and under-estimating how much generally better the Republicans are at presidential campaigns. I'll hope for the best but I don't believe there will be some major backlash on Palin. Obama will have to win because he beats Mccain.


Looks like Obama made a mistake talking to the American people like adults. He should address them like simpletons. Its worked with Bush for 2 elections in a row and it's looking to work for McCain. Didn't they say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Well ths insanity from the democrats needs to end. They need to start with the dumb soundbites, but supposedly the democrats are going to sit around saying how they're too good for that and how the american people are too smart to fall for tha while McCain wins the election.


ryutaro's mama said:
Wow, that "My Muslim Faith" clip is just the type of propaganda the Reps will hit the ground running with.

Good grief.

It really is a bad thing.

There are some, even in the face of the present State of the Union, looking for a reason to justify not voting for Obama.

This could be it.


Guys, Obama is definitely going to get my state..is it still worth it for me to vote?

Serious question. I'm under the impression that electoral votes are everything, and maine is barely even worth anything anyways.


Reverend Wright shouting "Goddamn America!!!" really captures my initial reaction to reading about the USA poll (though I did contain it.) I've calmed down quickly, though.

It's just incredibly important that the youth vote shows up. I should step up and start bothering my friends more.
MoxManiac said:
Guys, Obama is definitely going to get my state..is it still worth it for me to vote?

Serious question. I'm under the impression that electoral votes are everything, and maine is barely even worth anything anyways.
You should always vote! I live in California which is guaranteed to go blue but I would still vote if I were legally able.
MoxManiac said:
Guys, Obama is definitely going to get my state..is it still worth it for me to vote?

Serious question. I'm under the impression that electoral votes are everything, and maine is barely even worth anything anyways.

Yes, so that you can look back when you're 30 years older and tell your kids/grand kids that you cast a vote for the first black presidential candidate (regardless of whether he wins or not).


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
minus_273 said:

Wow, he has the same awkward grin too!


Don't believe polls.

Polls are used to give credence to manipulation of election results.
MoxManiac said:
Guys, Obama is definitely going to get my state..is it still worth it for me to vote?

Serious question. I'm under the impression that electoral votes are everything, and maine is barely even worth anything anyways.

Aren't there other elections going on in Maine at that time or other ballot issues. The presidential vote isn't the only way to progress liberal values.


MoxManiac said:
Guys, Obama is definitely going to get my state..is it still worth it for me to vote?

Serious question. I'm under the impression that electoral votes are everything, and maine is barely even worth anything anyways.

Yep, I am still voting for Obama here in ILL. :D


ryutaro's mama said:
Wow, that "My Muslim Faith" clip is just the type of propaganda the Reps will hit the ground running with.

Good grief.

It really is a bad thing.

There are some, even in the face of the present State of the Union, looking for a reason to justify not voting for Obama.

This could be it.

I dunno, anyone that wouldn't vote for Obama because they think he might be a Muslim is already there. It's not like that number can grow after a year and a half of propaganda against him.


MoxManiac said:
Guys, Obama is definitely going to get my state..is it still worth it for me to vote?

Serious question. I'm under the impression that electoral votes are everything, and maine is barely even worth anything anyways.

Why does it matter who is going to win your state. Voting is the only participation you have in the way others govern you. I can't see why anyone would want to be told what to do by people without a say in who those people are.


The McCain campaign is going to keep Palin close to the vest long term, only allowing her to give media interviews on occasion. The interviews will be easy as well, since McCain camp will create ridiculous prerequisites for even considering appearances on specific shows. They are in a feud with the media, remember? There will be lots of pre-planned dialogue and agreed upon questioning, brought about by the media making concessions. The media knows McCain dropped Larry King, and they don't want to pass up on the opportunity to have Palin on, and uber ratings.

This strategy will let her keep her hype potency, like a cokehead with weekly snorts, every appearance will be an event within itself. They've got 60 days to space out her interviews as much as possible.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
What's the deal with electronic voting being used in this election? It seems every time it's used something suspicious happens, and reading up on how easy they are to hack is disturing to say the least.


Automatically assuming he will win your state and not voting can be disasterous. Think of how many other people may be thinking the same thing and just not show up. Don't take anything for granted.


MoxManiac said:
Guys, Obama is definitely going to get my state..is it still worth it for me to vote?

Serious question. I'm under the impression that electoral votes are everything, and maine is barely even worth anything anyways.

Yes. Don't assume anything. What everyone thought that?


MoxManiac said:
Guys, Obama is definitely going to get my state..is it still worth it for me to vote?

Serious question. I'm under the impression that electoral votes are everything, and maine is barely even worth anything anyways.

