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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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kevm3 said:
The democrats are starting to look like the party of the chronic losers. I mean after two disasterous terms with Bush, the republicans are ahead? You KNOW the republicans will pound the muslim clip over and over... If Obama had something like that, he'd say, well uh uh it's not fair and I'm not going to use it. And this refusal to attack the enemy is why the democrats keep losing. I'm not going to donate any more until I see Obama's campaign start attacking Palin and McCain. This weak Democrat strategy needs to stop.
Anybody else think that Charlie Gibson's career is about to be over if he gives Palin "softball" questions?

NOTE: Gibson is the same dude who just sat there and let McCain say "Alaska is close to Russia" when responding to a Palin experience question.
kevm3 said:
The democrats are starting to look like the party of the chronic losers. I mean after two disasterous terms with Bush, the republicans are ahead? You KNOW the republicans will pound the muslim clip over and over... If Obama had something like that, he'd say, well uh uh it's not fair and I'm not going to use it. And this refusal to attack the enemy is why the democrats keep losing. I'm not going to donate any more until I see Obama's campaign start attacking Palin and McCain. This weak Democrat strategy needs to stop.

He was chosen because he was a different kind of Democrat. Good or bad it is what it is. If the Democrats had decided they wanted someone who was going to be in your face they would have went with Hillary. This attitude seems a bit disingenuous unless you were heavily favoring Hillary in the primaries. (Don't know your post history so I'm just saying)

EDIT: And not to be a dick or single you out or anything but here is the example I am talking about which was going on alot here during the primaries. You can't have your cake and eat it to.

kevm3 said:
One of my main problem with Hillary is that she always has to go after someone to get some attention instead of inspiring people with her own policies. Sure, she details her policies more than Obama, but she just isn't good at getting people interested in what she is saying, unless she's attempting to go on the offensive and blaming someone.

It's always, "Look at what the Bush administration has done! Bush did this, Bush did that, and Clinton is going to clean it up!" "Look at these nasty tactics Obama is using! You really want to fight? Come over here and lets debate!" If Hillary is in office, who is going to be the scapegoat when something goes wrong? Bill did it!


deadbeef said:
Which is why it was a great political/strategic choice for a V.P. She's a tarbaby - they can't touch her without getting all messy themselves. Best to just stay away.

I'm tired of that. They need to pound Palin. I'd rather them goout fighting than playing this coy, cowardice game. Slay the 'sacred cow.' Kerry lost the last election by being weak, and this looks like the same direction the Dems are going in AGAIN. Bush won two times in a row with those Rove style tactics, and after those two disasterous republican terms, they look like they'll be in the white house again. As 'smart and well educated' as the Dems are, why can't they figure out they need to be more aggressive in politics?
theviolenthero said:
Anybody else think that Charlie Gibson's career is about to be over if he gives Palin "softball" questions?
The fact alone that part of this interview consists of a walk-and-talk around her Alaskan hometown suggests that this will be a touchy-feely Barbara Walters exercise focusing on her family and personality rather than anything substantive - which is of course exactly what the GOP wants.


from the drudge:
"MSNBC drops Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews from anchor chair... David Gregory will anchor news coverage of the coming debates and election night.... Developing..." :\


demon said:
What's the deal with electronic voting being used in this election? It seems every time it's used something suspicious happens, and reading up on how easy they are to hack is disturing to say the least.

But it's faster to count the results!

It's for results manipulation. Polls do the other half of the work by making people ready to accept the numbers.


Gary Whitta said:
The fact alone that part of this interview consists of a walk-and-talk around her Alaskan hometown suggests that this will be a touchy-feely Barbara Walters exercise focusing on her family and personality rather than anything substantive - which is of course exactly what the GOP wants.

I wouldn't be surprised if the GOP said "Ok, we'll let you interview her, but on these conditions....".


blahness said:
from the drudge:
"MSNBC drops Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews from anchor chair... David Gregory will anchor news coverage of the coming debates and election night.... Developing..." :\

What in the hell?


blahness said:
from the drudge:
"MSNBC drops Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews from anchor chair... David Gregory will anchor news coverage of the coming debates and election night.... Developing..." :\

mj1108 said:
I wouldn't be surprised if the GOP said "Ok, we'll let you interview her, but on these conditions....".
Anyone who thinks that ABC News did not have to accept conditions in order to get this exclusive is naive.
mj1108 said:
I wouldn't be surprised if the GOP said "Ok, we'll let you interview her, but on these conditions....".