Youth vote :lol


all that he wants is another baby
Amir0x said:
Polls, polls. Post convention polls are so heart pounding.

One really has to wonder about these people who are so dramatically changing their opinions from day to day.

One day Obama is up by 8, the next week McCain is up by 10. The idiot voters who can't decide are truly something special. I need to speak to someone who is genuinely conflicted between the choices so much so that when these pollsters call they're all "well mcCain announced Palin so now that gave me the free pass to vote for the crusty white guy again."

I think its how these polling joints stay relevant: gear your polling toward different districts that influence your poll to whatever way the drama needs to go.

If you think of marketing focus groups, you get the idea.


formerly sane
Stoney Mason said:
It's unfortunate but I always thought Palin was a high risk potential high reward pick for Mccain which is why politically I thought it was a good pick. Despite whether it's fair or not Obama has some work to do in the next 2 months.

Barack Can do it, but I feel Palin was a stupid choice like the other potentials. Sure they can try and paint her to be something she is not, but democrats have forgotten one thing the republicans know it's the truth doesn't matters rather the perception/reality you paint. People in the end choose to believe what they do regardless make the most republicans have since neoliberal flip flop regan fooled the country in to thinking he was something he wasn't.

If any democrat gives a crap about this country they should hit home hard and pull out all stops on her. They want to use Palin than use her too, do not give a crap about the accusation say them as much as possible and back it up with solid points. Show that Palin is exactly why John Mccain is out of touch as they say. Bring up she's isn't just some soccer mom, rather is quite well off and nothing like the typical soccer mom she claims to be representing.

Obama and his allies should go after her ruthlessly but execute the attacks on real points from every angle they have.
Door2Dawn said:
Amazing that the only reason that you said "this could be it" is becuase of the USAToday poll.


Actually, that never entered my mind.

"That could be it" was meant to imply that could be the reason that person would need not to vote for Obama.

Not "That could be it" meaning the election is over oh noez.

Sorry if it wasn't clear.
I'm feeling pretty confident right now and that's what scares me. This poll is bad but honestly does anyone think Obama won't be up 1 or 2 points by the time the debates come around? If McCain was maintaining a 5-10 point lead even after the first debate yea, that would be cause for concern.

Call me when McCain is up by more than 5 points in Colorado


we all knew her
MoxManiac said:
Guys, Obama is definitely going to get my state..is it still worth it for me to vote?

Serious question. I'm under the impression that electoral votes are everything, and maine is barely even worth anything anyways.

This sort of attitude is a good way for a favored candidate to lose.
YES fucking voting always matters. I don't care what anyone says. Oh, this state is blue, or red, or a swing state, or has a few electoral votes. Bush beat Gore by 4 electoral votes. That's one small state. Obama won the primary in Guam by 7 votes. Yes voting matters. Imagine how people in Florida who didn't vote, but wanted Gore to win feel. VOTE. There's never been a year where it's been more important after the last 8.
RurouniZel said:
Exactly. Big bad news networks bully poor "innocent" woman is not an image they want to show, not matter how full of shit she is.
Such a bullshit double standard... lipstick bulldog whenever they want to promote her as a tough candidate, poor woman whenever she's attacked.


The democrats are starting to look like the party of the chronic losers. I mean after two disasterous terms with Bush, the republicans are ahead? You KNOW the republicans will pound the muslim clip over and over... If Obama had something like that, he'd say, well uh uh it's not fair and I'm not going to use it. And this refusal to attack the enemy is why the democrats keep losing. I'm not going to donate any more until I see Obama's campaign start attacking Palin and McCain. This weak Democrat strategy needs to stop.

I mean it's pathetic that the Democrats are ignoring putting out clips of Palin saying "I have no opinion on Iraq," and "what does a VP do"? They're not really atacking her being hidden from the media as hard as they need to. I say it over and over and over again. They need to atack the republicans, but they'll probably play the buddy game with McCain and Palin while they continue to kick Obama and Biden in the nuts. "well Palin's a good woman. McCain's a hero." "Obama's a muslim. He's a rockstar."


PhoenixDark said:
I'm feeling pretty confident right now and that's what scares me. This poll is bad but honestly does anyone think Obama won't be up 1 or 2 points by the time the debates come around? If McCain was maintaining a 5-10 point lead even after the first debate yea, that would be cause for concern.

Call me when McCain is up by more than 5 points in Colorado

Could Colorado be this election's Ohio?


Gary Whitta said:
Such a bullshit double standard... lipstick bulldog whenever they want to promote her as a tough candidate, poor woman whenever she's attacked.

Which is why it was a great political/strategic choice for a V.P. She's a tarbaby - they can't touch her without getting all messy themselves. Best to just stay away.
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