What do you mean, wouldn't be surprised?

You don't think they had "news" outlets psuedo "bidding" for this interview?

Our terms or fuck off.


blahness said:
from the drudge:
"MSNBC drops Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews from anchor chair... David Gregory will anchor news coverage of the coming debates and election night.... Developing..." :\

I don't have much against Gregory one way or the other politically, but the man is simply boring as fuck and kills ratings. Big mistake.


formerly sane
blahness said:
from the drudge:
"MSNBC drops Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews from anchor chair... David Gregory will anchor news coverage of the coming debates and election night.... Developing..." :\

If that isn't more proof the elite that runs the media isn't scared shitless of people asking tough questions I don't know what is.


MoxManiac said:
Guys, Obama is definitely going to get my state..is it still worth it for me to vote?

Serious question. I'm under the impression that electoral votes are everything, and maine is barely even worth anything anyways.
Arrrrgggghhh! dude, If you want him to win do it. I live in NY and I saw someone in Central Park with a McCain sticker on their shirt and I got even more inspired to go out and vote. do it no excuse not to.


The over reaction and lack of reading of the usa today article is funny. McCain is up by 4% thats in line with today's gallup. Compare that to Obama jump to 7% of registered voters of the same usa today poll. The 10% is meaningless because its likely voters and for the poll after Democratic convention Usa Today didn't do a likely voter poll so you can't do a comparison but assume it would probably be the same. So all this means nothing really.
ryutaro's mama said:
What do you mean, wouldn't be surprised?

You don't think they had "news" outlets psuedo "bidding" for this interview?

Our terms or fuck off.
Exactly, the campaign will have made their decision solely on the basis of which network was willing to be most compliant to their interview conditions. That's why this Gibson special is shaping up to be a softball jerk-off.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
wait for the debates wait for the debates wait for the debates wait for the debates wait for the debates


Gary Whitta said:
Exactly, the campaign will have made their decision solely on the basis of which network was willing to be most compliant to their interview conditions. That's why this Gibson special is shaping up to be a softball jerk-off.

I expect huge emphasis on her five kids.


force push the doodoo rock
I see I've missed quite a lot while I was sleeping. "My muslim faith"gate is nooooooooot gonna be good.


theviolenthero said:
Anybody else think that Charlie Gibson's career is about to be over if he gives Palin "softball" questions?

NOTE: Gibson is the same dude who just sat there and let McCain say "Alaska is close to Russia" when responding to a Palin experience question.
No, not at all. Every network wanted this interview for the ratings and this is the only way they could do it.

The interview should be boycotted and not watched when it airs on ABC.

I'm just nervous right now, haha.
LCGeek said:
If that isn't more proof the elite that runs the media isn't scared shitless of people asking tough questions I don't know what is.

Doubtful. They're being punished for their embarrassing on air antics recently.

I love Chris but fuck Olberman


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Guts Of Thor said:
The debates won't mean shit. Look back to 2004.

Oh I think they're going to mean everything this year.

Either Obama makes McCain look ancient and out of touch, or McCain makes Obama look inexperienced and risky.

I guarantee you that whatever movement we see after the debates will be who wins.
PhoenixDark said:
Doubtful. They're being punished for their embarrassing on air antics recently.

I love Chris but fuck Olberman
I love Olbermann when he's ranting on his platform show but I agree he's not the best guy to anchor on-the-fly political coverage because he just simply cannot hide his bias.
Gary Whitta said:
Exactly, the campaign will have made their decision solely on the basis of which network was willing to be most compliant to their interview conditions. That's why this Gibson special is shaping up to be a softball jerk-off.

For anyone who has a sliver of doubt that this "interview" will be BS, re-visit yoopoo's post:

yoopoo said:
Don't expect Palin to give any interviews to the press http://rawstory.com/rawreplay/?p=1852

This is the horse's mouth.


Gary Whitta said:
Kerry was a fucking snoozefest in the debates though. Obama has infinitely more passion and energy and charisma.

And intelligence, and knowledge.

That's not really anything against Kerry, but Obama is brainy as fuck.
blahness said:
from the drudge:
"MSNBC drops Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews from anchor chair... David Gregory will anchor news coverage of the coming debates and election night.... Developing..." :\


Olbermann is biased but at least he tells the truth!!!


Every time Obama is off the national stage for any period of time his numbers start to flag. See: Olympics. Plus, right now the talk is all McCain-Palin so of course they are polling higher. Once Obama is in people's living rooms every night again and especially in debate season, his numbers will start going up again. When it comes to charisma and message, it's really not even close. And people who don't vote on one vote on the other.


has calmed down a bit.
Palin is giving the kind of lift, energy, shock, attention, interest, etc. that Hillary would've afforded Obama. He chose against it (can't blame him, really), and McCain pounced.

Now McCain has the controversial/exciting ticket, and Obama has............Joe Biden. Seriously, if Obama had picked Hillary, McCain couldn't have responded with Palin. He would've had to go with Mitt or Pawlenty and he'd be getting crushed right now in polls. No way Romney or Pawlenty would've energized the Republicans in this way.

I still think Obama will pull this out, but if he doesn't, we can safely point to the last two weeks as the beginning of the end.
ryutaro's mama said:
For anyone who has a sliver of doubt that this "interview" will be BS, re-visit yoopoo's post:

This is the horse's mouth.
Notice that the guy also says "IF and when" about making Palin available to interviews. They may simply bank this Hallmark Special she's going to do with Gibson so that they can say she's run the media gauntlet (lol) then shut it all down to protect her from what would an inevitable mauling on Meet the Press or any of the serious shows. Maybe they'll put her on O'Reilly or Hannity where they know she'll also get a pass.
blahness said:
from the drudge:
"MSNBC drops Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews from anchor chair... David Gregory will anchor news coverage of the coming debates and election night.... Developing..." :\

I guess I won't be tuning into to MSNBC then. Gregory has a hard-on for McCain and when you add in Brokaw and Andrea Mitchell it's Fox News Lite.


“Senator Obama has never been south of our border. He has never visited a single country in our hemisphere,” the Arizonan tells Univision’s Jorge Ramos Sunday.

Something seems...kinda wrong about this statement:p


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
VanMardigan said:
Palin is giving the kind of lift, energy, shock, attention, interest, etc. that Hillary would've afforded Obama. He chose against it (can't blame him, really), and McCain pounced.

Now McCain has the controversial/exciting ticket, and Obama has............Joe Biden. Seriously, if Obama had picked Hillary, McCain couldn't have responded with Palin. He would've had to go with Mitt or Pawlenty and he'd be getting crushed right now in polls. No way Romney or Pawlenty would've energized the Republicans in this way.

I still think Obama will pull this out, but if he doesn't, we can safely point to the last two weeks as the beginning of the end.

I think if Obama had any idea that McCain was going to largely drop the experience meme and try and co-opt the "change/reformer" theme, he wouldn't have picked Biden.


theviolenthero said:
NOTE: Gibson is the same dude who just sat there and let McCain say "Alaska is close to Russia" when responding to a Palin experience question.

I don't see why pundits aren't putting "Alaska is close to Russia" with "Palin has only been out of the country once" together to get that stupid talking point off the campaign.

Maybe I've been playing too much Phoenix Wright. "HOLD IT! OBJECTION! EVIDENCE!"
maximum360 said:
I guess I won't be tuning into to MSNBC then. Gregory has a hard-on for McCain and when you add in Brokaw and Andrea Mitchell it's Fox News Lite.
How shallow am I for choosing CNN for my political coverage because it's the only rolling news station that I get in HD? :D


Here's a question Obama could ask to McCain to make him lose the debate (will they get to ask each other their own questions?):

Obama: What is a recession?

McCain: ...


Gary Whitta said:
How shallow am I for choosing CNN for my political coverage because it's the only rolling news station that I get in HD? :D
I do the same :lol. And those awesome touch screen maps they have.
aceface said:
Every time Obama is off the national stage for any period of time his numbers start to flag. See: Olympics. Plus, right now the talk is all McCain-Palin so of course they are polling higher. Once Obama is in people's living rooms every night again and especially in debate season, his numbers will start going up again. When it comes to charisma and message, it's really not even close. And people who don't vote on one vote on the other.

Very good point; right after he got back from Europe his numbers went down again, etc. By the time the debates get here things will be back to normal, ie tie or Obama +1 or +2.
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